Ubuntu :: Install Ubuntu On Two Systems Now With The Same Results?

Aug 14, 2011

I have made attempts to install Ubuntu on two systems now with the same results. Both systems eventually crashed after a month. The crash was so bad I had to reinstall both systems from the original operating CDs. Has anyone else had this same problem or something similar? I know I would like to have more info before ever making the attempt to do another dual boot system.

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Ubuntu :: Install Two Systems And One Pc?

Aug 1, 2010

Can I install two ubuntus on one pc using different partitions?

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Ubuntu :: Install Thunderbird On Both Operating Systems?

Feb 7, 2010

I have Ubuntu and Windows on the same machine. If I install Thunderbird on both operating systems is it possible that both installs can access the same email files so that all of my emails will be in one file no matter which operating system was running when emails are downloaded or sent?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: New Install Of 9.10 Results In Fast Video Play Back?

Feb 8, 2010

I have loaded 9.10 ( 64 bit ) under VMWare Workstation 6.5 and each new install results in fast audio ( mp3 ) and video ( avi, mpg, etc ) playback. I am trying to keep the installs as vanilla as possible. My other VM distros are fine.

I am creating the VMs under vista x64, SP1 ( now updated to SP2 ), using workstation 6.5 ( will upgrade to 7 later on ).

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Install Mavericks Results In Blank Home Screen?

Mar 19, 2011

I have just installed ubuntu mavericks to an old laptop. I burned a cd and used it to install from. I choose to have the drive wiped and ubuntu installed to it. When I start up all goes well until the end.. I get a blank screen. It is not blank as in black. It has colors you expect to see with ubuntu but there are no controls... just a blank desktop with a cursor

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General :: Saving The Results Of The Time Command While Discarding The Results Of The Command Being Timed

Apr 6, 2010

I'm timing how long it takes to run a command foo. I'm looking to append the results from the time command to a file, and discard the results from the foo command. I tried the following, but it didn't do what I want:

$ time ./foo > /dev/null >> output_from_time_command.txt

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Ubuntu :: Format Two Harddrives - Put Them Together Or Install Separated Systems On Each One

Oct 13, 2010

I have two harddrives. I will install on the first one ubuntu and on the other one opensuse or I will even put them together. I dont know yet.

Has somebody experiences with booting two harddrives, how can I choose between them? And when I delete one with gparted, will the free memory be automatically placed to the not deleted harddrive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Do Not Get Option To Install Next To Other Operating Systems

Nov 4, 2010

I am attempting to install Ubuntu via a USB stick. I have Ubuntu on the USB, I have booted from the stick and I have made it to the installing window. My problem is, I do not get the option to install next to other operating systems, which is what I want.If I have not been clear enough then please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Updates On Sevral Systems?

Feb 14, 2011

I was wondering if I could download the updates for Ubuntu once, and then install them on sevral systems. I have two systems and with this method, I would half the update amount.

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Ubuntu :: Fresh 11.4 Usb Hard Drive Install Results Hd0 Out Of Disk Grub Console

Jun 3, 2011

Company laptop HP Compaq 6710b, NTFS on hd0, Win7 installed. BIOS allows boot from USB drive, so wanted to use Ubuntu with no influence on laptop (no disconnecting internal drive, no dual boot, etc). Performed an install from CD to an USB drive making a JFS partition mounted on / and a swap partition. The installer made the JFS partition bootable (boot flag is set) as I asked. On first boot I got:

error: hd0 out of disk.
grub rescue>

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General :: Ubuntu And OpenSUSE - Install Software On Both Operating Systems?

