Ubuntu :: Going Green - PowerTop And Cutting On Power Consumption?

Feb 27, 2010

Judging by the number of responses (close to zero) to other threads about powertop on this forum, I have little hope in getting any answers. However, I do not know where else could I ask. PowerTop tell me that even after applying almost all the tips and tricks from lesswatts.org, my laptop still consumes over 72 Watts while idling.

< Detailed C-state information is not P-states (frequencies)
1.60 Ghz 0.0%
800 Mhz 100.0%
Wakeups-from-idle per second : 451.1 interval: 10.0s
Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : 72.5 W (0.3 hours left)
Top causes for wakeups:


Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend by pressing the U key or adding usbcore.autosuspend=1 to the kernel command line in the grub config This is when I am not touching the laptop. When I am surfing the web or listen to music, it goes up to 2000+ wakeups! How do I cut it further? I am getting like 20-30 minutes max on battery and this is unacceptable cause in Windows I get at least 3 times that.

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Ubuntu :: Power Consumption By USB Hub

Apr 20, 2011

I was going through the article given here :- [URL]. Now my question is how to do this in linux ?

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Ubuntu :: Reduce The Power Consumption On A Desktop?

Jul 22, 2010

The topic of this thread says it all.

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Ubuntu :: Reduce Power Consumption On HP ProBook 4510s?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my HP ProBook 4510s.[URL]... On Windows XP, the battery usually lasts me over 4 hours but on Ubuntu it barely last 2 hours. How can I reduce power consumption and prolong battery life while running Ubuntu on my laptop?

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Ubuntu :: Get Files/bookmarks/ - Higher Power Consumption

Jul 5, 2011

What my situation was before the problems:

-I dualboot win(xp) and xubuntu(11.04)
-No problems whatsoever except for the fact that power consumption was higher on xubuntu.

Then i read something that said that the kernel i was using was effectively having power issues and that it could be fixed so in went into the terminal and nano'd the grub config file and update-grub'd with the addition i had read all over the internet. When i rebooted it seemingly had worked but once i opened a ..... video it didn't react to anything (i'm 99% sure kernel panic since there was no hdd movement). So i forced it to shutdown and when i got back in again i nano'd the file again but for some reason i didn't only remove the power stuff but I also removed the quiet splash. Once i had rebooted it would suddenly ask for username and password twice.

once the older looking menu an then the newer looking one with the fancy bg). The first time i got in okay but afterwards i could only get in as root. I thought i had simply forgotten my password but i ran passwd myusername as root and it didn't work(only when i typed something random it gave the wrong password message). As root i also can't edit the users and groups(when i open it it stays grayed out). how do i fix this. If i will lose my account anyways then how do i get my files/bookmarks/... of of it.

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Debian Configuration :: Increased Power Consumption On Kernels >= 2.6.38?

Jun 29, 2011

According to Phoronix [URL]... aspm&num=1 (which seems to only test Ubuntu kernels) the problems should affect all users of the affected kernels, including Debian's, but that article provides a fix. I don't remember anyone here mentioning lower battery life and increased heat on their mobile platforms, though.

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Fedora Hardware :: Power Consumption In Runtime Level 3?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm very curious about something. I like to use my command line as much as possible. So, most of my work and usage of my computer revolves around the command line. In such a case I could work without having to use any graphical interfaces. My only current limitation is WLAN connection isn't working for me, but that belongs in another thread and something for me to do for now.

My question is, Is it worth it in terms of battery life to work in level 3 when running a laptop on a batter? What sort of extension to the life would one expect?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Power Consumption With Blank Screen?

Jan 7, 2011

I have installed a new PC system

- OpenSuSE 11.3, 64bit
- AMD Phenomen II X4
- 3 hard disks
- etc.

After start-up with runlevel 3, no applications running, network is up, the overall power consumption of the PC (without monitor) is ca. 70 Watt. After some minutes the monitor goes to power saving (terminal mode, runlevel 3 !), but the power consumption rises to 120 Watt! After pressing a key on the keyboard (e.g. Num) the monitor leaves the power save mode, shows the login screen, and the power consumption falls to 70 Watt. In parallel I have investigated the system via ssh and running top, but I have not observed any abnormal operation. I looked into /proc/acpi/* but I did not find something unusual.

