Ubuntu :: Reduce Power Consumption On HP ProBook 4510s?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my HP ProBook 4510s.[URL]... On Windows XP, the battery usually lasts me over 4 hours but on Ubuntu it barely last 2 hours. How can I reduce power consumption and prolong battery life while running Ubuntu on my laptop?

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Ubuntu :: Reduce The Power Consumption On A Desktop?

Jul 22, 2010

The topic of this thread says it all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Lucid On HP ProBook 4510s

May 10, 2010

I'm having some problems installing Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit on my laptop - I tried first using the CD but selecting 'Install Ubuntu' from the menu did nothing at all so I'm using wubi instead. The initial wubi install was fine but attempting to boot into Ubuntu initial setup results in lock up. Booting without the graphic workaround option gets as far as: agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: AGP aperture is 256M @ 0xC0000000.However with the workaround it gets further and the final log output is:set up 63M of stolen space.

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General :: HP Probook 4510s Won't Boot Clonezilla?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a new HP ProBook 4510s, which will probably not run Win 7 which came with it. grin).So I figured I'd image the disk. Clonezilla won't boot. I tried with several CDs. Slax does boot. Ultimate boot CD boots.

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Ubuntu :: Power Consumption By USB Hub

Apr 20, 2011

I was going through the article given here :- [URL]. Now my question is how to do this in linux ?

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Ubuntu :: Going Green - PowerTop And Cutting On Power Consumption?

Feb 27, 2010

Judging by the number of responses (close to zero) to other threads about powertop on this forum, I have little hope in getting any answers. However, I do not know where else could I ask. PowerTop tell me that even after applying almost all the tips and tricks from lesswatts.org, my laptop still consumes over 72 Watts while idling.

< Detailed C-state information is not P-states (frequencies)
1.60 Ghz 0.0%
800 Mhz 100.0%
Wakeups-from-idle per second : 451.1 interval: 10.0s
Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : 72.5 W (0.3 hours left)
Top causes for wakeups:


Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend by pressing the U key or adding usbcore.autosuspend=1 to the kernel command line in the grub config This is when I am not touching the laptop. When I am surfing the web or listen to music, it goes up to 2000+ wakeups! How do I cut it further? I am getting like 20-30 minutes max on battery and this is unacceptable cause in Windows I get at least 3 times that.

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Ubuntu :: Get Files/bookmarks/ - Higher Power Consumption

Jul 5, 2011

What my situation was before the problems:

-I dualboot win(xp) and xubuntu(11.04)
-No problems whatsoever except for the fact that power consumption was higher on xubuntu.

Then i read something that said that the kernel i was using was effectively having power issues and that it could be fixed so in went into the terminal and nano'd the grub config file and update-grub'd with the addition i had read all over the internet. When i rebooted it seemingly had worked but once i opened a ..... video it didn't react to anything (i'm 99% sure kernel panic since there was no hdd movement). So i forced it to shutdown and when i got back in again i nano'd the file again but for some reason i didn't only remove the power stuff but I also removed the quiet splash. Once i had rebooted it would suddenly ask for username and password twice.

once the older looking menu an then the newer looking one with the fancy bg). The first time i got in okay but afterwards i could only get in as root. I thought i had simply forgotten my password but i ran passwd myusername as root and it didn't work(only when i typed something random it gave the wrong password message). As root i also can't edit the users and groups(when i open it it stays grayed out). how do i fix this. If i will lose my account anyways then how do i get my files/bookmarks/... of of it.

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Debian Configuration :: Increased Power Consumption On Kernels >= 2.6.38?

Jun 29, 2011

According to Phoronix [URL]... aspm&num=1 (which seems to only test Ubuntu kernels) the problems should affect all users of the affected kernels, including Debian's, but that article provides a fix. I don't remember anyone here mentioning lower battery life and increased heat on their mobile platforms, though.

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Fedora Hardware :: Power Consumption In Runtime Level 3?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm very curious about something. I like to use my command line as much as possible. So, most of my work and usage of my computer revolves around the command line. In such a case I could work without having to use any graphical interfaces. My only current limitation is WLAN connection isn't working for me, but that belongs in another thread and something for me to do for now.

