Ubuntu :: Change Bootsplash To Default?
Feb 26, 2010So I installed a windows 7 theme. And it replaced the login window (gdm I think).How do I switch it back to deafult? I'm on 9.10
View 3 RepliesSo I installed a windows 7 theme. And it replaced the login window (gdm I think).How do I switch it back to deafult? I'm on 9.10
View 3 RepliesI have OpenSUSE 11.3 installed. I really don't like the bootsplash of this version of OpenSUSE. Can I change it to the bootsplash of OpenSUSE 11.1? More green and better!
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow is it possible to change the default text that is displayed on the default BASH logon (attached)?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedIn Ubuntu 810.. how do you set the mouse for one click to open an item..?What is that software that sets Trash's empty feature at the bottom of the right click on trash..? I had it, but I can't find it for this new install.Is there a way to default the cursor to half its minimum size, and customize its color to blues..?Is there a way to force the desktop toolbar icons to half of their minimum default size..Is thee a way to change the "Ubuntu Icon + Applications/Place/System" to just three different colored tiny spheres, without the Ubuntu icon..?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have installed Ubuntu 10.04. But I don't have a 'bootsplash'/start up screen like this: [URL]... All I have is a blank screen. How do I fix it? Shouldn't it just be there by default? Do I need to install anything extra, like usplash or something? Also exactly what Google apps are available for Linux/Ubuntu now? I read somewhere Google Desktop Search was available. This would rock, as having tried Beagle in the past and not having been all that impressed with it (it lacked the feel of real OS level integration and always just seemed to run like a separate app.), I would be hopeful that Google Desktop search would work a bit better. Has anyone tied it? What's your view? Now that Mac and Windows both have advanced Desktop search integration, it seems that search (or specifically pre-built-in integrated search) is one area where Gnome is still seriously lacking.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOkay I have been running Ubuntu for soma months now and it is nice, but now after updating the kernels to get the latest when prompted by the update manager, I now find I have multiple kernels when I boot he PC. My Slackware and Windows 7 options are way down the list. How do I remove the older options. Idealy I would like just the last two kernels and there safe modes on display as options.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am running slackware 13.0 and trying to get a bootsplash. I managed to get a lilo splash but cannot figure out how to do a bootsplash.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have Ubuntu 10.04 installed and although I had some problems initially, everything works fine now. I'm just bragging about that. I do have some strange "issues" with my boot. I know that Ubuntu is supposed to boot with only plymouth visible, but before I see plymouth I have a fairly long period of time when I see nothing but a console cursor (a.k.a. caret) blinking. I'm no expert in reading bootchart charts, so I'm attaching it for some feedback. I have no idea how and what to optimize.
My boot is ~40 secs as noted on the bootchart, but it would be nice to cut some fat if possible. Also, my StartUp-Manager is displaying some veeery long boot options. It doesn't look nice. I guess he's reading /boot/grub/grub.cfg but I don't think I'm supposed to see all that. my boot and shutdown screens are very low res and very ugly, often flickering on updates. I have 10.04 setup at work as a web test platform on a very old/crappy PC (Intel GFX) and bootsplash looks much nicer than on my home laptop.
I just compiled a bootsplash-patched kernel 2.6.21. Everything seems to be working fine, except the bootsplash When I boot up, nothing special happens. The console font is unusually large, but I boot into KDE with no problems, and no bootsplash. What could I have done wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedQuote:
One of the greatest things about Linux, ( I'm currently using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) is your ability to install more than one version of java. Ubuntu, and by default, comes loaded with OpenJdk, which is an open source version of Java. As I stated in a previous discussion, I had some issues to run glassfish with the OpenJdk, so I decided to install the "closed" version of Java directly from Sun microsystem's website ( Hosted by oracle nowadays).
After downloading the latest Java development kit(JDK) which also includes the Java Runtime Envirnonment (JRE), I installed it from the terminal. The java file I downloaded was a ".bin" file. I have explained in the previous discussion, how to install a .bin file.
The installer will extract all the contents of the ".bin" file to a folder in the same directory as of the ".bin" file. Assuming that you have extracted the contents of the ".bin" file to a folder on your Desktop called JAVA6, then the path to this folder would be:
after that go to your terminal window and do the following: sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/Desktop/JAVA6/bin/java" 1
Then issue the following command:
sudo update-alternatives --set Desktop/JAVA6/bin/java
This should set your newly installed java as your default JVM and JRE.
I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10.
The terminal and boot show nothing but some random colored pixels at the top.
I also saw the old grub menu on boot.
I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04, and after I rebooted to finish installing my Nvidia drivers, the bootsplash reset itself to a resolution of 800x600. Is there any way to change it back to 1680x1050?
View 4 Replies View Related10.04 - Installing splashy fails and consequently makes kpackagekit completely unuseable. Attempting to fix this with aptitude or 'sudo dpkg --force-overwrite --install' or 'sudo apt-get -f install' (as suggested elsewhere) brings me no joy either. Is there a fix so I can remove splashy and repair kpackagekit? How do I kill splashy so i can repair kpackagekit?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm using an nvidia graphic card, as i read before on this forum, to get high resolution in bootsplash i need v86d package - and i installled it and i get back 1680x1050 resolution in bootslash. But the problem with resolution come back after installing cryptsetup package, now i've got 640x480 and i can change it, I trying to reconfigure v86d , plymount, trying update-initramfs -u but with no result.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was facing trouble getting my second monitor to even get detected (GeForce GTX 260) so out of desperation i apt-get'd nvidia-glx-179 drivers, I then used Jockey to enable that driver.
