Ubuntu :: Ultra Low Video Mode / Roll Back Changes I Made?

Sep 15, 2010

In an attempt to install specific video drivers for the Intel 845 chipset, I followed the instructions here: http://www.downloadatoz.com/driver/a...ntu-10-04.html

Now, the system will only boot in recovery mode, and then at 640x480 resolution. When booting, it gives the option to return to default or manually configure, but if I try to select either option and click OK, nothing happens. Once in the GUI, it shows no proprietary hardware drivers installed. Is there a way to roll back the changes I made, or return to more default settings without reinstalling the OS?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Roll Back 9.10 To 9.04?

Apr 7, 2010

I'm running an Acer Aspire 4520 and have upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 from 9.04. Since a solution to the wireless problem has been evading me, I'd like to know if I can roll this back to 9.04 without wiping the HD and starting from scratch?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Cannot Roll Back After Updating

Aug 11, 2011

Is it possible that after updating, both present version and previous version of ubuntu 10.04 fails to work and being screen frozen. I rolled back to previous version and the machine screen frozen, and I don't want to re-install.

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Debian :: Force Single User Mode On Sun Ultra 5

Apr 26, 2010

I have successfully installed Debian on a Sparc Ultra5, 270MHz SparcIIi CPU, 384MB RAM, 40GB HD. However, once Debian tries to load Gnome (right before the login screen) the screen goes blank, and so the machine becomes unusable. I booted of the NetInstall CD, into rescue mode, and executed a shell, but apparently there is currently a problem when running nano from a live CD, so I can not edit the xorg.conf file when I boot the live CD. So, I would like to just boot the install into single user mode, but I dont know how. Currently, when the Ultra5 is powered on, it tries to boot with command "boot", so I hit "Stop A". From there I type "boot Disk1" to boot Debian normally. To boot from a CD, I would type "boot cdrom" So any idea on how I can boot from Disk1 in Single User Mode?

My only other idea is to hook up another monitor I have which may be able to deal with whatever resolution Gnome is defaulting to. However, Id rather just boot into single user mode.

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Ubuntu :: Roll Back Recent Update?

Jul 8, 2010

I think a recent update has broken 2 of the 3 systems that I've been putting together. To test out the theory I want to roll libpam-modules back to version 1.1.1-2ubuntu2 from 1.1.1-2ubuntu5 that was recently released on 1 of the 2 that got updated and see if it resolves the issue that I'm seeing with not being able to log into the OMSA webserver. How do I go about reverting to the earlier version?

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Ubuntu :: Roll Back Updates - Connect A Usb To Vmware Xp Box

Jul 14, 2010

I updated this afternoon and once my updates were done i went to connect a usb to my vmware xp box. I got a usb error that windows could not use the usb. So i rebooted vmware and got the same thing... I then shut down vmware and rebooted my machine.. once i logged into the machine and launched vmware i no longer can see any of my usb devices.

I would like to just rollback the updates so that i can use my vmware again.. as i must transfer cad files to the pc with usb. Autodesk only works in windows so vmware has been a blessing as i dont have to reboot every time i need to work on drawings!

HOST: lucid 10.04
guest: XP PRO sp3
VM ver: 7.1.0 build-261024

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OpenSUSE :: How To Roll Back Part Of An Update

Sep 25, 2010

opensuse v11.3
linux x86_64

The most recent update that produced the kernel version above is bit of a disaster for me. The open source radeon driver does not work with VirtualBox (it crashes at startup), and the ATI fglrx driver either builds without acceleration (or the X server loads it that way?) or fails to build.

Is there a way to undo some (or all, if necessary) of the update?

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Slackware :: Best Way To Roll Back From Slackpkg Updates?

Mar 7, 2010

Like others here it seems I had problems with the latest -current. I can't startx, no sound, etc. I put back the video drivers and such from the 13 CD but now have a bunch of other issues, video will flash every now and then and sometimes go blank so I can only reboot as exiting xwindows and going back in its still blank. I tried booting from the 13 cd and reinstalling without formatting my root partition but that dies in the kde games for some reason and setup won't start again. I was trying to not format and loose all the updates just put back 13 but that doesn't seem to be working.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Roll Back Firefox From 3.6.2pre 'Namoroka'?

