Ubuntu :: Gets Stuck At Login Screen?

Aug 15, 2010

I've tried searching the forums, but that didn't help. Pretty much what happened was I installed ubuntu 10.04 32bit version, rebooted my computer, try to login, and I am not able to since I can not even use my mouse or keyboard, it's stuck.Then, I reboot, and it gets stuck at not even loading to the login screen.Could someone have a solution to this?My system specs:

AMD Phenom II x4 955
ATI Radeon HD 5750


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Ubuntu :: Stuck In Login Screen?

Nov 21, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and I recently tried installing certain python libraries. The installation of pyXML failed because python.h wasn't present. I thought I could solve this problem by reinstalling python. So I did:

sudo apt-get remove python
Unexpectedly, this command caused all kinds of other things to be uninstalled (like gnome)


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Ubuntu :: Stuck At Login Screen After Enabling It 10.10?

Nov 7, 2010

I been having this problem with the login screen after i enabled it. It shows a little window with the the ubuntu logo with my computer's name underneath with the login button. Clicking the button does nothing but when I hit enter it seems like its booting up but freezes after it says "checking battery [done]" or something like that. is it a problem with the login screen? If so how do I fix it? If not what is the problem?

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Stuck Past Login Screen

Jan 29, 2010

I made a little change this morning on my karmic laptop, and now after it boots up and I enter my username/psswd, it remains perpetually stuck on the loading page that usually shows only for a couple of seconds. I never actually get to my desktop.

This morning, I thought I would try adding another panel to my Desktop, but I thought that if I added it with the position 'top', it would automatically pop underneath my default top panel. So I would have two panels one under the other, like you often do in firefox. I also immediately set my new panel on 'auto-hide'. Right after, the new panel showed up ABOVE my default panel (like z-axis, covering my default panel) and my screen was absolutely frozen. All my desktop icons disappeared and mouse clicks and keyboard strokes would do nothing.

I was forced to hit ctrl+alt+f3 and do a reboot. Ever since, I have been stuck in this mode. Perhaps if I could access the config file for desktop panels (if there is one), then I could try and revert my changes.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck At Login Screen 10.04 LTS After Pulseaudio Uninstall?

Jun 16, 2010

While trying to fix the audio lag problem with skype I have created a new problem. This is what I did.Everything was working fine until I uninstalled pulseaudiorom pplications>Ubuntu Software Centre>Installed Software. I removed just about everything pulseaudio. I than restarted ubuntu 10.04LTS. When I attempt to login it seems to go black for a sec then kicks me back to the login screen again. I get no errors. If I do "ctrl, alt, F1" I can login no problem so I know it's not my password.

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Ubuntu :: GUI Disappeared When Rebooted - Stuck In Login Screen With Nothing

Mar 31, 2011

Let me reassume what I just did, because it will be easier for you to understand my problem. Today I played a bit with my Ubuntu (10.04, latest kernel) because I wanted to try xmms. I tried to install it manually, but since i couldn't make some libraries work I went for


I don't know where something went wrong, but when i rebooted my GUI disappeared. I'm stuck in login screen with nothing in there. I tried to do this [URL].... , but it doesn't work (if i'm not wrong those folders are inside /home, so after login I have to do [cd ..] and then using the rm command) I tried also pkill gnome-panel before coming back to desktop, but it doesn't work either. I tried to

Code: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but it says I've got the latest one already installed.

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Debian Configuration :: Stuck At Screen Before Login

Aug 23, 2010

I'm new to the world of linux I've started using it just one week ago.I installed Debian Lenny without problem, and after 2 or 3 days managed to make my wifi and ATI card to work. Today I tried installing compiz, through the packet manager that comes with the system. It was downloaded and installed successfully, so I rebooted to see it effects (I guess) but after that, I wasn't able to get to the login screen anymore, it just gets stuck at the "gray" screen before that (I took a pic of what screen i'm talkin about). Then I accessed in console mode and removed all the compiz packages, tried dpkg-reconfigure gnome and gnome-core, then reinstalled the ati drivers, but the problem is still there.I don't want to reinstall the whole system, I don't think a simple problem like this is enough to do so, but sincerely I'm completly lost.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Stuck At Black Flickering Login Screen?

