Ubuntu :: Can I Get Timbuktu For Karmic?

Jun 18, 2010

can I get Timbuktu for Karmic ?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Karmic And Xp (karmic Installed)?

Jan 21, 2010

What's the right direction or give me step by step on how to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log Into Karmic?

Jan 11, 2010

I have installed ubuntu on numerous computers, but for some reason I am getting this problem on this computer. When I try to log in GDM flickers then goes back to the user selection screen. After like 10 attempts i can log in. It doesn't always do this either. Hopefully these log errors will help solve this problem.

Jan 11 14:34:18 arnold-desktop gdm-binary[1367]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': No such file or directory
Jan 11 14:34:18 arnold-desktop gdm-binary[1367]: WARNING: Unable to find users: no seat-id found
Jan 11 14:34:18 arnold-desktop gdm-simple-slave[1414]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': No such file or directory
Jan 11 14:34:18 arnold-desktop acpid: client connected from 1422[0:0]
Jan 11 14:34:21 arnold-desktop console-kit-daemon[690]: WARNING: Couldn't read /proc/689/environ: Failed to open file '/proc/689/environ': No such file or directory

I hope I can get help with this, I have reinstalled ubuntu twice and reinstalled GDM.

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Ubuntu :: Looking For 64 Bit Karmic?

Jan 13, 2010

Is there a 64 bit Karmic and where can I download it. I've been looking all over and getting half answers.

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Ubuntu :: Using The Kshowmail In 9.10 Karmic?

Jan 24, 2010

Has anyone gotten Kshowmail to work with karmic 9.10? I had it working back with 8.04 after a lot of effort and a great deal of help from another source (which involved installing kmail and kdesk also to fix dependencies), but I cannot seem to come up with any scheme that will work with 9.10. It "seems" to work if I get the .deb package from sourceforge, but when I open it and put an identity in it, it fails to work and gives me a message about not being able to recognize "pop", or something like that, despite the fact that thunderbird is certainly using pop for downloading . . .

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Ubuntu :: Karmic 64-bit Only Showing 3 Of 4 GB Of RAM

Jan 27, 2010

Have a nice Karmic x86-64 install. Code: $ uname -a Linux onyx 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 17:01:44 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux Have 4 GB of RAM installed.


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Ubuntu :: Is There Anything In Karmic That Would Get Something To Run At Shutdown?

Mar 18, 2010

Is there anything in Karmic that would get something to run at shutdown?I have a US Robotics 56K message modem ( USR5668 ) which receives faxes during the day, and has to switch to answer machine / fax at night. It has a memory when the computer is switched off - which is handy, and all the phones switch over to the message modem extension automatically.All I want is to do is send the command AT+MCA=1 to the serial port ttyS0 at shutdown.

Any sportster owners might say that this goes to answer machine only, so if they want to tell me the correct string for answer/fax please feel free.I do have vm installed (or whatever vgetty calls it),

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Ubuntu :: How Does Hostname Get Set On Karmic

Mar 24, 2010

I just set up a new karmic server, and the hostname is being set properly, but I'm not exactly sure how, since there is no longer an init script that sets it (it used to be /etc/init.d/hostname.sh on my older servers). Now I'm curious: what is the new mechanism by which the server's hostname is set at boot time?

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Freezing Up?

Apr 13, 2010

since I installed Karmic 9.10 (fresh install, kernel 2.6.31-20-generic) my pc keeps freezing up...
I think it must have something to do with my videocard because right before it freezes the screen goes blank and when it comes back (yes it does!) it is frozen... Sometimes it happens fast and sometimes after 30 mins or so...Still haven't figured out in which direction to search...Anybody know why or have tips? I am almost ready to re-install 8.10

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Karmic BT Working

Apr 16, 2010

Been several hours trying everything up to and including blueman. Things SEEM to be working, but try to browse files on my Nokia phone I still get

Could not display "obex://[00:1F:5D:33:2C:BD]/".
Error: Connection to the device lost
Please select another viewer and try again.

