Ubuntu :: Recommend Software To Check Texts For Plagiarism

Mar 20, 2011

can anyone recommend a software to check texts for plagiarism (by comparing it to resources available on the web i.e.)? So far, I only found software suitabe for windows.

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Ubuntu :: Get Texts And Image Of Texts On Ubuntu Terminal Like Mint?

Jun 1, 2010

In linux mint every time a new text appears with new terminal tab or new terminalwindow.How to do this on ubuntu terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Intercept Texts From Phone

Aug 25, 2010

I want to be able to see the text messages that are sent to MY phone on my machine. (I have Ubuntu 10.04, and Window$), And be able to reply to them on my machine. Does anyone know of any software for this?I have found all kinds of software, or services online that allow you to send text messages to phones, and receive and reply, but never through my existing phone. Basically, I need a way to intercept texts from my phone.

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Ubuntu :: Customize Nautilus Bar To Show Only Icons And No Texts?

Dec 16, 2010

how to customize nautilus toolbar to show only icons and no text.

For example, currently my nautilus toolbar looks like the attached Screenshot.png I want to remove those "Back" and "Forward" text strings to make it look like the attached Screenshot2.png

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Programming :: Add Texts Using Sed In Matching Pattern?

Feb 3, 2011

I need to add some text using sed before and after the matching pattern. Does any one have any clue?e.g.cat /my/file | sed -e "s/first pattern/New Pattern/g" . /my/file.bakNow I need a result like New Pattern

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Ubuntu :: Copy/paste Texts Between Host And Guest Machines?

May 9, 2010

Have just installed ubuntu on virual disk. So now, as host machine I have - Windows, and as guest machine - Ubuntu. Such question, how to copy/paste texts between host and guest machines (into command-line, mc, etc.)? ps: I have tried ctrl+v and ctrl+shift+v (ctrl, shift - left buttons), no reaction at all.

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Applications :: Application For Reading Texts Or Words?

Jan 3, 2011

To find an application reads texts or at least pronounces words. It have to work offline.

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General :: Insert Texts In A File By Using Shell?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm using fedora 14...i would like to insert few texts to a file in shell prompt(may be useful in scripting for in the future)...for eg,

[root@ruby ~]# cat > hello


so in the above file i need to add the line "new line added" near the number 4 in the above file ....how can be this done ...?

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OpenSUSE :: Weird Characters And Missing Texts - Don't Show Any Text At All But Squares Instead

May 22, 2011

I am using a VRS for ftp operations. I have bought it with OpenSuSe 11.3 installed without any Control Panel installed. I have used NX and installed IceWM as windows manager. It works really great. Then system wanted me to upgrade. I did so. After upgrade to 11.4, my programs screwed up. They don't show any text at all but squares instead. I have tried everything i know to fix this but i could not manage to repair it.

My VRS has 512mb RAM , OpenSuse 11.4 (32-Bit) and has no control panel. I use yast through SSH Telnet client (Putty).

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Debian Hardware :: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M And 4k Display - Small Icons / Windows And Texts

Mar 5, 2016

I have recently bought a new notebook, an ASUS K501UX, and I have encountered some problems installing Debian 8.3 on it.

In fact, already during the installation process it looks like there are some problems with the video card (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M), since the lower part of the screen is just black (even if it still "exists", that is the mouse can go "behind" it and click the "next" or "cancel" buttons which are "covered" by the black stripe): [URL] ....

This problem persists also after the installation. Furthermore, since the screen has a 4k resolution (3640x2160) all icons, windows and texts are painfully small: [URL] ....

As you can see, however, if I take a screenshot all the desktop is visualized. This is what the screen actually looks like in the lower part: [URL] ....

I tried changing the resolution from the Settings, but apart from 3640x2160 no other options are available. Furthermore, the display is labelled as "Unknown display": [URL] ....

I then tried to change it with xrandr, but the output of xrandr command is the following:

Code: Select allxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 3840 x 2160, current 3840 x 2160, maximum 3840 x 2160
default connected primary 3840x2160+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   3840x2160      0.00*

I then looked around the web, and found that this is a problem related to the video card driver. So, I followed the DebianWiki on the subject to install the driver, namely I installed the nvidia-driver package and then configured xorg with nvidia-xconfig. However, rebooting Debian, all I got is a blank screen with a flashing pointer, and xserver not working at all (if I press Alt+F3 and login and then try startx I get a long list of deadly-sounding errors like "screen not found").

