Ubuntu Multimedia :: Arrange User-generated Playlist By Play Count In Rhythmbox?
Mar 7, 2011
I can arrange my general "music" playlist by play count (by clicking the play count button at the top, my list automatically arranges in ascending or descending order according to play count), but I can't seem to do the same in my user-generated playlist. Is there any way to do this?
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Jan 31, 2011
Whenever I plug my Zune in, Rhythmbox recognizes all the songs on it but when I doubleclick on a song to play it, the song doesn't play and Rhythmbox quits. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I'm running a Dell XPS 410 with 4GB RAM and a 1.75 GHz processor.Also, I imported a CD and it plays fine.
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May 19, 2010
A severe problem with Rhythmbox. You cannot burn playlist. I've looked at bug reports and they just give you the run around. Nothing in the forums except to go to something else. That is no solution to the problem. I can't believe this problem is being ignored. Nothing comes up on search.how these applications got so screwed up from one version to the other and what the cure is?
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May 30, 2010
On Ubuntu 10.04, when I select Playlist -> Load From File and select a .m3u file in Rhythmbox, the playlist shows up but is totally blank. This is an m3u file exported directly out of windows media player 12 on a different computer, and when I open it with gedit, I can see all the tracks listed. Why is it blank? I've relied on this feature for almost two years and now it's suddenly gone!
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Feb 28, 2010
I love how Rhythmbox connects quickly and easily to my iPod, and how Rhythmbox does a pretty solid job of keeping track of changes to my library, though it is large. But I cannot seem to create playlists on the iPod through Rhythmbox. When I create them, I can see them in Rhythmbox, but when I unplug the iPod and try to play them, they don't show up. I plug the iPod back in, and Rhythmbox acts like they're there - I can even play the Playlist from the iPod in Rhythmbox.
Is there something I need to do to "write" the Playlist to the iPod from Rhythmbox? It is so irritating to have to create an "on the go" playlist on the iPod and then fire up Rhythmbox and rename it what i want it to be.
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Jul 5, 2011
I have been receiving K3b burning problems for the last two weeks. When I burn a m3u playlist generated from Banshee I receive an error about not having permission, but I believe I've enabled all the permissions I know how. Just now I attempted to burn a downloaded ISO and received an error even though I think the filesystem may have built correctly:
Code: cdrecord returned an unknown error (code 254). Sometimes using TAO writing mode solves this issue.
here's my debug report: SUSE Paste
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Jan 20, 2010
I was using Rhythmbox successfully yesterday. This morning the automatic updates said I should install some new packages, one of which was, I think, rhythmbox. Now it tells me that "The autoaudiosink element is missing" whenever I try to play something. What do I need to do in order for rhythmbox to work again?Other audio programs, e.g. Audacity, work fine.
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Sep 9, 2010
I run Ubuntu 10.04.1 64 bits dual boot with W7 64 b on a Toshiba L505-10M 6GB ram. All I want to do succeeds without problems, except listening to Klara Continuo (Belgian internetradio). I will have to bring in [URL].. when I create a new radio in Rhythmbox. When I press the green arrow "Play" then the system starts to buffer (bottom orange bar moves) and the radio plays, but only a few seconds. Then buffering starts again and again, I hear sound for a few seconds until everything fails. This goes on for 6 or 7 times and then Rhythmbox stops completely. Under Windows 7, I can easily listen to radio. Can anyone give me some advice on how to tackle this ? Thx for a possible clue.
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Oct 10, 2010
I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I have been trying to get my iPod to play with Rhythmbox. The program reads my iPod and everything, but when i got to play a song it gives me an error saying, "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in." What can be done to fix this error. I have been working hours on this and reading forums left and right, and still nothing has worked. I will post an image below to show what the error looks like.
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Jan 16, 2011
If there is a problem with random play in Rhythmbox as my experience with it is driving me daft. Normally when working I like to play music but the continual playing of one CD is too much to bear.
I had re-installed my OS and initially just dragged and dropped over all my music from my backup only to find that having set the system to randomly play music that it did not. Initially it selected from 3 CDs of the same artist. There were over 300 tracks available to select but it only chose from approx 20% of those available. No matter what I tried the selection would revert to this one artist.
Gave up on things and started everything fresh. Removed Rhythmbox and re-installed it. Took all the CDs (14) and installed them directly into it the from the devices display in the side panel.
Tried to play again only to find that this time round it would only select from one artist and from a dual CD. Previously I had a choice of 4CDs by Capercaillie. Now I have a random selection of 33 tracks by them. Much as I like the artist it was getting a bit too much to bear. Deleted all 33 tracks only to find that the next random selection stuck on another artist and as before the one CD.