Feb 28, 2010

I just installed an update through update manager that upgrade my Firefox 3.6 to 3.6.2pre which is a beta release. I didnt realize I was doing this. There are some things that I don't like about this beta version, so I want to roll back.How do I do that the right way?'d really like to retain my shortcuts, extensions, etc so I'm not to keen on a uninstall/reinstall.

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General :: Roll Back Ubuntu Formatted Drive To FAT32?

Jan 21, 2010

I loaded Ubuntu 8.4 on a data drive (second drive no OS) from a Windows XP-SP3 system. I MEANT to load it on the main XP OS drive. Bottom line I formatted a FAT-32 with Ubuntu 8.4. Can I (freeware hopefully) roll back the Ubuntu formatted drive to FAT-32 so I can recover my data?

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Debian Installation :: Remove All Sid Packages And Roll Back To Lenny?

Jun 7, 2010

I added Sid to my /etc/apt/sources.list, so that I could install KDE4 (as described on some random KDE4/Debian web page). However, I now think that was a mistake and it would have been better to attempt to backport KDE4 onto Lenny. Over time, more and more sid packages have crept into the system to resolve dependencies, and now my system seems a bit broken; 'top' won't run, complains about missing libtermcap which is there, my cron jobs seem to be ignored and so on.

So given a system that is a mix of Lenny and Sid, what is the best way to uninstall all the Sid packages and then get back to a clean Lenny install? Is there some way that I can list all Sid packages, maybe to a file, then use that to tell apt what Lenny packages to install after sources.list has been updated to remove Sid?

I kept a log as the system was built, of everything that had to be manually set up after the debian installer has completed when I moved from 32-bit to 64-bit, so I could just do a clean install of Lenny then reconstruct the system from scratch. However, would much prefer to use the package management tools to revert to a clean Lenny.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can Roll Back The Setting / Files Deleted Previously Without Totaly Reinstalling System

Feb 3, 2010

I am having a prolbem with my ubuntu 9.10 operating system. Is there anyway I can roll back the setting and files that I deleted previously without totaly reinstalling the system.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS Vs 10.10 Almost Made Me Go Back To Windows?

Nov 16, 2010

Back in July I bought an Acer Aspire ONE KAV60 with Xubuntu installed on it. I used to run Linux a long time ago but had not messed with it for a couple of years and I was surprised to find out how much more "user friendly" Linux had gotten (With Ubuntu anyways). There are more and more GUI programs/processes now days which makes everything easier to do, however there are a couple of things that I have found in the last few months running Linux only on my little netbook.

When I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and installed it from the Xubuntu, I was quite satisfied with the general desktop setup and ease of the operating system. I loved it, it was like going from OS/2 to Win95 all over again! (I'm not that old, I just started young). Here recently, I ran into a little problem with 10.04 and had to re-format, but when I went to re-download it the new 10.10 was available instead. I threw it on a flash drive and installed it on my netbook only to have "problem after problem" upon installation and had downloaded and installed 10.04 from the archives in a matter of a few hours after messing with 10.10.

There were plus sides and down sides to both right off the bat. I am a nerd I suppose and I have started to play a game called Runescape. After installing 10.10, I opened up Runescape and was able to use the "Re-sizable" screen option! That's an amazing option with Runescape on a netbook. I then opened up my favorite and most used program suite called aircrack-ng. I had the apparently infamous problem titled "fixed channel mon0: -1" and was completely unable to get it working (even after reading the SOLVED article on here.) I spent probably 2 hours trying to figure out that problem and was unable to do so. I cannot be without the aircrack-ng suite so I decided to revert back as I fore mentioned.

Upon reverting back to Lucid LTS from the archives, I was happy with the smoothness of how it runs on my netbook compared to 10.10, but as soon as I logged onto that damn game Runescape, I was on a mission to figure out how to correct the "fixed channel mon0: -1" issue on 10.10 so I could have the re-sizable screen option again.

I finally figured out that I needed (from a fresh install on 10.10) to do apt-get install patch and apt-get install gcc before I could complete the steps of the SOLVED issue guide. This was never mentioned and it made me realize I still need to know what I'm doing if I'm going to run Linux and then maybe I won't have all these issues.

