Ubuntu :: After Update Gnome Is Not Working

Apr 9, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04. I had no troubles with gnome until yesterday when I did an auto-update. I did a shutdown of the computer and the monitor was displaying the purple color inherent in 10.04 Ubuntu. Weird I thought. I killed the power. Later I turned on the computer (desktop) and the log-in screen was fine. Gnome came up, but slow. The HD light was on and not shutting off. I clicked an icon and all the icons disappeared. The HD still constantly on. I clicked the panel, the menu dropped down for 1 second then the menu vanished. Further clicks on the panel did nothing. I was unable to get into another terminal. I had to hit the reset button. several attempts later I still have the same problem. KDE works fine. Gnome apps in KDE work fine. I did an update in KDE, seemed a bit better in gnome (meaning it booted up faster) but still the same problem exits.

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Fedora :: Update Gnome 3 From Gnome 2.32 In System

Mar 6, 2011

I see the gnome 3 was release,It need to burn a CD‚But I want to update Gnome 3 from Gnome 2.32 in my system.

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Software :: Update Gnome 2.16.0 To Gnome 2.30.2 On RHEL5?

Jul 2, 2010

how to update to the latest release?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not Working After Installing Latest Update From Update Manager?

Sep 30, 2010

As the title says i updated my system which then needed a reboot. I also installed Mixxx djing software to try it out. So i thought id just restart the system. Usually when i boot into my desktop wireless automatically can connect to my router but not this time, wired only for now... i know theres tons of wireless issue threads but some more experienced users will be able to get straight to the point and run through some diagnostics with me.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Internet Not Working Since Update / Wless Not Working

Jun 21, 2010

I have been looking around the forums searching for similar problems, it seems not only me had this problem. About a month ago I did a regular update via Upd Manager. The next day - no wired connection.Still managable, since the local library has wireless. Now that won't work either.Just after I upgraded from Jaunty, I accidentally removed NetwMngr from the top right corner of the screen, but that should not have anything to do with how the program works, right? I now cannot reach NM, if I run it from the terminal, nothing happens visibly.

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Ubuntu :: Update Gnome In Lucid To 2.32?

Oct 27, 2010

if there any possibility to update Gnome in Lucid to 2.32? I can't go to Maverick because my Graphic Card Issue

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Does Not Start Correctly After Update?

Dec 4, 2010

I recently got the last round of updates, including linux kernel after several programs froze up (i hadn't restarted since the update) i restarted only to find that Gnome starts up into a different look than I had it setup to (normally with a custom theme and without a login prompt). it now starts with a more basic theme and a login prompt which won't accept my password. something similar had happened before and i fixed it by booting into recovery mode and running dpkg, and having to reboot more than once but it returned to normal. I tried running it again and it hasn't worked, so I must ask for advice. I am working from Fedora 10 on the same computer.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Gnome And Metacity After Update?

Apr 29, 2011

I did a clean install of 11.04 and then installed the updates it prompted me to. After restarting I was missing metacity and when I checked in synaptic I didn't have gnome installed. Here's the error message I got when I tried to install gnome (and dependencies):

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Ubuntu :: After Update Of 10.04 - Can't Start Gnome Desktop After Login

Jun 10, 2010

I use ubuntu 10.04 in VirtualBox (upgrated from 09.10), host os is Win7.

3-4 days ago update of ubuntu required restart of Ubuntu (linux kernel was updated).

After 3 days (i.e. yesterday) I restarted the system. I found that flashlib in Chrome became to work unstable, some artefact appeared, and only scrolling down-up in browser allowed to update view of screen. I run update manager. It showed ~88Mb of updates for last 3 days.

After download of updates, apply changes was failed! I faced this first time (!). I remember message like "can not synchronize file /usr/share/..." or something like that.

I restarted ubuntu again. Now I could not login. System hangs after login. No Gnome menu appears etc.

I tried to fix issue using dpkg. I found that some lib (ure) related to OpenOffice was not assigned (version XXX required, but bersion XXXY found). dpkg offered to solve this by some combination. I did so. Then I run dpkg update, and no errors appeared.

Also I updated VirtualBox to version 3.2.4, updated VirualBox Additions via console terminal in ubuntu.

But still I can't fix problem with gdm/gnome.

dpkg-reconfigure gnome-*** did not help for me.

I tried to check logs, but I have not found something "interesting".

At the moment terminal is the only way to login.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Hanging At Compiz-gnome?

Jun 17, 2011

During a routine update of my desktop (ubuntu 10.04), the update is hanging at "unpacking replacement compiz-gnome". I was wondering if it is safe to kill the update, and, if not, what else I could do. This has been hanging there for about 2hrs now, so its not just taking its time.

