Ubuntu :: Upgrade 10.10 To 11.04 Minus Unity?

May 22, 2011

I am having 10.10-,automatic log on.I want to upgrade to 11.04 without Unity as my hardware does not support it.I do not want the option to modify 11.04 after its installation but want to avoid Unity direct at the time of upgrade from 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Command Line To Uninstall PopTray Minus

Jan 27, 2010

I installed it to see if i could get it working, but after reading and realizing ymail accounts need to be paid for in order to access the pop3 server i was dissappointed in not being able to connect to my mail without the browser. well anyway i am a fairly new user, started using ubuntu and linux in general in september and therefore i rely heavily on GUI so don't know to much about the terminal. anyway Poptray minus doesnt show up in any of the GUI managers for removing or installing packages so i was hoping someone could give me the command line for the terminal to unistall this application.

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General :: Temp Script To Minus Value To Display In Conky?

Jan 18, 2011

I have an K10 AMD CPU and unfortunately it has a borked temp sensor. I have figured out that if I subtract 8 from value stored in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/temperature that the result is very close to being spot on. The problem is I have no idea to do this and conky has no built in way to do this.

The data stored in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/temperature looks like this:

temperature: 52 C

Is there some sort of script that can do this?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Number Keys On The Right Side - Including Backslash - Plus - Minus Stopped Working And Mouse

Mar 23, 2011

1) Keyboard number keys on the right side, including backslash, plus, minus, etc. stopped working. The rest of the keyboard seems okay. It's not just this keyboard, either, because I plugged in my other keyboard and it has the same problem.

2) My mouse seems to have an intermittent problem in which it stops working for a few seconds or a minute. I can move it around the screen but I'm not able to click on anything. Sometimes if I wait long enough, it returns to normal. If I logout using the keyboard commands and log in again, it seems okay, at least until the next occurrence.

I'm running 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx. I installed a kernel update a couple of weeks ago (2.6.32-29) but I've gone back to -28 in the hope that it would solve the problem. It has not. Is there a software package I need to reinstall or some other way to revert keyboard and mouse settings to defaults?

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Ubuntu :: Unity 3D Not Working After Upgrade

May 3, 2011

I had Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my main computer. Having been trying out 11.04 for quite awhile, I decided to install it on my main computer after it was officially released. I did this via an upgrade. Problem is now that I'm not getting any options for unity 3D. On the log on screen i have an option for unity 2D and unity, however both are unity 2D. My computer has a built in graphics card, nothing amazing, but i have happily used compiz effects on it previous to this.

My graphics card is up to it so why is the unity session falling back to unity 2D? Another problem that I'm having is that i cannot get the launcher in unity 2D to move out of the way. I even installed a programme called 2D Desktop Setting to try to fix this problem but selecting the various options to show, hide, autohide, etc have no effect at all and it's really frustrating having the launcher covering up the left side of my screen.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Not Starting After Upgrade

May 31, 2011

I ran update-manager earlier today and when I next booted I was told I had insufficient hardware to run unity -- despite it running just fine before the update. Now every time I boot I don't get the message, but it still won't run unity.I have tried downgrading them by forcing versions in synaptic but I keeps on wanting to remove large numbers of other packages that depend on them.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Not Visible After Upgrade?

Jul 30, 2011

I am a competent Linux user for a little over a couple years now, having run several versions of Fedora, Mint, Xubuntu, and others for about a month before settling on The Ubuntu Netbook Remix when it was version 9.10. Loved it. Used it as long as I could until I was informed that my version could no longer be supported. So I went to 10.04, and used that for a while... but didn't know at the time that I could switch between desktop environments... and it stuck me with the classic view. This was OK, but I'm using an Asus Netbook (1005PE)... And sorely missed the Netbook UI.

So I went and upgraded to Version 10.10. Mutter was a MESS. It was so choppy and unpredictable I only used it a few times before getting frustrated and switching back to the classic compiz UI.

