Ubuntu :: Install 10.04 On A Spare Computer?

May 18, 2010

I decided to install ubuntu 10.04 on a spare computer. It seems to work fine, but every now and then it will freeze, display a ubuntu logo on a purple background the logo is all dis assembled] then it goes to a black screen [does not display a source] and then every second flashes to a black screen with white lines extending from the top of the screen to the middle. my specs are 2.00ghz processor pentium 4, 495 mb of ram and it is a dell desktop

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get A Spare Computer Up And Running With 10.10 64bit

Nov 13, 2010

been trying to get a spare computer up and running with 10.10 server 64bit no dice so far, after hours of memchecks, disk checksums, re-burns and whatnot..install stops at 73% and does f. all.. tail log shows that it stops at updating sources, alt+f2 and ps aux shows apt-get update process running. if I kill this process, I can continue with the installation, but for this I need to repeat same process - killing all the apt instances that show up - so that it can complete the install. Unacceptable imho. computer is a AMD cpu based, athlon 2 435 on an ASUS M4A89TD PRO mainboard. ddr3 4gb crucial ram sticks. drives are functional S-ATA. No external GPU, so using IGP.

Tried installing without eth-cable plugged in, with it plugged in, with a usb install (that sorry excuse for an install was even worse, "please insert cd" midway) I know I can get the install going with desktop version.. But why would I want an xserver running on a headless computer. Kind of pissed atm, spent so many hours at this, figuring it just might be a faulty HW item. It isn't. using 10.10 desktop on my laptop and production pc - and been using 8.04 as main server, until now...

Edit: another one of them optiarc sony nec **** for brains dvd/cd-rom/writer it seems. add a check for this in future releases, with big bold letters "YOU ARE SCREWED, BUY NEW HARDWARE" printed as soon as the cd loads in these drives.. I've got better things to spend my time on than staring at a screen trying to figure out why it won't load properly

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use Spare Partition To Install New Versions?

Dec 27, 2010

I would like to know if I can use spare partition to install new versions of Ubuntu ("use" as the CD drive, or USB stick; not as the destination of the installation).I have Ubuntu on my computer, and unused partitions on the hard disk. I would like to upgrade to ubuntu, but without needing to burn another cd or an (sufficiently) empty usb stick to do it.

I imagine that this is possible, as the partitions may be booted from, and the contents of the iso image are understandable by the installed Ubuntu. But I don't know how to do it - put the iso contents on a partition and boot from it to install a new Ubuntu.

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Software :: Grub Install On Spare Disk?

Feb 13, 2010

I copied my system disk to a spare disk. Both disks are listed in my BIOS "hard disk boot priority list".How do I install grub on the spare disk in order to boot from it when my system disk is no longer present or when I set my spare disk on top of the priority list ?

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Debian :: Apt-get Re-install-from-scratch-spare-nothing-no-excuses Option

Mar 14, 2010

In particular, this is with regards to freevo, but it applies to anything that can be obtained through apt-get.

How do i remove it, and re-install it, and start again from scratch? Time and again i do "apt-get delete blah", then "apt-get install blah", only to find it's exactly the same as it was in the first place, and still broken.

Why does this happen? How can i make sure everything is COMPLETELY GONE. I don't care about lost data, i don't care about lost config files, or anything. There is just one aim here - i want it to work again.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mdadm - Change Spare To Active In RAID1 Array?

Aug 7, 2011

I'm convinced that mdadm is going to be the death of me. I've wasted numerous hours on this so far without luck.

OpenSuse 11.4 on an old Supermicro box, creating a software RAID1 array across 2 x IDE 500GB disks. Creating /dev/md0 as a 250MB partition across /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdd1 for /boot, another 465GB partition across /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdd2 as an LVM partition to hold volumes for the various other OS filesystems. After the initial installation and configuration there were a series of mishaps with faulty IDE cables that had drives failing to show up at boot. Somehow, /dev/sdd2 got configured to array /dev/md1 as a spare drive. And nothing I've done so far gets it to show up as an active drive.

The obvious step of failing the partition, removing it, then adding (or re-adding) will bring it back as a spare. I've tried roughly a dozen different permutations of those same steps. The latest was to 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd2' to clear the partition. Thought this might be the trick - after the zero, mdadm -E /dev/sdd2 reported 'no superblock' and no md1 configuration.