Mar 10, 2010

so i have been trying to install ubuntu for quite some time now and i have run into a bit of a roadblock.

I have tried to install 9.10 and it installs just fine (the GUI works just fine and everything seemingly goes ok), however when i go to boot it, i get to a flickering screen asking for my username and password (this is not the gnome login screen, it is just a blank black prompt asking for me to login). however, the flickering is inhibiting me from easily entering anything in from my keyboard. Thus, i cannot log in to fix the problem (i cannot enter my password because i dont know if the keys i am entering are being accepted or not). and recovery mode does the same thing.

This happens if i try installing it straight up, or if i install it inside windows. I have tried all kinds of boot options and install options (all that acpi crap) but none of it works.

i even tried installing some of my old copies of ubuntu (8.04), but when i do that the grub cannot load the linux kernel. I have also tried both the 64-bit and the 32-bit versions to no avail.

I am running an ASUS motherboard, AMD quad core x64, dual Nvidia geforce 8600's, 6 gigs of ram, and PLENTY of hard disk space.

I am not a noob to linux at all, but i have never encountered a problem like this and i have no clue how to fix it. Hell, i dont even know how to go about fixing it without logging in.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome 3 Broke 11.04 - Stuck At Blue-white Login Screen

May 2, 2011

I did exactly this tutorial says [URL] But now my Ubuntu 11.04 is stuck at blue-white login screen. Only User Defined Session and Recovery Console options are available but they are not working as well. But when I did the Gnome 3 upgrading, it asked for me to remove unused packages and I said yes. About 20 packages removed. Do I need to reinstall my Ubuntu? Or can I get my old Gnome 2? (Not Unity, I didn't like it.)

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Login - Enter Password - Login Sound Plays And Stuck Looking At The Wallpaper

Oct 10, 2010

I just finished installing 10.10 on my pc. the problem is that i cant login to the desktop i enter the password, the login sound plays and im stuck looking at the wallpaper. nothing else. i tried logging in safe mode and it worked. how can i get it to work normally?

pc specs:
Pentium 4 2.6 ghz
512mb ram
ati radeon 9600 graphics card

And i installed it using wubi.

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Ubuntu :: Login To Xfce The Screen Goes Black - Flickers A Few Times Then It Brings Back To The Login Screen

Apr 12, 2011

My last setup (years ago) ran fluxbox so because it was familiar I installed it as a secondary to xfce right off the bat. I download a lot of different stuff because I like to try out all the apps I can find but somewhere I broke something. I can still run fluxbox fine, but nither the Xubuntu nor Xfce sessions will run now. Last thing I remember changing was pulse audio(removed it for an experiment I was trying with jack audio), not sure if it is connected but when I try to login to xfce the screen goes black, flickers a few times then it brings me back to the login screen.

I tried failsafe but everytime I do my monitor gives me a "frequency out of range" error. I tried purging and reinstalling xubuntu desktop and xfce settings but I am thinking its my xorg config. My laptop is a Toshiba satellite M305D-s4830 with ATI Radeon 3100 mobile graphics card and I am running Xubuntu 10.10. Unfortunately I also broke the screen, so right now I am stuck with an external monitor till I get a new one.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck On Black Screen With (mouse) Cursor After Grub And A Purple Screen?

Jul 21, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 today as the main OS on my laptop.I had deleted my XP partition, and repartitioned it according to a guide I had found. (http:url)......Basically it was setup like this: 500mb ext2 primary partition, has the grub folder, I believe this is either the '/' partition, or the '/boot' partition 2gb swap space logical partition

10gb ext4 logical partition -- this is either the '/' or the '/boot', it contains the 'bin,boot,cdrom,dev' etc folders 243gb (the rest of my hard drive, with the exception of a partition that contains documents and files from my XP OS, formatted to NTFS) ext4, this is the one that has all my desktop/documents/etc folders.After Ubuntu was done installing, I had some message pop up about installing an ATI proprietary driver for my ATI graphics card (an ATI Radeon HD 4330, I believe, I may have messed that number up). I installed it and rebooted, no problem.

