Ubuntu :: Setting Up A VNC Server (10.04)?

Dec 16, 2010

I want to set up a VNC connection from another network to my PC, ive done it Localy with no probs, but i just cant figure out how to do it from another Network.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up MySql Server (which Is No Server) For Local Use Only

Apr 20, 2010

I like to run a mySql database server on a Ubuntu (which is no server) for local use only. Is there some instruction how to do this? I downloaded several DBMS but they all seem to assume a running server.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up Tftp-server - Cisco Switch Configurations Can Be Sent

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to setup CentOS server 5 with tftp where the Cisco switch configs can be sent. I have the following:


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Server :: Stop Setting Up An Open Relay Spam Server?

Jul 25, 2011

Because our visitors/customers are short term, and may be configured incorrectly with their own mail servers we automagically redirect all port 25 traffic going to internal IP's to our own mail servers while on our network.(postfix on centos 5.6)While I have taken some measures to prevent it from spamming, I would greatly appreciate some assistance.I will be putting in clamav, but I haven't configured it yet with the mail.I am using postfix, but can also put on procmail or even spam assassin

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Server :: Setting Up Sendmail On A Blank RHEL 5.5 Server Setup

Jun 21, 2010

Having some issues setting up sendmail on a (basically) blank RHEL 5.5 server setup. My ultimate goal is to be able to automagically send logs / errors / notifications to ourselves from the server.

Our basic setup is a Win 2003 domain with exchange running on mail.domain.com.au.

I've edited the '/etc/mail/sendmail.mc' and added the :


line to it.

Also added the domain (domain.com.au) to the '/etc/mail/local-host-names' files

Also edited submit.mc and added


When I try and send a mail from root or a test user to one of the domain accounts, it seems to go fine, i.e no errors are reported but it never gets delivered.

From the mail logs:


So it seems to be sent to the queue no problems and when I check the queue :


Total requests: 0

Not nothing ever gets received. Am I missing something? I have read and read and read but dont seem to be getting any furthur.

So in the end this server doesn't need to do anything except be able to send mail from root to an external mail address.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up CUPS (command Line) On New Server?

Mar 29, 2009

I was using Red Hat 7.3 forever and decided it was time for a change. I went to Fedora 10 but it was really buggy. CentOS 5.2 is VERY stable.Here is my problem.The server is command line only -- I tend to hate GUI"S.I setup Samba no problem disabling the ports needed through the firewall and that was straightforward.CUPS is a nightmare for me since CentOS locks down the cupsd.conf and then the firewall does its thing. I allowed port 631 through the firewall but then got lost on the cupsd.conf. It's been too long and the old redhat one won't work with CentOS (not surprising since it's a VERY old system) straight-forward CUPS tutorial for a command line interface. I just need it to be:

a) do this

b) do that

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Server :: Setting Up Sendmail To Relay To Exchange Server

Oct 27, 2010

Have read a whole bunch of threads from how and troubleshooting but still having problems.Was thrown a box configured by someone who resigned today. Need to get mail from the box outbound via SMTP relay off our exchange server.

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Debian :: Setting Up VPN Server On Windows Server

Apr 7, 2011

I need to grant windows client an access to fileserver. The easiest way to do it is how? Setting up VPN server on Windows server, what rules are going into iptables in linux machine then. Or setting up VPN server on Linux machine (which is the best option) and how the user gets to fileserver?

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Server :: Setting Up Server With Shell Accounts

Mar 31, 2011

How do i configure the system and user accounts so that the users can't access each others directories, delete system files, install packages etc.I know i am probably going to need tools like chmod mkdir useradd.But i can't figure out how.If you know a good tutorial, please point me in that direction.