Sep 13, 2011

I'm using - Ubuntu and openSUSE. I've looked on the Internet for how to install software on these operating systems, but I can't seem to understand the terms used, such as:

Source code

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Deploying On Multiple Systems - Automating The Install

Jan 30, 2011

I am volunteering to assist a non-profit org with their technology, I will be presenting Ubuntu to the teachers this week and I hope to have a positive response to using Ubuntu!ith that said, the org being a bilingual school we will most likely focus on using Edubuntu. While I personally use Ubuntu and have installed it over the years on multiple laptops & deskptops, I am now facing the task of installing and maintaining on a dozen laptops and another dozen deskptops!While the install is very straight forward, installing on so many systems will be very time consuming! In addition, we would like to install additional apps such as Skype, Dropbox, French Language support, Possibly Ailurus and a few other apps.

I am looking for suggestions how to best handle this? What would be the best method to automate the install across the systems?Could the best approach be to install Edubuntu and all the apps we require on one system and then create an image from the "master system" to be used for the other systems?It seems that creating a master image would be ideal as it would include everything we need but I have never done that before

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Hardware :: Ubuntu Install Disk Does Not Appear To Work With HDMI Only Systems

Mar 11, 2011

I am trying to install Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 on a System using a Radeon HD based graphics card with HDMI output connected to a HUGE TV. The Ubuntu installer does not appear to support this setup.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Install Freezing At 'Detecting File Systems'

Jul 4, 2011

I'm trying to install the 32 bit ubmbuntu 11.04 on my pc, and the installation freezes at the 'Detecting file systems' message. i have tried installing on a pc that had windows xp, and i also tried a clean install on a formtted hard drive, and i still get the same problem.

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Hardware :: Ubuntu Install Disk Does Not Appear To Work With HDMI Only Systems?

Mar 18, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 on a System using a Radeon HD based graphics card with HDMI output connected to a HUGE TV.

The Ubuntu installer does not appear to support this setup.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Using Cd ~/ Results In / And // Entries For All Directories

May 5, 2011

Since I updated from 11.2 to 11.4 an annoying bug seems to have crept into the shell.

If I type the following and hit tab I get:

cd ~/.kde
.kde/ .kde// .kde4/ .kde4//

i.e. each directory has a / and // version for some reason. I have to enter a / and hit tab again to proceed.

If however I type the following and hit tab I get:

cd /home/tux/.kde
.kde/ .kde4/

i.e. correct as expected.

The ls command does not do this.

This seems like a bug.

GNU bash, version 4.1.10(1)-release (x86_64-suse-linux-gnu)
openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64)
VERSION = 11.4
CODENAME = Celadon
Linux #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-02-21 10:34:10 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Fedora :: KVM Cannot Install On HP DL785 G6, But Will Install On Other Systems?

Oct 22, 2010

This works on an HP DL365 G5, but fails on the DL785 G6Does not even start the install, and I don't get a lot of debug information, so I can't tell what's happening.

$ sudo virt-install
> --vnc
> --arch=i686


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Ubuntu Installation :: No Operating Systems Found On Dual Boot Install

Aug 23, 2010

I currently have Windows 7 installed. I wish to dual boot this with Ubuntu 10.4. On a 120gb drive I allocated a large percentage to Windows and have put two partitions on the end; 1gb for swap, 15gb for Ubuntu. However, when I go to install and get to the partition manager bit it claims no operating systems have been found. Contrary to this, when I boot into the live CD it sees all the partitions, however these cannot be accessed and no error messages are displayed (However, accessing the Windows partition appeared to corrupt the install and I had to format...). When running install from the live environment the same no operating systems found error occurs. Windows 7 works fine and the drive is IDE (if this makes any difference).

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General :: Install Three Operating Systems?

Jan 24, 2010

I have winxp and win 7.I want to install fedora core 12.I tried but I could not install.How can I install fedora core 12 with winxp and win 7.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot-up Results In A Read-only Root Drive?

May 20, 2011

Somehow, the wife got her laptop into this situation yesterday. The Windows partition booted normally when selected from GRUB but os 11.3 would boot to a command line login and pretty much everything besides CTRL-D was useless as the root partition was ro.

