Ubuntu :: Press TAB And Boot It Says "no Kernal"

Apr 29, 2010

I had a problem a couple of months ago after doing an update where something went wrong with the latest Kernal but I could still use Ubuntu by selecting another Kernal, now after doing an update last night and restarting.....nothing.... the screen reads:
GNU GRUB 1.97 beta4 Minimal BASH- like line editing is supported. For the first word TAB lists possible command completions. So if I press TAB and boot it says "no Kernal" does this mean UBUNTU is no more on my machine?

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General :: Find Out Kernal Version And Kernal Configuration File Location

Aug 24, 2010

I am using redhat linux enterprise linux 5, how to find out the linux kernal version and kernal configuration file location .

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Ubuntu :: Kernal Panic On Boot

Nov 20, 2010

So I just installed the new linux kernel ( version 26) . On reboot there is a kernel panic with something like not able to mount root fs on 0,0. The older kernel works fine though. And btw while installing the kernel it did complain about not sufficiant space in /boot. I have got this message earlier, so I removed one of the oldest kernels. and i recently there has been package failure during installation of other packages. And one last thing, i noted that during the removal of the older kernel, there were lines in the terminal suggesting that kernel-26 had not been configured properly, so it tried to configure kernel-25 which also apparently failed.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Doesn't Boot With The Latest Kernal?

Apr 29, 2010

After I upgraded from 9.10, I restarted and waited. ubuntu boot screen froze after a little bit, and the my caplock and scrolllock started flashing (I believe this is the kernel panicking) Then I tried safe mode and it did the same thing when is was saying something about sensors. So I then went to grub and started it with an old kernel and it booted fine (without the splash screen though) what should I do?

EDIT: ok the kernel version it is not working with is version 2.6.32-21 and it does work in 2.6.31-21. Also, it now doesn't say anything about sensors. It panics after App-armor loads ans skips Firefox's profile (or something like that)

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Software :: Boot Normally Without Using Kernal?

May 21, 2010

I'm using ubnutu 9.04 for Application developments. still last two days ago. my linux starts procesing goes slow down and thats why i restart my system. but i cant login to my system normally. its goes to kernal command prompt and reading some messages like given below.,

Reading apache2 server [OK]
Reading -------------- [OK]
(NOTE : ---- means some messages like above.)

After it shows login in way of command prompt i given my username & password its redirected shell command., then i again give some instructions like startx. Then the normal pages are all appear.

Anyone Could known that process how to rectify that issue asap.

IS it possibility to boot my system with login page normally...?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot After Latest Kernal Update?

Jun 6, 2010

I'm a linux newbie so be gentle please. I'm on Lucid Lynx. Last night, the update manager installed updates to the linux kernel header. I'm not exactly sure what that means but it was one of the more important updates as it required a reboot.

This morning, my machine would not boot. After getting past the loading screen, my laptop hangs on a black screen. It was working flawlessly before yesterday. I can boot into recovery mode which appears identical to the regular mode, which works fine and is what I've been using. Also, I used a custom bootscreen, but it seems to have reverted to the default one that comes with the Lucid Lynx install.

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Ubuntu :: Press C To Continue To Wait Or Press S To Skip Mounting Or M For Manual Recovery?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm randomly getting 'Continue to wait; or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery...' or something like that at boot ((it flashes very quickly)- If I don't press anything, I'm prompted for my password (I configured it to login with password) and the desktop loads...

I'm using Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 -> Ultimate Edition Home

I was using my 1TB hdd to dual-boot linux, windows, and for storage...Yesterday, I imaged the linux partition, and restored it to an approximately 66GB partition I created on a 150GB hdd...Besides the 66GB partition, the rest of the 150GB hdd is 'unallocated space'... That's when the above message started...Below are screenshots of the fstab and partitions as they are now...

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Ubuntu :: Boot Windows 7 By Default And Have Boot From Button Press?

Sep 21, 2010

i was just wondering if there was any way to make it only boot ubuntu from pressing a button at startup like f11 or something instead of coming up with a menu asking me to choose which operating system to boot.

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Fedora :: Every Boot Bug Reporting Kernal Crash?

Mar 5, 2010

At every boot I get an automatic bug reporting warning about the kernal. Not sure what is causing this or how to fix it. It is on a Dell d600 laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key

Apr 16, 2011

Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. I got this error after: Reducing my Windows 7 partition by about 100gb. Creating a new partition (100gb) and copying my Ubuntu partition (10gb) to the new partition. After it was copied, and pasted, the original partition was deleted. I now had two partitions a new 100gb Ubuntu partition and a 600gb (or so) Windows 7 partition.

All of this was done using a bootable USB with Ubuntu 10.10 and GParted partition editor. Now when I boot I get the "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key." error.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Lock Up At I386 Start Kernal Command And Blinky Cursor

Aug 21, 2010

I have a pc trying to install fedora. It is an amd downloaded and tried to install different versions of fedora. The latest i686 and will get to a boot screen and when selecting boot will lock up at the i386 start kernal command and blinky curser. Yes I am new to linux and may need some hand holding. I have however successfully installed fedora on other computers a while back which is why I am not sure what is going on. It may be a hardware mismatch. I will try to see if I can find another computer to install. I used a different computer and is working. The athlon computer is not working.

