Ubuntu :: Change Default OS In Bootloader

Jun 13, 2010

On this particular machine I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 & Open SuSe from the first hard drive & LinuxMint 9 plus Mandriva 2010 on the second drive. I've found out from posting elsewhere on this site that the Ubuntu family & Suse use different versions of GRUB so one may not boot the other. Ubuntu's boots itself, Mint 9 & Suse but not Mandriva, Mandriva's boots itself & Suse, Suse returns the same favour. So my work-around has been to install the Mandriva bootloader onto a floppy & Ubuntu's onto the MBR.

Now, the issue is I want Mint 9 to be the default but when I try to edit the menu/ist file using gedit all I get is a blank page, no data.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Change Default On Bootloader

May 11, 2010

On my netbook (I'm using Ubuntu Netbook Remix, 10.04) the default option in the Grub menu is Ubuntu. Problem: I'd prefer it to be Windows 7.

I've tried using Startup Manager, which I've used successfully in the past. The program loads fine and lets me change all of the options, and saves and closes fine. But when I restart, the bootloader begins with Ubuntu and a 10 second timeout instead of Windows 7 and a 3 second timeout.

I've also tried editing etc/default/grub and, again, I was able to change it and save it without a problem (default menu item: 4, default timeout: 3). I also did a 'sudo update-grub' to try to get it to stick.

Still nothing. Every time I start up the computer, it's set on Ubuntu 10.04 and a 10 second timeout.

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Fedora :: Get The Windows Bootloader As Default?

Dec 17, 2010

I would like to get the winodws bootloader as the default bootloader instead of the Fedora one. I don't mind the Fedora bootloader, but I use windows more so it gets annoying.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Change Bootloader

Oct 16, 2010

I have two installs on the same drive but different partitions. First I installed XBMC live which is based on Ubuntu (I don't know the exact verion but I think it's in the 9.x).Then I installed full Ubuntu 10.04 on another partition. Now it uses grub2 off the second partition. I configured it to boot XBMC as default and I've had no issues with it. However in the end I rarely use Ubuntu since this is really HTPC. I thought maybe it would be cool to check emails and do some web browsing on my TV, but it turns out I prefer just using a regular computer for that. So I want to delete the partition, but I'm worried doing so will make the system not boot anymore unless if I reinstall XBMC live, I don't want to do that either since I've got it configured all properly and I don't want to mess that up. So I believe I have to change the MBR to point to the XBMC partition although I haven't quite figured out how to do that.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Font Color Of The Text Of The Bootloader In Grub2?

Feb 14, 2010

I'm trying to change the font color of the text of the bootloader in Grub2. I'm running 9.10. I successfully edited the Grub cfg file change the colors of the Grub menu, but I'd like to change the text color as I watch the modules load and can't seem to do it. I'd also like to password protect the bootloader if possible. I installed startupmanager but the new version won't allow these changes. I like to see my modules as they load and wanted to change the color from white to blue.

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Installation :: Change Back To Windows Bootloader?

Dec 5, 2008

I know practically nothing about Linux but am trying to learn. I actually want to get certified Linux+. So I figure this forum would be a great resource. Anyway, I have a dual boot situation going on my laptop with Windows XP and Ubuntu, and am pretty frustrated that I seem to forced to use GRUB. I really dont feel like reinstalling. Is there a way to simply change it back to using the Windows bootloader?

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Red Hat :: Change The Default Text That Is Displayed On The Default BASH Logon (attached)?

Sep 12, 2010

How is it possible to change the default text that is displayed on the default BASH logon (attached)?

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General :: Set A Bootloader Password With Timeout Value And Change The Display Name?

Feb 10, 2011

How do I configure so that only root and my main user can create AT jobs?

How do i set a bootloader password with timeout value and change the display name?

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Fedora :: Dual Boot MacBook Pro With 14 And OSX - Change The Bootloader Installs From The Live CD?

