Ubuntu :: No Network After Upgrade To 9.10?

Jan 17, 2010

can some one familair with this issue pls help, i am using a router with wire not wls. here is some info that maybe will help you tell me what i need to do. I am a beginner but im can learn quick. dhclientInternet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.2Copyright 2004-2008 Internet Systems Consortium.All rights reserved.For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/

can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases: Permission denied
SIOCSIFADDR: Permission denied
SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied


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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Manager Won't Autostart After Upgrade 11.2 To 11.3

Oct 27, 2010

I'm having a problem since my last upgrade from 11.2 to 11.3 (Gnome).

Before the upgrade NetworkManager would run just fine at start up, now I have to explicitly run the command from a console using the root user to start it.

(My problem is the same as this one, only in gnome instead of kde)

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Network After Upgrade 10.2 To 11.3?

Dec 29, 2010

May be there is an answer in some other topics but i'm sure which particular one is really the answer. The problem is the following. I've updated my OpenSuse 10.2 to 11.3 using this site and boot from DVD. But after I'd successfully completed the update I've not succeded to use Internet or local network more. Even I can't ping the gateway, I get just a message that network is unreachable. But I've set all IPs and the firewall is turned off. I already don't know what can I do to make the network working. As you see under Windows I have the Internet access ('cause I'm writing this message). And I had it before OpenSuse upgrade.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Network After 10.04 Upgrade?

May 21, 2010

I was using Karmic Koala on my Asus 1005HA and everything was working ok. After upgrading to Lucid Lynx I have no network access anymore.

Pinging to my router returns "Network is unreachable".

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade - Slows Network ?

Jul 8, 2010

I upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10.

Network accesses are now dramatically slower.

I upgraded a copy of my previous 9.10 installation so I can still use 9.10.

Network does work with 10.04 but is extremely slow. Website loading is initially quite fast but then slows to a crawl. Second and third tabs appear to stall completely, waiting for the first tab to finish.

All of this works just fine under 9.04.

Toshiba M45-S165
1.5 GB RAM

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Upgrade No Network Connection?

Jan 17, 2010

i have a wired connection thru a netgear router wgr614, i am running a window machine fine , but ubuntu machine say no connection . i have look around seems to be a common problem . but no simple fix . Network manager is bad , do i uninstall or change thru terminal or .....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 9.04 To 9.10: Lost Network Manager

Jan 16, 2010

This is my fourth on-line upgrade from Gutsy (started with Dapper ...) all the previous one went without a hitch !

So I was pretty confident this afternoon upgrading my Lenovo laptop from 9.04 to 9.10.

At one point during the install, I got error messages and was offer to do a "Partial Install". I accepted, different things happened, rebooted. Update manager came on with again the partial update pop-up. Accepted it again, it downloaded more files, rebooted, partial upgrade window again but it failed immediately.

The network connection was gone, clicking on the network icon I got a message that the network manager is not running.

I cannot check or uncheck the "network unabled" choice.

However, 9.10 is running, slow and weird, but no network connection so I cannot try to finish the "partial upgrade"

Every time I reboot the Update manager pops up.

Trying to boot any previous version in "grub" fails right away saying it is unable to mount the drives ...

Is there a way to start the Network Manager from a terminal ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Not Working After Upgrade To 10.04

Jun 22, 2010

I recently upgraded to 10.04 and now my wired network no longer works. I am unsure if it worked at all since the upgrade as that computer is rarely used, but it was definitely working prior to the upgrade. It is some sort of Realtec card, I believe. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm running 32 bit 10.04 on a 2 GHz P4.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Upgrade Network Manager In Lucid ?

Sep 29, 2010

I connect to internet using GSM modem Huawei EC1262. I need to use wvdial to connect internet. I am using Lucid Lynx 64bit on this laptop. On my desktop I have upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 64bit and my Modem is automatically Identified by Network Manager and after giving username and password I can automatically to internet without dialing throung wvdial.

Now I just want to know that how can I upgrade my network manager in Lucid to the version in Maverick. Is this even possible to do without breaking my system?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Find Network After Upgrade To Natty 11.04

May 5, 2011

I have two laptops, both with broadcom drivers and in both it's working pretty well with my university network but I can't find my home network on the list (I can see my neighbours network). It was working perfectly before the upgrade, and of course, I can connect on windows to my home network.

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Ubuntu :: Network Interface Not Visible To Programs After WiFi Upgrade(10.4)?

Jul 15, 2010

On ubuntu 10.4, I upgraded my laptop from a fluky Broadcom 4322 wireless card to a yummy Intel 5300. The system recognized the card as far as lspci and lshw were concerned, but it was disabled. I used "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" to get it active, removed wicd and installed nmanager, and I could access the internet via web browser and mail.

