Ubuntu :: Disabling Ipv6 In 8.08 Hardy LTS?

Mar 26, 2010

i have found the solution to disabling ipv6 but the command line is not recognised when i enter it.

i open terminal and input sudo gedit/etc/modprobe.d/bad-list/ but the command is not recognised

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Internet Slow ... Tried Disabling Ipv6

Feb 1, 2010

Is karmic is slower for you all: if you're running windows ping a server on windows/ubuntu and compare. 9.10 is consistently slower for me. I've seen enough "slow internet" posts to suspect that someone screwed up bad. Everyone says it's ipv6, but none of the fixes work for me. Pretty sure it's ipv6 (or at least a dns-related problem):


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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Very Slow In 10.10 After Disabling Ipv6?

Jan 23, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop, and the internet was very slow and kept dropping in and out for any web browsers and sometimes the Ubuntu software center. After searching the internet for a while I came across several article saying to disable ipv6, which I have done, but the issue persists

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection EVEN After Disabling IPv6?

Jun 6, 2011

I installed ubuntu yesterday on my desktop. I noticed that the global internet connection is very slow (browsing,downloading from apt-get, etc).

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OpenSUSE Network :: IPV6 Disabling In Suse In General?

Apr 10, 2011

I've had a hell of a time with this and now all but YAST2 are ok. Going back some time to 10.0 this could be used to disable it very completely.

open terminal and run
echo "alias net-pf-10 off" >> /etc/modprobe.conf
echo "alias ipv6 off" >> /etc/modprobe.conf

restart computer. Has anyone used this on more recent issues even 11.4 and are there any repercussions?I assume that the inverse will but it back on ie off's just become on's? I will be using cups when I install my printer which is one concern and I am not at all sure that modprobe will do anything anymore?

I also recollect that there is a command to cause the kernel to effectively reboot which would save restarting. Can't remember what it is. Maybe some one can refresh my memory.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Firefox - Disabling Ipv6 Through The "about:config" Option

May 29, 2010

I am having some hang issues with firefox and am not sure what can be the problem. Here is my specs:

Toshiba Satellite L35 Laptop
Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid / Windows Vista Home Basic dual boot
Atheros Integrated NIC
Firefox v3.6.3

Everything is working fine on the network side, being confirmed by both my wife's EEE Netbook, and my iPod(r) Touch. There is no problem with my network interfaces, or my interface card, as confirmed by the other devices' ability to connect and browse at normal speeds.

However; with my lappy running Ubuntu and Firefox, a LOT of websites hang/lag when attempting to browse websites. I have read on some of the forums about disabling ipv6 through the "about:config" option and that seemed to help a little, but not to where it should be. I have tried a lot of options, but it is still lagging.

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Ubuntu :: Why A Hardy/Hardy Dual-boot Shouldn't Work

Jan 5, 2010

I've had issues with the later versions of Ubuntu, so in an effort to road-test Firefox 3.5 on Hardy I'd like to change my Karmic/Hardy dual boot to a Hardy/Hardy dual boot, and follow the instructions in [URL] to put the Mozilla build of 3.5 on the new installation.

I can't see any reason why a Hardy/Hardy dual-boot shouldn't work, but does anyone know of any issues with this I might not be aware of?

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Fedora Networking :: Ipv6 With Tunnel Broker - Better Client For Non Native Ipv6 Connectivity?

Jul 22, 2009

I used to play with gw6c ( a client for tunnel broker ) It works well with fedora9 , fedora 10, but not with leonidas. my rpm is gw6c-6.0-0.4.beta4.fc9.i386.rpm ( a little old!) when I tried to install i have got this: libcrypto.so.7 est ncessaire pou w6c-6.0-0.4.beta4.fc9.i386 I try to make a soft link to libcrypto.so.0.9.8k, but nothing; The question :-Is there a solution for that pb - did you know a better client for non native ipv6 connectivity?

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Fedora Networking :: FC15 IPV6 Wireless Router - No Longer Gets An IPv6 Address

Aug 31, 2011

I have been struggling to get FC15 to act as an IPv6 router for a while now, am sure I am missing something trivial.. The idea is that I have a ppp / adsl connection (this works fine), use the wireless card on my pc with hostapd and dhcpd to provide connections to other pcs (works fine), and radvd to delegate ipv6 addresses.