Next, I had another update window pop up with 198 items checked and ready to download and install. I went through all of this, and rebooted, again, no problem.Next thing I did was install some apps that were essential for me to have to use for my work (an ide, chat programs, etc). No problem with any of that.Last thing to install was the OSE Virtualbox, and then I installed WindowsXP Pro and Windows Vista Business, then installed the guest addition addon for VB. This all worked without any issues whatsoever.

Time goes on, and I notice my computer is heating up much more than (seemingly) normal. I begin to wonder if its my graphics card. So I shut down the computer and let it cool down. Reboot, and no problem, still working fine.Then I opened a couple of apps and tried a simple game (can't remember the name) I believe it was a simple 3d topdown, as I wanted to test my graphics card. This is where things seemed to start to go wrong. My laptop began hanging, not even allowing me to access the terminal via ctrl+alt+f2. The screen flashed and I saw the blue/green/grey fuzz that I get when the graphics card is starting to heat up too much. Then everything hangs and I can't do anything at all, including move the mouse. I did a hard reboot (I believe this is what you call pulling the plug/pressing the power button, correct me if I'm wrong). I then rebooted, saw a chkdisk, then it booted seemingly normal, but it hung right after the purple screen after the grub screen.

This is pretty much where I'm at right now. I strongly suspect the fault is with the ATI drivers, but have been completely unsuccessful in my attempts to fix it. I've googled just about everything I could think of, along with searching these forums. I've tried just about everything listed in the forums, but to no avail.I've tried the commands that are supposed to purge the ati drivers, but all I get are errors that say they can't remove the 'virtual drivers'.

Right now I'm booting off a live cd, so I know the computer still works fine, just not my actual installed OS. I'd really like to get the issue resolved without having to reinstall, as it took quite awhile just to get it usable in the first place, but this has already taken so much time, I may just resort to that if we can't solve it any other way. Got too much work to catch up on as it is.As a re-instated note, perhaps if you have any tips, but not particularly about fixing the OS, my laptop (I'm strongly guessing my graphics card) is heating up much more than normal, compared to that when XP was installed. Is this more than likely just a driver issue, as is the rest of it? Also, I did have Compiz installed, though I didn't choose for it to be installed, I believe it came pre-installed. I've heard it could cause some issues, though I have no idea as to the validity or relation to this particular issue.

I just remembered while searching for a solution, I found a post somewhere that said something about the information not being sent to the monitor from the graphics card properly, thus no desktop. I'm guessing that'd still fall under the driver issues, but again, I'm unsure. I would think that wouldn't be entirely true anyway, since I can still see my mouse fine, just no desktop, only a black screen.

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 Stuck Before Login?

Oct 19, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.04, when i start up the computer in boots up gives me 2errors on something. it shows the light orange screen, with loading mouse for 15 secs. then it shows 10 line of words on a blank screen, then loops back and forth. it never gets out

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Fedora :: Cannot Login Into X Window(screen Turn To Black Before Login Screen)?

Feb 25, 2011

The problem come after i kill the Xorg using the kill command,and the screen turns to black without anything so that i can do nothing. The problem goes on after reboot

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login Screen Keeps Bouncing Back To Login Screen

Sep 17, 2010

I have installed VirtualBox and setup a Windows Vista host, initially with a .vdi of 10gb. That filled up quickly, so I added another 20gb secondary partition, after first trying to allocate a .vdi to a SCSI controller. Configured the drive in Windows (Computer Management), and all seemed ok. I shutdown VB, and rebooted my Linux host (openSuse 11.3). Now I keep bouncing back to the login screen, and can't login to Linux KDE, but can login to a console.I do have the following info:

/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part6 / ext4 acl,user_xattr 1 1


I did see a message before, that I don't see anymore, that said it could not start NFS services due to missing entry in fstab. Another I'm seeing now is it couldn't start the avahi-daemon, no space left on device. This is odd, since I have a 200GB drive, with half of it left, only max 30GB set to VB. Here's my df -k output:

/dev/sda6 Use% is 100%
devtmpfs Use% is 1%
tmpfs Use% is 1%
/dev/sda7 Use% is 46%

So root "/" is mounted on /dev/sda6, which looks like it could be a problem, but why would this suddenly be a problem after working with VirtualBox? Could this be a matter of just freeing up space on /dev/sda6? Like the /tmp folder that's under "/"?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Login Into Hardy...Screen Hangs Up At Login Screen?

