Ubuntu :: Ubuntu Will Not Display GUI (ATI 3870)

Jan 2, 2009

My desktop which has an ATI 3870 will not show a GUI for Ubuntu, Kubuntu and even Fedora. It just goes to a black screen. I tried to configure the xorg.conf file, but it's blank. >.< Whenever I try to run the configure xorg command, it says that the server is already active. If I try to stop gdm or xorg it will just show a black screen.BTW I only have a few weeks of linux experience so explain everything clearly.The video card works fine, as my friends rig booted into xp fine with no problems whatsoever.

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Ubuntu :: HD 3870 X2 Getting To Hot / Loud On 11.04 But Not On Windows

Aug 18, 2011

the HD 3870 X2 is getting very hot and loud on My fresh Ubuntu 11.04 (64bit) Installation.But on Windows 7(64bit) it's running just fine

AFAIK there are 4 profiles saved in 3870's BIOS

the BOOT Profile = Maximum performance and energy consumption (that i can hear at boot it is extreamly loud)
the 2D Profile = Medium Performance - lower energy consumption and quiet
the 3D Profile = Medium to Maximum Performance (on demand) Crysis2 = very Loud
the idle Profile = Low Performance and Low energy consumption (Windows Explorer/ Photoshop)

the problem is IMHO that the card doesn't switch to the default profile after the GUI booted.so i disabled compiz/ desktop effects and stuff the card kinda thinks i'm not in IDLE catalyst is installed via Ubuntu's driver install program 3d acceleration works but i got a "AMD Unsupported product" Watermark in the right corner of my desktop, pretty anoying tho...

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Software :: Configuring ATI Radeon 3870 With ATI CCC On Fedora 10

Jan 24, 2009

I just installed the propretary driver for my graphics card, that I could excellerate my gfx.

I tried working with the ATI CCC, and it can't run because of my graphics configuration. It says to run aticonfig. I do, and I don't get anything helpful. It needs an argument. I tried --initial, but it can't find my Xorg config in the standard path.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: ATI RadeonHD 3870 - Dual Screen?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a problem with my two new screens. Second screen is now clone of the first one and I can't get them to a one "wide" desktop. (you know what I mean?) When I go to Configure Desktop -> Display, I have two DFP's: DFP1 and DFP2. When I change position of DFT2 from "clone" -> "right of" , my second screen goes black.. I have tried to use Sax2 to configure but when I test "side to side" mode screens and keyboard stops working and I need to reboot. how I can get it to work?

OS Information
OS: Linux x86_64
System: openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64)
KDE: 4.3.5 (KDE 4.3.5) "release 0"


I tried to search around forum but I didn't find anything (or I didn't just understand) So a step by step quide would be helpful for noobie like me

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Hardware :: How To Detect Whether Radeon HD 3870 GPU Usage / Temp / Or Any Stats?

Nov 11, 2010

I am on Fedora 13, and have a Radeon HD 3870 graphics card. Using the standard open source graphics driver. I am doing some video editing and watching some large movie files (5gb+) so I would like to see if my graphics card is actually doing anything to help. I'm up against a brick wall though - I can't get the GPU usage, memory, or temp. It should do something through GPU hardware video decoding with motion compensation etc. But I can't tell if it doing anything because I can't find anyway to test it.I've enabled direct rendering in mplayer but I don't know if it is doing anything as I have no way to test.

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Ubuntu :: HD4870 Dual Display - Cannot Seem To Swap My Primary Display

Jan 8, 2010

Hi I am new to ubuntu and am having major problems setting my displays up. my setup is a hd TV to the Left of my pc monitor, i have managed to configure catalyst to let me have a main display with the second display being an extension of the first, the problem is i cannot seem to swap my primary display, at the minute my HDTV has all the taskbars and everything on it while my pc monitor is just a blank background, i would like it so i could start a film playing for my children, then drag it across to the HDTV while i can still use my pc in the background.

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Ubuntu :: Display Driver - Cannot Get Display Settings Nvidia7600GS?

