Ubuntu :: Install Exe Files In Virtual Box?

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to install a exe file in virtual box which is running XP on 11.04, I can download the file and install it but I then get a dialogue box stating there is an error, so when I search for the file all I get is unable to find file it might have been changed or removed. When I check I find the programme has been installed but for some reason will not work. The programme is to upload data from my electrical usage meter, when running vista as a dual boot it worked fine.

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OpenSUSE :: Virtual Box VM Windows XP Virtual-machine Files To Another Computer?

Aug 14, 2010

Can I copy my virtual box VM windows XP virtual-machine files to another Linux computer and run the machine on that computer while I keep on running it on the original computer?

This question is about technical possibilities, not licences.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Files In Virtual Image?

Jan 22, 2011

I have an issue with a PC (XP pro)that had a virus which deleted all the files in the windows/system32/config folder. I first attempted to do the second repair option on the XP cd and it wasn't available. So unable to boot to windows and run an anti-virus; I put the hard drive in my external enclosure. Plugged it into my ubuntu laptop and removed the virus infected files using Clam. I then tried using the XP cd in the first repair to copy the files only to get an access denied msg.

I would like to just copy necessary data from the drive with XP pro installed and then reinstall XP and give the PC back to the owners. However the person that did the original install used a volume license cd and I unfortunately have no more CD keys and hate using cracks in certain business environments. So I came up with good idea at the time to setup XP pro in virtual box and then copy the files from there however those files are in use when the machine is running and can't be copied. So is there anyway to mount the Virtual hard drive and copy the files while the virtual machine is off?

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CentOS 5 :: Install Vmware Server On 5.5 - Error "You May Not Power Virtual Machine In Virtual Machine"

May 27, 2010

I have installed CentOS on a VMwareWorktation and that CentOS, i also install VMware Server (suscess) and setup a guest OS that, but i start this Guest OS, an error show "You may not power virtual machine in virtual machine"...

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Fedora :: Sharing Files With Virtual Box?

Sep 18, 2010

I just installed Win 7 in my virtual box and was surprised to see that I didn't have access to my files, in win 7

Is there a way to set-up a folder that can be accessed by win (in VB) and fedora?

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General :: Ubuntu - Configure Virtual Header Files For VMWare?

Nov 23, 2010

I am trying to configure VMWare tools to work with the linux-virtual kernel, but every time I supply the headers path to vmware-config-tools, it rejects it. What should I do to configure it?I am using the path:/lib/modules/2.6.35-23-virtual/build/includeBut I get the rejection message:The path "/lib/modules/2.6.35-23-virtual/build/include" is not valid.It works with the generic version, so what am I doing wrong?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Folders And Files To A Virtual Box Running XP Pro?

Oct 29, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and need to share folders and files to a vurtual box running XP pro. Do i need to have Samba installed to do this?

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Fedora :: Copying Files To And From Virtual Machine?

Mar 11, 2011

I have installed Windows XP with Virtual Machine Manager. The question is how do I access files on my primary linux system? Also can I mount a NTFS partition in my Virtual Machine

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General :: Get Files Running On A Virtual Machine?

Mar 20, 2011

My hostmachine is Windows, and install Ubuntu on a virtual machine. I developed some program on Ubuntu. Suppose I want to transfer these files to a folder in Windows. How to find and get these files, which logically are stored in the virtual machine.

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Server :: Right User For Copying Files Into /var/www/virtual?

Mar 10, 2011

i would like to copy all files from my server001 (/var/www/vhosts/*/httpdocs/) to my server002 (/var/www/virtual/*/htdocs/) i would do it via rsync... but i dont want to do it as root! what would be the right user with which I should login myself via rsync? www-data? its the group of each domain-folder...


server002:/var/www/virtual# ls -lh
insgesamt 4,0K
drwxrwx--- 10 vu2001 www-data 4,0K 9. Mär 09:58 domain.com

but the files inside htdocs are only accessable for the user!


server002:/var/www/virtual/domain.com/htdocs# ls -lh | grep index.php
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vu2001 vu2001 397 24. Feb 23:30 index.php
server002 will be the backup-server if the server001 is down!

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Programming :: Pseudo Virtual Files In Shell Script?