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General :: PClinuxOS Hangs On Boot - Kernal Panic- Not Syncing - Attempted To Kill Init

Jun 7, 2010

I recently installed new hard drive and cloned old hard drive software onto it. The bootloader installs either linux or other operating system. Ever since the cloning, boot hangs. Words in the thread title are the last to appear before everything grinds to a halt. Just before the kernal panic message appears, "Initrd finished" is last line. Will have to try booting again to find more info before this.

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Hardware :: Boot Hanging On HP PC W/ Ubuntu Unless Press Key?

Mar 5, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10-i386 on my HP a6242n PC and whenever I restart or turn it on from shutdown the computer lights up but nothing shows on my screen until I press a key, and when it does start up it's just starting the boot

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04.1 Wubi - For Boot Option Press Esc Now

Jan 26, 2011

I gave up on XP - not the place for long sob stories - and decided to try Ubuntu. I know nothing, so I chose the 10.04.1 because it said stable... made a CD, took it to the problem computer, tried several times to load, then noticed that "Wubi" loaded from windows. I hunted down a 10.04.1 Wubi, and it seemed to read rather well. No error messages, told me to remove the disc. I did, told me to reboot. I chose ubuntu and it froze with the words :

Completing the Ubuntu installation:
For more installation boot options, pres 'Esc' now...
I waited, nothing. I put the CD in, nothing. Now what?

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Ubuntu :: BOOTMGR Is Missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del To Restart When Boot Up

Jun 10, 2010

The system worked fine for me until one fine day, when I boot up I get this message: BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart

I checked the BIOS to make sure it ran the correct drive first but no go. I tried reinstall ubuntu but it doesnt seem to work. I dont have windows running on this machine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Get The Message Boot-mgr Is Missing, Press Ctr - Alt - Del To Restart

Jul 15, 2010

I installed 10.04, and now i cant get back to windows. I have Ubuntu on one hard drive and windows on the other one. When i try to boot up, unless i go to the boot menu and select the hard drive with Ubuntu on it i get the message boot-mgr is missing, press Ctr - Alt - Del to restart.

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Fedora Installation :: On Macbook Quadruple Boot - Error "no Bootable Device Insert Boot Disk And Press Any Key"

May 13, 2010

Today I installed Fedora (I need it for school), but not everything seems to work fine Before installing Fedora on my Macbook I had a triple booting machine: Mac OSX snow leopard, Windows 7 and Ubuntu. (using rEFIt) All of them where working. Since I installed Fedora on the 4th partition I can only boot Mac OSX. When selecting one of the other OS's it says: "no bootable device insert boot disk and press any key"

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General :: Get The DSL Logo And Press Enter To Boot?

Sep 4, 2010

I have downloaded the Damm small linux iso ,and burned the image to the CD with infrarecorder .But when i try to boot it from the CD ,I get the DSL logo and press enter to boot ,then the computer freezes with two small penguins in the top left corner of the screen.

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Fedora :: Dual Boot XP - Win7 And F13 - "Boot Mgr Not Found - Press Cntrl-Alt-Del To Restart"?

Nov 18, 2010

how to dual boot XP, Win7 and F13? I ask this because I tried it a few weeks ago and I couldn't boot into XP. I installed XP, Win7 and Fedora in that order and when I tried to boot into XP from grub I got the message Code: Boot Mgr not found. Press Cntrl-Alt-Del to restart

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Ubuntu :: Boot Failure - Insert System Disk And Press Enter

Aug 18, 2010

I'm trying to do exactly this: [URL] the first time i did it, I made it and everything was fine, except I didn't know what "installation size" meant in wubi, so as I selected 3GB, the rest of the partition was left empty and I didn't have enough space for ubuntu. Then I formatted the partition again and reinstalled ubuntu. Since then while it's booting, I get the message Disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter. I tried reinstalling many times, but I still get this message..

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 - Xp Home Ed. Dual Boot - Disk Read Error - Press Ctrl+Alt+Del

Jul 27, 2010

I dual booted xp home ed with ubuntu netbook remix10.4 and in the grub loader (i did side by side install) it shows xp at the bottom (after ubuntu, ubuntu recovery mode, memcheck64 , xp

All of the loaders work fine (ubuntu loads fine, im typing this from ubuntu.) but xp will just say: Disk Read Error. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del

One hard drive is partioned 500GB HD ([440gb XP partition] + [60gb ubuntu])

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disc Boot Failure - Insert System Disk And Press Enter

Jan 7, 2010

I bought a t770.uk HP desktop PC, which came without a Hard drive as the pervious owner had removed it for security reasons. A week later I got a hold of a brand new - out of an anti-static sealed bag - compatible Western Digital Caviar SE 80GB SATA150 7200 HDD, and installed it as directed by my t770.uk manual. Up until now, things looked to be on a roll. As I don't have any windows OS, I figured Ubunutu would be the way to go (and it certainly is from what I've heard and read about it. I can't wait!).

