Hardware :: How To Detect Whether Radeon HD 3870 GPU Usage / Temp / Or Any Stats?

Nov 11, 2010

I am on Fedora 13, and have a Radeon HD 3870 graphics card. Using the standard open source graphics driver. I am doing some video editing and watching some large movie files (5gb+) so I would like to see if my graphics card is actually doing anything to help. I'm up against a brick wall though - I can't get the GPU usage, memory, or temp. It should do something through GPU hardware video decoding with motion compensation etc. But I can't tell if it doing anything because I can't find anyway to test it.I've enabled direct rendering in mplayer but I don't know if it is doing anything as I have no way to test.

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Software :: Configuring ATI Radeon 3870 With ATI CCC On Fedora 10

Jan 24, 2009

I just installed the propretary driver for my graphics card, that I could excellerate my gfx.

I tried working with the ATI CCC, and it can't run because of my graphics configuration. It says to run aticonfig. I do, and I don't get anything helpful. It needs an argument. I tried --initial, but it can't find my Xorg config in the standard path.

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Networking :: Displaying Network Usage Stats

Jul 13, 2010

A small "mom and pop" WISP would like to provide account usage information to customers.Basically, when a person connecting to the WISP's web site is a customer with an IP address from within the WISP's subnets, a link would appear on the web page where customers could read total bandwidth usage (daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly totals and averages) and public IP address. Information could include the top five bandwidth URLs visited; graphs or charts of usage; and usage during specific periods, such as business hours (8AM-5PM), evening hours (5PM-10PM), night (10PM-8AM), and weekends (10PM Friday-8AM Monday).

The WISP has installed cricket (http://cricket.sourceforge.net) and rrdtool (http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool). The next trick is to grab and format the data for customers.I'm not looking for answers like "look at xyz package." Helpful responses will include a rudimentary outline to solve the problem. That is, "xyz package" might indeed be what the WISP needs, but some guidance how to use xyz is needed to move down the road.I have no experience with this type of thing. I appreciate responses from people who are experienced.

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Ubuntu :: Possible? /temp/www/fake/ Contents (directory) Avaliable Through /temp/www/?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a web server whos DocumentRoot is:/tmp/wwwNow, /temp/www/fake/ is a directory that contains a series of other files/folders.What I want to do is access the files in /temp/www/fake as if they were in the root directory (/temp/www/)For example:

could either be located in "/temp/www/test.php"
located in "/temp/www/fake/test.php"

so "" would essentially call both directories. Is this possible? Whould I do this through apache or through the actual file system somehow? (Like some sort of symbolic link?) I would love to hear your input.

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Ubuntu :: HD 3870 X2 Getting To Hot / Loud On 11.04 But Not On Windows

Aug 18, 2011

the HD 3870 X2 is getting very hot and loud on My fresh Ubuntu 11.04 (64bit) Installation.But on Windows 7(64bit) it's running just fine

AFAIK there are 4 profiles saved in 3870's BIOS

the BOOT Profile = Maximum performance and energy consumption (that i can hear at boot it is extreamly loud)
the 2D Profile = Medium Performance - lower energy consumption and quiet
the 3D Profile = Medium to Maximum Performance (on demand) Crysis2 = very Loud
the idle Profile = Low Performance and Low energy consumption (Windows Explorer/ Photoshop)

the problem is IMHO that the card doesn't switch to the default profile after the GUI booted.so i disabled compiz/ desktop effects and stuff the card kinda thinks i'm not in IDLE catalyst is installed via Ubuntu's driver install program 3d acceleration works but i got a "AMD Unsupported product" Watermark in the right corner of my desktop, pretty anoying tho...

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: ATI RadeonHD 3870 - Dual Screen?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a problem with my two new screens. Second screen is now clone of the first one and I can't get them to a one "wide" desktop. (you know what I mean?) When I go to Configure Desktop -> Display, I have two DFP's: DFP1 and DFP2. When I change position of DFT2 from "clone" -> "right of" , my second screen goes black.. I have tried to use Sax2 to configure but when I test "side to side" mode screens and keyboard stops working and I need to reboot. how I can get it to work?

