Ubuntu :: 10.10 Alternate AMD64 Iso Corrupt?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm trying to install 10.10 Alternate AMD64 on a laptop (eMachines e510) in order to then install a minimal desktop.I haven't found anything about this issue outside of this page, which describes the problem I encounter well: [URL]It basically happens right when the base system installation starts.The link shows screenshots of it.I tried burning a CD at minimum speed, and the CD check indeed says the files are corrupt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Alternate Update Method That Will Not Corrupt OS?

Apr 1, 2010

This is the second time my ubuntu was killed with updating, it would freeze, or goof up, or something to mess itself up. I need a better way to update, one that will not corrupt my Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Which Alternate Cd Should Take Amd64 Or I386

Oct 12, 2010

I have an Amd64 processor. I guess that I should install the amd64 alternate cd instead of the i386 installation. What would be better for me and which problems can occur?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Hard Drives - Creating "alternate" Boot Partitions And "alternate" Root File-systems On The New Drives

Aug 10, 2010

I have a Centos 5.5 system with 2* 250 gig sata physical drives, sda and sdb. Each drive has a linux raid boot partition and a Linux raid LVM partition. Both pairs of partitions are set up with raid 1 mirroring. I want to add more data capacity - and I propose to add a second pair of physical drives - this time 1.5 terabyte drives presumably sdc and sdd. I assume I can just plug in the new hardware - reboot the system and set up the new partitions, raid arrays and LVMs on the live system. My first question:

1) Is there any danger - that adding these drives to arbitrary sata ports on the motherboard will cause the re-enumeration of the "sdx" series in such a way that the system will get confused about where to find the existing raid components and/or the boot or root file-systems? If anyone can point me to a tutorial on how the enumeration of the "sdx" sequence works and how the system finds the raid arrays and root file-system at boot time

2) I intend to use the majority of the new raid array as an LVM "Data Volume" to isolate "data" from "system" files for backup and maintenance purposes. Is there any merit in creating "alternate" boot partitions and "alternate" root file-systems on the new drives so that the system can be backed up there periodically? The intent here is to boot from the newer partition in the event of a corruption or other failure of the current boot or root file-system. If this is a good idea - how would the system know where to find the root file-system if the original one gets corrupted. i.e. At boot time - how does the system know what root file-system to use and where to find it?

3) If I create new LVM /raid partitions on the new drives - should the new LVM be part of the same "volgroup" - or would it be better to make it a separate "volgroup"? What are the issues to consider in making that decision?

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Ubuntu :: Hal.dll Corrupt Or Missing?

Sep 21, 2010

So, onto my question. I kind of messed up my desktop computer trying to remove Ubuntu 8.10. I had installed 8.10 as a dual boot with Windows XP a few years back and now wanted to remove it mainly because of my mother, who can BARELY even turn a computer on. Plus, I can't connect to the internet anyway with Ubuntu (I need the Netzero dial up application in windows, since all I have right now is dial up).

Here's what I did. I downloaded the program "MBRFIX" so I could directly fix the mbr inside of Windows XP, since I don't have an XP recovery disc. I downloaded MBRFIX because I needed to get rid of GRUB. I fixed the mbr, and Windows XP directly booted. All was said and good, except Ubuntu still existed. I poked around on the internet and found something that said for me to use the Ubuntu Live CD and go to gpartition. It said to delete the Ubuntu partitions. So, I tried that, but it said something about unmounting something (I honestly don't remember what it said).

So, I continued following instructions. It said if you couldn't delete the partitions, to go to the terminal and type in "sudo swapoff" and then "sudo umount -a". So I did that. A bunch of stuff popped up in the terminal, mainly stuff that said "cannot unmount". I tried to delete the partitions once again, but that still failed. Finally, I just went back to Windows XP. I went to my computer, manage, and deleted the Ubuntu partitions from there. Finally, Ubuntu was gone! Of course, I wanted my 50GB space back on my XP, but I still had no clue how to go about putting that back. ........

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Ubuntu :: Files Seem Corrupt?

Apr 10, 2011

I recently copied about 1TB of videos from one drive to another. Now it seems like my videos(a lot but not all) are choppy or just end up freezing(mkv files seem to be the ones freezing).Is it possible that the transferring of a large amount of data could have damaged my videos?

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Ubuntu :: Where Can Get The Alternate CD?

Jul 27, 2010

Where can I get the Ubuntu Alternate CD,the one where you can press F4 to get a command line install only?I looked everywhere but could not find it.