Apr 16, 2011

In the end, I am trying to dual boot my MacBook Pro with Fedora 14 and OSX. I am having issues getting the bootloader working for Fedora though. I have setup my partition table like this:

/sda1 - EFI
/sda2 - OSX
/sda3 - /boot
/sda4 - LVM (root, home, swap)

Fedora installs fine, and the bootloader installs to sda3. I use rEFIt to allow me to boot to my Linux partition, but when I do I get "no bootable device". I have done a little reading and have found people have problems doing with this with GRUB (default Fedora bootloader). So what I would like to do is try installing LILO or maybe even GRUB2. how to change the bootloader Fedora installs from the Live CD?

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General :: What Config File Do You Change To Change Default Run Level?

Aug 5, 2009

What config file do you change to change default run level???

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Ubuntu :: Change To Single Mouse Click / Make Icons Tinier Than Default / Change Icons

Mar 12, 2009

In Ubuntu 810.. how do you set the mouse for one click to open an item..?What is that software that sets Trash's empty feature at the bottom of the right click on trash..? I had it, but I can't find it for this new install.Is there a way to default the cursor to half its minimum size, and customize its color to blues..?Is there a way to force the desktop toolbar icons to half of their minimum default size..Is thee a way to change the "Ubuntu Icon + Applications/Place/System" to just three different colored tiny spheres, without the Ubuntu icon..?

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Ubuntu :: Change Default JRE And JVM?

Jul 10, 2010


One of the greatest things about Linux, ( I'm currently using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) is your ability to install more than one version of java. Ubuntu, and by default, comes loaded with OpenJdk, which is an open source version of Java. As I stated in a previous discussion, I had some issues to run glassfish with the OpenJdk, so I decided to install the "closed" version of Java directly from Sun microsystem's website ( Hosted by oracle nowadays).

After downloading the latest Java development kit(JDK) which also includes the Java Runtime Envirnonment (JRE), I installed it from the terminal. The java file I downloaded was a ".bin" file. I have explained in the previous discussion, how to install a .bin file.

The installer will extract all the contents of the ".bin" file to a folder in the same directory as of the ".bin" file. Assuming that you have extracted the contents of the ".bin" file to a folder on your Desktop called JAVA6, then the path to this folder would be:

after that go to your terminal window and do the following: sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/Desktop/JAVA6/bin/java" 1

Then issue the following command:

sudo update-alternatives --set Desktop/JAVA6/bin/java

This should set your newly installed java as your default JVM and JRE.

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Ubuntu :: Change Bootsplash To Default?

Feb 26, 2010

So I installed a windows 7 theme. And it replaced the login window (gdm I think).How do I switch it back to deafult? I'm on 9.10

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Ubuntu :: Change Default OS To Boot From?

Mar 23, 2010

Right now I dual boot Linux and Doze 7. As normal, grub appoints Ubuntu to be the OS highlighted to boot from. Is there a way to edit the boot list so that my Windows7 will boot automatically. Reason being my wife tends to get a little grumpy because she does not know which to choose from and does not like Ubuntu,,,yet.

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Ubuntu :: Change Default KDM Session?

Jun 23, 2010

So, I just installed Kubuntu 10.04, and couldn't let things be, so I installed GNOME, and plan to install a few other desktop environments for fun later. However, when I installed GNOME (apt-get install ubuntu-desktop), I realized that KDM's default session is whatever session you used last time. I'd rather it simply be KDE, since I know I'll be using it most out of any of the others. How can I make the KDM default session be KDE, instead of whatever the previous session was?

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Installation :: Can't Change Default Os To Ubuntu / Do This?

Oct 3, 2010

So i upgraded my windows partition by doing a fresh install over the old one, but now it made windows the defualt os to boot on start up.. i cant figure out how to get to my ubuntu partiton to change this..

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Ubuntu :: Change The Default Resolution In 11.04?