Since then, whenever Ubuntu tries to boot, it kills itself. And this is the process:
I power up the tower, the screen goes that nice brown shade as I wait for the graphical ubuntu logo to show me its loading, when it eventually does it very quickly cuts into a full screen not-really-interactive terminal window that shows the boot hanging at random spots in the boot process. Theres no clear pattern. At the time of writing, it hangs on "setting sensors limits" after "Starting AppArmor Profiles".
Im going to restart again, This time it hung up at "Checking battery state..." im going to restart again, Hung up at "PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions saned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned" Ill restart again, Hung up at "Stopping userspace bootsplash"
As much fun as this is, I have a website to develop and this is seriously setting me back. All i wanted was to display the site on my second monitor so i didnt have to swap window depths in rapid succession. This is.. more trouble than it seems to be worth... How do i NOT lose my data?
Its worth noting that all the lines say "OK" next to them, not one mentions a fail of any sort.
When i Ctrl+C to break out, it doesnt, just gives me ^C
I'm trying to install a KDE splash screen. I go to Menu --> Config Desktop --> General --> Look and Feel --> Splash Screen --> Gte new themes. There I select and click "install" for "planet exp". All goes well except the new splash screen does not appear in the list of available splash screens.
View 9 Replies View RelatedDoes splashy work on slackware 13.1 x64? I've been to Alien Bob's site only to find out that splashy is supported for slackware 12.0.
View 10 Replies View RelatedRight now I dual boot Linux and Doze 7. As normal, grub appoints Ubuntu to be the OS highlighted to boot from. Is there a way to edit the boot list so that my Windows7 will boot automatically. Reason being my wife tends to get a little grumpy because she does not know which to choose from and does not like Ubuntu,,,yet.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOn my netbook (I'm using Ubuntu Netbook Remix, 10.04) the default option in the Grub menu is Ubuntu. Problem: I'd prefer it to be Windows 7.
I've tried using Startup Manager, which I've used successfully in the past. The program loads fine and lets me change all of the options, and saves and closes fine. But when I restart, the bootloader begins with Ubuntu and a 10 second timeout instead of Windows 7 and a 3 second timeout.
I've also tried editing etc/default/grub and, again, I was able to change it and save it without a problem (default menu item: 4, default timeout: 3). I also did a 'sudo update-grub' to try to get it to stick.
Still nothing. Every time I start up the computer, it's set on Ubuntu 10.04 and a 10 second timeout.
So, I just installed Kubuntu 10.04, and couldn't let things be, so I installed GNOME, and plan to install a few other desktop environments for fun later. However, when I installed GNOME (apt-get install ubuntu-desktop), I realized that KDM's default session is whatever session you used last time. I'd rather it simply be KDE, since I know I'll be using it most out of any of the others. How can I make the KDM default session be KDE, instead of whatever the previous session was?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo i upgraded my windows partition by doing a fresh install over the old one, but now it made windows the defualt os to boot on start up.. i cant figure out how to get to my ubuntu partiton to change this..
View 5 Replies View RelatedTried changing it in the system settings, in the display settings by hitting default. Upon reboot however, the resolution goes back to old settings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've installed UBUNTU on Intel based system afterwards I moved the hard drive to AMD based system (Sempron 3000+)The problem is that the default architecture remains i686. Should it be i386 or amd64 and how could i change it?
View 7 Replies View RelatedOn this particular machine I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 & Open SuSe from the first hard drive & LinuxMint 9 plus Mandriva 2010 on the second drive. I've found out from posting elsewhere on this site that the Ubuntu family & Suse use different versions of GRUB so one may not boot the other. Ubuntu's boots itself, Mint 9 & Suse but not Mandriva, Mandriva's boots itself & Suse, Suse returns the same favour. So my work-around has been to install the Mandriva bootloader onto a floppy & Ubuntu's onto the MBR.
Now, the issue is I want Mint 9 to be the default but when I try to edit the menu/ist file using gedit all I get is a blank page, no data.
The reason why I don't wanna recompile the kernel is cause during upgrades the changes will be lost.Is there an alternative way (setting default opts for grub, initrd generation config)?If it's not possible how do I get the knoppix progress bar?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been running 11.4 for a few weeks with the nvidia driver from the repos. I read somewhere that 'nomodeset' should be added to the kernel line in menu.lst, so I added this manually. However, on rebotting my bootsplash had disappeared. I've since read that I actually didn't need this setting with the repo version of the driver so I removed it, but still no bootsplash.
I want to change my default terminal in Ubuntu to ZHS. What's the command to do this?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI have recently upgraded my ubuntu image to I upgraded the start-up manager dosent work any more. I even tried changing it manually in the ectdefualtgrub.cfg and it says boot from entry 8 (which is my windows partition) but it still defaults to 0 on boot
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