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Server :: Setting Up Local Server Using Localhost?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a need to set up the program TNG - The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding and run it on a local server (not on the Internet) for the purpose of learning the system prior to developing it on an actual website. I was told to use http://localhost on my browser (Mozilla Firefox). I get a message saying "That Works!", but it goes on to say that the contents of the web server have not yet been entered. The instructions for the downloaded files (which I unzipped) said to copy to the web root folder (the folder where the web server is located ?, I guess). But I don't know where it is or how to go about it. Can someone help? I already have MySQL and PHP, which are required to run this program, and I also have Apache installed on my Kubuntu 9.10 system.

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Server :: Setting Up SMTP Server For The First Time?

Apr 19, 2010

I have been having trouble figuring this out. I have a machine running CentOS 5 and I want to setup an SMTP server behind a router on a home broadband connection. I've read many guides but nothing too specific as to what I need to do. I want to use either sendmail or postfix, but I don't know if I should purchase an SMTP relay. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be great. I also have bought a domain name that I want to use, but I just cant put all these pieces together as of right now.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up An Email Server?

May 8, 2010

I have successfully setup Apache,MySql,ftp, and a few other various packages.My question today is setting up an email server.I have past experience with sendmail,and procmail. However only on already installed,configured and working servers.I am trying to setup an email server from scratch.I have Centos 5.4 installed.

procmail.x86_64 3.22-17.1.el5.centos installed
sendmail.x86_64 8.13.8-2.el5 installed

Are those two packages the only ones I need to get a working email server setup? Also I have been trying to configure a procmailrc file for my server under /etc/, but I can't seem to find consistent documentation on how to set up a procmailrc file.I believe my iptables is set to block port 110 and 25 from outside connections. how to open those ports too.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up SFTP On Web Server

May 8, 2010

Running CentOS release 5.4

We currently run a web server that allows FTP connections. I want to:

1. Disable FTP on our web server and require sftp only.

2. See if we can create a table of sites that are allowed to connect to the web server using sftp. Or should I just do this at the firewall?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up FTP Server On Server?

May 8, 2011

im using webmin to control my server and i wanna make a ftp server which will allow multi users i dont know how i trie dalot of tuts but noting works i just want to give some ftps to my friends so they can help me manage my server

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Static IP In Server?

Mar 21, 2010

Well basically the title how to setup a static IP in Ubuntu Server?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up DNS Server And DHCP?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm kinda new to this. I've had my laptop dual booted with vista and Ubuntu for about a year. I'm just now starting to configure Ubuntu for a DNS and a DHCP Server.

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Ubuntu :: Benefits Of Setting Up Own DNS Server?

Nov 5, 2010

I've found plenty of how to's and information on setting up a DNS Server, but what I can't find is how it would benefit me? So, that's just what I'm asking here. How would having my own DNS Server benefit me?

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Ubuntu :: Setting VNC Server At The Start?

Jan 25, 2011

mulo@mulo-System-Name:~$ sudo vncserver

You will require a password to access your desktops.

New 'mulo-System-Name:1 (root)' desktop is mulo-System-Name:1
Creating default startup script /home/mulo/.vnc/xstartup
Starting applications specified in /home/mulo/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/mulo/.vnc/mulo-System-Name:1.log

I just need to do this?

i tried doing this but on windows with another machine if i try to connect at this ip it says me "connection refused"

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Server ?

Mar 23, 2011

I have never used this software at all and am running a Win XP server for a n in house web site using Joomla. My XP box started to give problems as of today. So now I need to rebuild a web server box. I have always been told that Ubuntu is the way to go.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Network On Server?

Jun 13, 2011

[URL] To setup a web server at my office (intern). I'm stuck at updating the web server with the given distro's. We dont use DHCP and the computer must have static ip address. I've checked this in /etc/network/interfaces and from what I am seeing, everything is correct (ip address, subnet mask, default gateway, dns servers) however when I go to update I'm still receiving "temporary failure resolving [URL] etc"Is there something I am missing or something that I can change or check? Weird thing is, when I install the ubuntu live disk and have eht0 sets with these values, I can connect to the internet without a problem.

