Ubuntu :: Without MS Exchange Client Will Never Make Workplace

Apr 12, 2011

I've tried, I really have. Been using Ubuntu for years at home, love it. Been trying to use it at work, but I will always come back to Windows for 1 simple reason. There is no Outlook replacement capable of working with Exchange.Don't suggest Evolution, its a regular crasher on my system, OWA has promise but need re-written from the ground up seemingly.

Canonical is looking for ways to monetise Ubuntu, create a propriatory Thunderbird/Evolution plugin (Thunderbird is my choice), with a free trial for 30 days. If after 30 days it doesn't crash, I'll pay 50 for it.I find it really astounding that this isnt brought up more often.

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Ubuntu :: Exchange 5.5 Compatible Client

Jun 6, 2010

I just switched to Ubuntu from Win7 and want to find replacement for my MS Office Outlook. I tried Evolution client to connect to my mailbox and got following error:The Exchange server is not compatible with Exchange Connector.The server is running Exchange 5.5. Exchange Connector supports Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003 only.Could you please suggest mail client compatible with Exchange 5.5?

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Ubuntu :: MS Exchange Client Less Buggy Than Evolution?

Mar 30, 2011

Can you recommend an MS exchange client that works reasonably well? Evolution freezes all the time when syncing folders and has many other problems

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Software :: Use Evolution As Client For MS Exchange?

Apr 2, 2010

Are they compatible? Can I use Evolution as client for MS Exchange?

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Ubuntu :: Exchange Server Provides Such As Emails (to Mobile - Web Access And Using Outlook Client) Calendar - Tasks And Contacts

Feb 24, 2010

I am thinking of installing a Linux mail server and use it for my company. We are about 3 people that using emails and i do not want do spend a significant amount to get an exchange server. However, i need a mail server that i will be able to get the functionality that exchange server provides such as emails (to my mobile, web access, and using outlook client), calendar, tasks and contacts. Can you reccomend me which Linux mail server should i use for all the above functionality?

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Red Hat :: Install Davmail As Mail Client For MS Exchange Mail System?

Jun 1, 2010

i have redhat linux 5 (2.6.18-53.el5) and i am trying to install davmail as mail client for MS exchange mail system. i am trying to install davmail latest i.e 3.6.6-1032 x86 version. i installed java 1.6. and excuted java -version. it showed me correct version. i.e java 1.6. but when i ran ./davmail.sh it gave me following message it opened port 389 and the next message was DEBUG (checkrelease) davmail: unable to get released version what could be the problem

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird Icon Gone From Workplace Switcher?

May 8, 2010

I have noticed the Thunderbird icon is missing from my workplace switcher. It just shows a blank box in whatever workplace Thunderbird is. The Firefox logo works and the icon displays in the panel.Is anyone else having this problem, and does anyone know how to get it to display in the workplace switcher.Ubuntu Studio: 64 bit.I have seen old threads where the icon is missing from the panel, but none relating to the workplace switcher.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Connecting To A Wired Connection At Workplace

Nov 12, 2010

I upgraded to 10.10 from 10.04. I have the problem with connecting to a wired connection at my workplace. It was connecting earlier on 10.04 and now it doesnt. Laptop make is Hp and model number is 8530W.

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Ubuntu :: Workplace Switcher Works Better Under Ambiance Or Radiance?

May 13, 2010

I've attached 2 jpeg screenshots. Look at the center of the top panel and you'll find my Workplace Switcher. In the Ambiance screenshot, the Workplace Switcher clearly shows that Google Voice is open in the 2nd workspace because it shows that icon there. In the Custom screenshot, the Workplace Switcher shows there's a window open in the second workspace, but no icon to identify what's in the window. I've checked all available controls, and only Ambiance and Radiance correctly show icons for most open windows in the Workplace Switcher. Does anyone know how to make controls from other themes work with Workplace Switcher the way that Ambiance and Radiance do?

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Ubuntu :: Login To Workplace Server From 10.04 Doesn't Work

Apr 11, 2011

My mother runs Ubuntu 10.04 on her home computer, but on her workplace they use some version of Windows. Her IT-guy sent her a .rdp-file for logging in to her workplace server. This file doesn't work in Ubuntu, and the IT-department at her job can't solve the problem. Ergo; She's unable to log on to her workplace computer/server from home.

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General :: How To Make Windows As Client For Server?

Sep 25, 2010

I have NIS and NFS Server in Linux EL5 and i want to make client as windows..How to make windows as client for Linux server..Can any one explain me more detail.

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OpenSUSE :: Make Deluge The Default Torrent Client In 11.3 KDE 4.4

Aug 16, 2010

There in no "torrent client" listed under personal settings> default applications. I don't want the default Ktorrent I want Deluge as my client. Selecting a .torrent file launches Ktorrent. I do not want this action how do I change it?.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make Connect To Freenx Server From Windows Using Nomachine Client?

Feb 24, 2010

I am not exactly newbie with GNU/Linux, but definitely new to SSH/NX stuffs. I followed the below tutorials for installing FreeNX so that I can access my desktop like TeamViewer in windows.


But I don't see the folder NX like the one mentioned here.Then edit the file /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg

I don't see a folder called NX to proceed. Also when I use nomachine client to connect from Windows, it couldn't connect and I get the below errors.

nxssh: <host-name>: no address associated with name.

how to make connect to freenx server from windows using nomachine client?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Make Dovecot Automatically Archive The Copy Of The Email If/when A Client Connects To It Using POP?

Feb 15, 2010

make Dovecot automatically archive the servers copy of the email if/when a client connects to it using POP? I am trying to achieve the the same thing as Gmail's feature.

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Networking :: OpenVPN - Can't Ping From Server To Client Side Hosts / Make It Possible?