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Ubuntu :: Corrupt Mbr/grub Cannot Detect HDD

Apr 9, 2010

I have a dual boot windows xp/ubuntu64 9.04 rig at home. Ubuntu is installed alongside windows(if i worded that correctly?). well last night i got the infamous error #15. so i popped in the live cd and messed around with grub. well i changed grubs boot to point to h0,5 which is where ubuntu resides and as you can guess i can not boot. i want to change it back to h0,0 or h0,1 however the hard drive is undetected.

I tried windows repair console but same thing cannot detect the drive. I pulled the drive out slipped it in my other machine and still same thing. so my question is how can i go about editing the grub menu.lst if i can't mount the drive?

Maybe i can just install a new grub/mbr? but i cant figure out hot to mount the drive.

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Ubuntu :: Corrupt Dictionary For Firefox (en-us)(en)?

Apr 11, 2010

Corrupt Dictionary for Firefox (en-us)(en)? I'm running 3.5.9

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Files Get Corrupt?

Apr 16, 2010

im running beta 2 of 10.04 x64 and ive noticed a problem where for some reason whenever I download a file it always gets corrupt even though its a 100% complete.

Ive tried using wget instead to download the file and that worked fine

ive removed ubufox package and its now working fine

Is anyone else having this problem?

I wanna be 100% sure that its not my fault and is really a bug before I submit it

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Ubuntu :: Docky 3D Background Corrupt

May 19, 2010

another day, another problem with Ubuntu The day rapidly approaches where I put XP back on this old machine, unfortunately

why Docky's 3D background looks like this?

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Ubuntu :: Corrupt Version Of Thunderbird?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm running Xubuntu 10.4 and TB 3.0.6 from the repository, and the damndest thing has happened. Thunderbird was working, and then it stopped sending email -- literally from one email to the next. In fact, I didn't even notice it for three hours.

I never got an error message or a timeout or any of the typical problems; rather, I typed the email, hit send, and then it vanished from the screen. I don't get a progress bar on the bottom or a sent message line, and the message doesn't go into the sent folder. I can receive email, and my Internet connection is working.

I tried all the usual stuff -- checking the settings (which I haven't messed with), deleting each of my accounts and putting them back, looking for rogue extensions (again, I didn't add any between the time it worked and it didn't), and uninstalling, purging, reinstalling, etc. I even ran a virus scan.

But it gets weirder. I installed Evolution, and it works fine. And so does Spicebird, which is basically Thunderbird in prettier clothes. So the problem appears to be with the copy of Thunderbird that I have installed, since I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem.

Any thoughts? If this was Windows, I would assume that the software was corrupted or missing a ddl (or whatever), but I've never seen this happen on a Linux system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 To 10.10 Corrupt Upgrade?

Jan 19, 2011

I think my upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 got corrupted. The update manager got half way through upgrading the system and then complained about some dependency. I forgot I hadn't closed the update manager and ran synaptic with it still open to update some packages. In any case I think the system got in a mess as

cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 10.10


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Ubuntu :: Recovering Corrupt .odt File?

Jun 13, 2011

I've just tried to open an .odt file which says it's corrupt and cannot be recovered... The last backup I can find is from about a month ago and is 10,000 words shorter than the corrupt version.I have no idea why the file has suddenly become corrupt

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Ubuntu :: Ssh Always Use Alternate Key Location?

May 2, 2010

I know I can add the -i to an ssh command to choose an alternate ssh key:

ssh -i /path/to/private/key user@remote

Is there a way to permanently set the alternate key file location so I can just:

ssh user@remote

Issue is that this is a dual boot Win and Ubuntu, and I store all my data (keys also) on a separate partition.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade 10.04 To 10.10 Using The Alternate CD/DVD

Oct 15, 2010

I have a problem with upgrading from alternative CD...

I followed [URL]. but the upgrade dialog is not displayed even when I run

gksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade"

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading 8.04 To 10.04 Using Alternate CD?

Dec 13, 2010

Unfortunately my modem died and my alternative modem is not recognized in 8.04 so I can't do a normal upgrade.

It's my understanding that I can use the alternate CD to do the upgrade, but can't find information

I've got the alternate ISO (32 bit) burned on CD and booted from it (on a Windows laptop) but don't see an option except possibly 'rescue a broken system'.

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Alternate Right Click

Mar 20, 2011

Im running Ubuntu 10.10 right now, and I'm having a few difficulties.One of them is that my netbook (HP Mini 210) has a "clickpad" instead of a conventional touchpad, so right clicking in ubuntu has become an issue, i don't know why.To right click something, I've got to carefully navigate my finger to the bottom rightmost part and tap it lightly. 9 out of 10 times i fail, so can i have an alternate, for example, pressing Ctrl and Left Clicking (to simulate a right click?)In ubuntu 9.04 (or was it 8.04, can't remember) the topmost panel had 3 buttons, Applications, System and something else.Can I get those back in 10.10?

my Desktop background isn't showing me any icons. it's like it's locked (similar to the Show Desktop Icons in windows) can I remove that?And why can't I add/remove panels? or make them transparent or anything?