The issue seem to be that as soon as I turn on ipv6 forwarding (net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding =1), the ppp connection no longer gets an IPv6 address. This means the router cannot ping any ipv6 address outside my network.

If I disable ipv6 routing, my router gets an IPv6 address on its ppp connection, and can ping things such as ipv6.google.com just fine, however (of course) no packets are forwarded from my network and radvd complains that forwarding is disabled.

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Ubuntu :: Skype On Hardy 8.04?

Feb 12, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and am trying to install Skype. If possible I would like to do this with a debian package. I just cannot find this anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: GLIBC 2.8 Not Found On Hardy

Feb 2, 2010

Installed a new program that calls for GLIBC 2.8 and it immediately errors and quits(`GLIBC_2.8' not found ). Running Hardy Heron, YES, I know it is getting long in the tooth, but LTS? I should be able to install GLIBC 2.8? This boy can not find any reference to do so.

I'd upgrade, but running a laptop Dell Inspiron 6000 with ati X300 mobility (NEVER AGAIN WITH ATI! Give me Nvidia or give me death!) that has been put into legacy and is no longer supported by ati. So I am stuck on Hardy until I get a new laptop (Sometime in the year 2525 at the rate I can save money) The question(s) is/are:

1. Can GLIBC 2.8 (/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.8') be installed on Hardy Heron easily?

2.Can it GLIBC 2.8 be installed with non-standard repos?

3. Can GLIBC 2.x be custom compiled *easily* to Hardy or am I looking at a whole can of worms. ("Dood, solution: apt-get dist-upgrade" >remember ATI?<) Finally if I am looking under the wrong rock... Where may I find a forum to guide me through this- if one exists?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Wired On Hardy 8.04?

Mar 29, 2010

I've been trying to install wired on friend's ubuntu hardy 8.04 and simply couldn't.. no .deb package I had found worked, I couldn't compile it from scratch (weird dependencies problems which I can't resolve) and I'm stuck. I'm a bit afraid of upgrading his system to koala, coz I don't have time for neither fresh install nor for dealing with all the possible problems with 'dirty' upgrade..

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Ubuntu :: Hardy Heron With LCD Laptop?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm Just a newbie here my OS is ubuntu 8.04 LTS I tried to install chrome9 driver chrome9.83-242-u804 on my laptop after i have installed that my laptop is umm. like this picture..

but when i use external monitor the external monitor is fine but my laptop still no change what does i should do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Hp MIE 8.04 Hardy To 10.04?

May 2, 2010

I am trying to upgrade my Hp MIE 8.04 Hardy to 10.04, how to do this.

It is the original install of HP MIE but when I use something like:


update-manager --devel-release

I install updates, but when i re-check it does not display upgrade available.

The update manager looks different due to the MIE interface. Is there another, better way to do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Upgrade From Hardy

Jun 15, 2010

I am using a dell mini with Hardy and do not seem to be able to upgrade at all. I have tried following the instructions in the ubuntu documentation but the upgrade manager finds no new releases to upgrade to. Does anyone have any suggestions on what my be preventing me from upgrading? My goal is to get to 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Hardy Downgrade From Firefox 3.6 To 3.0?

Jul 14, 2010

Short version: I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and need downgrade ASAP from Firefox 3.6 back down to Firefox 3.0. In Synaptic, the firefox-3.0 package cleverly now shows up as version 3.6. How can I downgrade? I'm open to anything. Long version:

I just did a security update on my Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) installation. It upgraded Firefox from 3.0.x (x=19, I think) to 3.6.x. This broke an absolutely critical plugin for me, pretty much the one and only plugin I care about, and one that doesn't support Firefox beyond 3.0. More on the plugin below if you care.

But for now I MUST downgrade immediately to Firefox 3.0.x. I realize that The Powers That Be probably forced us to upgrade to 3.6 for a reason (i.e. 3.0 isn't supported anymore, or something like that) but I really can't deal with a 3.0-3.6 sea change right now. I need to get the FF install back down to 3.0 pronto. My work is piling up fast.

If there's no way to do it within the carefully security-controlled world of officially-supported 8.04 LTS, I'm open to steps that will force it. I just need my FF 3.0 to work for a couple more months.