I booted a live CD and found two a couple of strange things. First, the system clock was reset to the default date/time (2007-xx-xx). I reset that. Second, after correcting the time I ran fsck on the root and home partitions. Both went through with no errors reported but the 20GB root partition took a long,long time to complete while the 80GB home partition went pretty quickly. After doing the above, the system booted normally but both partitions reported running the transaction log as well as forcing fsck where I had just done that. My question is for future reference: how does the system react to a grossly incorrect date/time, especially where all the drive data reports being much later than the reported system time? Would this be the reason for what I saw? I have no idea how the wife managed to reset the system clock, even if the

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Installation :: Possible To Install Fedora With Two Other Operating Systems?

May 18, 2009

I presently have Ubuntu and Windows XP Pro installed. By using the GRUB loader I can choose which to load.
I would like to install Fedora as a third option, but do not know how this will affect the GRUB and the choices.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install Multiple Systems

May 8, 2010

so I get my t410 today. the hdd is 250g with three primary partitions: 1) 1.17g 2) 221g win7os and 3) recovery 9.7g. I plan to install a windows vista, opensuse 11.2 and fedora 12. I know first to shrink the partition to make room. but i still don't know exactly. say, i shrink win7os partition to 40g and create an extended partition of 221-40 =181g, and then add partiton /boot, /swap, /home, /... and a number of partitons for vista and a number of similar partitions for fedora. But I doubt I wouldn't be able to install vista when opensuse installation is done.

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Fedora Installation :: Install F14 Virtual Machine In Windows XP Systems

Mar 8, 2011

I am triying install F14 virtual machine in my Windows XP systems. I have downloaded .iso file from fedoraproject.org: [URL] I create my virtual machine and I continue with all steps to install but when installation process finished and I reboot, process installation starts again. Can you tell me how I can create my F14 virtual machine on Windows?

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install In System As One Of The Multiple Operating Systems

Mar 13, 2009

I am unable to Install Fedora10 in my system as one of the multiple operating systems and it gets hanged after probing for Hardware devices and so ...I get fedora trademark sought of symbol and even after waiting any amount of time it doesnt go further..neither the keyboard works nor the mouse pointer moves... I am stuck at this screen shown in the installation screenshot...I get this screen however I dont get the options back or next or its that I am unable to see this options on the screen at all and mouse gets hanged and even keyboard doesnt work...


Initially after booting with the media it doesnt even prompt me to press any key to boot from CD or Dvd or I get any screen to select the option for the mode of installation like text based installation or graphical installation..it hardly shows me this screen for even a fraction of second as well...

It takes me to the screen

1) Install or upgrade fedora
2) rescue existing installation...
4) Memory test

when I click on install fedora I am taken to the fedora splash screen and nothing goes ahead... I tried in rescue mode as well... In rescue mode it asks me for language selection...keyboard layout... later it doesnt go ahead as well... I have checked the installation media and it confirmed that the installation media is good... I use Redhat 4.1 version and It works fine except for the message drivers/usb/hid.c core message received at :75 while trying to restart shutdown or access a virtual console... Along with Redhat and while trying to install fedora I have windows server 2008,Windows vista on that harddisk...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mounting Mandatory File Systems But The Next Step Fails?

Mar 11, 2011

Maybe this is the wrong place to ask, but I'm trying to install opensuse 11.4 (64-bit) in virtual box, the installation went smoothly (no visible error messages). But the boot seem to get stuck. If anyone has got an idea what it could be, it would mean a lot. These are the last prints in the log before it gets stuck:

INIT: version 2.88 booting
System Boot Control: Running /etc/init.d/boot
mounting mandatory file systems done

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Load On Clean Install And "free -m" Results

Mar 31, 2011

Recently I've gotten myself a VPS and tried to begin small - 512 MB Memory, 10gb HD.

Ubuntu 10.04 got installed on it and decided to make a user for myself besides root, installed a lamp enviroment and let that extra user own /var/www, since im the only one developing on the vps.

Then I ran the free -m command... shockingly it had 450 mb in use, and around 40-60 mb free (varieing around a bit).

