Ubuntu :: Showing The Icons In Top Bar?

Apr 30, 2011

when an application is opened or minimized the icon of that particular application is not showing up in the top bar of ubuntu 11.04...how can i see the icons in the top bar?

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Ubuntu :: Menu Icons Not Showing In Cairo

Jun 12, 2010

I just installed cairo (may i say is the greatest ever?) but there is a gmenu there that when i click on it the icons for the menu wont work, there is a setting for configuring ths applet that lets me enable and disable the icons for it and i have it on enable..

I have also notice that i got no icons for the system menu i the gnome panel, is this related?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Icons Not Showing As Pictures?

Mar 2, 2011

if i save a picture to my desktop it isn't showing as a picture just as a jpg file . how can i get the pictures to show in the icon

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Ubuntu :: Certain Icons No Longer Showing In Top Tray Panel?

Apr 3, 2011

I don't know but just one day after I restarted my ubuntu 10.10 pc. Probably after an update. Dropbox no longer shows up in the top panel. I also had a thing called googsystray, that no longer shows up either. I can see the process dropbox is running.

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Ubuntu :: Systemtray: Blank Space / Icons Not Showing

May 24, 2011

As can be seen in the title of this post, I'm not quite sure what's going on exactly, but my systemtray icons in Lubuntu 11.04 are not shown the way they should. There's blank space between them, the equivalent of 2 or 3 icons, and the blank space is 'created' while starting up, as though they are programs. See the attached screenshot to get an idea what I'm talking about.I'm really happy with Lubuntu, this is at the moment the only thing that's bugging me. It used to be 2 empty spaces in the systemtray, now it's 3.

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Ubuntu :: File Associations And Icons Not Showing On Desktop?

Jun 29, 2011

For the past few days my file associations have gone for a toss. For example : an icon on the desktop to open eclipse says eclipse.desktop and doesn't show the eclipse image when i right click a .bz2 file it doesn't show the extract here option for text files, a small bit of the text is showing outside the icon where it usually shows inside The same problems are present in nautilus as well as the desktop.

Need some quick help to reset these to the default.

Have attached a screenshot to show the issue.

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Ubuntu :: Search Engines Icons On Omnibar Not Showing

Oct 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit with Firefox 3.6.10 with the Omnibar add-on enabled. When I click on the current search engine's icon to display all my search engines so I can choose another one, the list of my search engines appears but not their icons and other people with the same OS and browser say they don't have this issue. What might be the reason for it?

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Fedora :: Icons Not Showing On Desktop

Jun 13, 2011

Recently i have upgraded from Fedora 14 to 15 formating the system partition and reinstalling. Nearly evrithing was flawless, but when i copied my old home directory the images of some of the launchers i have on the desktop are invisible.I use kde 4 with the activity show folder running pointing to the desktop folder. The icons missing are windows programs installed with wine. I copied the icons from one installation to another. I also tried to manually set the icon copying it to a different location and modifying de .desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Stop KDE Icons Showing Up In Gnome And Vice Versa?

Sep 28, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Linux and i Love both KDE and Gnome but how can i stop there apps from conflicting?

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Fedora :: Icons Are Not Showing Up Correctly In Various Places?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a strange problem, icons are not showing up correctly in various places, attaching some screens to better show the problem.

Anything I open that has a notification icon, just appears exactly the same, as you can see in one of the screens even hovering over certain things brings up that same icon...

Edit: After some searching I see it's an nvidia bug...

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General :: Mint - Open Windows Not Showing Up As Icons On Toolbar?

Nov 18, 2010

The toolbar is completely empty and when I run apps or open windows, the icons do not show up. The weird thing is when I select 'Panel Properties' and UNSELECT 'expand', then it shows up. But then my toolbar shrinks and doesnt go 100% in width.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Dash - Hundreds Of Strange Icons Showing Up

Nov 2, 2015

When I use gnome (3), I find I have hundreds of strange icons in my dash, in addition to the applications that are actually there, which don't seem to actually do anything...

I'm using debian jessie, gnome version 3.14.

See the attached screenshot for what I mean by this...

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OpenSUSE :: Folder View Appl. Showing Desktop Folder - How To Add Icons

Jan 21, 2010

I have the Folder View applet on the Desktop viewing the Desktop Folder "~/Desktop"

Some shortcuts are outdated because of new installation of opensuse 11.2...