Jan 28, 2010

I am using GeForce 7600 GSNot using the Nvidia X driver message you know... I searched all over, and seen this problem on many searches but no resolve issues.I want to be able to connect my tv, I use to be able to when I first installed Ubuntu and now IdK.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 Gnome 2.3 Display - CRTC Error That The Display Is Over The Maximum - 1920x1920

Apr 16, 2011

I have a fresh install of OpenSUSE 11.4 64bit and I have installed the AMD Display drivers for my Radeon HD 5970. Everything seems to be working quite well. I have a multiple monitor setup (1280x1024 monitor and a 1920x1080 monitor).

I have my primary display set to 1920x1080, however when I try to enable the second display, I get a CRTC error that the display is over the maximum (1920x1920). If I enable both monitors at lower resolutions, there is no problem.

I have done a fair bit of reading and have been unable to determine where this maximum is set, or how to change it. I'd like to be able to run both monitors at their native resolutions.

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General :: Know Which Display Number For The Variable DISPLAY To Be Exported When Ssh To Server?

Dec 26, 2010

When i ssh to server using -X, i always confuse about which display number i should export. It seems to me sometimes the display number has been used by something, so what i can do is only

export DISPLAY=localhost:0 && xclock
export DISPLAY=localhost:1 && xclock
export DISPLAY=localhost:2 && xclock


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Fedora :: System-config-display Just Ruined Display?

Jun 29, 2010

I did not have any /etc/X11/xorg.conf, so I read on these forums that system-config-display would create one for me. I ran system-config-display and it created an xorg.conf. But now my display is all messed up!! So, I deleted the xorg.conf and nothing changed. Why on earth would the display still be messed up if I deleted the file that was causing it?? Does system-config-display change somethign else?

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General :: X11 Forwarding - Error: Can't Open Display: <ip Of Display>

Jun 28, 2011

I have the following scenario that doesn't seem to work normally. I have a windows 7 pc from which I am using putty to connect to my other linux servers (all running redhat 5 and 6). So here is the scenario that works and one that does not work. And I'm trying to figure out the one that does not work. Scenario that works:

From windows 7 (putty) I ssh into Linux_Server_1.

I run xclock and I see it pop up on my windows 7 pc. I am using xming on windows 7 to help me populate the display from linux to windows. One that does not work:

From windows 7 (putty) I ssh into Linux_Server_1. Then from Linux_Server_1 I ssh into Linux_Server_2.
<no output>

I try to setup $DISPLAY with localhost:10.0 or 0.0 or even my windows 7 pc ip address:0.0 ....etc Then when I try to run xclock I doesn't work.

I get these error messages: Error: Can't open display: <ip of display>

Also as a side note all our Linux servers are sitting on one subnet. My pc is sitting on another subnet. I use vpn to connect to the subnet where the servers sit from my pc.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Display And Xhost: Unable To Open Display "XXX.XXX.X.XXX:0.0"

Jul 20, 2011

I have configured an instance in AWS EC2. I am trying to set the display back so I can run x apps. I login using ssh -xy -i...

echo $DISPLAY to verify
xhost +
xhost: unable to open display "XXX.XXX.X.XXX:0.0"

I have commented out nolisten tcp as suggested HERE I have modified /etc/gdm/custom.conf as suggested HERE Actually, the last suggested modifying /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, but that file didn't exist, so I added the line: DisallowTCP=false to /etc/gdm/custom.conf I rebooted, and still I get: xhost: unable to open display "XXX.XXX.X.XXX:0.0"

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Fedora :: Display All Disks And Partitions Available In A GUI Display

Dec 1, 2010

I have installed Fedora 14 Security Spin, and want to display all disks & partitions available in a GUI display. How can I achieve that?

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Ubuntu :: Xterm XT Error: Can't Open Display: Xterm: Display Is Not Set

Aug 20, 2010

I've just installed xterm, ant trying to run it from my windows machine using ssh. I have X11Forwarding yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config when I use, MobaXterm, np, I can use xterm after I log ssh -X xxx

but when I use Cygwin, and do ssh -X xxx, and then xterm, I have: xterm XT error : Can't open display: xterm: Display is not set

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Programming :: HTML5 "details" Tag Display - Inline - Display - Hidden CSS Ignored - Firefox - Seamonkey

Jan 11, 2011

I'm testing HTML5 for the first time, using Firefox (beta) 4.0b8 and SeaMonkey (beta) 2.1b1, and its ignoring some CSS. Specifically, I have problems with the <details> tag. (It is nested in a paragraph...I am using it to provide an in-paragraph definition in hopes it can be toggled.)