But I still like the idea behind the UI, so I downloaded and ran the 11.04 version live off a flash drive (I LOVE that ability!)... and Unity worked fine. I actually liked it. So I upgraded to version 11 and booted up to find that Unity is not visible.

I can log in to the classic view just fine... But logging in under Unity will display the background and provide seemingly full functionality (If I know where to click!), but I can't actually see the UI until I click an invisible button. Once I do that, the program or menu alone becomes visible, and works fine. I just can't see Unity.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless After Unity Upgrade / Get That?

Apr 30, 2011

After upgrading from 10.10 I now have no wireless activity. Everything was great with 10.10 by the way. I have a dell inspiron 1520 with a Dell wireless 1390 card and broadcom 440x integrated controller.
I have seen other threads that are to complicated for me to follow, I would just love for my wireless to work and can follow basic instructions if anyone can help.

I just spent the last 6 days in Florida on business while the tornadoes ravaged my homeland in Alabama and turned alot of people on to Ubuntu. Everyone that walked past my laptop wanted to play with it and asked what it was.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does The Upgrade Replace Gnome With Unity?

Apr 28, 2011

I am running Maverick Meerkat now, and will think about upgrading to Natty next week. I have a question--I run GNOME as the environment now, and if I do upgrade, will Natty replace it with UNITY?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade Broken Unity Instead Of Plasma

Apr 29, 2011

Upgrade of kubuntu to 11.04 from 10.10 using kpackagekit appeared okay, as did the reboot and login from the new panel. Then, instead of seeing my custom background and plasma desktop all I see is the color wash of the Unity background. There is a right button menu in this desktop with a Create Launcher option that allows me to make launchers for konsole, firefox, and ksystemlog. Windows come up, but with Unity window decorations. Sure enough unity-window-decorator is running, but there is no plasma. System logs don't reveal anything obvious that failed. There is a kdm process running and kdeinit4 appears to have tried to start klauncher and kde4, but they are not actually running.It seems like somehow GNOME and Unity have somehow collided with the KDE environment.

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrade - Unable To Run Effects Or Unity (fglrx - ATI)

May 2, 2011

When I first did the upgrade to Natty, no desktop at all would start. I could only get a text terminal login prompt. Log showed a segfault in fglrx module: "firegl_SetSuspendResumeState" I found instructions to remove the fglrx module and install the default ATI driver. Now I get a graphical login screen. But I must only login with "Ubuntu Classic (No effects)" in order to get a desktop. If I select Unity or Ubuntu Classic, I never get taskbars or menus and can't run any apps. So Natty Narwahl is a big step backwards for me. What is the relevant information to provide? The display driver is listed as RV710 [Radeon HD 4550] from ATI Technologies Inc.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Unity After Upgrade To 11.04 (NVidia Driver)

May 5, 2011

I was running 10.10 with an Nvidia Quadro FX1500 and was able to get the effects (Compiz) working after following the manual driver install (found here) and editing my xorg.conf file. After this upgrade, Xserver (my desktop) wouldn't even launch. It just kept going into a terminal for log in. Not bad - better than not being to do anything at all. I removed all my nvidia drivers

sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*
and then created a new xorg.conf file (and later moved to /etc/X11) using

Xorg -configure

That now allows me to log in to my desktop. However - no Unity. I've read that some people have had luck with the Nvidia 173 drivers, but not here. When I downloaded the current nvidia driver for my card (Quadro FX 1500) from nvidia, and went to install it manually using (from the directory where the download is)

sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-270.41.06.run

Eventually, it errors out with this: The compiler used to compile the kernel (gcc4.4) does not exactly match the current compiler (gcc4.5). For the record, I can't boot from a thumb drive ("boot error") or CD (both were created and tested on a Windows 7 machine.)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unity/Gnome Does Not Start After 10.10 To 11.04 Upgrade?