This is totally beyond a joke. As my car radio often fails as the signal is blocked by the mountains I had hoped that I could use an iPod to play my music but if all it will play is the one CD it is a complete waste of time.
I would like to have matters resolved before I switch cars in May. Additionally I would like to listen to Rhythmbox when working on my system as happened before the re-installation of my OS.
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Feb 1, 2010
I tried to play a music file w/ rhythmbox, but it needed a plug-in. When I searched for it, there was none to be found. I need to know how to install plug-ins in order to play my mp3's and movies.
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Jun 18, 2010
I want to play a music cd straight from the dvd rom but rhythmbox nor vlc will do it. Am I missing something? I can rip it and play it but not straight listen to it. I can watch dvd's but not listen to cd.
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Mar 30, 2011
I've got a cd from China. Wanted to open it with rhythmbox. For seconds I see the tracks (track 1 etc., instead of title) and then music brainz pops in suggesting me adding tracks to db... But the tracks are gone and I can't play cd then. How to get it to work?
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Jul 3, 2011
I really like the two programs Tuxguitar, and Rhythmbox. Tux guitar is a tablature editor, and Rhythmbox is an audio management program/audio player.
Sometimes, when reading tabs, I need to find out if something just isn't right, so I check by playing that part in Rhythmbox to see if the tab is correct. I used to be able to do this a few months ago. Then I upgraded to 11.04, and there were lots of changes with packages and stuff.
To be more specific, Whenever Tuxguitar is running, I'll try to play something in Rhythmbox, and the there will be no audio, and the "time progressed through the track" doesn't change.
How to make it so that Rhythmbox and Tuxguitar can play at the same time.
Also, I remember that in the "Tools>Settings>Sound" options, I was using a "Realtime Sequencer" at a port which had "Gervill" in it. I don't have those options available for some reason, and I have no idea how to get it back.
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Dec 3, 2010
Rhythmbox refuses to import m4a files. Reading up on the issue, all the answers tell me that I should install certain programs, that I already have. Also, rhythmbox says it needs the gstreamer m4a acc plugin, but I have all of the gstreamer thingys installed, as with FAAC. I'm on 11.3.
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Aug 26, 2010
I've been experiencing an odd issue since I upgraded my main desktop to Lucid - namely, that the first track on several albums doesn't appear in the Rhythmbox library. The rest of the album will show up and play just fine. I installed Exaile to see if it was just a Rhythmbox bug, and the tracks appear in the library, but will not play (it just skips through the whole track, as it would if the MP3 codec isn't installed or configured correctly). Did a clean install of Lucid yesterday, which was also of no help.
The files are all .mp3, non-VBR encoding (320kbps, IIRC...not that it should really matter). They are stored in an NTFS partition I use to share data between Windows XP and my Linux installs.
Funny thing is, the tracks show up and play just fine in XP and on OpenSuse 11.3 (KDE version). It also works fine on my laptop, which is also dual-booting XP and Lucid, with the tunes stored on the Windows partition.
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Aug 30, 2010
I'm just starting to get a feel for it, and learning about the software. I can't get m4a files to play in Rhythmbox - it says it needs additional plugins, but I don't know where to find them. suggest a link for an m4a decoder plugin, or different software that can play m4a files?
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Oct 29, 2010
Ideally, I would be able to have Jack (for supercollider) coexisting happily with other apps that use the audio system, specifically --
Rhythmbox (yes, there are other players but this one interfaces cleanly with my iPod) Oracle virtualbox (which I use for NaturallySpeaking)
The typical recommendation around the web is to configure ALSA to pipe its audio through Jack, which I tried according to [URL]. With that .asoundrc, I could choose ALSA as the driver for VLC and it output okay. But I'm not sure how to tell rhythm box to use ALSA instead of pulse audio. Worse, when I changed my virtual machine's configuration for ALSA (instead of the default pulse audio), the audio connection died -- the alsa ports disappeared from qjackctl's Connections window, and NaturallySpeaking didn't pick up any audio. This is fairly serious because I depend on dictation software to deal with an RSI (dictating English, not code of course) and I'd rather not have to stop Jack just to dictate something.
Rhythm box and virtual box both work perfectly with pulse audio connecting directly to the hardware. In the past, I've gotten pulse audio to route through Jack but it's dicey -- xruns are common and sometimes the audio gets choppy.
What next? I suppose getting the ALSA configuration right is the best thing, but early tests were not exactly encouraging.
(edit) PS I'm using virtualbox for DNS because wine failed me. Completely Plus wine's jack option for audio IO did not work with NS at all. NS works really well in virtualbox so I'm keeping that one.
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Feb 12, 2011
I have noticed that when I import my music folder, it never had all the albums I have. So, when I looked, I noticed that all the songs that were not imported had the wma file extension. MP3 is fine, I did have problems with that last time.
