Ubuntu :: VMware Palyer Unity - Host ?

Dec 17, 2010

I was wondering if the "Unity" function of VMware Player will work with Ubuntu 10.10 as the host OS and Windows XP as the guest OS.

I would simply just try it out myself but I am at work right now and I am too impatient to wait until I get home to try it.

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General :: VMware Snapshot With VMware Tools Loses Network On Restart - Host XP - Guest Fedora

Oct 3, 2010

I have been using VMware Player for some time to host Fedora VMware images on Windows XP. I have been using Fedora 11 and 12 (both 32 and 64 bit) and recently started to use Fedora 13.

I use as a base the images provided by thoughtpolice. http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/

I usually install VMware tools and also keep the images updated (yum update) which sometimes changes the kernel.

I have recently had problems with the snapshots not having a network when I restore them. So far I don't have the problem with Fedora 11 and do have it with Fedora 12 (but used not to). I do have it with Fedora 13.

In each case the problem goes away when I uninstall the VMware tools and comes back when I install them again.

One of the symptoms is that SElinux complains about not being able to do something with /var/run/vmware-active-nics.

It looks to me that something is incorrect in the actions being taken when the snapshot is being restored. It does not happen every time and sometimes the network restores itself.

The network can be restored by rebooting the image.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Not Working With 64-bit In Vmware?

Jan 14, 2011

I installed ubuntu 11.04 64-bit version in vmware workstation 7.1

When I use VMware's unity mode, no windows from ubuntu are shown, is this a known issue?

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Debian :: 6 32-bit (i386) And VMWare Unity - Mouse Won't Work?

Feb 23, 2011

Installed Debian 6 (latest stable, downloaded today) i386 under VMWare 7.1. Installed VMWare tools. However, when i activate Unity my mouse won't work at all in guest OS windows, it will only work as if i was pointing to guest desktop. It is all ok in Workstation window.

Unfortunately, there is no xorg.conf, and when i attempt to re-create it using Xorg -configure, the resulting file is unusable, i.e. system freezes when i test it (using X -config /root/xorg.conf.new) and if i just cp into /etc/X11/ GDM fails to load, and manually typing startX in command prompt i get "fatal error no screens detected".

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Ubuntu :: Vmware Player Will Not Report Actual Video Hardware For Unity To Work

Apr 29, 2011

I'm trying to test out Natty to see if I want to run with Unity. I'm not interested in wiping my production machine just to play with it. So this will be a VM install only for now.

So far, not a single alpha or beta nor even the final allows me to run unity. My hardware is perfectly capable (allegedly) of running Unity. The machine is only 6 months old.

I tried the Unity test script in Natty, and it tells me "no" but it also is telling me the wrong video card info. (apparently it is reading virtual hardware, not the real thing)

So how do I get VMWare Player to report or use my actual hardware, or for Natty to "see" the real card? Is this possible? If not, how in the world does ANYONE test Unity without actually installing it on a gamble? (note, a liveCD won't work because with an nVidia card, I have to install proprietary drivers which require a restart - Chicken, meet Egg.)

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OpenSUSE :: VMWare Using Unity Mode With Twinview Using Nvida Drivers

Dec 17, 2010

I am posting this to see if anyone else has had an issue with Vmware Workstation 7.1 using unity mode with a Linux Host. The issue I am having is when I try to move a window from my virtual machine in unity mode the screen crashes and then disappears. Everything seems to work while not in unity mode. I have tried various thing like disabling 3d mode in VMware, disabling various KDE effects. I only have these problems with a dual monitor setup, if I switch to a single monitor everything works just fine.


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Host In VirtualBox - Unity Config

Apr 28, 2011

I just installed 11.04 32 bit (downloaded today) in Virtualbox (4.0.6), with host 64 bit Win7. I'm trying to get Unity working. I've searched and found references to the fact that the Host graphics card must support 3D, which I believe mine does (nVidia GeForce 7900 GTX). Also found some references to try the following:

After the OS install, I did this:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils

Then rebooted and did this:
killall -9 gnome-settings-daemon && gnome-settings-daemon

I also installed the latest Guest Additions. In the VM settings I have the "3D" tick checked, and have 32M RAM allocated to video. But no Unity shows up, just normal desktop.

Any ideas?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Drag Files From Host To Guest XP In VMware

Feb 11, 2010

I can no longer drag files from my ubuntu host into my XP guest. I have vmware tools installed in XP and up until recently I could simply drag whatever I wanted back and forth between the systems. When I try to drag a file across into XP the cursor has the plus sign like it would normally to drop a file in, but now it also makes a selection box on the XP desktop. Same problem in Workstation and Player. I haven't posted on the vmware forums yet, I figured someone here probably has had the same problem. I don't think it was a kernel update. I restarted ubuntu with which was fully functional before, still with the same problem.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Ping Host From Guest Using Vmware Server 2 / Fix It?