Firefox only partly supports <details>. It's not supposed to show anything except the content of <summary>, unless you click on <summary>'s content. Instead, it puts a line break before the content of <details>, splitting the paragraph in two peices (which looks silly), without the "closed/open" functionality.

So I tried using "display:inline" in my CSS, but that gets ignored. Just for fun, I also tried "display:hidden" (also ignored) and "display:none" (obeyed).

SeaMonkey doesn't doesn't do anything special with the content of <display>...but it also ignores the same CSS as Firefox.

The only thing I can do to support semantic design is apply "font-style:italic" to all <details> elements.

Granted, you might ask, "why bother using <details> at all. then?" Well, I would like to have <details> for the browsers that support it, with the "font-style:italic" to degrade the page nicely for those that don't (such as for SeaMonkey).

Does anyone know why "display:inline" and "display:hidden" get ignored?

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Spamming Logs Full "display Port Opened" And "display Port Closed"?

Apr 4, 2011

I have the following problem: syslog is constantly writing to disk, because the kernel spams these messages

Apr 4 14:14:56 aspire kernel: [138498.252610] display port opened
Apr 4 14:14:56 aspire kernel: [138498.299755] display port closed
Apr 4 14:14:57 aspire kernel: [138499.328206] display port opened
Apr 4 14:14:57 aspire kernel: [138499.371835] display port closed
Apr 4 14:14:58 aspire kernel: [138500.452671] display port opened


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Run Display / What To Fix It?

Jun 15, 2010

I try to boot my computer, it starts, it starts loading ubuntu. But all i get is this full screen terminal thingy prompting me to log in. So i do, and well. There's still just a terminal. I try writing "Nautilus" and get the error that display cannot be run. I try writing "GKSUDO nautilus" and get the same error, with a little difference.

What should i do?

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Ubuntu :: No Display With VNC?

Mar 1, 2011

I could use UltraVNCViewer from XP Pro and Server 2008 to control the Ubuntu 10.10 desktop. The computer has not been turned off, but when I log in with UltraVNC Viewer, all looks fine but no display. I have a black screen with the mouse cursor I can move with the mouse on the XP computer.

I can still access the mapped drives on the Ubuntu Desktop, there are no errors when connecting, but no display.

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Ubuntu :: Don't See Any Display

Mar 1, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my PC. When I start the computer, GRUB pops up and I select the top Ubuntu one, but then I don't see any display. I hear the sounds of the login screen, I can login in and continue, but I still don't see anything on the screen, and my monitor goes to sleep.

some specs:
intel Core 2 Duo
1 TB Hard Drive (Windows 7)
500 GB Hard Drive (Ubuntu 10.10)
nvidia GeForce 8400 graphics card

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Ubuntu :: Will Not Display - No Signal

Jan 16, 2010

When I start Ubuntu, the Ubuntu logo appears, then the screen goes black and "No Signal" appears on the monitor screen.

Earlier today, I installed a new processor, a dual-channel AMD from a single channel AMD. I decided to put the entire computer into a new case since I was dismantling everything. I have two hard drives: one for Ubuntu and one for Windows XP.

When I started it up, I got errors 13 and 17. I went into the BIOS and changed the disk order. Now Grub appears and I can get into Windows, but I cannot get into Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Display IP Before Logon

Mar 20, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 server and I am trying to get the IP address of the machine to display at boot (before login) but so far no luck. Here is what I have tried: Created a script called displayip:

ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr:" | awk -F'inet addr:' '{print $2}'

which is located in the /etc/init.d directory. changed the permissions to make it executable: chmod +x displayip then ran update-rc.d displayip defaults which ran successfully. Upon boot it doesn't show up with anything.

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Ubuntu :: Location Of X Display

Apr 20, 2010

On Ubuntu (as with 99% of other Linux distros), CTRL-ALT-F7 brings you to your X display on tty7 (:0)...is there any way for me to get the display to appear on tty2 or tty3 instead of 7?