I have a lot of good songs encoded with wma. So, how do I get Rhythmbox to play these wma sound files? I have done some searching, but it does not seem to work. I have tried using gstreamer-0.10-plugins-ugly and multiverse. I even did a restart, which was not really necessary as it has nothing to do with hardware.
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Jun 26, 2010
I have a dsi so all of my music in .m4a I have all the codecs/gstreamers packages installed and they are all from packman it's not my sound cause I can play them in vlc but in rhythm box it says that I do not have the proper codec to play the file. Any ideas? Also I'm on 11.2 latest updates.
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Jun 2, 2010
Is there any way to stop Rhythmbox from clearing a song from the Play Queue once it has played it?
I searched the forums and haven't found a solution. This question had been raised before, but there was no answer given (the guy who responded confused 'playlist' with 'play queue').
Basically, whenever I queue up files to play in Rhythmbox's Play Queue (and i prefer to use that, since I operate it via Gnome-Do), they are auto-cleared as soon as I have finished playing them. I'd like to stop Rhythmbox from clearing them as I like to put them on repeat.
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Dec 13, 2010
I have a PC running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I have about 50GB of music in the Music library. I can connect from, play to, and download music to my DLNA enabled phone (Samsung Galaxy S), everything works fine.
When I start Rhythmbox on my laptop (Ubuntu 10.10), it sees my PC (appears under "Shared" in the left panel), but the tracks won't show on the list, it seems as if it fails to retreive the list of media. No matter how long I wait, nothing happens, the tracklist remains empty forever.
I have installed the "coherence" plugin from the Software Center.
I'll attach the console output rhythmbox generates when starting up,
Sidenote: it works the other way around, I can "Play to..." Rhythmbox from Windows Media Player.
andras@ANDRAS-LAPTOP:~$ rhythmbox
(rhythmbox:1979): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject)
WARN coherence Dec 13 17:04:36 Coherence UPnP framework version starting... (coherence/base.py:283)
WARN webserver Dec 13 17:04:36 WebServer on port 39537 ready (coherence/base.py:124)
WARN rb_coherence_plugin Dec 13 17:04:36 Media Store available with UUID
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Jul 14, 2010
My RhythmBox acts weird. It don't play if I recently browse a page that has a flash object in it. Rhythmbox will play if I log off and log in again. How to troubleshoot? I'm running GNU/Linux Debian SID on an AMD Athlon X2 4000+, 40GB HDD, 2GB DDR2 RAM - on board video and sound...
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Mar 17, 2010
when i cut and paste a movie player playlist elsewhere it says "An error occurred, location not found"
though it shows the videos names and in the right order etc.
i can't be the only one noticing that..
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Aug 28, 2010
I now that there is a an effect that arrange all your windows nicely in a matrix (all windows have the same size). What effect is that?
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Jun 29, 2010
I'm trying to get Rhythmbox to play my WMA files. I did some research and I found an old thread on the forums, and I tried what the people said, but I still can't get my WMA files to play and I can't post any replies Maybe there's something I'm missing?
Here's the thread I was checking out: [URL]
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Sep 7, 2010
I get one of two errors when trying to play MP3 podcasts. The first time I try to play a podcast, I get an error message that reads, "Couldn't start playback. Problem occurred without error being set. This is a bug in Rythmbox or GStreamer." If I try to play it again, it gets the error message "Couldn't start playback. (null)"
I've allready installed the Ubuntu restricted extras package.
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Jan 7, 2010
I am running VLC release 1.0.2 and I am unable to save a playlist. Does anyone else have this problem and/or know of a fix?
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Apr 28, 2010
is there a way of playing songs that are available in the internet using totem music player, or any other application. for example, this link http://fizy.com/s/1ai91v refers to a song that is present on a web page. i want to play it on a music player, and many other songs also. my aim is to create a playlist of songs that are available on the internet. so i can listen to those songs whenever i am online.
what is a smart way of doing it.? i dont mean downloading, because those songs cant be downloaded but can only be listened.
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Jul 17, 2010
I have used VLC player in the past to play music under certain conditions, but am having a bit of a problem. I have Googled this problem to no avail. Nowhere in the menus can I find a way to load a playlist. This playlist was generated under and saved from VLC. When consulting the documentation at the website, it says to load the playlist from the "Playlist" menu, but there is no "Playlist" menu present, as shown in the screenshots from the site. I can find the "Save Playlist to File" option under the "Media" menu, but nowhere can I find a "Load Playlist" option. I have read that the playlist can be dragged and dropped (specifically, directly onto the player), but VLC won't play the playlist. How to load a playlist into VLC?
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