What should I do? Should I try installing the drivers from the NVIDIA website? I've read (also in the DebianWiki) that this can cause problems to the system. Or is it really a driver problem? Why doesn't it detect the screen?

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Ubuntu :: Particular Brand Or Model Can't Recommend?

Sep 20, 2010

Currently I have a 500gb drive with Ubuntu on half of it. The other half is a soon to be Win7 install. I just picked up an identical drive for real cheap last week and I am interested in advice for going about setting up a RAID 1 for redundancy. My first road block is do I want software or hardware RAID? Is this even possible with a dualboot system? If hardware RAID is the way to go does anyone have a particular brand or model they could recommend?

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Ubuntu :: Recommend A Lightweight Distro To Use?

Aug 7, 2011

My Hard Drive in my PC went poo poo, so until I get a new one, I am going to be running off of a live cd for a while. What is a good small distro that is lightweight enough to be used on a Pentium 4 and 512mb of ram?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recommend As A Partition Setup?

Apr 10, 2010

I am a newbee and am not too sure, but anyway, here it goes. What would you recommend as a partition setup for a laptop with 1gb ram and 160gb hdd? Please note, the setup needs to be able to keep all documents, settings and programs on updates and whatnot.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recommend The Easy Way To Configure Web And Ftp?

Jul 12, 2010

What is the easy way to make ubuntu as a web and ftp server? So far i only use ubuntu as development server(LAMP in ubuntu 10.04) Now, i want try to host the server in my office rather then at service provider company.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recommend A Streaming Method?

Nov 15, 2010

I have access to a video stream that is only available in certain areas. I would like to re-broadcast this stream to other users. What method would you suggest? I tried using WebCamStudio but that method basically records my desktop and the video quality degrades to the point of being unable to view it clearly. I've seen some pretty clear re-broadcast streams on justin.tv or ustream, but typically when I ask the operator they're using some type of Windows software. Does anyone have a suggestion for doing this on Ubuntu? Does anyone here do any live streams or re-broadcasts using Ubuntu, or any Linux-based distro?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recommend An Audio Player?

Jun 26, 2011

I'm looking at dumping Rhythmbox for a new player on my netbook. I've tried Banshee which seemed good, apart from being quite sluggish (mono?).

Rhythmbox is now dead development wise I think aswell.

Exaile looks interesting, and I've heard good things about Clementine (although may be sluggish as its qt4)

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General :: Which Slackware And Ubuntu Would Recommend For The Configuration?

Jun 12, 2010

I went to Ubuntu website and saw there are two types, 32-bit and 64-bit. I was going to get 64-bit, but the website recommended me 32-bit. Intel i5, 2.26Ghz, 64-bit, 3 GB of RAM

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OpenSUSE :: Recommend Some KDE Customization

Sep 21, 2010

I wanted my final install of openSuse 11.3 to be, and I had chosen Gnome. Well, after a few days, I got bored with it again since I've done so much with it on other Distros, so I installed openSuse 11.3 with KDE last night lol. (Reinstalling Linux distros is just so much fun lol).Anyways, I'm currently running my KDE 4.4 Suse desktop and would like to know what some of you guys have for customizations. I'd like to make my computer real nice with cool themes, icons, widgets and whatever else I can change.

So please, just respond to this thread if you have done any customizations, simple or complex, and let us know how you like it and possibly how you did it! I'd love to hear all of your guys' feedback and look forward to all of the responses. I appreciate all of your time!

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General :: Recommend A Administration Course?

Mar 22, 2010

Can somebody recommend a linux administration course? I have some experience with Linux, and i want to become a linux sysadmin. What certification is good to have for this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Recommend A WIFI PCI Card For Desktop?

Sep 8, 2010

Im looking for a pci wifi card for my media pc, I would prefer wired, but we are moving soon , so i dont want to take the time to run a wire through the house. Im looking for one that will work out of the box with Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Security :: Server Consolidation...what Firewall Would U Recommend?