Related question: If I downgrade, what are the chances that FF 3.0 will be able to parse my (carefully crafted) profile, now that the newer 3.6 has gone in there and presumably mucked it up with 3.6-specific things? I can extract the 3.0 profile file(s) from a backup if needed (a snapshot was taken just before the security upgrade!) I'm not going to say what the plugin is, but it's critical to me. I literally can do virtually nothing without it. I will find a replacement for it (one that supports 3.6+) when I tackle the OS upgrade, but NOT NOW

Sidebar 2: I know 8.04 is a little old, but I don't have the time right now to deal with upgrading. It's a massive undertaking for me to do that, and I plan on doing it in the fall (read: not now!) As part of that OS upgrade (wipe and reinstall, actually), THAT is when I would tackle migrating to a newer version of Firefox, including figuring out all the preference adjustments to get it to my liking and, most importantly, get my critical plugin to work. And that's also when I would upgrade to FF 3.6 (or whatever) on ALL of my machines. I have several computers (Linux and Windows), and I keep them all at the same identical level of Firefox, with the same prefs, and that same critical plugin, so I have the same browsing experience and feature set no matter which computer I'm at.

Sidebar 3: While I'd love to sanctimoniously wag my finger at Ubuntu for doing this Terrible Thing to us users, I imagine there were good reasons for it and perhaps was even some debate about forcing a 3.0 -> 3.6 update. I'd love to see that debate, if someone can point me to it (e.g. a bug discussion thread on launchpad).

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Ubuntu :: Install Software On 8.04 LTS Hardy

Feb 7, 2010

How can Install this program on Ubuntu 8.04 hardy


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Ubuntu :: Flash Stopped Working In 64 Bit Hardy

Jan 15, 2010

I know 64 bit Flash has been a headache, but mine was working until yesterday. Symptoms began with it not working in Opera and Seamonkey. I checked the Adobe site and found what appears to be a later version, so I downloaded it, extracted it, then copied it to the relevant directories. That changed nothing at the time, but this morning it stopped working in Firefox as well.

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Ubuntu :: Using Cellphone As Bluetooth Modem In Hardy?

Mar 17, 2010

I recently got myself a bluetooth dongle. I frequently use my Sony Ericsson K800i mobile phone as a modem to connect my computers to the internet. I've had to use a USB datacable to link phone to computer, so I'm pretty stoked at the idea of using a bluetooth connection instead.

I used this tutorial to set up the modem connection. It's a bit aged: it was written in the days of 6.10, and goes on about bluez-utils; but it wasn't hard to update it, for instance replacing the command

sudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart
sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

and there's now a little graphic interface to pair devices and such, whereas when the tutorial was written you had to use command-line to pair and authenticate. Also, I use Gnome-PPP to start the internet connection rather than the ponand poff commands suggested in the tutorial.

I can connect to the phone/modem simply enough now with my EeePC running Jaunty. But when I put the same dongle in my Hardy-running desktop machine, I cannot establish a link. This really puzzles me: the same bluetooth device is being used in both cases, and I'm following the tutorial in both cases so I'm doing the same in both cases. I can do other stuff with the dongle and the Hardy box: for instance I can transfer files from one to the other. It's just the dial-up internet function that won't work.

I realise the next LTS version (Lucid) is coming out soon; and I'm pretty confident the bluetooth modem connection will work okay with Lucid. But in the meantime, I really would like to use the bluetooth connection now. Sometimes my phone can get a 3G signal only if it's sitting onmy window sill, and the datacable isn't long enough to do that. So, if anyone can point me in the right direction for info on how to use a phone as bluetooth modem with Hardy,

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Missing Lib In Hardy

Apr 6, 2010

Rhythmbox went missing. How long ago I'm not sure as I don't use often. When starting I get them error:

$ rhythmbox

rhythmbox: error while loading shared libraries: libtotem-plparser.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I uninstalled and reinstalled Rhythmbox, but that didn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Build Lucid VM With Vm-builder On Hardy?

May 16, 2010

I have a server running Ubuntu 8.04. I'd like to use the vm-builder utility (a.k.a. python-vm-builder, vmbuilder and ubuntu-vm-builder) to build a virtual machine image for KVM to run on this server.

I want my virtual machine to run Ubuntu 10.04, but I can't do that because the vm-builder utility only recognizes Ubuntu releases before and up to the version of Ubuntu on which the utility is run.