OS Information
OS: Linux x86_64
System: openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64)
KDE: 4.3.5 (KDE 4.3.5) "release 0"


I tried to search around forum but I didn't find anything (or I didn't just understand) So a step by step quide would be helpful for noobie like me

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Networking :: Reset NIC Stats Using C

Apr 12, 2010

I wrote a small kernel module which essentially resets the NIC counters and a small user space program to ioctl this.

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Ubuntu Servers :: SSH Login Displays Stats Of Server Twice?

May 4, 2010

This is a very trivial thing, but when I SSH into my newly updated 10.04 server, the stats of the server are displayed on the screen twice. How can i fix it to just display once? This is what it is doing.Quote:Linux xxxxx 2.6.32-21-generic-pae #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 09:39:35 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/LinuxUbuntu 10.04 LTS

Welcome to Ubuntu!
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
System information as of Tue May 4 08:41:22 EDT 2010


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Ubuntu Servers :: Monitoring Server Stats Remotly ?

May 12, 2010

I didn't setup our old system but that server has since been retired due to hardware failure, but we have some new webervers, and a new postgtres database server in place which I need monitoring. Some items include database size, transactions per second, io stats, memory monitoring, or as the DBA put "anything I can get". We had used CACTI in the past for these items, but I didn't do the setup and sondering if that is what is recommended, or something else. I am looking at groundwork open source which include nagios, etc. but figured I would consult the uforums since all these servers are running userver 9.x and 10.x .

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Ubuntu :: Conky: Read/Write Stats For Harddrive?

Jan 12, 2011

Just wondering if there is a way to show the stats of the hard drive(s) in the computer mainly the current read and write transfer rates. Similar to the network graphs that show the Download and Upload speeds, but concerning the hard drive(s) in the computer. I know you can monitor the hard drive temperature, but I haven't seen anybody monitor the stats for the hard drive.

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Ubuntu Security :: The Requests Are Listed In The Order In Which They Appear On The Stats Page?

Apr 13, 2011

Below is the print out of requests, with the website address "#.com". The requests are listed in the order in which they appear on the stats page. What does it mean?:



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General :: How To Know Total Upload And Download Stats Till Date

May 10, 2011

Am I able to know how much data I received and sent till date since my MINT 9? I wanted to know is there method that counts total stats of upload and download since I installed My linux...System monitor is good for only one session..Once you restart the PC all gone.....

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Programming :: Write A Bash Script That Will Make Some Web Stats Reports

Jun 23, 2010

I'm planing to write a bash script that will make some web stats reports and I'm stuck on beginning because I don't know how can I read a directory content, put everything in a variable, compare the variable value with current date and go further.More specific ...

I have /var/apache/log/. Here I have access logs on date ( like access.log.24.06.2010.gz and so on ).

How can I do to automatically zgrep (in a bash script) last day .gz ??

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Fedora Hardware :: Replacing Radeon 9550 With Radeon X1300/X1550 - Low FPS

Apr 4, 2010

I replaced an ATI Radeon 9550 with a Radeon X1300/X1550, in hopes of better performance.

My System: P4@3GHz, 1.5Gb RAM, Fedora 12, kernel

Faults: Screen refresh is extremely low. Glxgears outputs 25 FPS. Dragging windows around is sometimes really slow.

What I did so far, in hope of fixing it:

1. Installed 'system-config-display', for providing an xorg.conf
2. Did: yum --enablerepo=rawhide update mesa-dri-drivers-experimental mesa*, fixing this, but to no avail...

I cannot find any errors in the log...I don't know what to do...

I am posting my Xorg.conf, Xorg.0.log and Glxinfo through links to pastebin.com


When running GlxGears, I get a bit of motion, and then the gears freeze for 1 second. And this goes on and on. But...if I move the mouse around, I get 1100FPS!

Now I messed a bit with xorg.conf and the "SWCursor" Option, but the above happens when this option is on "true". On "false" there is no 1100FPS, only the freezing loop...

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Hardware :: S-video VGA Compatible Controller - ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW - Radeon

May 24, 2009

I been searching for months on how to get the s-video to work on my pci VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] card. I found a site with instructions.

This is how I got it to work.

I install Debian 5.0 Lenny Desktop

added the Driver "radeon" to my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file

This work and I was able to use my tv as a monitor however when I try to play a video file from totem or vlc all I could get was audio with no video; These files work and played fine in the CRT monitor.