My question is, Is it worth it in terms of battery life to work in level 3 when running a laptop on a batter? What sort of extension to the life would one expect?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Power Consumption With Blank Screen?

Jan 7, 2011

I have installed a new PC system

- OpenSuSE 11.3, 64bit
- AMD Phenomen II X4
- 3 hard disks
- etc.

After start-up with runlevel 3, no applications running, network is up, the overall power consumption of the PC (without monitor) is ca. 70 Watt. After some minutes the monitor goes to power saving (terminal mode, runlevel 3 !), but the power consumption rises to 120 Watt! After pressing a key on the keyboard (e.g. Num) the monitor leaves the power save mode, shows the login screen, and the power consumption falls to 70 Watt. In parallel I have investigated the system via ssh and running top, but I have not observed any abnormal operation. I looked into /proc/acpi/* but I did not find something unusual.

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General :: Building A Fanless / Low Power Consumption Server?

May 18, 2011

my SheevaPlug just died, and I need to look for new device to replace it. My goal is to build a fanless, low power consumption, linux server. Currently I am thinking of purchasing a QNAP NAS device (TS-110 model) and installing Debian on it.

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General :: Unable To Model The Power Consumption Of Various Components

Aug 3, 2011

I am working on a traffic surveillance project which performs various image processing tasks with a number of visual sensors and a computing platform. My basic task in the project is the power optimization/management. I am using a ZOTAC-IONITX computing platform (Intel ATOM CPU + NVIDIA ION GPU). The problems that I am currently facing are:

I am unable to model the power consumption of various components e.g., processor, GPU, hard drive, memory etc, since there seems to be no way to measure the power consumption of individual system components. Since I don't have a power consumption model, I cannot come up with a power optimization algorithm. I am currently working on Linux. Is there any way to measure/model the power consumption of individual system component?

I have already checked powertop. It doesn't tells the power (watts) consumed by a component (e.g., microprocessor). It just gives information about the power state the processor is in (However there is no way to change the power state by the user) and the processors that cause processor to wakeup.

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General :: Optimizing Laptop Battery Life (Saving Power Consumption)

Apr 20, 2010

So I've come across several tips to optimize battery life on Linux. [URLs]. In addition to undervolting, I would like to underclock. Is there a way to control CPU speed outside of the BIOS via some software control in Linux... or some sort of boot manager? I would like to boot to linux using underclocked speeds and have Windows running full blast. Is there a way to run Linux completely in RAM? I have read that saves on power consumption from the hard drive.

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Server :: Reduce RAID5 Partition Sizes / Reduce The Size Of Md1 And Grow Md0?

Feb 14, 2010

I have a rack of four 1TB drives all partitioned identically with three primary partitions. On each drive

- the first partition is only 64MB;
- the second is a large 900GB partition and
- the last holds all the remaining space

mdadm has been used to set up
/dev/md0 - RAID1, comprised of /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1
/dev/md1 - RAID5, comprised of /dev/sda2, /dev/sdb2, /dev/sdc2, /dev/sdd2
/dev/md2 - RAID5, comprised of /dev/sda3, /dev/sdb3, /dev/sdc3, /dev/sdd3

OK, so it was a silly mistake to make - but I am now need to increase the size of /dev/md0. My thinking is to reduce the size of md1 so that I can grow md0.

On md1 I have two logical volumes. I've successfully reduced the size of the volume so that I can reduce the size of md1. Now I'm at the nervous stage; I can find little written on the topic of shrinking RAID5 arrays - and even if I do this I'm unsure if I can move partitions around to regain the space I so desire.

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Fedora :: Managed To Reduce The Logical Volume To Free Some Space But Cant Seem To Reduce The Physical Volume

Jan 1, 2010

so i have f12 installed on my hd with lvm using the whole extent of the HD , i want to reduce it so i can dual boot it with a windows system, i managed to reduce the logical volume to free some space, but i cant seem to reduce the physical volume, is this possible and how ?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Cheeze Works Great HP 4510s?