May 18, 2011

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04. Most of the upgrade went well except for one package (mpd). Ubuntu rebooted and went into a sexy-ish minimal grub. I launched Ubuntu, everything went fine. The only thing I can't seem to get working is Unity/Gnome. When I log on with kdm and choose 'default' or Ubuntu Classic, everything loads fine except for the taskbar/whatever interface. (I usually run wmfs instead of kde/gnome and I'm not sure which interface is currently installed right now. I have both kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu. )

I can still, however, right click and see my desktop/desktop icons. The only thing that does not load is the gnome/unity interface itself. I need it to manage my fonts to fix my wmfs fonts that got screwed up. (I'm using a bitmap font and it doesn't work unless I activate whatever settings I have to activate. )

I am not home right now and this was written on a phone. I apologize if this whole post seems confusing/total blabber. edit: Ubuntu Classic works fine, but Ubuntu/Default does not automatically launc the Unity interface.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - Unity Upgrade Inconsistent Behavior

Jun 4, 2011

I installed Ubuntu two ways, both by partitioning the hard drive and installing Ubuntu in its own partition, and also where the "run within Windows" option was available. I then upgraded both to Ubuntu 11.04. When I start Ubuntu in the "own partition" installation, Unity runs without complaint. When I start Ubuntu in the "run within Windows" installation, Unity baulks, giving an error message that I don't have some (unspecified) of the hardware it needs to run, and I am kicked back to the classic Ubuntu control screen setup. Obviously the two ways to install Ubuntu don't result in it having the same behavior. Alternately, since the version installed to "run within Windows" seems to do no such thing, and also gobbled up almost all the free space in my Windows-7 partition without prior warning, any clue how to uninstall that version cleanly?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Upgrade Breaks Unity On Netbook

Apr 15, 2011

X is working, I get a desktop, all updates are current, just no Unity menus/window/widgets/whatever, blank desktop with single mapped network folder and no working keyboard shortcuts after initial login. I upgraded on Alpha 2 and it ate my desktop, never has given it back for 3 months. I assumed eventually the upgrades would fix it. Looked into ditching Unity and doing GDM, but thought I'd wait it out, ran dpkg-reconfigure unity and it did nothing, can't find any relevant errors in the logs, where should I be looking and/or what should I be doing? Running lots of servers on this box and have dual-boot, otherwise I'd probably torch it and start over.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does The Natty Upgrade Replace Gnome2 With Unity

Apr 28, 2011

If I just upgrade my 10.10 to 11.04, will it replace gnome with unity? I tried unity before and it is not satifying because it is not customizable, I feel I have less options and less power over what my interface looks like and how it behaves. Same case with gnome3.I'm wondering if when I upgrade to Naughty will I have to go through a lot of messing around with packages and configuration files to get back to gnome2 ? Do we have an option when we upgrade to choose between Unity, Gnome2 and Gnome3?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Netbook Upgrade Hides Unity?

May 1, 2011

I was running Ubuntu 10.4 netbook version (with Gnome) on my Dell Inspiron 910 and yesterday it told me there was an upgrade available, to Natty. I followed the links, did the download, and left it to install overnight. When I got up today, it said it had a problem, because an application was using a file it needed. I thought I had closed everything before I started the process. I acknowledged the message, and proceeded to restart.

I ended up with the standard 10.4 Ubuntu screen, but with no tool bars, status bars, or anything. Just the wallpaper. Keyring login came up and I signed in, wireless said it was connected. So it looks like things are working, just no UI as such. Poked all the screen edges with the mouse, but nothing popped out.

Ctrl><Alt><Del> brought up the logout screen, and if I clicked on Help, I could ultimately get Firefox to run. (Note: the Help screen talks about Gnome, but it had the new popout scroll bars).

If I hold down <Shift> on startup, I get the GRUB menu. I am running linux generic 2.6.38-8 , but I am not sure where to go from there. Running dpkg didn't help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unity Stopped Working After Natty Upgrade

May 12, 2011

I've just upgraded my Ubuntu version a week ago and got a problem that the Unity UI won't running after upgrade. My laptop is Dell Inspiron 14R which is i think is more than capable for running Unity 3D. When I rebooted after upgrade there was just a blank wallpaper screen, without Unity interface at all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Quirks On Upgrade To 10.10 - New 'unity' Sidebar Launcher Supposed To Replace The Old On-screen Menu?

