Ubuntu :: Live Cd Play .mov Files By Default?

Aug 2, 2010

Can the ubuntu live cd play .mov files by default?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Play Avi-files In 11.4 - Can't Seem To Play .avi Files?

Nov 24, 2010

I just installed 11.4 and its working like a dream, only I cant seem to play .avi files. does anyone know a solution for this?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Play MIDI / Play Or Preferably Convert (MP3) Old SNG Files?

Aug 11, 2010

I need to play or preferably convert (i.e. to MP3) old SNG files, which contain voice records. From what I could find, it's basically a MIDI created by synthetiser. I think it was recorded by some ancient VLC player. I failed so far to play it on anything I could download.

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Play MP3 Files With Play (sox)

Mar 10, 2015

I have tried to play mp3 files with sox play.

The result I get is:

play FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `mp3'

I have installed all libsox packages I could find, including libsox-fmt-mp3 and libmad0.

sox -h though, gives me:

AUDIO FILE FORMATS: 8svx aif aifc aiff aiffc al amb amr-nb amr-wb anb au avi avr awb cdda cdr cvs cvsd cvu dat dvms f32 f4 f64 f8 ffmpeg flac fssd gsm gsrt hcom htk ima ircam la lpc lpc10 lu m4a m4b maud mp4 mpg nist ogg prc raw s1 s16 s2 s24 s3 s32 s4 s8 sb sds sf sl sln smp snd sndfile sndr sndt sou sox sph sw txw u1 u16 u2 u24 u3 u32 u4 u8 ub ul uw vms voc vorbis vox wav wavpcm wmv wv wve xa
AUDIO DEVICE DRIVERS: alsa ao oss ossdsp pulseaudio

(no mp3 mentioned there).

The reason I try to play mp3 files with sox is that I wanted to play a playlist with different formats and feed it to ices2 through a pipe, ie :

sox Musik/storlista.pls -t raw - | ices2 ices-pcm.xml sox

FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `mp3'

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Ubuntu / Apple :: The Default Option Is "live" Bla Bla Bla But In Case Of Problems Use "Live Video=ofonly"?

Apr 22, 2011

I've got an old iMac g3 on which I'd like to install Ubuntu Dapper Drake.Here's the problem:I insert the disk in the computer.Keep pressing "C" till this comes out:Quote:"The default option is "live" bla bla bla but in case of problems use "Live video=ofonly"I write "Live".The orange progress bar appears, but the the screen becomes black.I still can hear sounds: the classic ubuntu log-in music, but I can not see anything: I guess the live has started, but the screen is just black.By pressing CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE I'm able to come back to shell.

Once rebooted, I try "Live video=ofonly".Again the orange progress bar, but then this message comes outQuote:"Failed to start the X Server, It is likely that is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the server output to diagnose the problem?"Even if I dont select anything, some random words appear in the screen, too fast for me to read them.Then I'm back to shell.I read here (that the problem is caused by Xorg and that the solution can but editing his configuration by using Quote:sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.confBut I just don't know when to do that: Ubuntu is not installed yet and there is only MacOS 9.2 on that machine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MythTv Does Not Play Live Tv

Jan 23, 2011

I installed mythtv and found channels using mythtv-setup. When i click Watch TV from the myth tv main menu i get a screen that says Please wait... and then it takes me back to the main menu...My tuner is Winfast PVR tv 2000xp Is there any way to get it to work?

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Ubuntu :: DVD's Wont Play In The Default Or In Vlc?

May 1, 2010

I put in a dvd into my portable dvd player because I have a net book and so ubuntu 10.4 (this also happened in 9.10) sais - would you like to play this with: movie player. I say yes it sais your missing packages to play this type of media, i tell it to search it fails to find anything.....

So i right click and open with vlc media player. the player opens and the play list opens with the words Floppy 00:00

I wait for a few seconds and click play it goes from the play simple to the pause back to the play in a matter of seconds with out playing the dvd...

onw windows VLC will play this dvd.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Play Live Radio / Make It Possible?