Is this normal? If so - why are company's selling vps'es with 256 mb ram... thats just ... not logical ;x

Ran the free -m command again after letting it idle for about 5 mins. Same results.

the 'top' command tells me that the cpu is boring itself with around 1% use.. not a suprise with only lamp on it and 0 visitors yet =P

So ... why does ubuntu take up nearly all my precious memory? should I upgrade to 1 GB of memory to be completely safe I dont run out of resources or is something else going on here?

Discovered I was miss-reading the free -m command. To avoid confusion in the future I install htop, which is configurable to show a... nicer view of what's being used by what. Turns out I was using 50 mb.. >.>

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Fedora Installation :: Erratic Install Results W/initrd - Custom Spins With Custom Drivers - Modules?

Dec 28, 2009

Just spent three whole days barking up the wrong tree, solving Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 boot failures because the correct hypothesis was illogical: installation did not update/modify the initrd.

The first couple of times I installed Fedora 11 on the HighPoint Technologies RocketRaid 2640x4, the installation inserted my "custom" driver module (rr26xx) into the initrd, permanently, so that the system booted off the controller card for which the custom driver was inserted. (I yelled about this success in this thread: [url]

My most recent installs of BOTH F11 and F12 on the RocketRaid failed to properly set up the boot. It turns out that the "rr2640" module I "slipstreamed" into the installation process was *NOT* permanently added to the initrd by anaconda. (F12 gave me "no root device found boot has failed, sleeping forever", on boot; F11 hung also, without such error, I presume, during the init script execution). Because of limited resources and time, I only know for sure the module was missing from the F11 initrd, and am ASSUMING the same was the case with F12.

The only difference between the successful installs and the ones with failed boot is that the successful installs were made on a single-drive (JBOD) mode on the controller; whereas, the failed ones were placed on RAID 5. But, AFAIK, the created logical device for the card is "/dev/sda", in both cases, and the kernel can not distinguish between the two cases (or can it?). Thus, the inconsistency cost me a lot of time, and is still inexplicable to me.

Question: What is the best way to deal with custom drivers, today? There are custom spins, and many tools, like isomaster. Stupid question: Is there a way to modify the initrd inside an installer ISO -- be it for CD/DVD/USBboot drive -- beefing the init RAM disk with whatever modules you'd like, for the boot process (using, say, isomaster)?

And what makes anaconda understand that a module must be added to the initrd ? How can one force anaconda to do so?

How does moving to dracut as the initrd tool affect any/all of the above?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgraded From 11.2 To 11.4 - Switching Systems Packages To PACKMAN Packages

Aug 31, 2011

I just upgraded from 11.2 to 11.4 and the installation/upgrade worked just perfect. I than followed the instructions in the "New User How To/FAQ", "Multimedia and restricted format" post. I was following the instruction in the 11.4 section. I added the additional repositories as explained. I then was on the section where it talks about going into software management and selecting the "Packman" repository and clicking to "switch systems packages" to the versions in this repository (packman). I than click this link and the "warning" screen appears and I am present with conflict resolution after conflict resolution dialog. It just seems that there are some many conflicts, it just seems wrong and I canceled.

The installation/upgrade appears to have worked just fine. My mail is there, audio and dvd play back worked the first try after the upgrade. I am not clear if this is what I should expect or their is something wrong or if I even need to complete this step for a successfully installation.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Two OpenSUSE Systems With The Same Settings?

Apr 3, 2010

Is it possible to make two computers have the same users, home directories, and users? As in if I login to one computer and add things to the home directory can you apply it to the other computer and if I add a user on computer 1 the user will be on computer 2.

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Software :: Install Software Not Available Through The Systems Package Manager - Why

Jul 4, 2010

So over the years I have tried a number of different linuxes, and I am always trying to install some software not available through the systems package manager. However after typing ./compile

I try to type make and it never works on any system ever. I am confused as it is never mentioned as an issue, and I figure with a simple install of (at least one of the many) linux systems I have tried, one would be able to compile these programs. currently I am using mint, this is the error I get when trying to install fox-toolkit


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