So 'mdadm --add /dev/md1 /dev/sdd2' and it still comes back as a spare. Here is mdadm -D /dev/md1

Version : 1.0
Creation Time : Sat Jul 9 10:26:01 2011
Raid Level : raid1
Array Size : 488119160 (465.51 GiB 499.83 GB)

I can't stop this array, the OS is running from there. I can't easily boot from CD to repair, all IDE ports have disks attached.

Does anyone have an incantation to promote a spare to active?

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows Xp On Computer In Virtual Machine - Watch Netflix On Computer

Jun 30, 2010

so here's my problem. I am trying to install windows xp on my computer in virtual machine so i can watch netflix on my computer. The disk will not start up, if I restart and try to boot from load i just sits there and says boot from cd. The disk drive plays music cd's fine, so i dont really know what the issue is.

I dont know that much aboutut ubuntu. a tech friend put it on hard drive he gave me after mine crashed. also i should ad that i took the disk to someone else's house that haswidnows installed and the disk worked just fine, so its not a disk problem

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Ubuntu :: Installation On Spare HDD With Win 7x64?

May 12, 2010

Want to install ubuntu on existing Homebrew win7 box that has a spare unused hdd, and am a bit lost as to where to start.

Asus p5qpl-am micro
4 gigs a data gaming ram-ddr2-6400 pink
antec 430 earthwatts
on board intel x4500 dsub only
intel e6300 2.8 oc at 3.4
antec 300 case
windows 7x64 on wd 500 aaks drive
spare seagate 750 hdd for ubuntu
gig enet
DVD-Rom Drive: TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-H663B ATA Device sata
wireless b/g/n Zonenet usb Network Card :

Do not have to dual boot, although it would be nice...can go to bios to select boot drive
AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCIe Ethernet Controller

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Ubuntu :: How To Turn Spare Pc Into Webserver

Feb 10, 2011

I have a spare duel core pc with 500GB HDD and 2GB memory so decided last night to do a full format and a complete install of ubuntu 10.10. My mission is to turn it into a web server. I have installed xampp for Linux and everything seems to be running smooth.

1) I used sudo apt-get install openssh-server and edited the sshd_config to change the port to 28. I have also opened the ports in my router but when i try to connect from another network pc i get connection refused.

2) I have a domain name I would like to assign to my server pc but don't know how to do it since "ifconfig" states and my external IP from "whatsmyip.com" keeps changing.

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Ubuntu :: Read-only Spare Hardrive On Update?

Jan 4, 2011

Prior to the update my internal hd worked flawless. Now its a read-only disk and i can't change it by gui.


# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).


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Ubuntu :: Application Password Is Incorrect - 10.10 With The GUI On A Spare Box

Jan 31, 2011

I installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 with the GUI on a spare box I had. This is my first experience with Ubuntu. I have never used Linux before this. The system works great and logging on is no problem. However I installed 2 applications, gparted and samba. When I go to open either application I enter my logon password and I am told that the password is not correct. I am the only user on this machine and went to the accounts setting and changed my account type from custom to administrator to no avail.

I formatted my drive and reinstalled the whole thing again and got all available updates also. I reinstalled gparted and samba a second time on the new install and I still am told that the password is incorrect again when opening thes apps. Is there a simple, easy to understand way for this first time Ubuntu 10.10 user to correct this. There must be a minor flaw in this OS that is denying me use of my apps.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Do Not Have Wireless Adaptor Or Spare Router

May 24, 2010

I just recently moved somewhere and the internet is wirelessly provided by the whole condo building. It is just a free and open network but I am trying to find a way to hook up my Xbox 360 to the internet. I do not have a wireless adaptor or a spare router, what I do have is my ubuntu laptop. Is there a way I can hook my xbox up to my laptop and bridge the connections so that I can finally connect to xbox live via my laptop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Onto Spare HD, Broke Win7 On Raid?

