Ubuntu :: Setting Up PyOpenGL In 11.04?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm trying to set up openGL to use in python 3.2. I have set up PyQt4. When I'm running python3.2, I can type in the command

from PyQt4 import QtOpenGL and it returns no errors. But I can't import OpenGL. I'm new to python, I still can't figure out where the modules are located. And I have no idea how to add modules. I've downloaded PyOpenGL-3.0.1, but I don't know what to do with it. I have been searching through forums and tutorials all day trying to get this to work, but I can't find a comprehensive tutorial explaining how to set up PyOpenGL in Ubuntu anywhere.

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General :: Setting Time And Date / Setting Calendar Format?

May 14, 2010

Have installed Suse 11.2. how can I change the calendar format dd/mm/yyyy and how to configure the system to sync.from an ntp?

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General :: Network Setting / Change Eth0 Setting?

May 4, 2010

I have a ubuntu server , can advise if I want to change the network setting ( eg. IP address , gateway address etc ) , which one is the configuration file ? for example , if I want to change eth0 setting , what file I should update ?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up The 10.04 / 10.10?

Oct 11, 2010

I have some troubles configuring it.

I.) Setting up the network: I have 3 pcs:

1x Ubuntu 10.04 (Desktop)
1x Ubuntu 10.10 (Desktop)
1x Windows 7 (Professional [activated])

I tried setting up samba (install all the required packages and stuff) but it does not work for the Ubuntu 10.10 PC! I can enter the IP of my 10.04 desktop pc and those files are shared, however, with the exact same settings (and other IP) the 10.10 pc does not seem to be able to use any samba shared stuff at all! (Not even the samba stuff it shared). However, on the 10.04 I can access the shared 10.10 stuff so samba should be running and be configured correctly. I know uninstalled everything (Samba) and replaced the smb.conf with an old backup. Is there any guide how I can set up an samba share that also appears in the network? I will sooner or later update the 3rd PC to ubuntu too, however, I'd like to have Windows compactiblity in my network.

II.) Working with PlayOnLinux (POL): I have installed Warcraft 3 + TFT successfully, however, I don't know how I can install any game that is not on the POL list into the POL framework.

III.) Programs that I am missing: I have found a lot of software already that I use every day, however, here is some stuff I am missing that I haven't found a good replacement until yet: (Would be great if you tell me programs that could replace them) Mikogo (Teamviewer is totally laggy) [An presentation remote-control GUI-based program]

IV.) Troubles using Empathy/Pidgin: I am using the latest pidgin and latest empathy version and enabled the empathy plugin for pidgin. However, from time to time Pidgin tells me that I need to reactivate accounts and I will get disconnected. Is there any way to solve this? (And why does this happen?)

V.) Partition "magic" - Suggestions or feedback: I have these partitions:

1.) Primary Ubuntu, 20GB, ext2 (System)
2.) Extended, 400GB
3.) (Extends 2.) Data, 50GB (Backups & co), NTFS - Should be accessable in windows too
4.) (Extends 2.) Files, 300GB (Media...), NTFS - Should be accessable in windows too
5.) (Extends 2.) Docs, 50GB (.doc, .xcl,..), NTFS - Should be accessable in windows too
6.) Primary Windows, 100GB
7.) Swap

In linux I mount them as /data, /files/, /docs, /windows and /.VI.) Backup the whole system (Solved): Connected to V, I would like to know how to backup the whole primary ubuntu drive with being able to restore it.

VII.) Login issues:Whenever I log into my ubuntu, it says "Waiting for a program to react" (Power Manager). It says logout or wait as actions.