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General :: Building A Fanless / Low Power Consumption Server?

May 18, 2011

my SheevaPlug just died, and I need to look for new device to replace it. My goal is to build a fanless, low power consumption, linux server. Currently I am thinking of purchasing a QNAP NAS device (TS-110 model) and installing Debian on it.

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General :: Unable To Model The Power Consumption Of Various Components

Aug 3, 2011

I am working on a traffic surveillance project which performs various image processing tasks with a number of visual sensors and a computing platform. My basic task in the project is the power optimization/management. I am using a ZOTAC-IONITX computing platform (Intel ATOM CPU + NVIDIA ION GPU). The problems that I am currently facing are:

I am unable to model the power consumption of various components e.g., processor, GPU, hard drive, memory etc, since there seems to be no way to measure the power consumption of individual system components. Since I don't have a power consumption model, I cannot come up with a power optimization algorithm. I am currently working on Linux. Is there any way to measure/model the power consumption of individual system component?

I have already checked powertop. It doesn't tells the power (watts) consumed by a component (e.g., microprocessor). It just gives information about the power state the processor is in (However there is no way to change the power state by the user) and the processors that cause processor to wakeup.

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General :: Embedded Stability - Unstable By Cutting Power Source Frequently And It Does Not Boot Anymore

Apr 11, 2011

I'm developing an embedded Linux (it is almost over now). What I'm struggling with is the system goes unstable by cutting power source frequently and it does not boot anymore. It even does not perform fsck. The system just has a XFCE with a fixed Qt App autoloaded to display some charts. My question is that how commercial embedded Linux distros (like Wifi AP's management Linux, ...) avoid this problem?

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General :: Optimizing Laptop Battery Life (Saving Power Consumption)

Apr 20, 2010

So I've come across several tips to optimize battery life on Linux. [URLs]. In addition to undervolting, I would like to underclock. Is there a way to control CPU speed outside of the BIOS via some software control in Linux... or some sort of boot manager? I would like to boot to linux using underclocked speeds and have Windows running full blast. Is there a way to run Linux completely in RAM? I have read that saves on power consumption from the hard drive.

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Ubuntu :: Powertop - No ACPI Data Available?

Jun 26, 2010

I installed Powertop after reading a number of threads of threads about power consumption issues in Lucid. Though it would be good to know what I was doing. But when I run Powertop it tells me "now ACPI power usage estimate available".

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Ubuntu :: Powertop Freezes Laptop / What To Do?

Feb 15, 2011

I was reading the forum yesterday, and saw a thread about powertop. Needless to say I tried it on my Toshiba NB305, and thought it might be good to see if I could also get better power usage from my wife's Toshiba A665. The problem is that when I run it on her laptop, it just totally hangs the system, and the caps lock light just sits there blinking. I am not sure why. Is it not designed for x64 systems? Any ideas, or similar problems? I think this laptop has an Intel i5 540M processor, and I am running Ubuntu 10.04x64 kernel version 2.6.32-29-generic.

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Ubuntu :: Powertop Get Mouse Back To Normal?

Feb 12, 2011

I have run powertop to see if I can streamline my system but have one problem, the mouse now seems to go into a sleep state if I don't use it for a few seconds. this is VERY annoying and I have to press the mouse button every time to get it to work again. anyone know how I can restore this back to how it was?

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Fedora :: Wake Ups (60000) Per Second Reported By PowerTop In F12

Dec 11, 2009

I've ran "powertop" on my computer and it showed horrible amount of wake-ups per second:

Cn Avg residency P-states (frequencies)
C0 (cpu running) (26.7%) 2.81 Ghz 100.0%
polling 0.0ms ( 0.0%) 1400 Mhz 0.0%
C1 16.2ms (60.5%) 1050 Mhz 0.0%
C2 0.0ms (12.8%) 700 Mhz 0.0%
350 Mhz 0.0%

Wakeups-from-idle per second : 63944.8 interval: 5.0s
no ACPI power usage estimate available