How can I add icons there in?

I can add icons to the Desktop and Taskbar but no in this Folder View on the Desktop (BTW: Is this Panel called "Folder View applet"?)

If I try to move a icon from Desktop to this Panel it is not moved in this panel it is placed behind this Panel...

And how can I get more than one of this panels for example one displays the Desktop folder other the home dir ...

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Server :: Icons Not Showing In GNOME Desktop At REDHAT ES Server

May 4, 2011

Icons Not Showing in GNOME desktop at REDHAT ES Server.Also no right click on desktop .No Action.

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Ubuntu :: Missing Icons In 10.04 - Add Icons To The Hibernate/ Shut Down Words?

Apr 29, 2010

I already restored regular icons by going to gconf. However, the icons on top right where the "power" button is located, still have no icons. Is there any way to add icons to the hibernate/ shut down , etc words?

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Software :: USB Mounting Error In Ubuntu 7.10 / Showing Cant Mount When I Clicked Details Its Showing Bad Blocks?

Dec 12, 2008

I would like to know when usb inserted, its showing cant mount when i clicked details its showing bad blocks in beginning , and smething in /dev/sd6. Can i knw why usb drive cant be mounted automatically , even if its set to do so, and to cope the error mentioned above

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Fedora :: Evolution 2.32.2 - Not Showing Html Websites Showing Up In Email Like Venison Sending A Promo

Aug 7, 2011

Having one issue with evolution not showing html websites showing up in email like verizon sending a promo. I have gone to edit, preferences, mail preferences, html messages and have always load images from the internet chosen. I have also added sender to contacts. Even if I right click message and tell it to dload images it doesn't.

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General :: Screen Not Showing On Laptop But Showing On Projector When Connected

Apr 18, 2011

When I try to connect a projector to my laptop (already running) and hit the fn+f7 (the designated button for switching screen), nothing happens. I see "no source found" on projector screen and my laptop screen works perfectly. Now if I restart the laptop with the projector connected, I see all the intial booting messages on the projector screen (not on my laptop), then the gnome login screen appears on both the projector screen and laptop (when the login screen appears on laptop it looks like it has lower resolution than my usual laptop resolution). But immediately after I log in, my laptop screen goes blank, and projector screen becomes the only active screen.

If I restart without the projector, again all normal operation on laptop screen is restored.

I feel like I am missing some very silly options. Any help is appreciated.

Here is the output of xrandr when the laptop is connected:


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Ubuntu :: Change To Single Mouse Click / Make Icons Tinier Than Default / Change Icons

Mar 12, 2009

In Ubuntu 810.. how do you set the mouse for one click to open an item..?What is that software that sets Trash's empty feature at the bottom of the right click on trash..? I had it, but I can't find it for this new install.Is there a way to default the cursor to half its minimum size, and customize its color to blues..?Is there a way to force the desktop toolbar icons to half of their minimum default size..Is thee a way to change the "Ubuntu Icon + Applications/Place/System" to just three different colored tiny spheres, without the Ubuntu icon..?

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Debian :: Some Of The Icons On The Desktop Changed And All Of The Icons In The Drop Down Menu On The Bar At The Top Of The Screen Also Changed?

Jun 19, 2010

I recently installed virtual box on debian and after it had finished my terminal informed me that I could remove some "unnecessary" software by use of sudo apt-get autoremove. When I did this, some of the icons on the desktop changed and all of the icons in the drop down menu on the bar at the top of the screen also changed to ordinary folder symbols. The theme that I was using also went away. I restarted the computer and it booted back into a shell prompt with no GUI. I tried to get back to the GUI using alt+f7 but it didn't seem to exist

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Fedora :: Icons Missing In Fedora Icons Theme?

Nov 24, 2009

yesterday I upgraded my Fedora installation via preupgrade from 11 to 12.Now there are some icons missing! If I go to the 'System' menu in the panel, there are no icons at all.If then I select the 'Settings' submenu, all of its icons are visible.I figured out that the package redhat-menus and fedora-icon-theme make up the representation of this icons and reinstalled them. Then I additionally executed 'gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-64 > /etc/gtk-2.0/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf.loaders' (I read this somewhere in the forum).
But nothing happend so far?!