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Ubuntu :: How Do I Go About Setting Network Up

Jan 19, 2010

I have searched around about this but have had no luck - I have two laptops both running Mint 8, and I would like to use Giver to send files from one to the other. When I bring up Giver on each laptop, it only sees itself, not the other computer. Both computers are connected to the same router for internet access. How do I go about setting the network up? I don't need any advanced network stuff - I simply would like to use Giver.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A New Monitor

Feb 14, 2010

My monitor is in the process of making the jump to the after life. This means I will have to get a new one soon. Since it will be a larger one in size and resolution I need to set it up accordingly. What do I need to do to setup my new monitor, whatever type it will be?

Some details:

I run Jaunty 64-bit I have an nVidia 8500GT card with driver version 195.30 Now I use a resolution of 1280 x 1024 (5:4) My xorg.conf file looks like this:

Section "Screen"
Identifier"Default Screen"


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Ubuntu :: Setting Mouse In 10.04?

May 14, 2010

I'd like to be able to set the middle-mouse button on a standard Microsoft 3-button optical wheel mouse. I can change functions by modifying the middle value (x) in this command:xinput set-button-map 10 1 x 3How can I configure the button to, e.g., autoscroll a la Windows or something more uncommon like Alt-F4?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Squid ACL?

Jun 25, 2010

I have the following ACL setup,

acl whitelist dstdomain "/etc/squid3/whitelist"
acl badURL url_regex "/etc/squid3/websites"
acl badURL url_regex "/etc/squid3/blockdownload"


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Ubuntu :: U 10.04 - Where Is Clipboard Setting ?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm NOT asking about clipboard managers like Glipper, Parcellite, GNOME itself should let configure clipboard behaviour: package "gnome-settings-daemon" includes "Clipboard management" - this is installed and running by default.[URL].. But - where I can make settings of clipboard ?

I have thing, in "gnome-control-center" - there are many applets, corresponding to gnome-settings-daemon plugins. But I can't find no clipboard setting. Where is it ? I remember, in past (maybe it was in KDE desktop (?)) I could set, if my X selections should be added to "ctrl-c" list and vice versa or not. This is what I need.

But once again - I do not ask about installing Clipboard managers. I'm asking - where is standard GNOME clipboard setting in Lucid.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A VNC Server (10.04)?

Dec 16, 2010

I want to set up a VNC connection from another network to my PC, ive done it Localy with no probs, but i just cant figure out how to do it from another Network.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up FTP With Permissions?

Dec 29, 2010

I recently got an old computer to use as a server and I have a whole list of things I want to do on it, but I'm having difficulties.When I installed the server, I installed AMP, FTP, Samba, CUPS, and some other items. I made a user account called 'nessdan' which (currently!) is in these groups:

www-data adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin sambashare admin

The www-data group was added because I wanted to FTP my site files into '/var/www/' . Okay, that ended up working out for me. This is where things got sticky. I installed PHPMyAdmin and the files went to '/usr/share/phpmyadmin/' . I wanted to install a new theme so I downloaded it onto my Laptop, then logged in via FTP but couldn't transfer files into there! It turns out the folder was owned by 'root' and was in the group 'root'. The only thing I could come up with was to change that folders permissions so the owner was 'nessdan' and the group 'admin'. I was going to do that to the entire /usr/share/ folder but I didn't know whether or not I should be changing the permissions in the first place.

But the the trend continues! I have my print server setup and working but I wanted the server to hold the Windows drivers, so I went to '/var/lib/samba/' to do some work but noticed that a lot of the files' permissions were locked down to read only and the owner and group were 'root' . I ended up doing a 'chmod 775' and changing the owner and group to 'nessdan' and 'admin', respectively. Well I transfered over the files but now the service nmbd isn't working. The good news is, I expected to mess something up along the way and had already planned on reinstalling Ubuntu Server 10.10. I've only had the server for 4 days now and I knew from the beginning I'd be wiping it clean. I want to know how to set this thing up proper and the biggest problem is getting access into folders so I can FTP into them.When I do wipe my PC clean and start anew, how should I go about the changes that I did before (PHPMyAdmin, Samba Driver Folder)?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Squirrelmail On 10.10 X64?