So I sent off for a CD and it popped through my mail a few weeks back. The problem that I am having is after booting past a very brief view of the HP POST screen, the screen goes black with the error "Disc boot failure-insert system disk and press enter". I've tried placing the Ubuntu disc in (assuming it is asking for that? An OS disc) and restarting, and changing the boot order around, but no matter what I do the error persists and I can't install Ubuntu. I really want to get this PC running with Ubuntu.

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Fedora :: Boot Sequence Of 11 Using Lvm - Message - Press '1' To Enter Interactive Startup ?

Jun 15, 2010

I've been fiddling about with vortexbox (the one before 1.4 I think), for a while. This is a music ripping and server rpm setup using Fedora 11 as the base.

As it was on a test machine, decided to try changing the logical volume sizes of LogVol00 and LogVol02 to fit a few more cd's on 02 before getting a new pc (just to see how it works).

Logged on and opened up the graphic version of lvm (using gnome). Then selected the LogVol02 logical volume, select edit, changed name to LogVol02-Storage, saved and logged out. Rebooted vortexbox since then its been unable to start properly (is this a kernel panic?).

Read up a lot on lvm on the net, have access to Fedora 11 disk 1, so logged on. Eventually managed (I thought to) to change LogVol02-Storage to LogVol02 using lvrename.

However, still refuses to boot completely.

The message it gives is as follows (sort of): Welcome to Fedora Press '1' to enter interactive startup

Setting up Logical Volume Management: 3 logical volume(s) in volume group 'VolGroup00' now active

*** An error occurred during file system check.
*** Droping you to a shell; the system will reboot when you leave the shell.

Give root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue):

Loving vortexbox appart from this. Will it be easier just to reinstall everything? If so, is there a way of listing all the changes I've done so I can reproduce (I'm thinking of just looking at all the commands I ran on the CLI).

Otherwise, is there a way of listing all of the commands I ran in terminal and piping them into a file so I can see what I need to do to rebuild after reinstalling?

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Debian Installation :: Lenovo 3000 Wifi - Press Fn+f8 Twice On Each Boot For Enabling The Touchpad

Jun 2, 2010

I've one lenovo 3000 g430 4152 laptop on which i have windows but previously installed debian 5.03 and for enabling the wireless i've to download broadcom b43legacy and install it by compiling because the backports kernel doesn't work with lenovo and after installing debian accidently switched of the wireless by the slide button on laptop

but on next boot i was not able to enable the wireless either by the slide button or fn+f5 which is the key for enabling it the wireless then on some forum i got advise that i can only re-enable by installing windows because lenovo drivers are available for only windows for this model... my question is that is there any solution for it in debian and also there is one more problem that i've to press fn+f8 twice on each boot for enabling the touchpad...

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Ubuntu :: System Will Not Boot - "Module Name Not Found. Aborted. Press Any Key To Exit"

Oct 25, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1545 I got last week. I had Win7 preinstalled and I wanted Ubuntu for university so I installed that too. I came out of Ubuntu after installing it and went into Windows for something. I shut down but the next morning - ever since I power up the laptop - I get this message saying "Module name not found. Aborted. Press any key to exit". Dell tech support were unaware of this problem previously but they have offered to come round and put the pc back to factory settings. Do you think this is the only way I can go forward from this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update The Kernal To 3.0?

Aug 8, 2011

Does anyone know how to update the kernal to 3.0?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Old / Un-needed Kernal Versions?

Jan 4, 2010

I did "uname -a" and it's showing that I'm using 2.6.31-16-generic of the Linux Kernel. Now, in the GRUB2 boot menu, it's showing

2.6.31-14-generic & recovery
2.6.31-15-generic & recovery

and the current one: 2.6.31-16-generic & recovery.

I would like to remove the old ones because of the pileup they're creating.

Other info: I have wXP pro as my dualboot OS.

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Ubuntu :: Updating New Kernal Choice Of Menu.lst

Jun 3, 2010

This morning I had 10 updates for my system including a new kernel 2.6.28-19 During install I was asked a question as to which menu.lst to use. I was completely confused as there was no documentation explaining the choices, so I took the default, keep my current menu.list. I did that because I have a modification to my menu.lst having added acpi-noirq I was afraid I would loose that and not be able to boot. Anyhow I ended up with my same menu.lst without the new kernel. So it booted the old kernel 2.6.28-18.Where is some documentation to give one some idea of which of the about 8 choices to make? I can't be the first with this problem. I have another computer to undate that has a different mod to menu list.I would like to know the correct way to choose the proper choice. If I don't get an answer I will try to document in more detail the choices.

I got around the problem by editing menu.list and copying the entries for 2.6.28-18 and changing them to 2.6.28-19 Many folks might not even realise they were running on the old kernel.

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Ubuntu :: Random Kernal Freeze On Laptop?

Nov 30, 2010

Keep having random freezes on my laptop.. Its a Dell Stdui 1558 running Ubuntu 10.10 however i dont get the freezes on 10.04.01

So i might have to revert back to 10.40.1 #

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Ubuntu :: List - Kernal Supports For ARM926

Jul 25, 2010

Can any one list the Kernal supports for ARM926

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