Ubuntu :: How To Kill Unresponsive Terminal Application
Feb 7, 2011
I just ran "mysqld" manually in the terminal, but now I can't quit it and go back to bash. I've tried CTRL+C and typing "reset", but neither do anything. Anything I type is just ignored. I've had this numerous times in the past with various operating systems and in various scenario's, hence why I'm seeking the solution. Is there some universal hotkey to quit the currently running application or something? I guess I'm looking for a way to send SIGQUIT, SIGTERM or possibly even a EOF signal?
For some strange reason my gnome-terminal has become really slow and unresponsive.If I type anything on the terminal I have to wait a few seconds before anything appears on the terminal.Memory or cpu is not the problem. Currently I am using only about 20% of my CPU:s and 15% of my RAM..Booting didn't help.Lucky this doesnt happen in openoffice, firefox or gedit. (which I need most)and I am running 9.10, which has last been updated about a week ago.
If a process becomes unresponsive in WINDOWS then we press "alt+ctrl+del" to invoke the task manager & then terminate the process.Is there any similar way to invoke the Linux Terminal so that we can end a process by the 'kill' command when it becomes unresponsive?
I'm trying to kill an android SDK emulator but it just won't shut down. When I try to kill it through system monitor (see pics) it doesn't work, "killall program_name" doesn't work either. It stays firm and all I have left is to reboot Ubuntu.
I had opened Thunderbird and discovered I had no cursor control. Couldn't close it, couldn't exit it, couldn't switch windows. I couldn't even shut down using that button.
I figured there must be a kill command similar to Windoze cntrl + alt + del that would allow me to close that application.Is there such a keyboard hot key for doing this?
I am using kvkbd as an onscreen keyboard and I have it set to start on the login screen but after I login I want the keyboard to close and I can not get this to work. At the bottom of /etc/gdm/Init/DefaultI added the line.Code:exec kvkbd&This works great and kvkbd starts up and even puts a panel icon at the bottom of the login screen but after the login the keyboard is still there?I have tried making a launcher and adding it to the startup applications. I wrote a script and put it in the /usr/sbin and /usr/bin and also added a line at the bottom of my /etc/rc.local that should have run that same script to kill kvkbd and nothing. The really weird thing is that the launcher that I made would work if I double clicked on it but if i had it set to run as a startup application it would not work.
How do I kill a python application from the command line? For an example I have 2 applications running. The first is bleachbit and the second is furiusisomount. They are both python applications so they both come up as python under process name. I could kill them by ID number but if there was another way to do it so that it could be automated in a bash script.
Is there any command in Linux to kill a socket connection WITHOUT killing its parent application? For example, I have streaming server with several connected users and I want to close socket connection to one of them?
So, this may have something to do specifically with conky, but I don't understand how sometimes when I run 'conky' from the terminal and then once it loads I close the terminal, it kills conky. But other times, I do the same thing, wait for it to load, and it just keeps running! In both cases, I don't get a "user@computer~:$" prompt back after running 'conky' either. That happens sometimes with other things like gedit too..
first time KDE and OpenSUSE user here, went from BSD to Windows now here with you, and I have a small problem. This is pretty much a fresh install, and KDE will sometimes become unresponsive and the computer will disconnect USB devices (mouse keyboard). Although I can still use the trackpad and keyboard on the laptop, no shortcuts work, I cannot kill process, open the terminal, or anything else, and can only reboot the compute via power switch.
I was told by an experienced Ubuntu user to try to replicate the error on demand and post the logs. The problem is, I can't. It will happen pretty randomly, sometimes when watching flash, or sometimes downloading from Yast2. I did take my last logs from a recent crash though and have the pastbin Jan 3 19:54:02 linux-yiyn su: (to root) kris on / - Linux logfile Also as a side note, although running on older hardware, OpenSUSE never seems to utilize more then 7% CPU (1.5Ghz single core) and 130Mb RAM (2Gb DDR). I am told this is unlike linux systems, that they usually idle high.
I am pretty new to Suse Linux, coming from Sun Solaris. I have an issue with the "more" command. It highlights all the lines beyond the first terminal appearance; anyway I can kill this highlighting?
Today I run OpenOffice.org extensions update and it freezed fter showing me that everything was successful.When i xkilled it it refused tolaunch without any problem indication.killall soffice.bin didn't report "No process found" after 1,2,3...20 times.So I tried killall soffice.bin -i
the process is mcelog. When I do as root kill -9 2323 which is pid of mcelog the process is not killed. I tried doing the same from top, press K and enter pid of mcelog. doing ps auwx | grep mcelog I see there are several results. I tried killing all of them like kill -9 2355 2341 3425 2345. But re-running the above commands still shows them as running. How else would I troubleshoot this to avoid restarting of the box.