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General :: Setting Up A Server In Ubuntu

Apr 6, 2010

I have started using linux(ubuntu 9.10) on a standalone PC so i can't try out the tasks that require connection to a server. Can I set up a server on the same PC and use it as a client too? If not, what are the possible alternatives to practice the tasks that require a server?

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Server :: Ubuntu 9.10 - Setting Up Rsync?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm trying to set up rsync on a clean install of ubuntu server 9.10, with ubuntu-desktop installed.

In the end, I'd liek the 2 windows clients (running Vista and Win7) to syncronise with the server when they log on/off. I'd also like them to access a printer attached to the server.

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Server :: Setting Up Local DNS Server

Nov 2, 2009

Further to my previous post, I've been setting up a local web development server using Ubuntu Server 9.10. Thanks to another contributor to this forum, it's now all working.I've installed all of the module necessary (I think) to enable it to act as a DNS server. What I would like to do now is set up a DNS zone inside my network, so that I can go to http://servername instead of http://localhost.I would also like to set it up so that I can have http://servername/www.sitename.com/ and have www.sitename.com as the site root. I've previously achieved something similar using Vhosts on my old setup (which used XAMPP on my local machine). I presumed I could use DNS instead once I'd set up my local webserver.Please bear with me if I'm not referring to things correctly - I'm a web developer who is only just learning about web server management.

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Server :: Setting Up CUPS Server?

Dec 21, 2010

I've setted up a CUPS Server and I was wondering if it possible to disable the option of printers and jobs from the webpage.I don't want users to see the jobs which are going to be printed from other users.Should I modify something from the cupsd.conf file?

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Server :: Setting Up A LAN DNS?

May 4, 2009

I have a Windows 2003 Small Business Server and Linux fedora 10 proxy server that is used for internet. On Windows 2003 SBS as a mail exchange. Now need to move away from windows completely to Linux fedora 10. I need to configure a DNS so that i can use the fedora to download email from my ISP to their respectively clients computers.I do not want to host email but still want my ISP to handle the mails and my website. In other words i want to have the same function that is being done by windows to be done by Linux. I have read a some of how [URL], but still confuse How do i configure the DNS and the mail server on my server without disturbing the ISP settings. On my linux server is connected direct to the router that point to the ISP with eth1 and eth2 for LAN.

[root@perfecpol7 ~]# host www.perfectpol7.com
www.perfectpol7.com is an alias for perfectpol7.com
perfectpol7.com has address 4a.20a.1a8.1x


assist in setting up a DNS server so that can set up a mail server for the LAN.

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 - Setting Up Serial Communications Between Server

May 21, 2010

I am wanting to set-up serial communications between my server (ubuntu 9.04) and a picaxe chip (a pic with a bootloader) I need to send data in the format of "1,1,1" or "1,1,0" at 9600 baud 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control. the data must be sent as numbers not ASCII I have tried
echo 1,1,0 > /dev/ttyS0
Any simple shell script or even python.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A Music Server?

Jul 18, 2010

I've been trying to set up a music server and running into some difficulty.

I want to be able to stream music and video to my network and over the internet.

From what I've read so far ampache is what I would like to use but I've yet to find a user friendly guide on how to set it up. I've never set up a server before so all of the guides and documentation have just confused the heck out of me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Mail Server On LAN?

Aug 12, 2010

I want to setup mail server on LAN (Local Area Network). How do I setup local SMTP server to be able to send emails?

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Ubuntu :: Setting The Correct Time Server?

Sep 13, 2010

I live in India and my computer's time is always a minute ahead. I have selected the option to keep it synchronized with internet time servers but as there does not appear to be a time server for ubuntu in India I am not sure what to do. As of now I tried selecting foreign server but can't see anything happen.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Email Server?

Oct 5, 2010

I recently bought my own domain name and have started working on my website. I am way excited about setting this site up. My question is, what would be the best way to setup an email system where users are able to login and check their email...I guess like, a web-based system? Then they can configure a client if they wish with their email address.

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