I would be running SQL commands (UPDATE/SELECT) from within my bash script. I am completely new to this subject. Is MYSQL used for this purpose? Alternatively, what is sqlplus?
I am running a simple script that I copied from slug.ceca.utc.edu/docs/2009-3-26-linux-server-health.pdf and edited with the names and paths of my own servers. I don't know much about scripting (re: nothing) but I wanted to try and be efficient in my new role as a Linux Sys Admin. The script was saved to root's home directory and runs as part of root's crontab once a week. The script runs with no problem, but it doesn't actually seem to run all of the commands contained within. It skips some in the middle and the end and I don't know why. The script itself is this:
What happens when the script executes is that the ssh connection works and parks me at the remote hosts's shell login. Therefore, the "firefox" command refuses to execute. I need to know how to make the "ssh" connection occur, stay open, and go into the background so that the rest of the script can execute.If I could also do this with the "firefox" line so that the entire term window could be closed would also be helpful.
I've got an annoying problem that 'man' and some other commands do not auto-complete (via TAB). e.g. typing: man rsyn (TAB, TAB, TAB, etc) will not auto-complete to 'man rsync' however, if i 'sudo -s' & then try the above, 'man' auto-completes everytime. (Directories always auto-complete successfully) My ~/.bashrc contains:
# enable bash completion in interactive shells if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then . /etc/bash_completion
This is a really odd bug I can't seem to figure it out. Basically, commands like ls can see all the files in the current directory, however when I go to execute the file it will give errors like "file not found", even when it most obviously is. If you look at my command history in the screenshot, you can see I can ls into a directory and see it's contents. When I try to run the file, I get the "no such file or directory" error.
However, if I type simply 'vm', I can't use tab completion to complete the directory name, and my third command is me typing 'vm' and hitting tabtab, it lists a bunch of vmware specific tools instead of the subdirectory name. I can then ls and see my current directory contents, and it will list only the single subdirectory. However, then I tried to use the full filepath from root to run the file, still to no avail. If anyone has any insight,
is there any way I can pass commands to the CLI of a tool directly?
I would like to script some actions, for example:
./OpenBTS < "tmsis"
I do not need to retrieve the results (I watch it in the log file). how I could realize that? There is now way to do this using command line parameters, at least not that I found out. So it looks like I have to figure out sth myself. Maybe I could automate screen in a way to detect the prompt and "paste" my command there. Are there tools for this on Linux?
I made a script that contains repetitious commands (snmpget and awk are the only ones at the moment. Running these commands from standard terminal work, but when run within a script, I get:
./reg_sm_count: line 10: snmpget: command not found ./reg_sm_count: line 10: awk: command not found ./reg_sm_count: line 10: snmpget: command not found
I'm creating a bash script that contains the following line:"ssh user@$server1 cd /tmp; pwd"What I want is to print /tmp of server1, but the script it isn't printing that
I'd like to add custom startup commands (for example starting a process, registering to a registration server, downloading a configuration file) to the Linux startup process. Those commands should be triggered on startup only. What is the standard/appropriate way to do this?
EDIT: Is /etc/profile the right place to trigger such things?
I wrote a simple bash script to let me treat any set of programs like a deamon. For example if I configure the script a certain way I can start/stop/get the status of apache, mysql and php all from one command. I am having a bit of a problem though. I am passing commands as strings to a function and then depending on the arguments to the script it might run one of these commands or another. Some of these commands need to beun in the background though, such as deluge-web. When I send "deluge-web &" to the function and it execute it deluge-web does not start in the background. I can't figure out why this is. I have tried escaping the & with ''s and with a , but nothing seems to work. I know that this is some idiotic thing that I am overlooking, but I am a bit stumped. Here is the script configured to start/stop/get status of deluged and deluge-web.
$ execute_some_long_command <command is executing> <Accidently press middle button that inserts bunch of garbage (including, for example, `rm -Rf ~/*`) into console>
How to let execute_some_long_command finish, but not execute inserted things?
I need to process billions of small files using bash shell commands with limited memory size (256MB). If any of those files contain certain "keywords", the file will be removed. I tried with command:
I create a bash script that writes another bash file. But in the generated bash file I want to write a bash command in the file and not executing it.Here's my bash file:
Code: #!/bin/bash cat > ~/generateGridmix2data.sh << END
I have a hardware audit script I want to run on several remote machines around my office. Is there a way to run the script that resides on my machine via ssh or do I need to copy the script to the local machine and then run it...
I know I have to count how many instances are running: ps x | grep apache2 | wc -l result if it's running: 2, or else: 1 I also know there is a command called test that I could use to perform the verification, but I don't know how to use test with wc
so I wrote a small script that pretty much just takes in two numbers and counts from the first to the second, e.g.
unknown-hacker|544> count.sh 1 3 1 2 3
My problem is I want to make it so that if you input invalid parameters, such as non-numerical characters, more than 2 numbers, etc., you'd get an error message
I've been trying to write a bash script called runSorter.sh that runs an executable that also takes in some parameters and outputs the results to a text file. The executable, sorter, takes in a number parameter. I want to make it so that you can input as many number parameters into runSorter.sh as you want and it will run the sorter executable for each one. So far, what I have looks like this:
#!/bin/bash args=("$@") INDEX=0 if [ -z args ]; then echo "Error" else while [ $# -gt $INDEX ]; do NUM=${args[$INDEX]} echo $NUM echo ./sorter $NUM let INDEX=INDEX+1 done fi
My problem is that when I run ./run-sorter.sh 100 on my terminal, it just prints this to the screen: ./sorter 100 How can I have so that it properly executes sorter and outputs everything to a text file?
I am a newbie in linux. I tried to write an autorun bash script on /root and select System-Preferences-More Preferences-Sessions-Startup Programs-Add.But the bash script seems like not working. Following is my bash script:
I have a bash script that messages the user periodically. Is there any way in the script to check if the screensaver is running, so the script doesn't spam messages while the user is away? The xscreensaver process is always running in the background, I've noticed.
I have a PGP script that for whatever reason if I let linux's cron run it automatically, it sends out the final email with attachment with a blank file. If I come in and run in manually everything works fine and the file is populated in the file. So the only real difference is that i'm running it manually through cron, rather than letting cron run it at a set time.Below is a sumary of my script.
I'm setting up a scheduler to run some bash script commands but they won't run when I point them to a script file. If I change the cron to call
If I run ./writeTimeToLog from the terminal - it, well, writes the time to the log file! I then use
to test I can schedule this to run every minute just so I can see it working. the entry was a basic as I could make. It adds the cron successfully but never seems to update the file. Where would an error be put if one occurred.
I would like to be able to connect to a machine, list a directory, wait long enough for me to see the results then move on to the next machine.This is failing:
want to set more text files. They have "tab" differently (3, 4, 6 or 5 characters space).I have to use "sed" or "awk" sette them in the same tab (for example five space haracters).