The issue is that other programs (kismet, wireshark, zenmap, anything that I use at my job) do not recognize the new wlan0 interface at all. I've uninstalled completely from synaptic then reinstalled things like wireshark, but under interfaces I get nothing, not even eth0. Nothing looks askew in syslog or the relevant lshw/lspci searches. Does anyone have an idea on this? The Intel 5300 is rolling along without a hiccup so I doubt the issue is there

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dell D420 Upgrade To 10.10, No Network Connectivity?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a Dell D420 that I successfully upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10. Everything looks fine except there is no LAN or wireless working. I upgraded the BIOS to the latest version (A06) and there are no proprietary drivers listed under System/Administration/Additional drivers.

when I plug the LAN cable into the 420, the indicator cycles for a long time but eventually displays the red exclamation mark.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 Upgrade Of Dhcpcd

Apr 13, 2011

Does jexec need to be modified? Not clear from the error messages which jexec is

Result of zypper update...

The following package is going to be upgraded:


1 package to upgrade.

There are some running programs that use files deleted by recent upgrade. You may wish to restart some of them. Run 'zypper ps' to list these programs.

The following running processes use deleted files:

You may wish to restart these processes. See 'man zypper' for information about the meaning of values in the above table.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Network Manager Applet And Broken Kde After Upgrade To 10.04

May 1, 2010

I was running Ubuntu 9.10 on my HP G70 laptop and did an upgrade using upgrade manager to Ubuntu 10.04.

Since I haven't been able to get wifi connection or wired working. The Network Manager applet is missing from the notification area and if I try to run nm-applet manually it says it is already running. I tried killing the process and then running it manually in the terminal and although the process appears to be running it is missing from the panel.

Booting into the live cd has the applet working fine so something in the upgrade process must have failed.

I tried changing the theme to see if it displays in other themes but had no luck.

I also tried to log into kde but kde seems to be broken. When I log into it after the splash screen all I get is a black screen with only my mouse pointer.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade To 10.10 Changed Computer Name And Restored KDEs Network Manager

Oct 16, 2010

Before the update my computer was named "joe-laptop", (i think it was the host name is what its called, that was named "joe-laptop". Along with that, on my KDE session/desktop (I installed Ubuntu, but later got the kubuntu desktop packages) I had the gnomes network manager used instead of KDEs (kdes network manager was giving me problems, I would type the password in for my wifi router, then it would stall, then ask again as if its ignoring the password. but thats not important so im not gonna get into that whole part (at least yet)).

When i upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 the login screen said "localhost.localdomain" rather than "joe-laptop", and in the terminal it says "joe@localhost", rather than "joe@joe-laptop", along with that it kicked KDEs network manager back into use on the kde desktop, which means I can't access the internet on kde now.

I'm trying to fix the network manager part myself, but if I can't get that Ill post in this thread or edit this post. I was able to previously get gnomes network manager to load over it so I'm sure I'll hit it again.

I figured out the problem, it turns out that the name problem was that it deleted the /etc/hosts file, so i just copied the older hosts I backed up a month or so ago and slapped it in there and it worked perfect.

As for getting the gnome network manager, it must not be compatible with the qtcurve gtk theme, cause I switched it the gtk theme to a newer one, then loaded back up nm-applet and bam it came up there!

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OpenSUSE Network :: Openvpn Broken After Upgrade To 11.1

Jul 6, 2010

after I upgraded my SUSE 11.0 to 11.1 many problemes solved themselves. But now there is a new one.

I use openvpn, which always used to work without problems. After upgrading to SUSE 11.1 there is the error message:

"/etc/openvpn/client-suse.sh: line 7: modify_resolvconf: command not found
Wed Jul 7 00:11:38 2010 script failed: could not execute shell command"

The shell script is as follows:

case $UPORDOWN in
modify_resolvconf modify -s openvpn -p openvpn -t OpenVPN


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OpenSUSE Network :: Missing Eth0 After Upgrade From 11.1 To 11.3?

Jul 24, 2010

Last weekend I upgraded my Opensuse 11.1 machine (pretty clean) to 11.3. After the upgrade, the NVidia graphics no longer worked, but more importantly, eth0 was not bound to my Intel 82566DC gigabit ethernet controller. I fooled around in yast network devices long enough to know that everything there is configured correctly. The Yast message at the bottom of the Network Settings screen says:

"Unable to configure the network card because the kernel device (eth0, wlan0) is not present. This is mostly caused by missing firmware (for wlan devices). See dmesg output for details."dmesg output shows nothing related to networking. The boot screen shows:

Setting up (localfs) network interfaces:
lo ...
Waiting for mandatory devices: eth0 __NCS__
29 28 27 ... 1 0 ... failed
eth0 no interface found ... failed


Any ideas here? I've googled till my fingers were tired and all I've found are references from folks with real hardware issues. This machine worked fine for me under 11.1. Now I can't get 11.3 to bind the nic.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Win XP Can't Access Files After Upgrade?

