Ubuntu :: Arrange Alot Of File On Up To 25 Foloders?

Jun 20, 2011

i need to arrange alot of file on up to 25 foloders i want to open about 15 foloders at the same time but i want to see all at the same time can ubuntu arrange 10 foloders in way that i can seen all the files ?

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Ubuntu :: Kde 4.5 - Move A File Or Folder Into Another Folder, All The Icons Arrange Back To The Left Side

Sep 14, 2010

When I position icons on the desktop in specific places, then I choose to move a file or folder into another folder, all the icons arrange back to the left side. This happened in an earlier version of KDE 4.x, disappeared the next version, and reappeared. how to keep this from happening. It makes using the desktop a pain in the you know what.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Performance - Getting Alot Of Lag Out Of All Apps / Fix This?

May 11, 2010

I don't know the answer to the question but I'm have the same issues. Getting alot of lag out of all my apps.

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Fedora :: Why Having ALOT Of Ram Is Useful For Having Computer Running Smoothly

Feb 3, 2010

I was doing some research on SSDs in wikipedia. Then it was showing me links to like DRAM and SRAM. Then there was RAM which I was familiar with. Anyways down to the point.The way your computer works is. When you start up your computer. Whatever is read on the hardrive is put on your RAM memory right.? For temporary and when you start applications. It is put in your RAM from your drive to run faster. This is why having ALOT of ram is useful for having your computer running smoothly. Right?

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Server :: Website Which Generate Alot Of Core Files?

Jan 26, 2011

i have a server & there is a website which generate alot of core files, these core files takeup alot of space by time, so i decided to stop it, in WHM the core dump option is disabled, & i used the following command

ulimit -c 0 but nothing stoped generating core files, i also used the following method http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-disable-core-dumps/ also this method doesnt stop generating of core dump files, my question is : how i can permenantly stop generating core files for all users or for specific user

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade To 12 From 11 - Screen Goes Blank With Alot Of Disk Activity

Dec 15, 2009

I attempted to do the upgrade from 11 to 12 with the Preupgrade Assistant. Unfortunatly something went terribly wrong. Everything went well, excluding the size of partition error, untill the reboot. I did have to remove two previous installs. Now grub gives me an option to upgrade to Fedora 12. When I select this the screen runs code quickly and the screen goes blank with alot of disk activity. Then nothing. Is there a method of recovering this install? I am fairly new to Linux Administration and I am just knowledgable enough to mess things up.

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Ubuntu :: Re-arrange The Bookmarks In PcmanFM??

Jan 20, 2011

how to re-arrange the bookmarks in pcmanFM? It is a file manager.

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Slackware :: Mouse Not Working \ Jumps Alot And Usually Ends Up At The End Of The Screen Unable To Move?

Jan 4, 2010

slackware and am infact running Vector Linux which is slackware based. I used to use fedora on my old laptop got a new on and tried vector. The mouse on the new one doesn't seem to want to work properly, it jumps alot and usually ends up at the end of the screen unable to move, however does manage to click almost every icon on the screen and change desktops.A USB mouse works fine its just the touchpad.It's a Zoostorm Freedom and I can't even find the windows drivers for it let alone what i need for this. I tried editing the xorg.conf to stop the tab button, which doesn't do anything, installed the latest synaptics and still nothing, tried using what someone else uses and still nothing, I cant even find out what kind of mouse it is!?

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Ubuntu :: Arrange Icon Position Via Terminal?

Jan 2, 2011

Is there a way to arrange icons from terminal? Was thinking to make a bash scripts as sometimes(quite seldom) my icons just rearrange on their own and it's damn annoying having to drag them to the place they were.

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Ubuntu :: Arrange Icons On Right Side Of Desktop?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm on 10.10. way to align the icons on the desktop to the right side instead of the left? When I click "Organize Desktop By Name" everything ends up on the left by default, I want to have it default to the right instead. Doesn't matter how complicated the solution is, I can do it as long as someone can give me the basic instruction. it's really only because I have an awesome desktop background, and the best part is covered with icons.

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Programming :: Arrange The Results In The Shell?

May 10, 2010

Im having problems with this little thing in a C example Im doing. I want to show in the shell like this example:

Name Birthday
Tomas 13
Adrian 24
Nate 15

Im trying to use the printf function but the names doesnt have the same lenght. So I cant do it like this:

printf("Name Bithday
printf("%s %d

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Programming :: Arrange EPS Files On One Page?

Aug 17, 2010

I have 100 sets of EPS files. Each set contains 3 files. I was wondering if it possible to arrange each set in such a way that 3 EPS files will be on one page?

I know how to write a bash script with "for" or "do" loop. how to arrange the EPS files, which are produced by gnuplot.

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General :: Can't Arrange Desktop Icons

Apr 24, 2011

so i am in the stages of experiementing and right now, on Linux Mint KDE, there doesnt seem to be a way to arrange my desktop icons in the way i want the icons always want to be aligned/sorted on there own even if i click lock off and snap to grid off as well ive tried folder view, default desktop and newspaper but it hasnt worked so far is there a way to be able to arrange my icons anyway i want?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Compiz - Effect That Arrange Windows In Matrix?

Aug 28, 2010

I now that there is a an effect that arrange all your windows nicely in a matrix (all windows have the same size). What effect is that?

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Ubuntu :: Adding Entry In Nautilus Toolbar To Arrange Files

Mar 11, 2011

I want to add an entry in nautilus toolbar to sort files. Same kind of entry presented in the right click "Arrange items". I have checked nautilus-actions, but don't know what are the commands, and i want the entry look like view options already available in nautilus toolbar.

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General :: How To Auto-arrange Desktop Icons

Aug 13, 2010

migrating from windows to Gnu/Linux: familiar with Right-click >> Arrange-icons-automatically, while under my KDE & XFCE this feature is something I wanted.