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Fedora :: Update The GNOME Panel?

Apr 12, 2010

how to update my GNOME desktop panel? In fact somehow I managed to lose my notification Applet (system tray) because of which I am unable find volume control, network status etc... I hope updating the GNOME can help to resolve my problem on notification area applet. If I can get back the notification area I will be really greatful

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Fedora :: GNOME 3 Died After An Update?

Jun 25, 2011

I've been using Fedora 15 since its release (it was a fresh install) and have run the built-in updater three times; the third time being just earlier. In running it, about 113 updates were found, and afterwards, I rebooted. Unfortunately, GNOME 3 somehow broke as a result of that update (I didn't do anything else system-wise in the meantime), though I'm not sure what could have caused it.

After logging in, I see nothing except my desktop wallpaper. The top bar doesn't exist, and there are no workable elements... a wallpaper and nothing but. Thinking it might have been a user issue, I created a new user under Xfce and then logged into it, and I had the same thing. Default wallpaper but nothing else.

I am actually in the process of reviewing Fedora 15 (and GNOME 3) and was nearly done writing what I needed to before this happened, so I'd love to figure out a way to fix it rather than reinstall the entire OS since I have things set up to my liking and would hate to have everything undone.

If it helps, I did a yum groupremove of "GNOME Desktop Environment" and then a groupinstall of it again, but that didn't help it either. It did ironically remove both KDE and Xfce I had installed, however.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Update Gnome 2.6 To 3?

May 23, 2011

i installed Opensuse oneweek ago.i use gnome and kde.i want to update my gnome to 3.how to do this?i think my current version of gnome is 2.6

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-about-me Not Working?

Nov 29, 2010

I cannot run the 'About Me' under Applications -> System -> Preferences. I learned it can be run through the terminal using 'gnome-about-me', and after trying that, I get this error:

(gnome-about-me:12785): libebook-WARNING **: e-book.c:2245: cannot get book from factory: Invalid source
(gnome-about-me:12785): libebook-WARNING **: e-book.c:2245: cannot get book from factory: Invalid source[code]...

I just restored my computer and because I cannot open 'About Me', I cannot change my user password.

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Debian Multimedia :: Sid - Gnome Broken After Update / Fix It?

Sep 10, 2011

Just did a recent update with Sid, and upon reboot, I noticed that the theming engine appears to be out of whack a little. I've provided a screen shot for some clarity. As you can see, some programs that open do not use the set GTK theme, but instead reverts back to default. I've also noticed that in appearances, I now get that message that says pixmap engine is required, even though I have it installed. The biggest update was to gnome 3.0.2. At the moment, it doesn't affect usability at all, and I'm hesitant to undo the updates, as things that didn't work before now works! Ahh Sid! Living life on the dangerous side I is! If anyone can provide some insight into this issue (a fix is not of high priority),


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Fedora :: Gnome Bars Gone After Packages Update?

Dec 27, 2010

I'm running F13 on a HP laptop. I've been about 10 days with no internet connection. Yesterday I got internet again, and I did a package update.

After that, I rebooted and both top and bottom bars were gone from my Gnome desktop. I couldn't retrieve them anymore.

What can I do to get them back?

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Fedora Installation :: F15 Yum Update For Gnome-shell?

May 28, 2011

Just did an update to gnome-shell.x86_64 3.0.2-1.fc15 and now the shell extensions don't work.

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Fedora :: F15: Gnome Extension Are Disable After Update?

May 28, 2011

I just updated my system a few hours ago, then turn off. Now I reboot the system and all the gnome-shell-extenstion-* installed from repo are disabled. What happens?

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Fedora :: Update Breaks Gnome Shell?

Aug 14, 2011

I updated last night and after a reboot I can get the GDM login but as my desktop loads it suddenly stops and complains of an error and won't load. If I load legacy Gnome desktop with Compiz it loads but ALL the lettering and words on the interface are messed up. By this I mean the letters are upside down and the words are spelt backwards. The mouse menus also work in reverse as in the menus themselves are also upside down and the highlighting moves from bottom to top as I move down the menu. Amusing but not what I want from my computer. There is nothing in /var/log/messages or /var/log/Xorg.0.log that would indicate anything is wrong.

I sooo don't want to have to rebuild, again, because of instabilities in F15 updates.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome No Longer Starts After Update?