Jun 6, 2010

Cheese seems to work great OOB on my HP probook 4510s using the internal webcam and OpenSuSE11.1 (11.2/11.3.6 don't install). Anyway - I would really like to have a simple way to send either the video stream or periodic snapshots out over the internet, either to a website or a chat client or? I am going to be doing a field experiment and will want folks to be able to see what I'm doing. I have set up servers before and it can get way too complicated for the amount of time I have left to get this going..

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless For HP Probook 4520?

Nov 20, 2010

I have an HP Probook 4520 with Ubuntu installed, but I can't get the wireless setup. I run the hardware driver search and it does not find the bluetooth. I tried download nsdistgk driver, but at the end I couldn't find the .inf file.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Does Not Boot On HP ProBook 4525s?

May 17, 2011

I have a laptop HP ProBook 4525s. First when I got it I installed Ubunu 11.04 and it worked fine until I pressed a wifi disable/enable button. After this system just stoped. Then I tried to use my backup but it didn't help, system did't boot. So, I decided to boot from live CD Ubuntu 11.04 to install the new system but it also didn't boot, just stoped at Ubuntu purple picture screen. The same situation with USB drive. Then I thied to install Ubuntu 10.10 and it worked well, so, I tried to upgrade it to 11.04. After all installation and cleaning were complete I rebooted my computer and got the some result as with live cd: system just stops booting at ubuntu purlpe screen and nothing happening.

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Slackware :: Hp Probook 4321s - Cpu Fan Is Always On

Oct 5, 2010

My system is slackware 13.1, acpid is running, in /etc/rc.modules all acpi field turn on, the cpu fan is always on, but in WinXp is good.

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Ubuntu :: Install Of 11.04. My HP ProBook 4520s Notebook Computer Exhibits?

May 7, 2011

I have done a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04. My HP ProBook 4520s notebook computer exhibits the following problem. I use the notebook with lid closed, connected to Samsung SyncMaster P2350 23" LCD Monitor. When Ubuntu boots it selects 1024 x 768 resolution. I then go into the display settings and notice that it is set to display the same image on both monitors. If I uncheck this setting, I see the Samsung and can make changes to the resolution settings of both laptop monitor and Samsung monitor, however, when I click Apply, the Samsung I am viewing goes blank. If I then open the laptop lid, it too is blank. After a cold reboot, I am able to get the Samsung monitor to act as a desktop estension perfectly, but not as the only monitor with the laptop screen turned off. Any attempt to turn off the laptop monitor in the settings results in no screen at all.

In the office, I have an LG 19" Flatron monitor, and Ubuntu does not exhibit the same problem. I can boot up with lid closed, and the Flatron works fine as the only monitor and at it's native resolution all by itself. Booting with lid open, and then closing the lid, also results in the Samsung going blank, but probably for the reason that there is no option in power management to DO NOTHING when the Lid is closed.

It seems that Ubuntu have forgotten about people who use their laptops as desktops in this way. I am not happy to run with the laptop open and split screens, as I cannot get the launcher into the Samsung, and everything has to be moved over all the time, is there any work around that anyone may know about?

The HP ProBook uses Intel Graphics, for which there are no particular additional drivers I am told. The problem also happened in Ubuntu 10.10, but before 10.10 I don't recall ever having this problem (from 7.04 thru 10.04)

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Configure GUI With RHEL 5.5 On HP ProBook 4520s?

Oct 3, 2010

Not able to configure GUI with RHEL 5.5 on HP ProBook 4520s

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General :: LILO Can't Install Properly On HP Probook

Jun 14, 2011

I have a SATA boot disk with LILO installed. This disk is kinda like a recovery disk in that its supposed to boot up on any x86 PC. I'm however having trouble getting it to boot on a HP Probook laptop. I get the LILO 99 99 99 ... problem upon bootup.

I've already specified the linear option in my lilo.conf, which according to the LILO error codes might fix the problem but didn't.