Not sure how to try to connect, phone sees computer and vice versa, but can't get a connection. The phone asks if I want to accept the connection, I press accept, the window comes back with Connection Failed: Network Manager Failed to activate the connection. If I try a serial connection it says Port already in use. I don't actually know what that means.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting LyX 1.6.5 For Karmic?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to get the newest build for LyX properly (ie not from building it myself) for Karmic. I do

sudo apt-get upgrade lyx , but it doesn't pick up the 1.6.5 (although it looks like it is prepared to ship out with Lucid. Any ideas on how to get it to just work? It's these minor problems with Ubuntu being slow to upgrade to the newest builds of software (ie Firefox 3.6) that makes it a little bit frustrating. Maybe I should learn to program so I can help out more...

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Ubuntu :: Where Get Karmic Download?

May 7, 2010

I gave away both of my copies of Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala to friends to turn them onto the Power of the Penguin. Now here I sit with a fresh install of 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx and I still have problems. They're different problems then when I did the upgrade through Update Manager, but problems non the less.

Is there any place where I can get a clean download of 9.10 Karmic Koala? I just need to reassure myself that I'm not crazy and that it is not my machine causing the problems.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Update. (Karmic)?

May 25, 2010

Here's what the update manager tells me:Quote:

W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783
W: Failed to fetch http://packages.universal.org/dists/karmic/Release.gpg Could not resolve


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Ubuntu :: Karmic Hangs On The Resume

Jan 1, 2010

This issue happens on both my Dell D630 and my homebuilt desktop, so I'm pretty sure that its not a hardware issue. Both installs are clean new installs with encrypted home directories. Computers go to sleep just fine but when I wake them, karmic is unresponsive and stuck in IO wait for the majority of the time. How can I gather enough information to submit a useful bug report?

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Ubuntu :: Syncing Two Computers Karmic & UNR?

Jan 2, 2010

I have two computers. One has UNR installed and the other Karmic. I back up my home folder from Karmic monthly. Is there any reason why I could not just copy the home folder from Karmic over the UNR home folder to synchronize my computers? I wasn't sure if UNR might not like this idea...

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Ubuntu :: No Sound 9.10 Karmic Koala?

Jan 4, 2010

I have read numerous posts about this subject, but being a novis in the Linux field, I cannot say that without explicit step by step instructions I am able to repair or tinker with anything under Ubuntu. In short, my sound has ceased to function. It did work for a period of time and suddenly no more. I have a 64 bit version of Ubuntu 9.1.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic Does Not Recognize Hdd

Jan 7, 2010

Last night I booted up and got the black screen, and it would not boot. Can't find your /etc/home/fstab file or something along those lines I did not write it down. I got out my thumb drive and reinstalled Ubuntu 9.10, when I got to the partition phase I did a manual install and instructed Ubuntu to load onto /dev/sda1 /. I had previously partitioned this 160Gb drive with 41 Gb for root and 113 for my /home files and left 6.2 for Swap. Now it sees my second partition as 119 /dev/sda2 extended and Unrecognized. Unfortunately all my files are on that partition and I can't figure out how to tell Ubuntu to configure that partition as my /home . I really do not want to re-install and wipe that partition. Can gparted fix this dilemma? I thought I was being so good by creating a boot partition so that I could upgrade in the future without affecting the rest of my files.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Ate Karmic

Jan 8, 2010

I installed Windows 7 onto the unallocated 150GB space on my 250 GB hard drive with no trouble. But, when I restart my computer it goes directly to Windows and pretends that I have no Ubuntu partition at all. I realize that this is because Windows doesn't like GRUB and really hates GRUB2, but I can't seem to fix this. I downloaded the latest release of Easy BCD which gave me a promising screen upon start up where it allows me to select "Ubuntu" instead of "Windows 7" but then it goes to a GRUB command screen. What do I do here?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic On Zotac Ion 330 Itx-A?