Aug 21, 2010

I upgraded from Suse 10.3 to 11.2, since when my Win XP box can't access the Linux files. All was OK before upgrading. The Linux (Suse 11.2) can access the Win files fine using Samba and the workgroup.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Connect To Internet Since Upgrade From 11.2 To 11.3

Sep 3, 2010

I upgraded from 11.2 to 11.3, and now I can't seem to get my network/internet connection working. I am using a router and a cable modem, and the connection is of course DSL. I am using wpa2 for security. I can't even FIND where to enter my wpa2 key. When I upgraded from 10.x to 11.2, there was no such problem.

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Internet Access After Upgrade?

May 11, 2011

I just did a large patch on my opensuse11.3 system (upgrade of all installed packages), and whilst my network interface works, I cannot get past my router onto the internet.

I can connect to other computers on my network (here at home), I have an IP address via dhcp from my router, but I cannot get internet access, either from thunderbird, firefox, or simply by [URL] Clearly the computer was connected to the internet just fine minutes before since I did the large patch! Also, my other computers CAN still connect to the internet.

how i can debug it? It is just too coincidental I have upgraded everything and now somethings amiss!

If it's relevant, my router is a netgear WGR614v9.

A few things I've tried...

linuxthinkpad:/var/log # /sbin/route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * U 0 0 0 eth1
link-local * U 0 0 0 eth1
loopback * U 0 0 0 lo


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OpenSUSE Network :: Ethernet Not Working After Upgrade To 11.4?

Jun 12, 2011

openSUSE 11.4 KDE
single wired network connection
running as a headless server
upgrade from 11.1

Problem: I had a bunch network services running under 11.1 with KDE. Now after upgrade to 11.4 full network functionality is broken. I was using ifup but now is broken. Between ifup and NetworkManager I can demonstrate the full required range of functionality but not all at the same time (the union of functionality of each provides the full required functionality, but not individually). WOL does work in all cases.

With 'ifup', it seems that everything is 'working' as before, but services are broken when accessed from outside. eth0 up and fuctioning with statically assigned IP. Outgoing connections seem to work - I can browse the web. But trying to access services from outside is broken. VNC is rejected. Connecting to SMB shares reports login error. TFTP doesn't respond. SSH connection is rejected.

Although sometimes it will get in a state that everything except VNC works (connects but then is dropped upon login with "Error while waiting for server message") but I can't consistently reproduce this state other than it seems to happen after some extended period of time.

I have verified the firewall is off and apparmour is off.

On the other hand, everything works with 'NetManager' (both KDE and Plasmoid) with no other changes. The problem here is that it does not seem possible to set a static IP address - eth0 doesn't show up in the list of wired interfaces to be able to select and edit. That's problem 1 - I need a static IP. (I suppose I could reserve an address at the DHCP server, but a static IP works 100% to get the right address). The other problem is that neither NetManager starts at boot and only start _after_ login at the console - that won't work as I never log in at the console. (I suppose I could set it up to login automatically into a console or something but I would rather not)

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General :: Upgrade Causes Wireless Not To Be On Network List?

Nov 14, 2009

When I install Ubuntu 9.04 the wireless works fine on my Toshiba Satellite. However, when I let the update manager update to the newest things the wireless doesn't even show up as a choice, as if the wireless card isn't installed. The drop down menu from the network icon only has wired on the list and I can't seem to find anywhere to set the wireless as existing. The same thing happens when I install a new version of Ubuntu 9.10. It just doesn't seem to be there. If anyone knows why this is or how I can fix it it would be greatly appreciated. If you need any more info from me just let me know.

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Fedora Networking :: No Wifi Network Connection After Upgrade F13 To F14?

May 29, 2011

Wifi network operated perfectly with f13. Upgrading f13 to f14 did not show any problems except for networking. It seems that the wlan0-link is not ready. Consequently no network information about adresses can be obtained. Tried with network tools to activate wlan0. No reaction Tried to deactivate Networkmanager and bring network up with

service NetworkManager stop
ifconfig -a
ifconfig wlan0 up
dhclient wlan0

No reaction on network. The NetworkManager icon disappears which is understandable.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 10.3 To 11.1 Upgrade Breaks GID Resolution In Samba?