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Ubuntu :: Corrupt File System - How To Recover

Jan 4, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One running NBR 9.10. A few days ago it "went wonky", wouldn't boot and would just seem to start and then shut off before getting to the logon screen. I managed to boot from a USB stick and run check and fix in Gparted. It found a slew of errors in the file system. Unfortunately, it still won't boot, now it just hangs. I assume some of boot files were damaged.

Now I have two problems:

1. Is there a way to repair the damage? Or just wipe the disk and start over?

2. I need to get my e-mail off of the hard drive. I can mount the drive after booting from a USB stick, but the thunderbird directory is locked. Is there a way around this?

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Ubuntu :: Software Index Corrupt Cannot Install Anything?

Feb 16, 2010

"This is a major failure of your software management system. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'."

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Ubuntu :: Troubleshoot Corrupt Ext4 Filesystem?

Apr 16, 2010

am having issues with a corrupted ext4 filesystem. My machine has run flawlessly for weeks, then all of a sudden I am getting messages that I can't access various directories, and on reboot fsck dumps to a command line. So far I have been able to fix the problem by manually running fsck. However, this is the second time that I have run into this problem; the previous time I ended up throwing out my hard drive and doing a clean install.I am running a clean install of Karmic Koala, software RAID, 4 Gb RAM, two 500 Gb Western Digital SATA drives, with an Intel E7200 2.53 Ghz dual core processor.Among other applications, I run VMware 7.0 for the occasional task for which I need a Windows program.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Drive Corrupt / Get It To Work?

Apr 18, 2010

I had important files on my flash drive that are not backed up anywhere. I went into the live USB creator, misclicked and trashed my drive.
Now when I plug it in, it doesn't have any files, but its formatting remains. I can right click and see the properties and it appears as though it says the same amount is used.
Currently I tryed using GParted to sort it out and upon selecting the device it starts searching for /dev/sdb partitions. It has been doing that for the last hour. Conky shows that 2 processes of dosfsck are running. Its a new drive and I dont know if it has an activity light.

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Ubuntu :: Netbook Packages Just Corrupt Desktop / Fix This?

Oct 18, 2010

Dell Latitude XT
N-Trig touch screen
ATI x1250 Video Card
Ubuntu 10.10

If I install the Netbook packages (either with the Netbook CD or by installing them into a Desktop installation), I just get garbage on the screen that is unusable.

A picture says it all:

Any ideas to get the Netbook edition working?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ntoskrnl.exe Is Corrupt, Pxe Install?

Oct 28, 2010

I am dual booting a lab of 30 machines in an elementary school. They already have XP installed and I don't want to mess with that. I certainly don't want to have to go to each one with a windows CD to 'repair' each one if this goes wrong.

So i tested on one (installed through PXE) and Ubuntu boots fine but I am getting:

'ntoskrnl.exe is corrupt' errors now. I can't move on until I sort this out.

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Ubuntu :: File System Of Mp3 Player Went Corrupt?

Nov 28, 2010

Yesterday, the file system of my mp3 player went corrupt. So I tried to format it to vfat, which in the past hasn't solved the problem and instead just made another corrupt partition. I have fixed it before by using dereks boot and nuke (dban) and filling it with only zeros so its ready to be repartitioned.

Now this time I tried to save some time by using dd instead of dban.
So I did dd if=/dev/zero of/dev/sdb

The process got interrupted by my system shutting down after about 15 min.

Now when I plug in my usb, it doesn't get recognized. It doesn't show up in gparted or fdisk. I looked at dmesg and all it gave was: usb 1-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Brasero Produces Corrupt Dvd's?

Mar 1, 2011

I have earlier downloaded many video and picture files to blank DVD's using Brasero with ubuntu. But now most attempts fail. This might be after upgrading to latest ubuntu, but then again maybe this is not the cause, 'cos maybe once in 6 attempts brasero works ok.

It seems to take a long time - maybe 40 mins - for brasero to go through it's job, and the dvds look ok, but cannot read anything. This is a lot longer than when things worked well.