May 3, 2011

I have a dell with win7 installed on two disks as raid0. I added a 3rd HD and installed 11.04 on to it. This boots ok but only Linux shows in the grub menu. Win7 is not there and I have no way to boot it as the installer put grub on disk0 of the raid overwriting the windows boot prog.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Mount Spare Internal HD Without Password?

Aug 14, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu on an old dell. I have the OS installed on an 80GB HD and I have a 500GB drive in the computer as a storage drive. I can see the drive and read and write to it just fine. But before I can I have to mount it and provide my password. Is there a way to set it so that it's already mounted and ready when I start up the computer? The drive is formatted to FAT32 I'm using Ubuntu 9.10

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Security :: Configure A Spare Pc As A Firewall?

Jul 16, 2010

How do I configure a spare pc as a firewall for my home and what distro would I use?

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Software :: LVM With No Spare Hard Drive?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm currently studying about LVM because of the snapshot features. I notice that most tutorials that I have read involves a spare hard drive or unused partition. I don't have a spare hard drive or unused partition on my server but I still have disk space if ever it was possible to do the snapshot on the same LVM partition.

is it possible to do snapshot on the same LVM partition?

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID5 - Re-adding Drive As Active, Not Spare?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a little nice Ubuntu server with 6x 1TB drives assebmbled into a RAID5 array. Recently SATA cable of one of the drives failed. So I ordered a new cable and ran the server in degraded mode for a few days. Like this:

Version : 00.90
Creation Time : Sat Sep 19 10:39:11 2009
Raid Level : raid5
Array Size : 4883812480 (4657.57 GiB 5001.02 GB)

I'd like the 6th drive to be active, not spare, like before. Should I just wait for rebuild to be finished (it can easily take over 1 day)? Or should I add it somehow differently to be active immediately?

I'm not sure, but I think as I simulated failures unplugging one of the disk, after plugging it in again, the "failed" drive was active again and rebuilding was started as well of course. But it was 2 years ago, so...

The array works just fine for now - I can access files, etc. But I suspect, that in this state if another cable or drive fails, it won't survive anymore. Even after rebuilding is finished, but the 6th drive stays is still marked as "spare". Right?

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General :: Setup RAID 5 And One Spare Disk

Aug 4, 2010

I want to build a 6xSATA RAID 5 system with on of the disks as spare disk. I think this give me a chance of 2 of 6 disks failing without losing data. I am right?
Hardware: Intel ICH10R
First I will creat a 3xSATA RAID 5, after I will add the spare disk and after that I will add the others disks. This is what I think I should do.

Step 1:
Create RAID Device
mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --metadata 1.2 --level=5 --raid-devices=3 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
I read that "--metadata 1.2" is the best option. It is true?
Create filesystem on the RAID device

Using this method of calculation:
* chunk size = 128kB (for RAID 5)
* block size = 4kB (recommended for large files, and most of time)
* stride = chunk / block = 128kB / 4k = 32kB
* stripe-width = stride * ( (n disks in raid5) - 1 ) = 32kB * ( (5)- 1 ) = 32kB * 4 = 128kb
mkfs.ext3 -v -m .1 -b 4096 -E stride=32,stripe-width=128 /dev/md0

Step 2:
Add spare-disk
mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdd1
Is this enough?

Step 3:
Adding disks:
mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sde1
mdadm --grow /dev/md0 --raid-devices=4
fsck.ext3 /dev/md0
resize2fs /dev/md0

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General :: Spare Machine As File/print Share

Jan 17, 2010

I have a spare machine that has windows XP installed on it and pretty much sits there doing nothing. Both myself and my GF have laptops that we use as our primary machines so I figured I'd just use the spare machine as a file and print share.

Now, I know that I can simply keep XP on there and enable what I need, but Im wondering if I might be better of wiping the thing and installing a linux based os instead.

There's no real reason for me to do this (except that I want to play with linux) so I guess my questions are, is there any point in me doing this? If so what can I do with this machine other than filesharing and what do you reccomend as a fairly light linux installation? Also what else could I use this spare machine for?

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General :: Mdadm - RAID5 To RAID6, Spare Won't Become Active

Jun 21, 2011

I've been playing with this for hours, and have been unable to figure it out. I tried to convert my RAID5 array of 4 active disks and 1 spare to a RAID6 with 5 active disks.