Feb 8, 2010

I've just upgraded my main file server from 10.3 to 11.1 by DVD (I did *not* have a chance to do a zypper up after, so it's the base 11.1 install), and in upgrading my Samba from 3.0.23b to 3.2.4, I seem to have broken winbind resolution of group names. wbinfo -g shows all the right group name entries, and getent group shows that they map to the proper GID numbers... it's just that ls isn't seeing them: I get domain usernames, but the group column is 5 digit numeric GIDs in my defined range. I infer that something broke PAM, but I'm not enough of a PAM jockey to know what. I don't have a pam.d/winbind, but I'm not clear that I'm supposed to. I see that the four pam.d/common-* files were touched, but their contents are the same as the older ones I have.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Lost Internet Connection After Upgrade

Jun 21, 2010

After having updated unconditionally all packages in Kde-desktop-factory-repository to get the latest version 4.4.4, I can no longer connect to the Internet through Knetworkmanager. I receive the the following message from a pop-up window when clicking on the Knetworkmanager icon

Code: KNetworkManager cannot start because the installation is misconfigured.System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings; contact your system administrator or distribution.KNetworkManager will not start automatically in future.I tried opening Knetworkmanager in a terminal as root user through 'su' but received the following message:

Code:# knetworkmanager knetworkmanager(2331): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server:"Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken."

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OpenSUSE Network :: Ethernet Card Missing After Upgrade?

Jul 1, 2011

I have a strange problem. An old PC is my home server. On the PC I had in the long past 2 NICs. For the last year or so, I had only one NIC installed, a Compex with 8139too module which run just fine. After the upgrade to 11.4, 32bit of course, with zypper dup, I saw that I had no internet and no network connection to the server. So, I logged on the server and found that rcnetwork could not start the eth0 and eth3(!). OK, a mistake I thought. Enter Yast and solve it. Unfortunately, yast reports 2 cards! I removed all of them, rebooted but nothing. lspci reports 2 cards, while I have NONE installed on the motherboard!hwinfo --netcard the same! yast the same! So, the OS "knows" that I have 2 NICs, while I definitely have none!

Checked if /etc/udev/rules.d/70- had any left data from the past, but the file was empty. Checked the /etc/sysconfig/network/scripts nothing again.In principle, the openSUSE 11.4 believes that I have 2 cards (and with wrong MACs, obviously) and I cannot make it rescan the PCI bus to find that I have nothing! I am sure that some garbages are left somewhere but I don't know where to look at. it is very critical to have that server but on-line and in my LAN.

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Debian Configuration :: System Upgrade => No Network After Suspend And Resume?

Aug 7, 2011

Lately I upraded my Debian using aptitude update/aptitude upgrade - including installing a new kernel (3.0). Since this upgrade I have strange problem with networking. When I suspend my computer and resume it, I do not have connectivity with network:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable


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Fedora Networking :: Wired Network Won't Connect Automatically After Upgrade

Jun 11, 2010

I just upgraded to Fedora 13 (from 10, using preupgrade), and I've gotten most things working again, but I'm still having trouble with the network.My wired connection (eth0) doesn't connect on boot (even though ONBOOT=yes in /usr/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0).Because of that, I figured I'd just leave eth0 connected manually (with ifup eth0). However, I then found that if I try to connect to a VPN like this, the system reverts to the "stalling every time I try to connect to the internet" problem that I had earlier.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Crashes After Upgrade (Backtrace)

May 29, 2011

I was running F15 for a month now. After this week's updates NetworkManager crashes at startup and throws a backtrace. During reading ifcfg-<wifi network name> it was throwing some assert() failed of some hash is not null, but just as a warning. Later it was dying while reading ifcfg-eth0.

I removed all the ifcfg-* files in /etc/NetworkManager and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
Then NetworkManager started but at the moment I used the gnome applet to connect to a network it crashed trowing a backtrace (I have no debuginfo installed).

Then I also deleted ifcfg-* in /etc/sysconfig/network/profiles/default and /etc/sysconfig/network/devices, now the NetworkManager does not crash anymore, but instead gnome applet crashes when I try to connect to a network. grrr...

As a result I am still unable to connect to any network. Why so many copies (hardlinks?) to these config scripts? Now it is even worse: I rebooted the system and at the boot time when NetworkManager starts the boot process freezes. It says in VPN the Get() method is not implemented. I am unable event to switch a console and to log in to put the config files back (getty not started?).

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 64 Bit Network Upgrade : Desktop Ikons Disappeared?

Mar 12, 2011

i have just completed update to 11.4 : all my Desktop Ikons have disappeared My Ikons were old-style KDE3 type displayed over entire desktop HOW can I restore my Ikons ?

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