Out of all this, I have a couple of questions and would like to learn more about Linux so I do not have these problems in the future. Here are a couple of questions I would like to mention first: What is gcc? I had all that trouble just because I didn't know to install gcc to do the tutorial.

I believe the re-sizable screen option is available for me in 10.10 and not 10.04 because of Java. I did not have to install Java in 10.10 at all, I just opened up Runescape "out of the box". In 10.04, I use Sun Java with the apt-get command in Terminal. Does anybody have any information to confirm or deny this?

Once I got aircrack-ng working in 10.10, I was surprised to find out that it is amazingly fast compared to 10.04. I believe this has to do with drivers. I was able to use aircrack-ng (after install) "out of the box" with 10.04 so I did not download the "compat wireless" drivers that had to be used in 10.10 to get it to work.

If I were to revert back to Ubuntu 10.04 (I much prefer Lucid for my netbook, runs much better), would I theoretically be able to download a different Java and use the re-sizable option on Runescape? Would I also be able to use the "compat wireless" drivers in 10.04 to make aircrack-ng send and receive arp's and ack's so much quicker?

Last but not least, I would like some sources if possible to better learn Linux from. I mean Terminal type Linux, I do appreciate (as I said earlier) the new GUIs that are available now and I didn't have before, but I still feel the need to know my way around the system and I just don't have that knowledge.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox BEta 5 - Roll Back And Keep Firefox At Latest Stable Release?

Jun 17, 2011

How do i roll back firefox5beta to firefox4 and keep updating to the latest stable releases w/out upgrading to beta? The only extension that isn't working is FEBE which is incompatible w/ firefox5beta (profile, extension and preference backup). Have to use FEBE beta7 under Firefox4 so I don't think a compatible release for Firefox5beta is going to come out any time soon.

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Ubuntu :: Roll Back The Version Of Mesa On Install To An Earlier Version?

Oct 18, 2010

Is it possible to just roll back the version of Mesa on my install to an earlier version...I think this is the key to getting my game to work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Died / Roll It Back?

Jan 13, 2010

The computer I am using now for whatever reason, like picking a lottery number likes to either freeze or reboot for no reason that I can ascertain with any predictability.

I was in the middle of the Ubuntu install when my computer rebooted.

I have a 250GB HD and selected the 1st option side by side with XP. I slid the slider to give XP around 80GB and Ubuntu the rest.

The installation was going great (nice job on the installation program btw; I can tell lots of people worked very hard on this) and I was at the 85% mark when the computer decided to do its nasty little thing and rebooted.

Does anyone know from the OS internals during the installation process what is happening at the last 15% of the install? I have not shut my machine down or changed the BIOS from booting with the CD. So at this moment that I am writing this I am not sure what has happened. I am hoping that it did not clobber the MBR. If I can't get into XP any more that would be less than enchanting.

The machine came back up and booted off the CD and I proceeded to go through the installation process again to complete the installation process.

Now its trying to install another copy of itself because it senses that there is two Operating Systems on my hard drive. This is understandable. How would the installation program know that the machine died. Much of the OS had been written already so the installer "sees" two OS's.

Currently, I have a situation where I now have two smaller partitions; one used by XP and the other one that contains this incomplete installation (I am actually working within Ubuntu right now) and aother partition that is empty.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Odd Resolution - Monitor After Switched It To TV Mode Then Back To PC Mode

Feb 8, 2011

When I first installed ubuntu 10.10, the display was for some reason tinted green and shifted a few inches to the right. After experimenting with the resolution preferences, I eventually got it to a large resolution (1280x720 ... or something like that) yet is was quite blurry. I found out that the problem was with my monitor after I switched it to TV mode, then back to PC mode. It became perfectly clear! All I had to do then was adjust the screen positioning by shifting it left a bit.

Even though I have made the resolution I figured out to be default, whenever I turn the PC on after shutting down, it goes back to the "green-and-to-the-side" mode. :/ Ain't really a big problem, until I tried to fiddle with the resolution preferences s'more.

Somehow, I have set it to be twice as wide of the maximum my monitor can display, went back to being green tinted for some reason, and is completely shifted left (yet the right side is still visible) This means that I cannot see what is going on the left side, and cannot adjust the resolution preferences, nor can I click blindly cuz the border is only around my visible side of the screen. Now it is stuck like this.