0x99: Invalid Second Stage

Mismatch between drive and BIOS geometry, or a bad map file. Some evidence that LINEAR needs to be set on the disk (see LiloNotes)

I've tried specifying the lba32 option instead, but get the same problem.

I've tried the solutions at this LILO Error Codes wiki, i.e. lilo -g and lilo -M /dev/sda

Neither solution worked.

Does anyone know how to get this working? Or recommend another BIOS independent boot loader? I was using nuni in the past for my IDE version, but nuni doesn't support SATA drives.

fyi I'm booting up the disk and running LILO on another laptop that boots it up, before plugging it into the Probook to test.

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Debian :: Bluetooth Not Working - Jessie On HP ProBook G2 Laptop

Jul 4, 2015

I've installed debian stable (Jessie) on an HP probook g2 laptop, but bluetooth isn't working.

Code: Select all/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart
gives in /var/log/syslog:
Code: Select allJul  4 12:02:35 mypc bluetoothd[5043]: Bluetooth management interface 1.6 initialized
Jul  4 12:02:35 mypc bluetoothd[5043]: Sap driver initialization failed.
Jul  4 12:02:35 mypc bluetoothd[5043]: sap-server: Operation not permitted (1)
Jul  4 12:02:35 mypc bluetoothd[5043]: hci0 Load Connection Parameters failed: Unknown Command (0x01)
Jul  4 12:02:35 mypc pulseaudio[1197]: [pulseaudio] bluez4-util.c: org.bluez.Manager.GetProperties() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "GetProperties" with signature "" on interface "org.bluez.Manager" doesn't exist

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Fedora Hardware :: Unable To Find Wireless Driver For Hp Probook 6450b?

Sep 29, 2010

I am trying to get the wireless working on a fresh install of F13 on my HP probook 6450b. The wireless button above my keyboard is amber, when I press it i see the following in /var/log/messages :Quote:ep 29 11:32:43 localhost kernel: atkbd serio0: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xf8 on isa0060/serio0).Sep 29 11:32:43 localhost kernel: atkbd serio0: Use 'setkeycodes e078 <keycode>' to make it

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General :: Get Process Memory Consumption?

Apr 2, 2011

I need a command that can get the memory consumption of a process called "job_runner_o".

Running ubuntu 10.10

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Networking :: Controlling Energy Consumption Ns2?

Apr 14, 2011

After implementing a new protocol on ns2 , I need now to integrate infomation about nodes energy .So I am going to implement a new c++ code to define the model of energy consumption in every node .have you any exemples to help me getting started .

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Ubuntu :: Command To View Disc Space Consumption By Dirs?

Jan 28, 2010

I am searching a GUI based "tree view utility" which shows me which directories consume how much hard disc space (cumulative, including recursively the sub directories; including hidden files). Is there such a tool fur Ubuntu/Linux and how do I install it? Is there at least a cmdline command which does the same job in terminal window?

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General :: Swap Memeory Consumption Is Showing 0

Nov 9, 2010

I have a linux server which is running squid proxy server, the configuration is 160GB HDD ,6GB ram, od is centos 5.5 64bit the problem i am facing is that the swap memeory consumption is showing me 0, screen shot is attached below with this mail. i tried swapon /dev/sda5 it says device busy

my fstab file is below

vmstat output

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CentOS 5 :: Throttling Process Resource Consumption?

Mar 2, 2009

Is there a way of throttling a process resources, something akin to limits but for processes not users?ie I want processX to be restricted in the amount of memory it can consume. For process cpu I guess I can simply nice the process, but total memory consumption is my primary concern.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Alfa AWUS036H Adjust Power - Unknown Transmit Power Information

Jun 21, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit and I purchased a new ALFA AWUS036H wireless card. I would like to know if this "1Watt" wireless card is configured for full power. iwlist wlan0 txpower results:

wlan0 unknown transmit-power information. Current Tx-Power=27 dBm (501 mW). It appears to me that I should be able to increase the power. "iwpriv wlan0 highpower 1" does not work. Do I need to patch the new default driver that comes with Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit with the aircrack one following these directions:[URL]...? Monitor mode and a injection tests seem to work fine with the driver I have installed.

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