I did this:

mdadm --grow /dev/md4 --raid-devices 5 --level 6
Here is what I have on /dev/md4:

/dev/sde1 active
/dev/sdg1 active
/dev/sdj1 active
/dev/sdf1 active
/dev/sdh5 spare

but it tells me that /dev/sde is busy, and then that it has a bad superblock (From what I've read, I'm sure the bad superblock is just because of the "busy" message). I've tried this with the -f option, too, with no luck.

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Server :: Possible To Spin-Off Software RAID Spare Disks?

Jun 24, 2010

So, I have raid5 array with one spare disk. Is it possible to spin-off/shutdown the spare disk until one drive fails and the spare disk is needed?

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Server :: RAID 6 Array Coming Up With All Disks As Spare

Mar 25, 2011

I have been running a server with an increasingly large md array and always been plagued with intermittent disk faults. For a long time, I've attributed those to either temperature or power glitches. I had just embarked on a quest to a) lower case and drive temperature. They were running between 43 and 47C, sometimes peaking at 52C, so I've added more case fan power and made sure the drive cage was in the flow (it has it's own fan, too). Also, I've upgraded my power supply and made very sure that all the connectors are good. The array currently is a RAID6 with 5 Seagate 1,5TB drives.

When everything seemed to be working fine, I looked at my SMART logs and found that two of my drives (both well over 14000 operating hours) were showing uncorrectible bad blocks. Since it's RAID6, I figured, I couldn't do much harm, ran a badblocks test on it, zeroed the blocks that were reported bad, figuring the drive defect management would remap them to a good part of the disk and zeroed the superblock. I then added it back to the pack and the resync started. At around 50%, a second drive decided to go and shortly thereafter a third. Now, with two out of five drives, RAID6 will fail. Fine. At least, no data will be written to it anymore, however, now I cannot reassemble the array anymore.

Whenever I try I get this:
mdadm --assemble --scan
mdadm: /dev/md1 assembled from 2 drives and 2 spares - not enough to start the array

cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [linear]
md1 : inactive sdf1[4](S) sde1[6](S) sdg1[1](S) sdh1[5](S) sdd1[2](S)
7325679320 blocks super 1.0
md0 : active raid1 sdb2[0] sdc2[1]
312464128 blocks [2/2] [UU]
bitmap: 3/149 pages [12KB], 1024KB chunk

Which is not fine. I'm sure that three devices are fine (normally, a failed device would just rejoin the array, skipping most of the resync by way of the bitmap) so I should be able to reassemble the array with the two good ones and the one that failed last, then add the one that failed during the resync and finally re-add the original offender. However, I have no idea how to get them out of the "(S)" state.

mdadm --examine /dev/sdd1
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 1.0
Feature Map : 0x1
Array UUID : d79d81cc:fff69625:5fb4ab4c:46d45217 .....

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Not Finding RAID 1 Hot Spare On Boot?

Apr 18, 2011

When I set up my current workstation (now at CentOS 5.6) I connected the two SATA drives in a RAID 1 configuration. Later, I realized I had a spare EIDE drive , so installed it, partitioned, and added it as a hot spare using "mdadm -a". So, now I have three disk drives doing the work of one.I updated /etc/mdadm.conf using the output from mdadm --examine --scan, and the resulting lines are:ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=1f00f847:088f27d2:dbdfa7d3:1daa2f4e spares=1ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=f500b9e9:890132f0:52434d8d:57e9fbfc spares=1I also updated the /boot/grub/device.map file to read:

(hd0) /dev/sda
(hd1) /dev/sdb
(hd2) /dev/hda


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Slackware :: Intel ICH10R With 6xSATA RAID 5 With 1 Spare Disk?

Aug 4, 2010

I want to build a 6xSATA RAID 5 system with on of the disks as spare disk. I think this give me a chance of 2 of 6 disks failing without losing data. I am right? Hardware: Intel ICH10R First I will creat a 3xSATA RAID 5, after I will add the spare disk and after that I will add the others disks. This is what I think I should do.