I've researched many hours and eventually found the terminal command for the resolution preferences. it popped up on the visible side. Although it was to no avail cuz I HAVE TRIED EVERY SETTING AND OPTION and absolutely nothing changed. I assume a system restore would simply revert it back to the previous satisfactory settings, but the thing is I want to FIX it. I am new to this terminal stuff, so I want to learn it and all that. To put it simply, here's what I want:

Learn how to manually adjust resolution without depending on a simple dialog box. Make the satisfactory resolution default and consistent through turning it on and off. Link that could teach me the essential commands, all this googling is stressful. D:

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Ubuntu :: Made Compiz Menu Completely Transparent / Readjust It Back?

Mar 10, 2010

I accidentally clicked on Compiz menu and set it to completely transparent. Now when I open the application I cannot readjust it back.

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OpenSUSE :: ATI Fglrx Video Driver Install Made A Mess / How To Fix

Jun 13, 2010

OpenSuse 11.2
linux x86_64
ATI fglrx video driver v10.4
ATI radeon hd3200 video adapter

VirtualBox (any version) crashes at startup if the video acceleration options are enabled. This was not a problem before installing fglrx. The crash occurs when VirtualBox queries the video driver about OpenGL, I am guessing from the log file.

To (supposedly) have access to all of the features possible in the video adapter I installed the ATI fglrx video driver. I (apparently foolishly) chose the custom, installation-specific path rather than the more general default path.

After installing the driver I saw no observable improvement in performance or feature set. Worse, there are couple of new features that are decidedly undesirable, and cannot be disabled. At least one pre-loaded font simply disappeared.

So I reverted to the original (open source?) radeon driver ("sax2 -r -m 0=radeon" at runlevel 3). All seemed welluntil I ran VirtualBox.

One thing I have not tried is to run the fglrx default installation. I fear making things worse.

Can anyone suggest what might have happened with the fglrx installation, and how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04: "Movie Player" Won't Open A Video CD I Made?

Feb 2, 2011

I used Brasero to make a video CD (VCD) for my friend who wanted a disk of some vids I'd shot of his recently-deceased dog. When I select the CD, Ubuntu asks if I want to start "Movie Player". I click yes, totem starts... then I get the message:

An error occurred. Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file I've looked at my permissions, under System > Administration > Users and Groups and I can't see where I'm missing a relevant permission. What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: What is up with me today???? It's meant to be 10.04, 10.04, not 8.04.

RE-EDIT: Please disregard the above EDIT - some kind mod/admin edited the thread title for me. (I guess it's pretty daft of me to ask you all to disregard an EDIT that you've already read. But I've done it anyway. So disregard, disregard, disregard... you are feeling sleepy..

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Ubuntu Installation :: GUI Mode Not Available - Get Back

Mar 5, 2011

I'm running WindowsXP..i got Vmware installed in it. I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, it was working perfectly at first..later on..whenever i POWER ON Ubuntu 10.04 i see the boot screen "UBUNTU" & after that, i see the terminal login screen (screenshot attached) now how do i get back to GUI mode..?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Into Recovery Mode - Get Back Into The OS To Remove The Drivers

Aug 1, 2010

I have an encrypted file system and recently installed proprietary ATI drivers for my graphics card. The moment I did that, Ubuntu boots with a black screen. Now I'm attempting to get back into the OS to remove the drivers, but when I choose Ubuntu Recovery Mode from the grub boot screen, it shows some dmesg output and then the screen goes black. Whats interesting is it doesn't even ask me to decrypt the hard drive (like it normally does). how I can get back into the OS to remove the drivers?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04/Nvidia- Continually Defaults Back To Low Graphics Mode

Jul 8, 2010

10.04 and Nvidia video card.

This sequence:

sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
sudo update-alternatives --config gl_conf (not sure what to choose, I just pick an option at random)
sudo ldconfig
sudo nvidia-xconfig

and then restart gets everything apparently working correctly, with my desktop spread across two monitors.

However, after two or three computer restarts, it 'forgets' and defaults back to low graphics mode and all the common error messages mentioned in multiple threads here, with my second monitor just duplicating the primary monitor.