Top causes for wakeups:
45.1% ( 15.6) <interrupt> : pata_atiixp
26.0% ( 9.0) <kernel core> : hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
9.2% ( 3.2) <kernel core> : hrtimer_start (tick_sched_timer)
5.8% ( 2.0) <kernel core> : add_timer_on (clocksource_watchdog)
1.7% ( 0.6) <interrupt> : ohci_hcd:usb4, radeon, yenta
1.7% ( 0.6) Xorg : queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)

Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from 5.00 to 15 seconds with:
Echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs
This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity
Q - Quit R - Refresh W - Increase Writeback time
If I wait it decreases to 50000, but it is still huge!

Situation is duplicated after complete F12 re-install. All defaults are used and no changes performed after install. Just checked again and let computer run idle for a while. Powertop reports 79604 wake-up per second, even more than before. Again, the top cause is "pata_atiixp". Also, performing suggestions of powertop shown at the bottom of the program does not help either. That decreases wake-up by a few hundreds only. Wake-ups are still well over 50000.

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Slackware :: Powertop Shows Enormous Activity Hrtimer_start_range_ns?

Jan 19, 2010

Was wondering if this is normal. I have a laptop which is about a year old. Recently my battery died (it last 10-15 minutes instead of 3-4 hours as it was before). I ordered a new one. While waiting for the new one I started to investigate power consumers (processes) on my machine. I run slackware64-current. with 2.6.33-rc4-git7 kernel. config - is slightly modified config-generic from -current. I attach t here for any case. Here is the output of powertop:


PowerTOP version 1.11 (C) 2007 Intel Corporation
Cn Avg residency P-states (frequencies)
C0 (ЦП работает) ( 9,0%) 2,27 ГГц 2,6%


How can I decrease number of wakeups?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Keeps Cutting Out?

Jul 12, 2011

I recently moved into a place where I have no control over (or access to) the modem or router, and I've encountered quite an annoying problem. My Internet connection keeps cutting out, not for long periods of time, but just enough time to stop videos from buffering and web pages from loading, and it happens often enough to become a regular thing.

I know there are ways to fix this problem, but unfortunately I'm in a position where I can't. So my question is; are there any external "fixes" I can do to keep the Internet connection alive or to retry connecting every time it fails? Like perhaps a Firefox addon or something I can install?

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General :: Cutting Ubuntu To Bone For Virtualbox VM

Mar 31, 2010

I've been looking around for a Linux variant which will install only the software I need rather than everything Ubuntu (for example) puts in by default. This is to create a virtual machine in Virtualbox which has bash, apache, python, perl, SQLite, openssh and a few other programs but nothing else. I'd prefer to go with Ubuntu if possible but another modern distro would do as well (I like using apt-get and yum rather than downloading/compiling etc).

SuseStudio.com, which is probably the best so far.Ubuntu 9.10, by pressing F4 to get the boot options on the install disc, but there is no minimal installation (oops! had the alternate disc instead of the server disc).Arch Linux, slightly confusing install procedure but I might go back and try again.Gentoo, started well but fairly soon the HD on the virtual machine went to 2Gb, even before the installation had started in earnest (I'd partitioned the disks is all).I realise there are various "small" Linuxes around like Puppy, Feather, DSL, etc, but they seem to be aimed at desktop users or as a techie's toolkit, and I want a small-as-possible server distro which can be managed with tools like apt or yum or similar.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Commercial Cutting MPEG2?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm just looking for a good mpeg cutter for my Ubuntu laptop. I currently use video redo on my Windows PC but that is also my HTPC and is hooked up to the TV. I would prefer not to do it on the TV because of possible burn in issues and would love to be able to take the mpeg files recorded on the HTPC and cut them on the laptop but haven't found a really great application to do that.

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Programming :: Cutting Last Part Of URL?

Dec 1, 2010

website.com/john/doe/index.htmlI need to cut that to say:website.com/john/doe/I am getting really close using sed, but I just can't get the syntax quite right.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VNC Crashes And Won't Connect Again When Cutting And Pasting / Fix It?