This code is not mine: I only copied this from where I found, from the ubuntuforums authored by a member logged as user PGScooter, you may read him/her directly from here.


Copy the following code:

#make sure you change 'user' on line 4 to the username of the desktop you want to organize
use strict;
use warnings;
my $conffile='/home/user/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons.screen0.rc';
open(CONF,"$conffile") or die "can't find the config file";


{if you run Kde you may replace that xfce4 to kde whatever is found in your current directory.

Log out. Log in as that user again. The icons are arranged this time. It worked for me automatically. I am running Xfce4 over a Slackware 12.2.

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Fedora :: Arrange Windows By Moving Mouse To The Top Right Corner?

Jan 13, 2011

When I installed fedora 14 when moving mouse to the top right corner I would get all windows arranged one next to another on the desktop so I can choose between them. Now I don't have that feature any more.

Does it conflict with compiz, or is it one of compiz plugins? Which package is responsible for it and how can I get it back?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Arrange User-generated Playlist By Play Count In Rhythmbox?

Mar 7, 2011

I can arrange my general "music" playlist by play count (by clicking the play count button at the top, my list automatically arranges in ascending or descending order according to play count), but I can't seem to do the same in my user-generated playlist. Is there any way to do this?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Free Mesa Driver Is Alot Faster Than The ATI Propietary Driver?

Dec 17, 2009

Is it normal that the free Mesa driver is alot faster than the ATI propietary driver?, at least for desktop usage. That is, using both latest drivers, 9.11 and 7.7

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Ubuntu :: Remove "320 Hard Disk" From Partition Names And Arrange Them By Media Location?

Dec 16, 2010

Every partition in my ubuntu machine starts with "320 GB Hard Disk" followed by partition name, Even If I renamed it. I want to remove this, can I ? Another question. Can I arrange those partitions by there locations in the physical hard drive? meaning that the first 30 GB in the disk appears with there names at first.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Convert An Ogv File To An Ogg Or Mp3 File - Or Really ANY Audio File ?

Jul 16, 2010

I would like to convert OGV files to audio format.

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General :: Convert Fdf File To Xsf File Or Xyz File On Ubuntu 9.10_32 Bit?

Nov 7, 2010

I want to convert fdf file to xsf file or xyz file on ubuntu 9.10_32 bit .

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OpenSUSE Install :: Creating ISO-file From Burnt ISO-file On CD-R Gives Different File Length

Jul 25, 2010

I downloaded three iso-images, 1 dvd-image and 2 cd-images:


Being paranoid, I created iso-files from the burnt DVD-R and the two burnt CD-R to verify integrity.

The iso-file of the DVD-R was identical to the downloaded image. Both iso-files created from the CD-R were different in size.

The original size of openSUSE-11.3-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso is 719.323.136 Bytes.

I only got 718.938.112 Bytes when recreating an ISO-file from my CD-R.

The CD-R is from Sony. When the length of my ISO-file doesn't correspond to the downloaded one, the checksum file verification doesn't work.

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General :: Generated .exe File From C File - Run .exe File When Linux System Starts Up?

Apr 6, 2010

i have generated .exe file from C file (ie filename.c ) after compiling in linux machine with -O option. I wish to know about how to run that .exe file when linux system starts up ?

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Ubuntu :: Edit File Inside It, Open It, Edit A File, Then Remake The Bin File?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a linux.img image for ubuntu.I want to edit file inside it, how can open it, edit a file, then remake the bin file?

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Debian :: File Upload Using Firefox - Smaller Image File Is Previewed While Bigger Image File Is Not

Dec 16, 2015

I am trying to upload some pics on my Facebook account using Firefox. When I click on Facebook's file upload icon, Firefox bring up a 'File Upload' window. I noticed that smaller image file is previewed on the lower right hand corner, while bigger image file is not. Is there anyway I can change this behavior or maybe change what Firefox is using to browse my files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Libotcl.so: Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Feb 15, 2010

there are number of threads floating on installation of ns2..however i am unable to get it on my 64 bit system ns: error while loading shared libraries: libotcl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu :: Downloaded The Demo Of Penumbra Overture, It Is A .sh File (113Mb) Can't Open The File?

Jun 2, 2010

I downloaded the demo of Penumbra Overture, it is a .sh file (113Mb). I can't open the file. In a terminal I ran chmod +x PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh and then sudo ./PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh and I get an error "./PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh: 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" . The quotation marks are my own. Is the file corrupted? One of my lugmates thinks it might be a shar file, but Karmic says that it is a shell script. Another friend says that it is too large to be a shell script. Here is the code:

john@john-laptop:~$ cd /home/john/00
john@john-laptop:~/00$ chmod +x PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh
john@john-laptop:~/00$ sudo ./PenumbraOvertureDemo-2553.sh


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Create Trashing Info File: Read-only File System

Jul 21, 2010

I plugged in my USb drive into my computer yesterday and tried to delete a folder. I was unable to do so and got the following message

Cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately? The file "my file" cannot be moved to the trash. Show Details Unable to create trashing info file: Read-only file system

So when I click on delete I get another error message:

Error while deleting.
There was an error deleting Case Study Database. Show Details Error removing file: Read-only file system

At this point I can only click on Skip, Skip All, or Cancel.

I have not changed anything on the stick recently so I dont know what is causing the problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Libpython2.5.so.1.0 - Cannot Open Share And Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Jul 27, 2010

When running the beta of blender 2.5, I get the following error. blender: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory In previous versions of ubuntu you could 'apt-get install python2.5' to resolve the issue, but it doesn't appear in any/all of the repositories. where I can get python2.5 for lucid-lynx?

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