Apr 25, 2010

Not sure if this post belongs here, but here it is.

Host: Win server 2003
Guest: Ubuntu server

Host: IS able to ping guest. Firewall is OFF. NOT able to access guest (which is a web-server) at browser.
Guest: NOT able to ping host. Running a web server, you can check the website: (pegajosa.com) is running under that virtual Linux server.

Problem: guest needs to access host's sql database and/or any resources.

Network: is bridged.

At the Linux box ifconfig -a code...

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General :: Windows - Host For Vmware Workstation?

Oct 10, 2010

I just purchased vmware workstation 7 and I am trying to decide what the best host is. I will be running both windows, Linux, etc. I was hoping to go with the most stable and lean is and that is pointing towards ubuntu.

Does anyone have any experience with either or? any suggestions would be great and my linux skills are entry level but I always like to learn so I'm ready for the challenge.

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Networking :: Connect VMWare Guest To Host?

Sep 14, 2010

I have VMWare on a notebook, guest Windows running on Linux host. The network in that virtual machine is configured as NAT. I want to share/transfer files from Linux (host) to Windows (guest). So I leave sshd always running on the notebook, I go into Windows and run an SSH/SFTP program. My Wifi router has address, my desktop has address and my notebook has address On the notebook, that SSH/SFTP program connects to (i.e. the notebook itself) and everything works fine. But it's a notebook, and when I leave home with it, is no longer accessible. How can I let the guest OS connect to the host OS when I'm away from my Wifi network?

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Networking :: Routing Vs OpenVPN Vs VMware - Host Only

Apr 4, 2010

My special networking configuration.

The case: I'm running two dedicated Linux servers (openSUSE). Both servers are connected through public IP addresses to the internet. Each server hosts a VMware with another Linux inside.

SRV1 and SRV2 are the entry points for OpenVPN from external clients. SRV1 and SRV2 are although connected through an OpenVPN connection for save data sharing.

My problems:
SRV3 can't connect to SRV2 and SRV4.
SRV4 can't connect to SRV1 and SRV3.
External OpenVPN clients connected to SRV1 can't reach SRV2 and SRV4.
External OpenVPN clients connected to SRV2 can't reach SRV1 and SRV3.

Here are my configurations:





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General :: Run Guest On Winxp Host On Vmware

Apr 14, 2010

i just want to run linux(guest) on winxp(Host)on vmware. where i download linux guest. and how i installed the same in vmware runing on winxp.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 On VMWare Server 2.0 With Windows XP Host ?

Feb 9, 2010

I just had one hell of an experience trying to get openSUSE 11.2 to run on VMware server 2.0 on a Windows XP host. I am posting some instructions on how I finally got things working.

1) Download the openSuse iso image (and add-on CD if needed)

2) Download and install the VMWare server

3) Before you try to start the server console, you will need to configure the web access to allow you to log on. go to press Start->Programs->VMware->VMWare web access->Configure Tomcat

4) on the logon tab check logon as: option

5) add your account there and set the password

6) Now in your web browser (I use firefox) access the console via: [url] [url]

7) Before you start to create a virtual machine, you will want to set up the server to have access to your iso's. The server will only allow VM's access to specific directories through "datastores". You can either move the iso images to what has been specified as the default datastore... or create another datastore that points to the where you have the iso's.

8) Now we can create our virtual machine. This is simple, just press the button and follow the prompts.

a) at some point it will ask about an CD-Rom, you will want to use your suse DVD iso image. Select the option and then navigate the datastore that contains the image. Once found click and continue.

b) Network interface has 3 choices:

Bridged - the virtual machine will appear on the network as any other computer. Allows the VM to host server applications. User needs to have control over the network to ensure DHCP requests are handled (or static IP is assigned).

NAT - VMWare server will manage a virtual router, the VM is then connected to this router. On this router, the hosts internet is used as the WAN. Users do not have to have control of the network, but will have to setup port forwarding in VMWare to host server applications

Host Only - This means that the virtual machine can only talk to the host. The only way to get networking is to have a proxy through the host machine. This is setup on the host independent of VMWare. Users do not need control of the network, but control over the host. I doubt you could host server applications though.

9) With the VM created we can start it up. We can open a window to it through the console tab of the VMWare server console. When I first started it, it was stuck looking for an OS once the console finally rendered the graphics. A reset, an F2 at the post and selecting the appropriate boot media for boot got the installation started.

