When pressing Alt+Tab to switch between applications, I notice that it's actually all open windows that are presented, including tool windows in Gimp. Is there a way I could configure this so only document windows are presented, or better still, only applications like on Mac OS X? Or a third party solution?
The first thing I do when I launch Gimp is to make the Rectangle Select Tool the active selection.The default selection is the Paintbrush Tool. I find this selection dangerous because it's easy to paint over an image that I do not want marked up. There must be some sort of config file that can be altered. I am using Gimp 2.6.8 under Ubuntu Linux.
I add layers and they don't show up and the controls at the bottom of the layers palette (add layer, bin, etc) are all blanked out and i can't select them. It's impossible to do anything with layers in GIMP as it is at the moment and i need to get it sorted. I have tried closing down the layers tab, restarting GIMP and then adding the tab again but i get the same result, a layers palette that won't respond or show any layers that i do add.
The new feature in Gimp 2.7 that attaches basic text formatting options (bold, italicunderline, strike-through) to the active text box is either buggy or just bad design.The text edit buttons are actually being placed on top of the text box (which contains text) instead of off to the side, and that is causing me to not be able to see the text.See screenshot for example:GIMP version: 2.7.1Am I doing something wrong or are others experiencing this too?
I have UcLinux embedded linux. Hostname is updated in that machine. when I try to capture with MAC scanner tool the host name is not showing only IP address and MAC address is showing.Some IP phones are connected in the same network by which the hostname is shown in MAC scanner tool.how to go ahead to achieve the host name in the MAC scanner tool.
If you had Gimp 2.6 (with gimp-plugin-registry installed) and installed Gimp 2.7 to try its new goodies, but Layer Effects are not showing, and when executing "gimp" from console you get these *nasty* errors:
Code: This is a development version of GIMP. Debug messages may appear here. gimp-user-install: migrating from /home/user/.gimp-2.6 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/layerfx.py", line 23, in <module> import gimp, gimpplugin, math ImportError: No module named gimp .....
If you haven't install the 2.7 version yet. Before upgrading, backup "python" directory and then just restore it after installing 2.7.
Some of you may have had with issues after installing GIMP on Lucid Lynx 10.04. Which may be directly related to "gimp-help-en", which could prevent you from installing other applications and preforming system tasks. If so, use this method to fix it.
Process: (Terminal > $ sudo apt-get install gimp)
1. After installing Gimp go to the terminal:
2. Then load up the language support application:
3. Then it will ask you to install the "gimp-help-en", confirm it.
4. Fix'd
I think this issue is directly linked to a systems with multiple languages, but I haven't been able to test this theory out yet.
I'm using debian 5 x64 with xfce.Is there a way to configure (start/stop/restart) services (especially Apache2, mySQL and PHP) using a graphical or cli tool? I tried to use sysv-rc, sysv-rc-conf, rcconf and rc-conf in the terminal but Bash didn't find them (Although Synaptic show that sysv-rc is installed).
this might not seem a big issue but I'd really like to know whether it's possible to stop Nautilus from unfocusing windows when pressing on an item in another windows and draging it to the first one. For example, I want to move a file from one window to another. I click the middle mouse button on that item and drag it to the first one which looses it's focus so often it's quite irritating.
I'm using 32 bit ubuntu and from time to time when I boot up every window I open is missing the tool bar up top that contains the minimize, expand and close buttons. usually a reboot or 2 fixes it but it hasn't worked. how do I fix this bug?
I've been supporting Microsoft OS and Apps since 1992. I hold a BSEET and am one test shy of MCSE. I have my own Computer Support business helping Individuals and Small Business keep their M$ PCs running.
I'm also sick of Microsoft. I'm tired of their manipulations, deceptions, and failure to produce Software that serves the needs me and my customers. I've been watching Open Source for 3 years hoping for an Alternative I could recommend to my customers. I'm very excited about Ubuntu 9.10.
There is just one thing missing. I think it can be done, but I need the help of the experienced Users here. What I'd like to do is copy the existing "C:Documents and Settings" folder to a USB Drive, Install Ubuntu using the entire disk (blow Windows away), and finally point the (excellent) Windows Migration Tool in Ubuntu to those Profiles and have it Import them just like it does in a Parallel Install.
I found this:
Code: 1.) Fire up live CD
2.) Open up a terminal
3.) sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove all comments (#) in front of the repositories, and save the file.
4.) sudo apt-get ntfs-3g
5.) mkdir /mnt/win
6.) ntfsmount /dev/<disk and partition number here> /mnt/win
7.) mkdir /mnt/win/users
8.) mv /mnt/win/Documents and Settings/<userprofile here> /mnt/win/users/
9.) umount /mnt/win
10.) start ubiquity from the commandline wih the new-partitioner switch like this: ubiquity --new-partitioner
11.) after the setup is done do NOT reboot
12.) mount the disk in step 6 again and move the profiles from step 8 back to the Documents and Settings folder. Else Windows might throw a tantrum not finding profiles.