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Ubuntu :: How To Repair Corrupt Partition Table

May 21, 2011

A few months ago I tried to shrink an NTFS partition using gparted and use the free space to install Haiku. However, gparted crashed in the middle of the resize, leading to a corrupt partition table. I tried to solve the problem myself, using testdisk to detect the partitions. However, the fix is not perfect, and it left me with a partition table that goes "outside" of the disk (i.e. the partition table has allocated more sectors than there actually are on the disk to the last partition).

Recently I need to reinstall Ubuntu Natty, but because the partition table is corrupt, the installer on the Ubuntu Natty Live CD (as well as gparted) see the disk as entirely unpartitioned. What is weird is that the Disk Utility (aka palimpsest), fdisk on my current Natty distro (upgraded from Maverick, which I want to replace with a fresh install), and GRUB 2 see the partitions fine (with some errors, such as listing a few trillion TBs of available space, a result of the corrupt partition table).

I am using an Asus U30Jc laptop with a single 500GB HDD. My current setup is supposed to be like this:
/dev/sda1: A hidden FAT32 recovery partition generated by Windows 7, listed as containing Windows Vista by GRUB 2
/dev/sda2: NTFS partition containing Windows 7 (labeled "OS")
/dev/sda3: Extended partition containing "DATA", Ubuntu, swap, and the erroneous trillions of TBs of space
/dev/sda5: NTFS partition containing user data (labeled "DATA")
/dev/sda6: Ext4 partition containing Ubuntu
/dev/sda7: swap partition
(*Though I'm not supposed to have it, and it isn't listed in /dev while running the Live CD, /dev/sda4 exists as a zero-length partition in the output from sfdisk; not sure why)

Currently I've tried the following:
- testdisk, using "deeper search" and writing the partition table back to disk; produced a (usable) partition table that was bad.
- [URL], fsck didn't do much at all, except raise various errors on all partitions except the one containing Natty.
- [URL], tried to substitute the numbers caljohnsmith gave to thegreat with the corresponding values from my run of fdisk -lu, but because caljohnsmith didn't explain where the values came from and what they meant (no offense to him), I was lost; after the last step (setting the end sector on the extended partition to the last cylinder boundary (which I didn't really understand; tell me if you need details on what I did)), gparted went from showing the trillions of TBs of free space as outside all partitions to showing them as inside the extended partition; this also somehow caused the partitions to overlap.(The error parted raises changed from "Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!" to "Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.

Running fdisk from the Natty Live CD gives
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -lu
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x74ef0aca

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 2048 34812854 17405403+ 1c Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda2 * 34812855 279000854 122094000 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3 279000855 976768064 348883605 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda5 279000918 875204030 298101556+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6 875204608 972859391 48827392 83 Linux
/dev/sda7 972861440 976771055 1954808 82 Linux swap / Solaris
Running sfdisk -l from the Natty Live CD gives

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo sfdisk -l /dev/sda
Disk /dev/sda: 60801 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track
Units = cylinders of 8225280 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0
Device Boot Start End #cyls #blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 0+ 2166 2167- 17405403+ 1c Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda2 * 2167 17366 15200 122094000 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3 17367 60800 43434 348883605 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda4 0 - 0 0 0 Empty
/dev/sda5 17367+ 54478- 37112- 298101556+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6 54478+ 60557- 6079- 48827392 83 Linux
/dev/sda7 60557+ 60801- 244- 1954808 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Running parted from the Natty Live CD gives
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo parted /dev/sda print
Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.

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Ubuntu :: Corrupt Master File Table?

Jul 22, 2011

On my backup drive I can no longer see any files. According to Testdisk program the master file table (MFT) is bad. How do I restore or rebuild the MFT?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use The Alternate So Can Encrypt The Hd?

Apr 17, 2010

have been trying for many hours to install Ubuntu 9.10, on a system that already had 9.10 installed on it at one point (so I know it should work!) I am using an alternate install, from a USB thumb drive. I use the alternate so I can encrypt the hd. Everything goes smoothly until I am to select extra packages to be installed. The only package I select is the ubuntu-desktop, and around 80% progress, or so, it fails. I then try and complete the base install, and then login to the command prompt and install there:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktopIt then requests the Ubuntu disc, which of course I don't have. It has a landline internet connection. Do I need to configure something to tell it to look to the mirrors to find the desktop? Or, should it have been included in my iso image originally

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Ubuntu :: Alternate Install CD Not Mountable?

Jun 11, 2010

I've upgraded to the new 10.04, and when I have the Alternate CD in, it shows on my desktop, and I can search all the contents of the CD, so I know it's registering. But when I try to install anything, via the terminal, .deb packages, synaptics package manager, it always asks me to insert the CD. Then I click ok and it says it's not mountable, even though I know it is because it's on my desktop.

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