Under System-Hardware drivers it says Nvidia_current is activated but not in use, regardless of whether it starts normally or in low graphics mode.

What's up? It's a pain to have to go through that sequence over and over again, and then restart my computer every two or three days, and leaving the computer on 24/7 isn't an option. power saving and all that.

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Ubuntu :: Changed My Login Screen - Safe Mode - Now Can't Change It Back

Jul 25, 2011

Around with my Login default screen and set my login to "Ubuntu (Safe Mode)". Now, it seems as if the system does not grant me the authority to change it back to another default login.

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Ubuntu :: Video Mode Not Supported ?

Aug 7, 2010

I have windows 7 64 bits and i'm trying to install ubuntu 10.04 amd64. The installation was good but when i'm trying to boot on ubuntu i have a black screen with a message "mode not supported".

I've looked for the problem on google. The solution is to change the frequency of the monitor. Mine supports only 75htz max and on the error message I have 77htz, what's why it's not supported.

The problem that to change the frequency for lunux i have to be logged in linux in order to type commands in the terminal.

But I can't see a thing, only the message about the mode not supported, so I can't type anything.

I found some solutions here but i can't do what they ask, because I can't boot and the message doesn't disappear. [url]

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Fedora Installation :: 12 And X Startup Failed On Nvidia / Falling Back To Text Mode?

Feb 23, 2010

I have an older PC that was running F11 without any problems. At some point I started updating to F12 through the web and got a a nice black screen that pretty much hosed my OS. (Not a big deal).So I went and downloaded the F12 Live CD which did the same thing.., at some point just after install the screen would be black and reset is the only option.Got the full F12 32-bit DVD and during the installation I get: "X Startup Failed,Falling back to text mode."Finishing the install I get to a nice black log-in prompt so I can log-in as root.From there I cant do much as I am a n00d in Linux to some extent and my network doesn't work

My video card is a Geforce FX 5200 which installed and worked just fine under F11 (without me doing anything but basic install and Ubuntu 9.10)

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Fedora :: Config Automount Process To Put All My Usb Devices In Write-back Mode As Default

Oct 18, 2010

I am looking for info about how works automount process, and i didn't find info about the tollowing ...

I wonder ... how can i do to "config" automount process to put all my usb devices in write-back mode as default ... for example ... what file can i change? ... how to do it ?

And another one ... um... how to say to "automount process" ... to put my usb devices into a "deadline" io scheduler .. for example ... how to set io-scheduler for an automount device ?

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Fedora Installation :: Gnome3 In 15 Failed To Load And Started In The Fall Back Mode?

May 25, 2011

I am installing fedora 15 in vmware 7.1.4.It tells me "Gnome3 failed to load and started in the fall back mode" when accessed in live-cd.Ever since fedora 15 beta or any other distros take gnome3 as default destop,I haven't experienced a beautiful normal gnome3

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Ubuntu :: Video Mode Not Supported / Get It To Work?

May 28, 2010

Tried to install the ATI proprietary drivers (fglrx), but when I boot up, all I get is "Video Mode Not Supported". I suspect my refresh rate or resolution is the problem, but I don't know how to change it from the terminal (ctrl-alt-f1)

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Display Video Mode (after Update)

May 8, 2011

I am running a dual boot system. I have XP on one HD and Ubuntu 10.04 on the other. No problems. I boot back and forth all the time. Then came along Natty. Now I tried to boot over, and I get "Cannot display this video mode". I have it set up that when I restart, if im away from the computer, Ubuntu starts by default. So it eventually starts in ubuntu. But the screen where I used to be able to choose which operating system to boot into is now replaced with "Cannot display this video mode".

I am not wireless, and nothing has changed as far as hard wear. The monitor is some old Dell that worked perfectly fine with 10.04. I tried changing my resolution and settings to every different one, and restart, and still no dice.

To sum it up, after my update to Natty, when I reboot, my OS selection screen is no longer visible. Its now replaced by "Cannot display this video mode".

So now it seems, what ever setting this screen is running on, XP dont like it..... because of Natty?

I gotta get some work done in XP, so right now im screwed. My CRT is currently sitting outside in the rain. Or I would try it.

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