10) Install Suse as you would any other suse installation. I added a separate partition for swap, but kept the rest on one big one. Others may still want to maintain the separation of home and root

11) ---- Important Error/Solution ----

Once the installation has completed many will notice that the mouse or keyboard does not work! This was the source of my biggest head-ache. Some may think it was a problem with VMWare tools... I tried that to fix that and found the tools were working properly.

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General :: VMware Host-only Networking Internet Access

Aug 16, 2011

I am running a Ubuntu Linux VM using VMware Player on a Windows 7 host.

I don't want to connect directly to the network or use NAT; I need host-only networking but also need Internet access. How can I do this?

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Networking :: Mounting VMWare Guest (WinXP) Outside Host

Jul 28, 2009

I am running VMware workstation on a Linux host and WinXP guest using NAT. I have shared a folder on WinXP, and I am able to mount it on the linux host with:
mount -t smbfs -o username=Administrator,password=mypasswd // /mnt/tmp
This works fine. However, I want to mount the same folder from a different linux machine (not the host).

I added port forwarding in /etc/vmware/vmnet8/nat/nat.conf:
#445 =

If I run:
mount -t smbfs -o username=Administrator,password=mypasswd //external_ip_number/Shared /mnt/tmp

I am getting:
mount error 112 = Host is down
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs)

It doesn't work even if I try the above command from the linux host itself. It only works if I use the internal IP number. I suspect vmware is not forwarding port 445 but I am not sure how to verify it. I am not running smbd on the linux host, in case that make any difference. I didn't think that was required because the server is really on the WinXP and the linux is just a client.

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General :: Copy The Files Between Vmware Guest And Host?

Jul 28, 2010

My RHEL version is Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4(Nanhant update 6) I installed Linux on vmware.My host is win xp.Am able to ping guest as well host.How i can copy the files from host to guest.

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General :: Could Not Connect Windows Host To Guest On VMWare

Dec 29, 2009

I am new to linux, it was nice to work with linux on virtual machine, but suddenly yesterday when I try to connect using putty from my windowsxp machine its showing network connection error. I dont know what happened. In linux machine ifconfig shows only, could not trace problem, guide me to trace the problem.

Previously it used to give it used to vary every boot. FTP also stopped working. I am clueless. My system setup:
Del inspiron 1525:
HDD 160G
Linux RHEL3 on VMWare

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OpenSUSE Network :: Routing From Host To Vmware - Server - Guests

Oct 30, 2010

I just installed (n this 11.2 system) vmware server (v 2.02), to have access to a few small systems. One of them is a 11.1 guest which I just upgraded to 11.3, successfully (almost).

I have a problem, though: from the host I can not ping/ssh the guest.

Guest to host works fine (including names).


The firewall is down on both sides. I don't see anything with iptraf in the guest. The IP addres of the guest is correct, unless I'm too tired to see.



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General :: Connect Putty With VMware Guest Host (RHEL4)?

Apr 28, 2011

Could you provide me steps on how to connect the guest OS (RHEL 4) using Vmware thru host OS( Win 7)

I am using Bridged connection. How to choose the static IP to be added in the Host OS.

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General :: USB Printer Not Printing On Centos 5 Host XP Guest On VMware?

Sep 18, 2009

Centos 5 was set up for me on my server with VMware and XP SP3 as a guest. I have little to no knowledge of centos (or anything Linux) so i tend to leave well alone but i am trying to get a USB printer to work from my networked pcs through XP - Through VMware - Through Centos5 to the USB port on the back of my server. I am reasonably OK with XP but am not a techie so will probably need to be walked through this.

I can see the printer appearing on Centos' equivalent to device manager and when i print everything seems ok with the XP print queue clearing after a few seconds but nothing prints. At a guess i need some sort of software bridge- (is this SAMBA?).

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Ubuntu :: Run Full Version From Flash Drive Without Installing Virtualbox / Vmware On Windows Host?

Sep 9, 2010

My boss is asking me if there is any way to run a full version of Ubuntu from a flash drive without installing virtualbox/vmware on a windows host. I've been searching pendrivelinux.com and really haven't found anything. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Fedora Networking :: 12 Booting In VMWare WS But Cannot Mount/access Windows Host

Apr 1, 2010

I have Fedora 12 (Fedora-12-i686-Live.iso) installed and booting in a VMWare workstation (version 6.5.3). I am able to login as the LiveUser.

I need information on how to access the drives on my host which is WindowsXP. My C: on the host is shared, and my network adapter for the VM is "NAT".

The only directory listed in my /mnt directory is "live".

My Fedora enviornment is "bare bones". There is nothing installed except for the original files from the "iso" loading procedure.