Jan 15, 2011

I am trying to consolidate my servers for a small office (less than 50 computers) and need file sharing/crm or erp database/backup/ftp/firewall/vpn etc). I was going to use endian but that seems to want to run on it's own machine. I was going to run endian in Sun's virtualbox. While researching I have found both guarddog and Lutelwall should work within Ubuntu (no virtual machine needed).

1. Is there a reason to use Endian over Lutelwall or Guarddog?
2. Is there any reason NOT to run a firewall within a VM on the server?
3. Should I just scrap the whole idea and run a router flashed with dd-wrt or tomato

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recommend Good Id3tag Batch?

Sep 1, 2011

I am missing in my natty some good tool to operate on id3 tags of my mp3. - Could you recommend one that you are/were using ? I don't use Rhythmbox or Banshee and need other, an "external" tool. Alternatively, it could be plugin for Audacious (v2.5) but it needs to have at least elements of batch processing as I have large and messy and hairy and greasy music collection to be sorted out

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Hardware :: Recommend A PCI Wireless N Card?

Jul 2, 2011

For as long as I've used Linux I've had trouble getting my wireless connection to work properly. I've tried about 4 different cards and now I'm using D-Link DWL G510 which even says Linux supported on the box. It installed right out of the box and when I have a connection it is fast enough; not as fast as the other computers, laptops, tablets or phones but reasonably fast.

The connection is however unstable and I often have no connection at all. It very strange actually because as time goes it seems to get more unstable, both since boot-up and since fresh install. I'm tired of this and since we got a new router which support wireless N I can just as well get a new card. Can you recommend any? It needs to be able to handle WPA-encryption.

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General :: Recommend For A New User To Read?

Feb 20, 2011

This is my first post and there probably will be many more. I've used linux before for short periods but never really tried to learn it. I've decided that I want to study linux and learn as much as I can about it. I dont hate windows or OSX but I really like problem solving and using the command line. Which I used to love with DOS.

I'm going for a complete career change so I want to get certified in Linux by taking the LPI test so I can show employers that I have some computer certification(In Japan it really helps). Now, I'm studying commands and trying to do simple tasks(just playing now) but want to get into it more.

Question: What books do you recommend for a begginner with just dos and windows problem solving experience to start learning linux? Also, what programing language should I pick up a bit for linux?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Recommend A USB 2.0 PCI Card?

May 9, 2010

I'm using the latest Centos on an older IBM server which only has USB1.1 ports, it works great and is very reliable. I would really like to add a USB2.0 card to the system. Can anyone recommend a reliable PCI card which will work with Centos, preferably one which does not require any special drivers to be loaded.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recommend Good Program For Editing MP3 Files?

Apr 30, 2010

Can someone recommend a good program for editing MP3 files? I need to shorten/fade in/fade out some tracks. Cool Edit Pro does nothing via VirtualBox!

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Ubuntu :: Recommend Scanner / Printer / Copier Software That Will Work With 10.04

Jul 6, 2010

Could somebody recommend Scanner/Printer/Copier software that will work with Ubuntu 10.04. My Scanner is a HP PSC 2355 all-in-one.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recommend A Web Interface Mail Client Like SquirrelMail?

Feb 12, 2011

I succeeded to install Postfix on my box. I also installed mailman.I don't understand what mailman do. It's similar to SquirrelMail? If no can you guys recommend a web interface mail client like SquirrelMail?

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Fedora :: Can Anyone Recommend A Good And Free UML Program?

Aug 24, 2011

Can anyone recommend a good and free UML program? I've been googling and the only thing that really caught my attention is Visual Paradigm.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Recommend Media Transfer App?

Nov 30, 2009

Can anyone recommend an easily usable media transfer application? That is, I want to copy audio files from my CDs, compress them if possible, perhaps organize & store them on disk, and transfer the ones I want to listen to to a media player. (Currently a Zen Vision:M).

The basic problem (there seem to be lots of ramifications) I've had with Creative's software and the Windows media player is that there doesn't seem to be any obvious way to sensibly organize the audio: it's all based on "albums", "artists", and "songs", where I listen to audio performances. So what I'd like to do is to copy say the two disks of Macbeth (which I can do, but it goes into about a dozen Track xxx files in a directory for each disk), somehow organize that into a unit that I can simply copy to the player and play from beginning to end. This seems to me to be a very basic sort of function, but nothing I've found will do it, at least in a way that I can discover.

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