Jan 30, 2010

Perl has the concept of pseudo virtual files where data can be appended to the end of the script, & Perl will treat it as a legitimate source of data:

$ cat pseudo_file.pl
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
while (<DATA>) {
print; }

$ perl pseudo_file.pl
$ _

I would really like to be able to do something similar in a Bourne shell script where I don't have to manage a collateral text file which is prone to getting lost. Does anyone know if there is a similar construct in shell programming? I would have thought this feature was a remnant that Perl inherited from its shell programming roots, but searching on the Web has revealed nothing of consequence.

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General :: Windows 7 - Share Files With A Virtual Machine From A Win 7 Desktop?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a Win7 deskptop (host) and want to run a linux virtual machine; but I want that linux virtual machine to be able to access a directory on the host machine (in this case, to serve a web directory).

What virtual machine software would you recommend for this?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Apache Virtual Hosts Broken After Deleting Log Files?

Feb 22, 2011

I run a dedicated opensuse 11.1 server with apache (2.2.10-2.9.1) installed. This box has been running for nearly 2 years hosting several low traffic websites. I must admit that I did not give lots of love/attention to the machine over that period. It ran rock solid. The different websites each have their own associated user account and are stored in their own /home/name/public_html/ folder. It was setup through Webmin. Each domain name is also linked to a unique IP (the box has multiple available IPs), however this is configured at my domain provider. All in all a very simple and straightforward setup that never let me down most of the past decade.

Recently the sites on the machine were no longer responding. This happens each other year or so since I write my logfiles to a separate partition. Was df -h and indeed, partition was full. Removed logfiles manually, and while I was at it I decided it was time to run an online update (yast2 / online update that is). Rebooted machine after yast telling me to do so. Sites are no longer working. Can no longer login to webmin. Only thing what works is the 'root' webpage (/srv/www/htdocs folder), which makes me rather clueless as the other sites are just not responding at all, not even a timeout or error message.While I know that deleting logfiles manually is quite stupid, I've done it fore and not really ended up in trouble.

Hence my questions: does this sound familiar to anyone and do you mind to give me a clue about where exactly I should start to look. It's been ages since I actually administrated apache, so I might overlook the obvious. Long story short: any tips are very welcome about what I should check first, what config files might have been changedith the update, etc ...

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CentOS 5 :: Copied Files Into A Virtual Host Container But Cannot Access The Site?

Sep 8, 2010

Has anyone had issues installing Drupal on centos. I have copied my files into a virtual host container but cannot access the site. When I place a phpinfo file into the folder and browes to it I see that Virtual Directory Support is "Disabled" However how did the php page get shown from the same virtual directory mm I may have asked to soon.Installing Drupal on CentOS 5/Red Hat/Fedora http://drupal.org/node/32773

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Server :: Install Source Not Getting Recognized During Para Virtual Guest Install Of Xen

Sep 20, 2009

I am trying to install CentOS guest on CentOS 5.3 host. I have installed all the requirements for the same. As per documentation, only NETWORK install is supported if the guest is to be installed as paravirtalized.I copied the CentOS DVD in /home directory with folder name centos52 and exported it through NFS. When I run Virtual machine manager and give installation path as: nfs:<ip address of host>:/home/centos52 , the system while trying to create the storage fails and throws following error:Unable to complete install: 'Invalid install location: Mounting location nfs://<ip address of host>:/home/centos52 failed'

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Install New Virtual Machine From DVD / CD Only Via Network Install

Jan 10, 2010

Why i cant install a new virtual machine from dvd/cd only via network install and which install media url i must paste in the option to install debian or Suse or redhat.

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Ubuntu :: 10 - Install Virtual NIC ?

Jul 4, 2011

Default installation uses "Network Connections" application - interfaces file is empty.... so I do not know how to add virtual IP address.....

Is there possibility to add virtual IP without deinstalling network-manager?

I could follow this tutorial, but what about WLAN, will it work?


I would like to store such configuration: ifconfig eth0:1 inet netmask

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - How To Install Virtual Box

Jan 3, 2010

Now I know there are articles and guidelines out there, about how to install vbox, but I cannot understand everything they tell me. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10, and I am fairly new to Linux altogether.

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Ubuntu :: Option Under Virtual Box To Install It?

Mar 9, 2011

if it's illigal why is there an option under Virtual box to install it

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Does Not Install On Virtual Machine?