1) What is the easiest way to find an applications name so that I can run it in terminal rather than from the apps menu? I have installed programs before and tried to run them using the terminal and couldnt for not knowing the name to put in terminal 2) Does Clam AV automatically update when update manager is run? I sometimes get an "update failed" message when I try to run it from the GUI.
I have a binary application that runs only in shell, now I want to open it from another application(Mathematica program) but simply invoking it will start it in memory but not in a shell.
I tryed "bash app" which does not work and "gnome-terminal app" just opens the terminal without launching that application.
Ps: Its the same thing as in Java when you want to invoke a system command like ping but you need to do it like this .exec("cmd ping") instead of just ping.
How would one go about making an application start up on boot with terminal? I have a VPS that is ubuntu 8.04, and have command line access. I already compiled the application.
I do a lot of torrenting on my xubuntu box, and ever since my introduction to computers, I have become attracted to the command-line way of doing things. My default editor is vi, my default torrent programme is rtorrent, my default gopher client is lynx... you get the idea. My web browsing, and sometimes also my file browsing, however, is always in graphical mode.
As you know, downloading a torrent involves downloading a small file with the extension .torrent. When I clicked on this .torrent file, although I have rtorrent installed, Transmission showed up. Not to insult the Transmission guys, but compared to an ncurses-based torrent client, Transmission is just too bloated. Anyhow, I right-clicked on the file, Open With Other Application, etc.
Into the box that showed up, I typed /usr/bin/rtorrent (the path to my favourite torrent client), and clicked OK. I double-clicked on the torrent file again, and nothing. Transmission didn't show up, but neither did my terminal client. I'm sick of having to go to the Applications menu and firing up the Terminal to torrent a file. I'd like to have the Terminal open up with rtorrent as soon as I double click the file.
I've made custom launchers for programs that can only run in terminal. They open fine within the Terminal window, but it closes right after the program is finished, before I can read the report.
Is there a way to keep the Terminal window open, using launchers? I don't want to manually type the commands after opening a Terminal.
I am quite aware that one can add a startup application to the gnome session by going to System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications (Sessions). But, is there a way to achieve the same thing via the terminal? I want to know because I am writing a simple bash script that installs all of the programs I commonly use. One such program is compiz fusion with fusion-icon.And so I want to add the fusion-icon into the gnome session with my script (strictly within the terminal).
For awhile I have had this issue with the command line and every time I try to complete any command that requires GTK graphics, It always returns the error "Error: cannot open display: 0:" The "EXPORT display" command that I normally use to fix this issue is not working. The only issue that I can think might be the cause for this could be my upgrade to natty (which was in fact a clean installation), or when I edited plymouth so that the startup and shutdown animations would match my laptop's native resolution (by the way I would also appreciate it if I could do the same with the startup animation, only the shutdown really works). If anybody know how I could resolve this issue I would greatly appreciate it. Oh and for specifics on my machine, I am using an ASUS N82 with an NVIDIA GEFORCE GT335M graphics card, running Ubuntu 11.04.
I am looking for a good and practical console application. I use midnight commander a lot, and I find it frustrating every time I press the F10 key it displays the drop menu items using the terminal. On occasions I make invisible the menu bar, by disabling in the view menu.
So I am looking for a good console application that when I use midnight commander if I press the function key buttons it doesn't display the drop down menu options.
I'm having Ubuntu Kramic Koala and i want to create a custom application launcher on the panel so when it is clicked it should open a terminal window and run the following command and then show the output for 5 secs and then closes the terminal... how can i do this?
Code: cat /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode && sleep 5
the above command is what i want to be executed at time of running the custom application launcher. if i paste the command in a terminal, it will show the output for 5 secs and then terminates... that's almost what i want. what i exactly want is that, i want it to work like when i click on the shortcut launcher, it should open a terminal and then exectues that command, show the output for 5 sec, pause, and then exits the teriminal.
i use uxrvt ( for those who dont know, its terminal emulator based on xterm).i know its easy to copy/paste stuff from terminal to itself is a trivial thing. it can be done by mouse left click to select and middle click to paste.but in my case i need to copy text from terminal to another application, viz on google chromium.
Is there a way to find out the currently installed packages and the corresponding command line to launch the package from a terminal. For example, I know that I have openoffice installed but I do not know how to find the command line to launch it.
when I call a windows application with wine I cannot type anything when the application asks for it. The typed keys are displayed in the terminal instead. I use a ubuntu-based distro.
if my network downs my system process get slow down ... only in user mode but in root it is working fine ..the process slow especially if i try to open a terminal or run any gui application its taking much time comparing to normal time where network is up ..