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to setup squirrelmail and i keep getting this error:


Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost.
111 : Connection refused

i added the port i had setup on the firewall, but still nothing.

now i installed xinetd, but i cant find much on how to set it up.

i have postfix installed for my mail server and that does work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Nat On 11.04?

May 7, 2011

I have built a server, installed Ubuntu 11.04 on it. I have two Nic cards. I am attached to the DSL modem thru the first card and am accessing the web on the server.

I attached a hub to the second port.

I have a Windows 7 client plugged into the hub.

"This setup was working on 2003 Server, now trying Ubuntu"

I followed the directions on the ubuntu site to setup Nat. GUI Method via Network Manager (Ubuntu 9.10 and up). I cannot connect.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Proxy For The Web?

May 30, 2011

is there anyway for me to dl a proxy or use a proxy on ubuntu? other than the web based ones. i looked into using system->preferences->network proxy, but that stuff went way over my head. can someone explain this to me? how would i go about setting up a proxy for the web and using it effectively?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Language IME?

Sep 1, 2011

So, I'm currently studying Japanese, and I've had a hell of a time trying to get a Japanese IME set up properly. Is there a friendly or easy to follow guide to get it set up? I haven't had much luck so far.

Also let me know if this is in the wrong subforum, wasn't sure were exactly to put it.

Running 11.04 64-Bit

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up USB Wireless?

Oct 12, 2010

I recently purchased a Netgear G54 wireless USB WG111 so I could acess the net wirelessly from home.

I know I need to load a driver for this for work but I seem to be hitting a brick wall.

I,m useing Ubuntu 10.04 on my desk top and dont have acess to the web. I know there is a wireless network availble as I use it on my mates laptop. I,ve done some researchwhich suggestt that NDISwrapper may help me. But a search of this program "Synoptic manager" comes back and advise that unable to locate program.

With no access to the web and no Wrapper is there another way I can get this wireless device working?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Permission On A Drive

Jan 25, 2010

I have a secondary drive for storage (local drive) which I want to give a regular user rwx rights, but so far unable to... I've tried (all this is at the root level of the drive) chmod -R ugo+rwx /media/share no errors here, but still unable to create a file/folder even tried chown -R user /media/share

Here, I got filename: operation not permitted

This is a fat32 drive, which I'm mounting at boot using fstab file.... like so /dev/sdb1 /media/share vfat auto 0 0

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up DNS For A Small Lan

Jan 25, 2010

how to set up dns/bind but the issue I am hitting is that I want to just create a non internet domain setup ie t60.mysuperlan. desktop.mysuperlan. etc . Using a hosts file isn't the best as its pretty much about learning all the stuff to make it work.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up NFS Client On Network?

Jan 29, 2010

I bought a QNAP 219P NAS as it was Linux "Compatible" what it lacks is the instructions on how to install under Linux. I've set up the NAS on the network, have given it a server name, and can connect to it through my web browser, everything appears to be OK with it. What I can't do, as I'm new to Linux, is get the PC to mount the drive. I have installed nfs-common and portmapper through synaptic package manager and I run Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit. What is the setup so the NAS can be used by multiple clients (PCs) and is always there on logon.

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Ubuntu :: Setting A Folder As Repository?

Feb 1, 2010

I have recently reinstalled Ubuntu 9.10 in my Compaq Notebook. I have a problem. In my Desktop, I have more than 4 GB of packages installed. As we all know, I do not need to download them again in my Laptop, and can simply add them with "sudo dpkg -i * *.deb" command. But, I do not want to install them all, and want to pick up only a few. So, is there a way, that I can set the Folder (after copying it to the Laptop) as my Repository, I mean, wheneven I seek to install a Package using Add/Remove or Synaptic or apt-get system, they are installed from the Folder instead of from the Internet? (I have all dependencies installed for each application).

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Ubuntu :: Pidgin Setting For Msn And Yahoo?