May 8, 2011

Linux ubuntu 11.04 does not install on my virtual machine? I have a problem installing ubuntu on my virtual machine. recently I downloaded ubuntu and burned it to a cd and a dvd. but now I have a problem, when after the setup is nearly 80% percent complete. the installation stops and says that cd or dvd has a problem. but I have tested the cd and dvd and even the dvd drive, also the .Iso file using 7zip and cd checker. I allocated 304 mb of ram out of 896 mb. I am using oracle vbox 4.0.6 and win xp as host.

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Ubuntu :: Use CTRL-ALT-DELETE On A Virtual Windows Machine On Virtual Box?

Feb 3, 2010

how to use CTRL-ALT-DELETE on a virtual Windows machine on my Virtual Box?

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Ubuntu :: Auto-start A Virtual Machine In Virtual Box Upon Boot?

Jan 2, 2011

How do I program a virtual machine to auto-start/boot upon boot up of the host system? I am experimenting with SNORT network intrusion detection system and have installed it inside a virtual ubuntu box which I want to start automatically.

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Ubuntu :: Transfer Files Between Virtual Machine DOS And UBUNTU

Jun 15, 2011

I successfully installed dos 6.2 on virtual machine.....now i want to transfer dos files to virtual machine dos....how i can do this?

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box Icon Fails To Install?

Feb 4, 2010

I just installed virtualbox 3.1 via synaptic. Installation went fine, but no icon in any of the usual places where the blighter might be hiding or how I might get it back?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install On Windows Virtual PC?

May 1, 2010

I'd like to install the 10.04 32-bit inside a Windows7 VirtualPC.Got the cd burned, and my virt-pc set up (1 GB RAM, 16GB fixed size virtual disk).I started up the virt-pc, and it automatically booted up from the cd, getting as far as asking me what language I'd like to use, but after selecting English and pressing enter, the virtual-pc window just blinked away.Subsequent attempts to start the virt-pc result in a window popping up, listing some text (free memory, can't read the rest -- too fast), which then blinks away almost immediately.

I was using these URL... directions as a guide.Anyone know if this should work? Or should I go with VirtualBox?The host pc is running 64-bit-win7-pro, amd quad-core, 4gb ram, lots of free disk, in case any of that matters.

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box - How To Install The Build-essential

May 3, 2010

I installed ubuntu on my laptop as virtualbox application. I have tried to install build-essential like that command:


sudo apt-get install build-essential

If i do, i got the following message:


Media change: insert the disc labeled 'Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter.If i insert the disc with the ubuntu-image and press enter, i see this message every time i press enter.I looked in my Places folder, i saw my disc with the Label "Ubuntu 9.04 i386".

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Ubuntu :: Install Grub To The Virtual Machine?

Jun 8, 2010

I am dual booting a pc with Ubuntu and Windows 7. I am using Grub as the boot loader. I then boot into Windows 7 and Create a virtual hard drive (.vhd) file using Disk2Vhd. After the machine is converted, I boot into Ubuntu, and import the .vhd into Virtualbox.

Problem:When I turn on the virtual machine in Virtualbox, It comes up with Grub rescue. How do install Grub to the virtual machine. I can boot the virtual machine in virtualbox off of a Ubuntu CD, and then somehow install Grub...

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Ubuntu Servers :: Trixbox Install In Virtual Box?

Sep 3, 2010

I have ubuntu 2.6.32-24-generic in my virtual box and i want to install tirxbox in it. I have iso of trixbox and i want to install it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install 9 On A MS Virtual PC?

Oct 27, 2010

I am not able to install Ubuntu 9 on a MS Virtual PC. At one point it asked me install Vortual PC addons, Did that from Actions>ADDONS, but no luck from there on. Hung there for more than 2hrs. Black screen

I am using:

Windows XP Prof x64
SP 2.
AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core proc 4200+ ( 2.21 GHz )
RAM; 4.0GB

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CentOS 5 :: Virtual Box Install Of 5.5 ?

Jul 23, 2010

I am trying to install centos 5.5 inside of virtual box. I have downloaded 8 .iso files *bin-1of8, *bin-2of8 and so on. During the virtual box install I pointed virtualbox to the bin-1of8 file but it complained. Is there something I was supposed to do with the 8 files first? Some sort of merge?

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