EDIT:I'm thinking in put LVM with the RAID 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it (LVM over RAID 5). It is safe? My MB (Asus P5Q) have Chipset Intel P45 ICH10R. What kind of RAID have it? Hardware RAID, fake RAID, BIOS RAID, software RAID? This are the specs of storage


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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID6 Fails To Re-assemble After Restart (left With Spare Device In /dev/md_dX)

Apr 1, 2011

As per [URL] I built a RAID6 array. yay. In the end it completed.


fermulator@fermmy-server:~$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
md2000 : active raid6 sdo1[3] sdn1[2] sdm1[1] sdl1[0]
3907026944 blocks level 6, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]

To test stability, I rebooted the system, but on reboot, the array wasn't assembled correctly. Basically it had one device in "md_d2000", as a spare. So I stopped that device with


sudo mdadm --stop /dev/md_d2000

The superblocks looked good ...


fermulator@fermmy-server:~$ sudo mdadm -E /dev/sd[lmno]
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00


I don't have any important data on the array yet ... so I zero'd the superblocks on all devices, deleted the partitions, and started over .. here I go again:


md2000 : active raid6 sdo1[3] sdn1[2] sdm1[1] sdl1[0]
3907026944 blocks level 6, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]
[>....................] resync = 0.7% (14164844/1953513472) finish=313.7min speed=102999K/sec

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Server :: Debian RAID 10 Spare Drives Versus Active Drives

Jun 9, 2011

so I setup a raid ten system and I was wondering what that difference between the active and spare drives is ? if I have 4 active drives then 2 the two stripes are then mirrored right?

root@wolfden:~# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid0] [raid10]
md1 : active raid10 sda2[0] sdd2[3] sdc2[2] sdb2[1]


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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID-5 Recovery (spare/active) / Degraded And Can't Create Raid ,auto Stop Raid [md1]?

Feb 1, 2011

Could any RAID gurus kindly assist me on the following RAID-5 issue?I have an mdadm-created RAID5 array consisting of 4 discs. One of the discs was dropping out, so I decided to replace it. Somehow, this went terribly wrong and I succeeded in marking two of the drives as faulty, and the re-adding them as spare.

Now the array is (logically) no longer able to start:

mdadm: Not enough devices to start the array.Degraded and can't create RAID ,auto stop RAID [md1]

I was able to examine the disks though:

root@ mdadm --examine /dev/sdb2
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00

mdadm --create --assume-clean --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2
As I don't want to ruin the maybe small chance I have left to rescue my data, I would like to hear the input of this wise community.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reformat Computer And Install 11.2?

Jul 22, 2010

At the moment I've got dual-bootable machine with WinXP (25GB on hard disk) and openSUSE 11.2 (20GB on hard disk). After saving the important files on my ~/home I want to wipe off all data from both my partitions and then install WinXP (with 15GB) and openSUSE 11.2 with 30GB. The problem is I'm not sure how to go about doing this? I'm guessing the problem will be the boot process. I installed openSUSE on a machine that already had WinXP and I didn't change any boot settings so it must still be controlled by XP. So presumably I'd have to:

1. Remove openSUSE first and then remove XP using the XP CD.
2. Install XP again
3. Install openSUSE on another partition as I did before but with different partition sizes.

Or should I install openSUSE first before XP? I think I'm more confident on installing XP first since I've already done it earlier. The only other complication is that this is my 'laptop' screen is broken so I use an external monitor. This is what prevented me from formatting my computer earlier.


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Ubuntu :: Can't Install It On My Computer / Fix It?

Sep 28, 2010

I have tried many times with USBs,burnt CDs, even manage to get one from Ubuntu them sevles, and followed many tuts to no avail.

SPECS: Toshiba Satellite, AMD TurionII dual-Core Mobile M500 2.20 GHz, with 3.00 GB of RAM

Heres the image I get when I try to install/try code...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install 10.10 On New Computer

Oct 23, 2010

I just put together a new computer, started to install win7 and then tried to install Ubuntu.

Ubuntu (The installer) tells me that I don't have at least 2.6 GB available drive space...

I have a 640GB SATA 3.0 HD and the only thing on it is win7. On previous versions of Ubuntu this was never an problem. Ubuntu always helped me with the partition.

I have tried both the 64 and 32 bit versions of Ubuntu 10.10 and get the same result.

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