Dec 22, 2008

I have a desktop running Hardy and till friday it was running good. Today is monday and I guess it has got monday blues like I get every monday at work.Today I tried to start it as usual but it just refused to go further than login screen. I just can not login. It just hangs it there. I do not know what has gone wrong. I did not change anything since friday and no one else uses it. Theres nothing in logs that could give any idea. It just hangs without any reason and is still on the login screen for ever. It does ask my username and password but then it does not go further.But to my surprise I tried logging in with root and it gave me expected error that system administrator is not allowed to login from gnome.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Stuck At Login Splash / AMD 5870

Oct 5, 2010

I just installed 10.04, 64-bit on a work computer that has an AMD 5870 GPU with the latest drivers from AMD (possibly relevant). I keep getting stuck on login at the Ubuntu logo with the five red dots beneath it. I can SSH into the machine from another machine, and I can hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete, which reboots after flashing some text.

I can also log in by amending Grub to remove the "quiet splash" and by hitting ctrl-X, but I can't get the X server to start from a text prompt. It generally gives me a blank screen after I type "startx," and I have to force-reset the computer. (I've been reading the forum for all the hints about how to fix this issue).

Interestingly, sometimes when I reboot I get a "...disk drives are being checked for errors..." message under the Ubuntu splash logo, and if I let this go to completion, I can log into the GUI without any problem. If I hit ctrl-C during the check, it won't log in.

So, right now I'm logged in to the GUI, but I'm afraid to reboot for fear of the dreaded red dots and no login.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Cannot Login To Desktop (Stuck In Loop)

Nov 4, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on my pc and whenever I login to the desktop it shows the gnome panels, icons, wallpaper and then immediately goes back to the login screen. If I try to login again, it does the same thing all over again but sometimes it works. Is there any way to fix this?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Stuck On Splash Screen?

Nov 17, 2010

I removed Cairo from synaptic. Since then Ubuntu doesn't start - it gets stuck on the splash screen, which is Mac-like (since I had installed Macubuntu): I see the apple logo and the rotating wait prompt is running like hell. My pc has dual boot (Vista is my other OS) with grub2 loader.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck In A Log-in Screen Loop?

Dec 26, 2010

Not sure exactly how to describe it. I'll try to get a video for reference. The log-in screen comes up, I type in my password, hit enter, and the screen goes black and the log-in screen comes back up. I'm currently using a BackTrack installation (it sucks) and I'd like to go back to an OS that connects to the internet automatically, instead of me having to redo everything from a terminal upon startup

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Ubuntu :: Getting Stuck At Splash Screen?

Jun 28, 2011

I was building LTIB and encountered a few dependencies missing. so i installed them manually. These were the ones i installed.



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Fedora :: Stuck In Infinite Loop On Login After Changing Wallpaper?

Aug 17, 2011

Fedora 15, fresh install.I changed the wallpaper from default to a solid colour. After switching between gradient to colour the system crashed logged me out and upon logging in it simply runs endlessly accessing my harddisk but never actually loading the desktop.I can kill X and reboot, but it's the same problem waiting for me on restart. I really don't want to re-install or delete users (to put it in context, I just spent 3 days trying to install Fedora because Anaconda doesn't know how to install GRUB correctly).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck At Loading Screen ?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 9. For some weird reason, sometimes when i log in only the ubuntu logo shows up. It says "Grub loading" and then the logo appears, but the harddrive isn't accessed. After about 2 minutes, the logo disappears and the screen goes blank. I have to shut down the computer manually. The weird thing is, it only happens every so often..about every other boot up.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Start - Stuck At Loading Screen

Jan 5, 2011

I simply installed 5 or 6 various packages and shutdown the laptop, later I opened it and turned it on GRUB came up as usual showing the usual options, I selected the option I always pick and Ubuntu came up as usual with the progress bar of 5 or 6 dots that show the typical progress bar but it stays like this forever. I tested it for up to 3 hours it didn't budge.