Jan 9, 2010

I've been trying to install karmic from a usb key onto a new zotac ion 300 itx-A board and can't get into the liveCD to test things out. The system boots to the install menu and when I select "Try Ubuntu..." the system hangs on a blinking cursor. This also happens if I choose the "safe graphics" mode.

Selecting "Install Ubuntu" has the same result. I recently used the same usb key to install karmic onto my laptop so I know it works. Searching for "karmic zotac ion" has led me to some posts about xorg not loading but that's after the initial install process and also on an alpha version of Karmic (I'll burn that bridge when i get to it). Others seem to have had no problem getting karmic installed.

I've also tried mythbuntu and 64-bit jaunty with the same results. Is there any way I can find out what's causing this hang? I can't get into a console or anything.

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Ubuntu :: Norton Utilities - 9.10 Karmic

Jan 10, 2010

Is there an all inclusion Ubuntu deb like to N/U?

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Koala : Startup SSH And MPD?

Jan 10, 2010

As most users, I am new to Upstart.

I am looking for the easiest way to get my workstation running with the needed services. At this time, these include SSHD and Music Player Daemon.

I ve installed both and they work when activated manually by sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start, or mpd respectively. But I don t have a clue as to how to start them up with an Upstart job?

I ve tried this code...

but to no success.

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Ubuntu :: 32 Bit Karmic Koala 9.10 Support 4gb Of Ram?

Jan 11, 2010

Can a 32 bit karmic koala 9.10 support 4gb of ram. i donut want to get 64 bit because of the compatibility problems. so i am wandering can a 32 bit ubuntu run 4gb ram with it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Softvol On Karmic

Jan 14, 2010

I use a C-media cm6206 (or cm106) external usb sound card. But master volume does not work. So I wanted to make it work using this guide. Unfortunately asound isn't available as far as I understand?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic And GRUB2 ?

Jan 14, 2010

I posted this about 3 weeks ago in the 'Desktop' forum and with no replies feel this may be a better area

I've got Karmic installed on my netbook which I understand uses Grub2 which is still a BETA version.

I still seem to have the original GRUB (legacy) within the file system, still have a menu.lst file but is appears to be showing the contents of grub.cfg at boot time.

What is happening at boot time, is GRUB Legacy handing over to GRUB2 at boot or is the an option for GRUB2 to hand over to Grub Legacy.

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Ubuntu :: Install A Deb File In Karmic?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a deb file I need to install to make my thinkpad buttons work, but don't understand how. I have it saved in my documents folder.

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Ubuntu :: Install Itunes On 9.10 Karmic?

Jan 23, 2010

Can you install itunes on 9.10 karmic if so can u tell me how?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6 For Karmic 64bit?

Jan 25, 2010

Is there a way to install Firefox 3.6 for Ubuntu Karmic 64bit?

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Ubuntu :: Power Management In Karmic?

Jan 27, 2010

Alright this is not a huge issue but a rather annoying one. I hook my laptop up to my lcd to watch movies all of the time. The problem is though I have selected and reselected many times for the screen to not power off after so many minutes of inactivity. But for some reason it doesnt work. If i set it to an 1 it still like every 5 minutes turns off my screen. Im running 9.10 on a toshiba satellite with an intel graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: Disappearing Cursor In Karmic 9.10

Feb 2, 2010

This is driving me up the wall; my mouse cursor disappears whenever I cross from monitor 1 to monitor 2, but returns after moving the mouse around. I've been reading to other posts and tried changing themes etc, but now I have slightly messed up desktop as well - my minimise/restore/close buttons have gone, they only appear when I mouse over where they should be.

There are several things I like about Karmic, but I only migrated to it from Hardy so that the ATI drivers would work correctly for my new HD5770 graphics card, otherwise I would have stayed with Hardy. how I can get the mouse cursor to stay visible all the time?

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Ubuntu :: Install Tt Fonts From Cd Into Karmic?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a cd from one of those old computer mags, which has loads of tt fonts on it. How do I get them installed and running in linux.

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