Oct 10, 2010

Just updated from Lucid to Maverick UNE. (It froze at one point, so I killed it from a virtual console and used 'dpkg --configure -a' to complete the installation.) My question: Isn't the new 'unity' sidebar launcher supposed to replace the old on-screen menu? We now have both. And the old menu seems buggy: e.g. the text under some icons is displayed *vertically* (i.e. in a column just one character wide!) instead of horizontally.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance - Disable The Unity Dock But Not Unity Feature Where Min / Max / Close Go Into The Command Bar?

Jul 17, 2011

1. I didn't like the icon theme and changed it to Ubuntu Mono Light. But is there a way to get the Min/Max/Close buttons to how they are in Radiance when maximized, or is that dependant on something else?

2. Is there a way to disable the Unity dock, but not the Unity feature where the Min/Max/Close go into the command bar?

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Ubuntu :: Unity - Mythtv Or How To Hide Unity Launcher

May 8, 2011

Just moved to Ubuntu 11.04 with unity and only have one problem...For most of my desktop needs I prefer to have the Unity Launcher up all the time (fullscreen apps don't cover it), and have set this option with ccsm.

However, when I watch mythtv, it is also under the launcher (and the top panel as well). How can I force mythtv to cover the launcher?
What I really need is a keyboard shortcut to hide the launcher, but the only shortcut is for "show launcher". (I guess the devs assumed everyone would want it hidden by default).

This, by the way is not my usual way for viewing mythtv. I have a projector attached to the desktop PC and it doesn't get a Unity Launcher by default (in Twinview), so no probs. However, occasionally I want to watch something on my computer screen, and that is when this issue arises.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Top Panel Or Unity Panel After 11.04 Upgrade?

Apr 2, 2011

No Top Panel or Unity Panel after 11.04 Upgrade from 10.10 and it does not seem to be a common problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 Error "Could Not Calculate The Upgrade An Unresolvable Problem Occurred While Calculating The Upgrade"

Feb 12, 2011

I keep getting the following msg as I try to upgrade from 10.04 -> 10.10 ... "Could not calculate the upgrade An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. This can be caused by:

* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu

If none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bug report." I don't think any of the issues above apply - can anyone offer advice on how to get around or "force " the upgrade

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Ubuntu :: How To Run IE6 On Unity

Jul 20, 2011

I need to be able to test the sites I develop in IE6 and IE7. What is the best way to install these on Ubuntu? I've tried ies4linux and that didn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Moving The Unity Bar?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm helping a friend with his netbook, and he is used to the regular netbook edition before the unity-style. The small netbookscreen is just not good for this new appbar on the left side (it's one of the old eee-pc's).

None of us like that solution, and I wonder if its possible to move the bar on the bottom side of the screen so it will be a bit more Windows 7-ish? I've searched and looked everywhere so I just have to ask.

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Ubuntu :: Unity On Laptop - Not UNE ?

May 11, 2010

Anyone tried to install Unity on Laptop i.e. normal desktop Ubuntu version.. Not the Netbook remix...

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Ubuntu :: Disabling Unity In 10.10?

Oct 17, 2010

I just installed the netbook remix 10.10 on my laptop. I have been using Unity and I would much rather prefer a standard GNOME desktop. I know there was a way to change the netbook interface to a standard GNOME one on the 8.04 remix. Anyone know if there's a way to do it in 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Unity As Default DE?

Oct 21, 2010

I am using a desktop Ubuntu, but I am interested in using Unity, how can I set it as default desktop environment? Would it be fine without GNOME?? how to remove it.

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Ubuntu :: DL And Unity On 10.10 Desktop?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm curious as to how Unity works. How can I DL and try Unity on my 10.10 desktop?

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Ubuntu :: Installing The Unity Using Apt-get?

Oct 30, 2010

i want to use unity on my computer without reinstalling ubuntu, i wish to use apt-get to install it. i have heard that it's possible, but i can't figure out how.

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