I tried selecting the recovery option from the GRUB menu and it appears to load normally with a bunch of console output but then halts with the last message displaying:

cloud-init start-local running Wed, 05 Jan 2011 20:43:44 -0600. up 14.26 seconds
no instance data found in start local init: cloud-init-local main process (357) terminated with status 1

But before the message there was a lot of warnings that appeared to trail off as there were so many, here is an example of one of them as they all appear to be the same just different rule numbers, this is also the last one before the error:

udevd[353]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-sbig.rules:59

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Ubuntu :: Stuck On Loading Screen After Removing KDE

Jan 18, 2011

I installed KDE but decided to remove it after a while as I wasn't using it and its application were redundant on my Gnome desktop. I followed Psychocats' guide for "pure Ubuntu" but after rebooting, Ubuntu just hangs on the loading screen (or during 'checking battery state'). I tried booting in recovery mode but I'm unable to navigate the menu: when I press a direction key it alternates between the menu and the Ubuntu loading screen. Several other keys do the same thing, while the rest do nothing.

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Ubuntu :: When KDE Starts, Get Stuck In A Blank Screen?

Feb 6, 2011

Today my system has started exhibiting a weird behavior. When KDE starts, I get stuck in a blank screen. Sometimes, KDE starts and shows the logon page, but then it gets stuck during logon: the disk icon is completely loaded, but the others are still blurred. I can dual-boot into windows on the same machine, and it also has problems. I have remote access to the machine, and I can even start X remotely, although it's sluggish. I have an nVidia 9600 card, which had been working just fine until today. I have tried updating to the last nVidia drivers from the PPA, but it didn't help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck On Waiting For /Windows Screen

Feb 26, 2010

I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10 and when I try to boot into ubuntu now it goes to a screen where it says "waiting for /windows" and even after the loading bar is fully loaded it stuck on that screen. BTW I don't know if this will help but when I restarted it wouldn't work because grub was broken and I booted it 9.10 live CD and reinstalled it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: On Intel I5 64 Bit - Get Stuck With Blank Screen

Apr 28, 2010

I just bought a new Dell Studio Laptop with Intel i5 64 bit processor with Windows 7. I installed ubuntu with in my Windows 7 through CD and also tried to run it by installing it on Pen drive. But it just boots perfectly but get stuck with blank screen after that.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Screen Resolution: Stuck At 1024x768 W/10.04?

May 21, 2010

I installed 10.04 on my former windows box last night, and I seem to be stuck at a screen resolution of 1024x768. I have a Geforce 7600 GT graphics card, and I installed current drivers via the hardware drivers option. I can't go above this resolution in the nvidia x-server settings, and even xrandr says the highest resolution I can use is 1024x768. What is up with that, and how can I change it?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Stuck At Purple Splash Screen After Installation

Dec 16, 2010

Yesterday I booted into the Ubuntu 10.10 CD, and hit the Try Ubuntu button. Ubuntu booted fine from the CD, and after trying it for a few minutes, I decided to install it.

I already had (and still have) Windows 7 installed, so, using the Ubuntu Installer, I shrinked the C (system) partition of Windows by roughly 14 GBs. 10 of which used for Ubuntu itself, and the other 4 as Swap Area.

Installation went fine, and I was asked to reboot - and so I did. However, upon restarting, I was 'welcomed' by a stuck, purple splash screen. So I used Recovery Mode, and updated my Ubuntu. That didn't change anything. I rebooted, started Ubuntu without the "splash quiet" commands, and instead used the "nomodeset" command. I logged in my Ubuntu user, and ran the StartX command. It didn't work, and I was given a few errors, including "no screen found", "Fatal server error", and something along the lines of "no NVIDIA module found (...,0)".

So what's wrong with the NVIDIA driver, really?

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