Jan 21, 2011

since the last SuSE online update (last Wednesday?) the X server no longer starts on our notebook (ATI HD 4200) so we only have the consoles available, which limits the WAF heavily . We were using SuSE 11.3 with the Gnome desktop for about one months and it worked smoothly, but since the update (which included a kernel update to the X server tries to start 5 times and then gives up. All logfiles end with:

[ 13.899] Segmentation fault at address 0x3c
[ 13.899]
Fatal server error:


I used the ati driver ati-fglrxG02-kmp-desktop, version 8.762_k2.6.34.0_12-31.1 from the ATI Suse repository. To solve the problem I already switched to the Xorg driver which lead to a color distorted display but no segmentation fault. But I'd like to get the ati driver running again.

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OpenSUSE :: GNOME 3 Fails To Work After Update

May 11, 2011

I have updated GNOME 3 and it no longer works. Having suspected extensions the problem I have manually uninstalled all extensions via command line. This got me to log in instead of the problem screen. However, the desktop is entirely unresponsive, after log in it no longer responds to anything, although the mouse still tracks.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gnome Not Starting After Update (gdm)?

Feb 7, 2010

I ran an update after installing the OpenSuse 11.2 Gnome Live CD and could not start Gnome.Signing in would only get me a blank screen with wallpaper.Changing the display manager in /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager to kdm (from the default gdm) resolves this issue for me:DISPLAYMANAGER="kdm"

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Use Gnome When Update To 11.2

Jul 14, 2010

unable to use Gnome when update to 11.2

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Ubuntu :: Browsing A Directory Tree Directly In Gnome Panel - UPDATE

Jan 19, 2011

The problem was finding an applet to browse directory tree directly in the Gnome panel similar to that in "Recent Documents". The thread was closed without any solution posted there and also no solution available elsewhere (I searched for over 2 hours) in the forum.

Search for "file-browser-applet" in the Synaptic Package Manager. The applet with exactly that name is what you need. It allows to browse and open files on your computer from the GNOME panel. Once installed, "Add to panel".

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Ubuntu :: Network-manager-gnome Caused An Error During System Update?

May 16, 2011

Network-manager-gnome caused an error during system update.Quote:network-manager-gnome: Depends: network-manager (>=0.8.99 but 0.8.4~git.20110319t175609.d14809b-0ubuntu3 is to be installedHow can I update network-manager?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Broke GUI Login - Gnome Power Management

Sep 1, 2011

Here's the error I get:
"The configuration has not installed correctly for Gnome power management".
Updated my 11.04 install via the update manager last night. When I turned my computer on today it wouldn't boot into the normal gui desktop. Where my normal login screen usually appears a different login screen appears with my username. I login. Screen flickers black for a few seconds and a page with a ton of text shows up for a fraction of a second ( too short of a time to read a single word). more flickering. Then I am returned to the slightly different login screen once again with the error. I tried booting into failsafeX gui mode. Same issue.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Logging Off While Working On Net

Aug 24, 2010

This happens once in a while: I'm happily surfing the Internet, working or doing anything else and suddenly Gnome logs off. That's a pain in the *** really.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-dictionary Not Working?

Oct 24, 2010

I recently discovered that I could not get gnome-dictionary to perform word look-up on ANY of my Ubuntu systems. I discovered that the problem is not with the app at all, but with the default source; dict.org has stopped functioning as gnome-dictionary expects (and trying to get to the web site just brings up a blank web page; page source is empty). One of the threads I saw in my search provided a different source that is working. It is not as extensive as dict.org's service, but it does work.

Open the Dictionary app, then open the Preferences dialog.

Go to the "Sources" Tab and click on the "Add" button.

In the dialog that opens, change the Description to "Chemnitz Server" (at least this is what I did).

Change the hostname to "dict.tu-chemnitz.de".

I did not mess with the other options.

Once you have done this you can click the "Close" button in that dialog.

In the remaining dialog, you will see a new option for "Chemnitz Server".

Select that, and you will have a working dictionary.

dict.org can soon be returned to its proper functionality.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Goes Into Standby While Working

May 25, 2011

I just switched back to Ubuntu since I got my SSD and Ubuntu feels now very nice..

I just was confronted with one problem. At my Home PC I was working normally using FileZilla and drag and dropped something from FTP to local machine, then suddently my PC locked and the Screensaver appeard. I mean this Matrix Saver is nice but not when you want to work

Then first I thought it simply locked the workspace and tried to login, but it did not accept any key input, then it just went to standby after some sec..

I really wonder how that can happen, I had deactivated automatic standby in the energy settings, because I don't use it.

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Debian :: Gnome Update Manager Doesn't Work?

May 25, 2010

I've installed the GNOME Update Manager (0.68-debian.7) from the official Debian package archive. However, after checking for new packages and clicking "Install the updates", the update manager asks for rights and then just checks for new updates again. Selecting different packages didn't help either, it just checks for updates again and doesn't update anything. Has anyone experienced the same problem

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