But it fails at the sudo apt-get ntfs-3g command. I guess that's because this was written for a version that's several years old. update the Process for v9.10?
It is a sad day indeed, but I need to run a developer's tool that only runs on Windows, and it interfaces with a USB device that doesn't do well through any VMs I've tried. I've resorted to installing XP.
Now, I'm wondering if there will be any problems I'll face installing XP after Ubuntu 10.04 has already been installed? I suspect so, but it's been a while since I dual booted, and I've never worked with Grub2,
every now and then, one of my customers forgets his windows user password, and asks me to reset it. till now i used a small windows app called "Password Renew for NT" from a windows PE bootdisk, but i want to have an alternative that runs on my opensuse 11.4 box, so i can connect the windows hard drive on it and reset the password from suse.
I found and the program "chntpw" in the build service, but it seems on beta status. And most information i found of it is very outdated. Has anyone used it? does it work ok on all modern windows versions (xp, vista and 7)? any other alternatives you can recomend?
I have seen this question, but it's answers are not good enough for me, because I do not have a window manager on my system.
Is there a console tool that can hide windows?
I am using xwininfo to get information about the window. It gives window id, and some additional stuff. This id should be enough to do any operation with the window.
I have a virtual machine with RedHat. It has a command-line tool X that takes an input file + some control parameters, performs some processing and generates some input files. I have a Windows XP/Server 2003 box where an app Y is running. What I need to do is to control X from Y. That is, given an input file, I have to feed this file from Y to X, have X process the file and then Y collect the results. Y would be running either on the host Windows machine using VM Player or on a separate box. Input files might be quite large. I need a solution that would be of production level quality. What would be the best approach to this? I presume I will need to develop some components both on the Windows side and the Linux side that would communicate with each other, send input and output files etc. What would these components be? The VM has a Redhat Enterprise install, so I have access to gcc, but not sure which other development tools.
My HDD is not showing up anywhere in Ubuntu OR Windows (I Dual Boot)I got a new 1Tb Samsung HDD, It was showing up in Disk Utility, where I was partitioning it and adding a filesystem, but then I had a power failure, and obviously, it all turned off.
I am new to the linux world. i have just started using ubuntu 9.04.though i have installed golden dictionary ,i wanted to ask is there any other tool is also available which may work offline too as we have Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary available in windows?
I was foolishly messing around with Grub trying to get it so it only show my two most recent kernel versions of Ubuntu and Windows 7. The tutorials on how to do this were not clear, so I deemed it not a big deal and ultimately didn't end up making any changes. However when I restarted to boot into Windows 7 it was gone for Grub's boot list. I looked at the grub.cfg file and in it under os-prober, where i'm assuming Windows 7 should be there was only Vista (which wouldn't boot when I tried it, just a black screen). I had upgraded from Vista over the internet when Windows 7 first came out, then installed Ubuntu and it worked fine until this. I am using 64-bit Ubuntu 9.10, and have Grub 1.97 beta~4 installed, which was installed with Ubunutu.
I'm using Ubuntu and after updating it in gnome environment every window that I opened have not title bar and close, minimized and maximize button is not showing
Randomly my windows borders are either there are not, whats up with this? Its makin things a bit difficult minimizing windows switching windows etc, it doesnt happen all the time, just every other time i boot up, but its happened twice in a row now. And when it doesnt do it sometimes the borders close, minimize and expand boxes just disspear along with the title at the top i.e Firefox [URL]
I Currently am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a hard drive with three partitions. One with Ubuntu, a Media partition (Music, Videos, pictures, etc.) and the last is my Windows 7 installation. I can acess all of these partitions in nautilus as well. However when I start up my computer it automaticly loads into Ubuntu and when I manage to see Grub I only see 3 Entries Which are the Ubuntu kernel, Ubuntu recovery Kernal and memtest86+. How do I make Grub recognise my Windows 7 Installation?
How do I force Ubuntu to see my Windows NTFS partition when typing
df -h
I have freshly installed Win7 and Ubuntu 10.10 and it is not automatically discovering the partition (previously with Win7 / Ubuntu 10.04 it did).Is there a file I can manually edit, or a command to run?
Since I install 11.04 many windows, especelly the one of naitilus go blank when i open or change it size, this happen with all the applications, and i have to fight constantly with this changing the size of the differents windows till the image appears again, but many of them i cant maximise it cuz it goes blank, i dont know if this is happening to someone else.
Is there something I need to do to access my files from vista? Maybe I'm not looking in the right place? I'm just sick and tired of windows and would like to eventually migrate to ubuntu.
I have installed Winxp & ubuntu 10.04. All are running excellently but i cannot brows my windows drive from lucid. in jaunty or karmic i use to work in ubuntu but all files were stored in windows drive. But in lucid i cannot find windows drives.