Mar 24, 2010

I used to be able to listen to live Internet radio (Classic fm and Chill) but no longer. The podcasts of these stations activate Mplayer but not the live stations

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General :: Unable To Play Live CD?

Aug 21, 2010

I downloaded another distro But I am unable to play inside linux. When I insert the Iso CD nothing happen. Do I have have to boot from CD? My present OS is ultimate edition.

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Ubuntu :: Live Media Player - To Play All Vedio/audio ?

Apr 12, 2011

I am using ubuntu 10.4(i dont have internet connetcion) i want install any media player. its giving some packages are missing,its irritating. is there any live media players in ubuntu/windows

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Debian :: Cannot Get Live Streaming Stations To Play

Jan 8, 2011

I've running Squeeze 64bit and most multimedia is working. but when I try to get live streaming stations to play in Streamtuner, Rhythmbox, or Exaile, nothing comes in. What is needed to allow radio streams to play?

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Ubuntu :: Default Wallpapers On Live Cd?

Oct 14, 2010

I was looking at the live CD for the latest release, and I started thinking about how good the wallpapers were for Hardy and Intrepid. I wish I had kept them.I kept the .iso files for them, surely I should be able to mount the .iso and retrieve the wallpapers. where I would be able to find the wallpapers on the mounted .iso (note the .iso is not necessarily burned to a cd).

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Ubuntu :: Distro Capable To Play Movies And Music / Watch Live TV?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm building a cheap htpc for my garage so I can watch the news, listen to music and browse a few car forums when needed. Here are the specs I am looking at:
2 512mb ddr2 800
AMD Athlon II X2 240 Regor 2.8GHz 2 x 1MB L2 Cache Socket AM3 65W
500GB sata2 or 32gb ssd drive
Will Ubuntu be able to use a ssd? If so this box can pull movies in from my server. Which distro will play movies, watch live tv, and play music the best on the specs I provided?

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Server :: How To Play Live Video From USB Webcam On Webpage

May 29, 2010

We have a Centos 5.4 system with V4L installed. xawtv displays the web cam's output fine, but I need to find a way to embed live video from the web cam in a web page (Apache is also installed). I want to play the video in such a way that the viewers do NOT need any special software other than a standard web browser (Firefox, IE, etc.)

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Default Live CD Desktop Appearance?

Mar 25, 2010

recently I have been trying to create the perfect custom ubuntu .iso to write to a usb drive so i could carry around a live cd version of my current desktop operating system. I have 2 problems...

1: using various tools like Remastersys, Ubuntu Customization Kit, and Ubuntu's own LiveCDCustomization tutorial I have managed to install most of the packages that I want.... Truecrypt is not in the repos and i would very much like it on my custom live cd. while in chroot i tried using wget to download it then extract and install it, but i got a 404 error so it did not seem to be connecting to the place to download it. is there a workaround to getting truecrypt to install into my extracted squashfs? would it be possible to download the packages to my desktop then copy them over to my chroot squashfs to be installed?

2: I have not been able to customize the default appearance of the desktop environment like the background, icons,colors, window border, panels, applets, and so on.... Ubuntu's tutorial states that I need to edit .xmls in /etc/gconf but i do not understand how to edit those to get what I want. LiveCD creates a new user with default settings everytime it is started so its a matter of editing the files that control the settings of a new user.

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OpenSUSE :: Live Cds Why Use Kernel-default

Jun 2, 2011

There is something what confuses me:

- I thought that the kernel-desktop is the one optimized for desktop usage
- The KDE and Gnome live cds are used by people who want to use their OS as a desktop. I mean I doubt that anyone would install a KDE live cd on a server

So the live cds why have the default kernel installed on them? Just of curiousity, it is not a big deal to remove the default kernel and install the desktop one, but if the desktop kernel gives better experience on the desktop, that one should be used on the live cds too.

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Ubuntu :: Default User ID And Password In Remastersys For Live Cd / Usb Session?