Feb 7, 2010

Im using ubuntu 9.10. i resides in a university hostel and using the internet with LAN. i am unable to configure setting for yahoo and msn on pidgin.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Lpr For Printing Under 8.04

Feb 23, 2010

I managed to install a networked printer to my box by

apt-get install system-config-printer-common system-config-printer-gnome

And using the system-config-printer, I can send print test page and it works.

Now, I noticed that I don't have lpr installed on this box.

So even if I install lpr or lprng I cannot seem to make it work.

Ohh and by the way, the only thing I use to print from that box is Acrobat Reader 9.. it is proprelly installed. I can see the networked printer entry from the program.. but for some reason Acrobat Reader 9 needs to use lpr to send the print job.

I wish to know what I am missing here.

I can do lpstat -v and I see my printer entry from there.

Now: the question: how can I setup lpr to work with my networked printer?

Should I install lpr or lprng?

What is the proper way to install a networked printer under Ubuntu-server?

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Ubuntu :: Manually Setting Up IP Settings?

Mar 1, 2010

How would I go about manually making the IP V4 settings? I can view these in System >> administration >> network settings. But there is no way to edit it :S

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Ubuntu :: Mount A Dvd When The BIOS Does Even Have A Setting For DVD's?

Mar 3, 2010

do you mount a dvd when the BIOS does even have a setting for DVD's?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up A New HP Laptop?

Mar 3, 2010

Today I bought a new laptop, an HP pavilion dv4 (3GB ram, ATI 384mb video card, processor AMD Athlon II Dual Core, 320Gb hard drive).

The first problem I have is regarding the OS, its windows 7 home premium(32 bits), I need at least proffesional(I will install 64bit version) in order to use this laptop at work (need to join a domain) and wont let me upgrade cause the copy of W7 pro I have is in english and the pc OS its in spanish, add to that changin from 32 to 64bit, so I will format the drive. So here are my questions:

-My old laptop (Acer Aspire 5810TZ) has an ubuntu partition I would like to migrate to this new PC, how can I do that? is there like a transfer application or something like that on linux?

-On the new laptop: Should I create a primary partition and install ubuntu there? or install windows first and then ubuntu in a logical one?

-What will happen with the recovery partition on the machine? of course I wont format that part but will it still work? can this recovery software factory provided by Hp restore linux partitions?

And most importantly:

-How does ubuntu work with pavilion laptops? any issues I should know(ie. no launch buttons, weird keyboard, no suspend, etc etc)?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Static IP In Server?

Mar 21, 2010

Well basically the title how to setup a static IP in Ubuntu Server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting MTU With VLAN?

Apr 4, 2010

Looking for any help I can get here.. We have a 9.10 server with both (ifenslave & VLAN) installed and configured. When we are running in bond mode (bond0) it sets the MTU to 9000 just fine.

iface bond0 inet static
hwaddress ether 00:04:7B:30:4A:AC
mtu 9000


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Ubuntu :: Setting Up DNS Server And DHCP?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm kinda new to this. I've had my laptop dual booted with vista and Ubuntu for about a year. I'm just now starting to configure Ubuntu for a DNS and a DHCP Server.

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Ubuntu :: Where Are Terminal's Profile Setting Kept

Apr 25, 2010

Where does Ubuntu store the profiles information for Terminal sessions (e.g., colors, title bar menu on/off, etc.)? I managed to turn off the menu then set that as a default and can't access the profiles menu any more.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Wireless Connection?

May 15, 2010

I am having some trouble setting up my wireless connection. I have a desktop version of ubuntu, and am trying to connect wirelessly to my modem, but it dosent even seem to be recognizing my wireless usb card. How do I get it to do that? Also, when I go to set up new wireless connection, it asks me for my ssid, mac address, mode, bssid, MTC, Wep index, authentication, ipv4 setting, and ipv6 settings. What the heck am I supposed to put in for those things?

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