I ask because my ubuntu box is a media server running XBMC. XBMC has some 'flaws'...one of which is screen refreshing during certain tasks (other than watching a video)...the easiest way to get it to kick back into gear is to switch to a terminal, then back to the X display...not that big of a deal really..but the problem lies in the fact that the remote I use for the computer (simple USB IR Remote grabbed off of eBay) has buttons programmed for CTRL-ALT-F[1,2,3,4]. So, if I could get X to appear in CTRL-ALT-F2 for instance, I could easily switch back and forth without having to get up to walk to the keyboard.

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Ubuntu :: Display Going To Sleep?

May 14, 2010

How can I stop my display going to sleep?

I've got the Power Management settings for mains power as:

Actions - put computer to sleep when inactive - never

Display - put display to sleep when inactive - never

Screensaver settings are:

Regard computer as idle set to 2 hours

Unticked Activate screensaver when computer is idle

Yet the screen still goes blank after a few minutes when I'm not using it.

I dual boot and it doesn't do it in Windows. It didn't do it in 8.10 or 7.10 either.

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Ubuntu :: Display Progress Bar Using Cp (if Possible Mv Also)

May 16, 2010

A quick google search gave me a possible answer at this post: [URL] However, this isn't my question exactly. It sort of is, but the answer is not correct for me. I'm wondering how to show progress of a cp or mv command. The man page says -v should do it, but it seems it doesn't show any progress at all. Is it possible to show progress info with cp or mv? Or, is there a different command I could use that would show a progress bar. I know for example scp will show a progress bar, but that is for local-->remote or visa versa, but I'm trying to copy locally.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Only Have 2 Display Modes

Jun 24, 2010

Just installed Ubuntu 10.04 via Wubi on my laptop. It's looking good so far but to cut to the chase, I only have 2 display modes. This is 640x480 and 800x600. Is there anyway to 'trick' the system into getting a 1200x800 display mode as I have found that graphic drivers for the SIS Mirage 3 are non-existent.

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Ubuntu :: Is There GUI To Change Display?

Jun 29, 2010

Is there a GUI to change the display? (Color quality, resolution, refresh)I've Googled my butt off, and can't find any answers.

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Ubuntu :: IBM T23 Display Does Not Work

Jul 22, 2010

I have been working on an IBM thinkpad model t23, installed Ubuntu, that was working good, I was having troubles getting the wireless to work,but it would get online with lan cable. It was telling me that I had some bad sectors in my hard drive, so I pulled the drive to get the info from it, and now, when I reinstalled it, turned it on, it goes through all the motions, but there is no display.

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Ubuntu :: Put Display To Sleep Via Key?

Oct 28, 2010

My display is set to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. When I go to sleep at night I don't want to wait 30 minutes for the monitor to shutdown, is there any way I can use the keyboard (like a hotkey) for :

1. Start my screensaver (when I go for 5-10 minutes afk for example).

2. Make the monitor go to sleep mode.

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Ubuntu :: X11 - Cannot Open Display

Jan 30, 2011

We're running Ubuntu 10.4 on our server. When I ssh there, I can open xclock and emacs and the GUI appears on my desktop.

But when I try to open evince, I get the following error:

$ evince
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
Cannot parse arguments: Cannot open display:


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Ubuntu :: No Display During Boot?

May 4, 2011

I'm quite familiar with CentOS and have used ubuntu in the past, recently I decided to do a clean Ubuntu install and I've been running happily for about a week. That is until I decided to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.4.

The first thing I've noticed since upgrading is that I can't see any part of the boot process as the screen just displays "Out of Range" until I'm shown the login screen, no boot selection and no display of drivers being loaded - which can cause problems when you need to troubleshoot. No worries I thought....

However, I noticed that since the upgrade moving windows around on the desktop was slow which is probably because I'm not using the right driver, so I decided to let it install the recommended driver.

Now I never see the login screen. It just keeps saying "out of range" for eternity. I've even tried booting into runlevel 1 - still the same thing. Do the drivers actually apply here?

I've also renamed my xorg.conf in an attempt to fix things - no luck.

Is there a way to get back from this without a reinstall?

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