I'm wondering if there's a way around this without having to upgrade my server to Ubuntu 10.04, which is not really feasible at the moment. I tried installing a more recent version of the vm-builder utility using the Lucid package, but it won't install because of unmet dependencies.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Put Network Manager 8 On Hardy?

May 27, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron), Kernel 2.6.24-24. Because everything is working fine, I would be very reluctant to upgrade to 8.10 or later. However I now have a need to use a Mobile Broadband USB connection to the Internet. I understand that this requires Network Manager 7.something or later.

I got the network-manager (0.8-1) binary from debian. Anyone got any experience of whether I should be able to install it succesfully? I thought I would ask before wrecking my system. (Synaptic seems to only allow me version 0.6.6)

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Ubuntu :: Hardy Running Extremely Slowly?

Jun 7, 2010

I've been using Hardy Heron and linux mint 7 for quite a while now and was very happy with both until the last month or so.For some reason the computer seems to run much more slowly than it did. I deleted the linux mint because I was only testing it, but Hardy has been my stable (trusted) distro for quite some time.I've actually booted into xp to write this because Hardy had got too slow.I've spent the day downloading Ubuntu 10.04 and Linux mint 9, but both failed to install when I tried.

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Ubuntu :: Install The Hardy Mariux 2.0 Theme ?

Jul 5, 2010

I've been trying to install the Hardy Mariux 2.0 theme. I've installed Emerald Theme Manager and am trying to load one of the themes (Hardy 2.0 - Standard.emerald); I added it to Emerald, click it (which causes Emerald to close) then run emerald --replace. The bar at the top of the windows gets replaced, along with the buttons, but that all and the process running in the terminal never seems to end (it doesn't give any kind of output either).

Also, I'm most interested in the Mac OS X-like panel at the bottom of the screen and the bar at the top of the window that comes in the Hardy 2.0 - Standard package. What exactly do I have to install out of the whole package to get these two things working?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: HDMI Sound On ION 330 In 8.04 Hardy

Sep 4, 2010

Meanwhile I have upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat and sound over HDMI works there without any problems so far after unmuting all channels.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 7.10 To 8.04 Hardy Heron

Sep 16, 2010

I want to upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10 - the Gutsy Gibbon to 8.04 hardy heron. Will I have any problems after installation using the update manager. Will I lose any programs or files (mp3's movies) on my computer after installation? Are there any serious bugs that will my machine useless afterward?

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Ubuntu :: Hardy CD With Kernel 2.6.35 Fails To Boot

Oct 26, 2010

So I just finished doing a Hardy based LiveCD. I made an installation in VirtualBox, installed some packages, and then compiled a totally new kernel, 2.6.35, actually this one: [URL] I compiled squashfs support in the kernel naturally Everything seems to be fine, the system boots up normally etc. But here comes the trouble: I make the iso file with remasterys (2.0.12-latest for Hardy) but this iso isn't able to boot.

It drops to busybox shell, casper.log says: /init: 1 /dev/sr0: no such file or directory Unable to find medium with the livesystem. My /dev folder is totally empty, it contains only the shells (8 pieces of tty). I don't know what's wrong...my rootfs is surely mounted, mount shows rootfs rw /

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Ubuntu Networking :: Hardy: No Network On Boot

Nov 16, 2010

My network doesn't work on boot. I have to ifdown then ifup before it starts working again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Software On 8.04 LTS Hardy?

Mar 21, 2011

How can Install this program on Ubuntu 8.04 hardy



Located in:


media/FreeAgent drive/Fedora/Ubuntu

Terminal code I have to use:


sudo apt-get install winzip140

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To Firefox 3.6 On Hardy 8.04 - Packages Conflict

Jan 26, 2010

I just upgraded Firefox from updated yet ancient version 3.0.17 to modern 3.6 using Firefox-stable repository March 15, 2010 update: Firefox 3.6 works perfectly on Hardy 8.04 using firefox-stable repository Quote: Originally Posted by OUTDATED INFORMATION SINCE THE BUG WAS FIXED I ran into two problems.

1. Firefox packages conflicted. I had to manually force-remove firefox-3.0 to install firefox-3.6.

2. Firefox 3.6 was not able to start. It was giving some kind of an error message. I worked around the problem by creating a new profile. but my old 3.0 profile with all my stored passwords, bookmarks, etc is unusable in 3.6

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