I made further efforts trying to find out the icon of the System Configuration Menu (Syst -> Administration). The file '/usr/share/desktop-directories/SystemConfig.directory' contains the icon that should be displayed for the System->Administration menu. This file contains the line: Icon=preferences-system Good so far.I thought that selecting the gnome icon theme would fix this problem, but this also didn't help!Now I'm at the end of my knowledge (or I don't want to rename single icons to match the names required)...

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Ubuntu :: Get New Icons And Stuff?

Jan 28, 2010

Just installed 9.10 and bloody loving it, Even though i love my Windows 7, This is just great learning all about Linux. Install was a breeze and installing normal apps are fine, but when we get to stuff like changing icons and stuff, this is just way over my head. All i want is icons that sort of look like MAC icons or Glass type icons, i downloaded a set from Deviantart and im that retarted i cant even follow the instructions...

[ReadMe to black-white 2

1.Change your main menu icon

2.different folder icons

1.-add a "Main Menu" to your panel

-run gconf-editor
-navigate to /app/panel/objects
-find a object_x with the "object_type=menu-object".
- tick up "use_custom_icon"
-type in "custom_icon" start-here1, start-here2, ... , start-here11
- if you doesn't like any of this icons you can browse here to an image of your choice

2.In this version I add some different icons for your downloads, documents, music,... folder.

-To use them you must unpack the tar.gz package.
-right click on the folder you wants to change and presspreference
-click on the folder icon and browse to the unpacked black-white2.tar.gz folder and go on to / scalable/places (sometimes /scalable/places/256)
-choose your folder and press open.]

These kind of instructions are way to advanced for a everyday windows user.. Are there any other easier guides out there to do this kind of stuff?

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Ubuntu :: How To Delete Icons

Feb 7, 2010

I recently installed a few windows programs using wine and they showed up as icons in a new wine tab. Once I uninstalled them they still appeared as applications. Then I unistalled wine but they still appeared(and the tab).

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Ubuntu :: Ton Of Icons On My Desktop?

Mar 17, 2010

i'm running 9.10, and just downloaded and installed HPLIP. the problem is that now there are a ton of icons on my desktop, is it safe to delete them? i have a feeling the program just unpacked them there and that they're safe to delete, but i want to make sure

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Ubuntu :: Eikon - Looking For Set Of Icons?

May 2, 2010

I've been looking for this set of icons, unable to find it so far. [URL]. I believe it's called Eikon. Any download link or host it if it's not a bother?

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Icons

May 8, 2010

I am trying to change the icons for some applications (calculator and gkrellm). I have tried the following:

-For the calculator I navigate to usr/share/applications , then right click the icon that i want to change, then select properties , then click on the icon and browse for the new icon. Once I do that the icon changes only in the properties window, i.e. if i go to applications/accessories the old icon is still there. Also the old icon is still shown in gnome-do's docky.

-For gkrellm, I have done the same thing and nothing happens either.

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Ubuntu :: Icons VLC And AMSN

May 12, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my notebook and this works well, but the icons of VLC and aMSN on the top panel appear wrapped in a white square. There solution to this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Get Rid Of The Pre-Light On Icons?

Jun 7, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with 9.10's Humanity icon theme. I have been irritated for a long time about the prelight on icons. That is, how icons light up when you hover over then in any view except list view. How can I get rid of the prelight?

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Ubuntu :: Icons Gone From Taskbar?

Jul 7, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and at first there was the icon for Open office quickstart and the icon for network connection.After some updates those two disappeared but I was able to switch off the computer. I have managed to get those two icons back using 'notification area' but the computer will not shutdown now.

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Ubuntu :: Some Icons Are Not Changing?

Jul 27, 2010

I've recently downloaded experience icons theme and installed it. But now when I choose it from appearance windows, some icons like folders or local hard drives are not changing. this problem is the same with other icon themes. when I run check_svgs it shows something like this, which looks like something is wrong:

"./gnome-spinner/apps/gnome-spinner-rest.svg" is broken:
/usr/share/icons/eXperience/check_svgs: 23: rsvg: not found
"./gnome-spinner/apps/gnome-spinner.svg" is broken:


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