Aug 23, 2010

what is the default user ID and password in remastersys for live cd / usb session?

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Debian Multimedia :: How Does Iceweasel Play HTML5 Videos By Default

Nov 5, 2015

I noticed that Firefox won't play HTML5 videos, or better said, the sites always return a Flash video instead the HTML5 version. So either I install Flash or I can't play videos.

However, with Iceweasel I don't have this problem. The sites always load with a HTML5 video instead of the Flash version. So no need to install Flash.

I checked plugins, extensions and even the user-agent string to see if there is some indication Iceweasel is using and Firefox don't, but I don't see anything special, so... how is it possible that using Iceweasel the sites load HTML5 video, but using Firefox the sites tend to use Flash?

I know that in Debian there is no need of installing Firefox, but right now I'm trying other distros and that's where I noticed about this problem. Then switched to my Debian installation and installed Firefox, and checked the same happens in Debian. Just for the record, in Windows it doesn't need Flash either.

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CentOS 5 :: Skype Cannot Play Sound On Default Device / Get That To Work?

Jan 19, 2011

Forgive my newness, but here goes. I installed CentOS 5.5 on a Dell with a Soundblaster card. The soundcard config utility recognizes the device as:
Vendor: Creative Labs
Model: CA0106 SoundBlaster
Module: snd-ca0106
I am able to play the default sound in the utility, however, I get no sound when I select the device in Skype as Default Device CA0106. Is there a permission somewhere I am missing, because I noticed when I try to play an internet radio stream using Shockwave Flash, I also have no audio.

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Debian Multimedia :: Play The Live Feed On Site With Smplayer - Zero Length File?

Apr 16, 2010

play the live feed on this site with smplayer? [URL]

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Fedora :: 12 - OPen Multimedia Player - By Default Does Not Play DVDs - Error

Jan 21, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 recently. The Open multimedia installed by default does not play DVDs. It stops with the error " Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disc. "

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Debian Configuration :: Change Default Editor In Live Usb-hdd Creation?

Apr 29, 2011

Howto change default editor by live usb-hdd creation? Normally, I can change from the command line:# update-alternatives --config editorbut howto put it into live config?

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Debian :: Which Default File System Will Be Created On Usb Stick Using Live-helper Usb-hdd Image?

Feb 5, 2011

which default file system will be created on usb stick using live-helper usb-hdd image?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Play .dat Files From Cd?

Jan 4, 2010

am using ubuntu 9.10 .i hve a philips combo drive .my problem is that i can't play .dat files from cd's ,there is no problem with dvd's & other files from cd's .when i checked the permissions it showed the owner as root also there is a lock symbol in .dat files that are already in my pc .

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Ubuntu :: Any Way To Play SWF Files In 9.04

Jan 17, 2010

Can someone say me the way to play SWF files in ubuntu 9.04(Jaunty-Jackalope)?

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Ubuntu :: Play All Files With VLC?

Apr 1, 2010

Now I can play all my files with VLC. But now how to configure my keyboard shortcut keys like "play/pause", "stop", "nexttrack" for VLC. Only key working is "media",which shows VLC player when pressed. but other tabs do not work,why?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Play WMV Files In 10.04

May 2, 2010

Installed the w32 codecs in Ubuntu 10.04, but can't get the video to work in either Mplayer or VLC. Audio works OK, though.

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Ubuntu :: .WAV Files Won't Play

May 30, 2011

I get no sound from .wav files in Rthymbox or VLC etc etc. What package (s) am I missing?

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Ubuntu :: Play GSM Files In GUI

Aug 9, 2011

I have .gsm files , I used to play them using the command line


$play test.gsm

But am looking to play .gsm files in GUI. by the way I have tried to play them using Totem movie player & vlc player but none of worked.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Play .dat Files

Aug 4, 2010

i have some old CDs which have videos with .dat extension on them i am unable to play these files on ubuntu (the movie player and vlc says that file format cannot be played). i searched for extensions but couldn't find any.

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