Apr 8, 2010

I've had this problem for a while and wondering if anyone has an idea what is going on.
I'm running 9.10 on a computer at home, and when I VNC into it from my Mac at work.
When I do a right-click copy or ctrl-c, the vnc will crash and won't connect again. I can reach the computer with SSH and reboot, but it's kind of annoying when it does this. Has anyone seen this before and is there a fix?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Torrent Is Cutting Off Connection To The Internet?

Sep 19, 2010

When I vuse client or torrent my connection to internet gets unstable.

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Ubuntu :: Horizontal Lines Cutting The Video In 10.04 With Nvidia N9500gt By Msi

May 18, 2010

I'm having video issues with my graphic card while using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32 bits. When I'm watching video (Either on ....., or a dvd or whatever) There are horizontal lines cutting the video, like when there's very fast movement it doesn't render the video smoothly and so I get to see like vertical divisions, I don't know how to explain it exactly. I have a driver installed, one that installed automatically when I turned normal effects on, but I don't even know which one it is, I'm very new to this.

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OpenSUSE :: Konsole Cutting Off Half The Screen When Using Vi Or Less?

Jun 30, 2011

Using konsole it keeps cutting off half the screen when using vim or less, see screenshot SUSE Paste

Anyone seen this before and now how to stop it?

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Programming :: Cutting An Html File Apart - Perl - Sed - Awk?

Apr 13, 2010

I have an html file like this

HTML Code:

Some more HTML code... I would like to cut the above text so i get this: Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this. Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this.

There are other HTML files with similar cuts I need to do, but once I have the method for doing one, I am sure I can do the others.

I think the two logical strings to cut between would be:

I am not sure if these strings are always the start and end of the line respectively, is this makes a lot of difference! Then the HTML tags would need to be stripped to get the text on its own.

I know the commands for removing tags, but searching for a string like class="IOSSectionTitle", and cutting everything before it etc is something I am finding challenging.

Just thought I would add that the HTML does not nec. appear on logical new lines throughout the file and there may be unexpected new lines, but as far as i know the class="IOSSectionTitle" and <img always appears as a string without any new lines between those characters.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee / Android Sync - Cutting Songs Short

Jun 7, 2011

Since upgrading to 11.04 I have come across an issue when syncing my music to my Motorola Defy mobile phone. I have a large collection of music, the vast majority of which is ripped from CD and stored in FLAC format. I use Banshee to sync some music onto my phone by dragging and dropping. Banshee converts FLAC on-the-fly to OGG prior to copying the file to my phone.

Since installing Ubuntu 11.04 any songs that i have since synced appear to be cut short. The files seem to be of about the correct size, when the music player starts playing the track it shows the correct total length of the song in the timeline bar but the songs get cut short, usually at 5 seconds into the song but a few seem to last about a minute before skipping to the next.

This morning I tried converting files using Sound Converter and setting the Music folder on my Defy's SD Card as the destination folder. The files all appear to be of the right size, show the correct track length but only play the first 4 or five seconds. I used my other computer, also running Ubuntu 11.04, to transfer a few files and these work just fine.

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Fedora :: Sound Cutting Out And Video Jumping While Local Playback

Aug 30, 2009

I have had some issues since installing Fedora 11 on my desktop (well not after I installed it, once I installed the updates). Anyway sound was cutting out, videos were jumping, speeding up with no sound etc online such as ....., when playing local songs and videos etc. Anyway I followed this guide [URL] and that fixed my playing of online videos, music and when I play local music in totem etc. IN fact there is no issues with sound in those.

However; when I try to play a local video in any medial player it jumps sound, crashes, if it starts playing sound it will cut out and if I move the video forward it cuts out and sometimes crashes the video player. Any ideas why that guide fixed all online video and local MP3 but is till messed up playing local videos?

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Programming :: Shell Scripts For Cutting And Pasting Part Of Data?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a tab-delimited txt file as below. It is part of the original file.Quote:

#C1 C2 C3


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General :: Get Process Memory Consumption?

Apr 2, 2011

I need a command that can get the memory consumption of a process called "job_runner_o".

Running ubuntu 10.10

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