Mar 20, 2009


What I can ping
Host A -> Host B
Host B -> Host A

Host A -> Router B
Host B -> Router A

Host A -> OpenVPN B
Host B -> OpenVPN A

VPN Server -> VPN Client
VPN Client -> VPN Server

What I can't ping
VPN Server to any client side host local address
VPN Client to any server side host local address

I have searched and searched for this but can not find any answers. Why can I not ping Host B from my OpenVPN server?

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Server :: How To Make Machine As A Client Of NIS Domain Server?

Jan 19, 2011

In a newly installed Linux machine which is a client machine, is not listening to NIS domain server even after setting IP address ,default gateway,and subnet mask.What are all the changes to be done in configuration file.And how can be solved

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Exchange Anything

Feb 2, 2011

I want to link windows server and ubuntu server, in vittual the ping is ok but I can't exchange anything.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 11.04 LTSP Connect Client Hard Drive - Register In The Fstab On The Client?

May 26, 2011

I have configured server ubuntu 11.04. Everything works fine, but there is a need for some clients to connect local hard drive. What should I do? How and what modules are added to the ltsp-image? How to register in the fstab on the client? Maybe I'm going the wrong way?

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Ubuntu :: Getting Exchange Support On Thunderbird ?

Jul 2, 2010

Is there a way of getting exchange support on thunderbird. I would use IMAP but its not configured on the server.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Won't Connect To Exchange (10.10)

Nov 25, 2010

I had decided to give Ubuntu a go on my work notebook. At work we use Exchange 2003 (at the moment) for email. I had open Evolution and tried to configure it. I got the welcome screen (wizzard), I clicked Forward and then I skipped Restore from backup (since this is a new install) and clicked Forward. It asked for identity and I gave the details (as shown in the first screenshot) then hit Forward and made the necesary settings as shown in the second screenshot. Then I click Authenticate and it asks for my exchange password. i type it and then it gives me the error "Could not locate server.". I am sure the server name is correct and I am sure it resolves correctly (tried it with firefox and works just fine). I also tried username as follows:


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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Exchange In Evolution?

Jan 16, 2011

I am trying to set up my school e-mail in evolution. They use exchange 2007. When I set it up on my iPod touch, it wouldn't work unless I put in my exchange domain. Where would I put that in evolution?

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Ubuntu :: Hotmail Exchange With Evolution In 10.10?

Apr 17, 2011

I 've got an hotmail (live-mail) account, that I'm using on my iPod with Microsoft Exchange. This is really working fine, so I was very happy when I read, that you can use this feature with Evolution Mail.

Now my Problem is, that the Settings I use on my iPod won't work with Evolution.

I think the Problem is the OWA URL cause whatever I do it can't connect to this Server.

I'll give you the Settings, that work on my iPod:

E-Mail: xxx@hotmail.de
Server: m.hotmail.com
User-Name: xxx@hotmail.de
Password: xxx

Does anybody know the OWA URL of the Hotmail-Server or does every Account have one of it's own?

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Software :: Yet Another Exchange With Evolution On Ubuntu?

Jul 29, 2010

I've got an Ubuntu 10.04 system running Evolution, and I'm trying to integrate it with a slightly older Exchange server. I got the basics all working, email, calendaring, etc. The trouble I'm having is that it crashes pretty frequently, and even using the DavMail tool doesn't help. DavMail just ends up crashing instead!

It seems to me that there is some piece of integration that is broken, or just not set up right. Has anyone seen this? Where it "works", but is very unstable? We've got a few people at my office with this issue on a couple different distros.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Make A Local Mail Server That Itself Is A Client To A WAN Mail Server?

Mar 10, 2011

How do I make a local mail server that itself is a client to a WAN mail server.I want the local mail server to query new mail every 30 minutes from the WAN server.

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Ubuntu :: Making Evolution Work With Exchange?

Jul 27, 2010

I seem to have a problem that a lot of people have: My work uses exchange server 5.5/2007. Does evolution still not support this? I tried to set it up and it tells me that it won't work with exchange 5.5.

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Ubuntu :: Access To Exchange Public Calender?

Jan 26, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 10.10 in my work environment and have issues handling the Exchange 2007 server's public calender.My outgoing server is SMTP | Incoming server is POP3 (my office have disabled IMAP and run MAPI). First I tried evolution but it said ""The server is running Exchange 5.5, evolution-exchange connector supports 2000 and 2003 Server" Installed thunderbird and i am happy with it. The only thing which i would like to do is access my exchange public calender and firefox will not be able to do it in OWA.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Connect Exchange To Apache2?

Feb 21, 2011

I've got a server here with MS Exchange. The customer wants this website I've made for him, but the site is using apache/drupal/mysql.

I went ahead and installed debian in place of a virtual XP installation that was wasting space. It's all setup and running.

His old website, which was running on IISv6, is connected and able to access the MS Exchange server, via /exchange.

I need to be able to do this with his new website.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution (Exchange) Some Mail Disappears?

Mar 21, 2011

I have some messages that will show briefly then disappear.

I believe the ones that disapear are addressed to suppport rather than directly to me

my Outlook on my windows box still show's the messages along with OWA

There are no filter's applied

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Not Pulling In Exchange Calendar

Mar 25, 2011

I have just setup evolution to pull in my exchange emails using MAPI. All seems to be well, except that it isn't pulling down my calendar or tasks. I understood that it was supposed to automatically do this, is this correct?We are using exchange 2005 I believe, so wonder if this is specifically the issue.

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Ubuntu :: How To Connect To Exchange Server From Kubuntu

Jul 20, 2011

I downloaded Evolution last night but I am unable to connect to MS Exchange 2003. Does anyone know of a sure fire way to get connected?

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