May 8, 2011

Tried changing it in the system settings, in the display settings by hitting default. Upon reboot however, the resolution goes back to old settings.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Default Architecture

Aug 6, 2011

I've installed UBUNTU on Intel based system afterwards I moved the hard drive to AMD based system (Sempron 3000+)The problem is that the default architecture remains i686. Should it be i386 or amd64 and how could i change it?

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General :: Change Default Terminal To Use ZHS In Ubuntu?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to change my default terminal in Ubuntu to ZHS. What's the command to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 - How To Change Default Boot OS

Jan 6, 2010

How to remove OS's from the GRUB boot menu, and also, how can I change the default booter from Ubuntu to a different OS and edit timeout?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Change Default Boot?

Jan 15, 2010

I have recently upgraded my ubuntu image to I upgraded the start-up manager dosent work any more. I even tried changing it manually in the ectdefualtgrub.cfg and it says boot from entry 8 (which is my windows partition) but it still defaults to 0 on boot

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Ubuntu :: Change The Default Boot Screen?

Feb 6, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10, does anyone know how to change the default boot screen (with the Ubuntu name and the light). Also, the sound that comes with this screen?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Change Default OS In Grub

Feb 7, 2010

I recently installed Karmic, and want to change the default Grub entry to Windows XP. Having done some research and tried things out, I am a bit confused. I have edited etc/default/grub so that it has GRUB_DEFAULT=6 (to correspond to my XP installation) and GRUB_TIMEOUT="3", but after running sudo grub-mkconfig the grub.cfg file still says set default="0".

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Ubuntu :: Change Default GRUB Timeout?

Feb 22, 2010

I just installed kubuntu 910 via cd iso. now i want to change the default grub timeout. It says i dont have permission to edit etc / default /grub so what do i do? i dont know how to login as root user.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Won't Change From Default?

Mar 7, 2010

no matter what I do I cannot get my fresh install of apache to change off the default


Originally Posted by apache

It works! This is the default web page for this server. The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

this is really annoying, my config file at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf is as follows (it is mainly the original with a few commented changes)

# Based upon the NCSA server configuration files originally by Rob McCool.
# This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the


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Ubuntu :: Change Default Icon Location?

Mar 17, 2010

I run ubuntu karmic 64 bit and have 2 displays (Working just about perfectly ). One problem i do have is by default all desktop icons appear on my secondary display. Is there any way to change it so they appear on my primary display?

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Ubuntu :: Change Default Window Position?

Mar 29, 2010

I noticed that by default most of my programs start with their window on the top left (at least with my configuration) and I'd like them to start at the middle of my screen.Here's an example. I open (for the first time after logging in) System monitor, and it appears there:URL]How can I do this? I would also like them (the windows) to remember where I've placed them the last time I've used, for example, I want pidgin to start on the right and at the bottom, chrome in the middle, nautilus a bit at the top right, ... how can I do thisDIT: Ok, in Compiz there's an option to put it on the middle, with a 'smart' position, ... but nothing to remember the last position and size!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change The Default Channels From 2 To 6?

Apr 8, 2010

i installed Ubuntu 9.10 and it seems i can't have 5.1 sound playing, i've searched a lot but i still haven't found a solution to my problem. tried to change the default channels from 2 to 6, as well as the default-channel-map and much more but still nothing works..

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Default Video Player

May 3, 2010

Since upgrading to Lucid, I haven't been able to play videos in Totem or VLC player, though I've got all the necessary codecs. The sound plays, but I just get a black screen with (very) occasional flashes of the image. However, I've found that SMPlayer DOES work.

Is there a way to make it the default, so that when I double-click the vids, it will fire up automatically, instead of my having to use right-click/open-with ? I've tried changing it in the multimedia tab of 'Preferred Software', but that doesn't seem to work.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot: How To Change Default

May 7, 2010

I am now dual booting between Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 When i turn on my computer it goes to a GNU Grub screen where i can choose an OS to boot, in 6 seconds it auto chooses default. How to i change the default from Ubuntu to Windows? I have tried to edit the grub.cfg file but it wont let me [URL] i need the .NET framework for a lot of my studies so i need to default into Windows

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