I also have been unable to get the VMWare tools installed, and I don't know if this is related. I don't mind bypassing this if this isn't required. My only desire right now is to access my C:

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Networking :: Easiest Way To Redirect External Traffic To VMWare Web Host On Same Machine?

Jul 14, 2009

Have done a bit of Googling around this but got totally swamped so will try here. Basically we are running a CentOS server which hosts a number of virtual hosts under Apache. Recently I needed to set up a development environment for another site using Ubuntu and have this running and accessible on the LAN from a VMWare image. I'm using bridged networking so the VMWare machine has its own IP on the LAN subnet.

I've set up a DNS to point to the external IP of the physical host but can't figure out how to route traffic requested on this domain to the VMWare host. I've basically tried two approaches (configuring a proxy web server and reverse proxy in an httpd.conf file and mucking around with iptables forwarding rules but without success.

Ideally I'd like somesite.somewhere.com to point to the VMWare IP but I could live with a custom port on the end if thats whats required.

To throw further complication into the mix I need reliable communication between the VMWare machine and external mail relay servers in order to debug any issues with mail bouncebacks, embargos etc.

Any idea what's the easiest way to accomplish this?

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General :: RHEL 5 Internet Connection When Used As Guest - VMware - On Windows 7 Host

Apr 12, 2010

I have RHEL 5 installed on VMware 6.0 and the host OS is Windows 7. My Host is connected to internet using a wireless connection and works on shared IP. Earlier when I had Windows vista as host I have managed to get the internet connection on the RHEL but do not remember how I managed it. Now I need help in setting the internet connection on RHEL. I have set up a NAT connection. But of no use.

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Networking :: Isolating A VMware Virtual Machine From It's Host But Still Alowing Internet Access

Oct 31, 2009

I have a WindowsXP virtual machine which I need to isolate from the host machine completely (have the host act as a bridge but not be visible on the IP layer at all.) It still needs to have Internet access. Obviously it has to be able to contact the router but I would like to be able to block port 80 (or even just block all SYN packets addressed to the router.) I also want to allow port forwarding from the router to the virtual machine. I can use basic iptables but this is way beyond me.

The host OS is probably going to be Debian Lenny but this is not built yet so if someone can recommend a different distro which is as lightweight as possible but will support VMWare, iptables and tcpdump then that would be great. I was thinking of Slackware but I have not used it in ages and from what I can remember their is no real package management.

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Networking :: Bonded NICs At Host OS - Ubuntu Server - Bridged To Virtual OS - UServ - In VMware Server

Jul 19, 2009

Just something that struck me while working on our virtual servers today.

I have bonded 3 NICs at the host in Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS. They are using mode 0 for Round-robin. Point is to increase the speed/performance of all the servers, but mainly the fileserver. The fileserver is a virtual server running Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS on VMware Server 2.0.

1) I noticed the NIC in the slave OS reported link speed as 1000 and Im unable to change it as the NIC (virtual one) doesnt support it. Does this not really matter, as the NIC doesnt exist, and it will run at higher speeds anyway? Or do I have to remove the bond on the host, bridge all 3 interfaces from the host to the slave OS, and then make a bond in the slave OS?

2) While at it, does mode 0 only increase performance on data being sent from the host or does it also increase the available incoming bandwidth?

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Software :: Vmware 64 Bits On 32 Bits OS Host

Jun 9, 2010

I just create a vm image with 2 CPUs to be used on a one CPU machine. it works great. Now, i am thinking about creating a 64 bits Redhat VM image to be run on my 32 bits machine. Is that possible?

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Ubuntu :: Open VMware Tools Aren't Detected By VMware Workstation

Jul 17, 2011

I have installed the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (11.04) into latest VMware workstation (7.1.4 build-385536). I have tried to install the VMware tools ISO that came with VMware workstation but It didn't work and the installation seemed real sloppy anyways.

I installed the open VMware tools from synaptic within the guest linux and restarted, everything seemed to have been installed just fine but VMware Workstation doesn't detect it. I'm not sure if the tools are outdated, silent errors happened, or if any manual post installation steps need to be taken.

getting any form of VMware tools to run in Linux and detected by VMware Workstation.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance - Disable The Unity Dock But Not Unity Feature Where Min / Max / Close Go Into The Command Bar?

Jul 17, 2011

1. I didn't like the icon theme and changed it to Ubuntu Mono Light. But is there a way to get the Min/Max/Close buttons to how they are in Radiance when maximized, or is that dependant on something else?

2. Is there a way to disable the Unity dock, but not the Unity feature where the Min/Max/Close go into the command bar?

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