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Programming :: Redirecting Stdin / Stdout And Stderr And Finding Files Name And Other Stats?

Aug 8, 2010

I'm working on an application used for backup/archiving. That can be archiving contents on block devices, tapes, as well as regular files. The application stores data in hard packed low redundancy heaps with multiple indexes pointing out uniquely stored, (shared), fractions in the heap.

And the application supports taking and reverting to snapshot of total storage on several computers running different OS, as well as simply taking on archiving of single files. It uses hamming code diversity to defeat the disk rot, instead of using raid arrays which has proven to become pretty much useless when the arrays climb over some terabytes in size. It is intended to be a distributed CMS (content management system) for a diversity of platforms, with focus on secure storage/archiving. i have a unix shell tool that acts like gzip, cat, dd etc in being able to pipe data between applications.


dd if=/dev/sda bs=1b | gzip -cq > my.sda.raw.gz

the tool can handle different files in a struct array, like:


enum FilesOpenStatusValue {
FileIsClosed = 0,


Is there a better way of getting the file name of the redirected file, (respecting the fact that there may not always exist such a thing as a file name for a redirection pipe).
Should i work with inodes instead, and then take a completely different approach when porting to non-unix platforms? Why isn't there a system call like get_filename(stdin); ?

If you have any input on this, or some questions, then please don't hesitate to post in this thread. To add some offtopic to the thread - Here is a performance tip: When doing data shuffling on streams one should avoid just using some arbitrary record length, (like 512 bytes). Use stat() to get the recommended block size in stat.st_blksize and use copy buffers of that size to get optimal throughput in your programs.

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General :: Status Of Memory Usage And Disk Usage Using Sigar In Windows And Ubuntu

Mar 15, 2010

I was trying to get the status of memory usage and disk usage using sigar in windows and ubuntu. done this in windows by just copying the sigar library into jdk library. But i was unable to do so in ubuntu. I've copied the library to java-6-sun library but still can't run the program.

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Fedora :: Hidden Disk Space Usage \ Can't Figure Out Where The Runaway Usage Is?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm running into a problem where my system is running out of disk space on the root partition, but I can't figure out where the runaway usage is. I've had a stable system for a couple of years now, and it just ran out of space. I cleaned some files up to get the system workable again, but can't find the big usage area, and I'm getting conflicting results.For example, when I do a df it says I'm using 44GB out of 58 GB:

[root@Zion ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on


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General :: Unix - Monitor Average CPU Usage And RAM Usage On One Process System?

Nov 15, 2010

Is there any way to monitor one process' CPU usage and RAM usage over time on Linux? I am trying to change to a cheaper VPS and need to work out what level of CPU and RAM I need!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Webalizer And Configure It To Push Stats For Multiple Domains?

Jun 16, 2010

how to install webalizer and configure it to push stats for multiple domains?

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Debian Multimedia :: XOrg Auto-detect Failing To Detect Max Screen Resolution

May 29, 2011

I've installed Squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64 on my laptop (Alienware M17X R3, Intel i7 Sandybridge, ATI Technologies Inc Broadway [ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6800 Series])The screen is 17", with maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080. After a default install of the operating system, the maximum resolution I can select is 1280 x 1024.My research so far has suggested that I need to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and provide xorg with the necessary resolution.

Again, by default, the xorg.conf file is not created. This leads me to believe that xorg is scanning my hardware at startup and providing me with whatever it thinks is appropriate. I tried following these instructions to generate an xorg.conf file. This process created an xorg.conf file under /root/.

When I copy this xorg.conf file to /etc/X11, I get a blank (i.e. black) screen. Deleting this file restores the default resolution 1280 x 1024.This system is dual booting with Windows 7. Under windows I am able to get a 1920 x 1080 resolution, so I know my hardware is up to it.At this stage I have yet to install the drivers for the Radeon graphics card.What are my options regarding configuring xorg to give me a higher screen resolution?

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Fedora Hardware :: Endless USB Loop - Detect - Disable - Detect

May 2, 2010

I have a new F12 install, and my syslog is filling up with messages about USB. I have 2 USB devices plugged in directly to the mobo (bluetooth keyboard receiver, touchscreen), and it keeps redetecting them and then disabling the port for some reason.

A small sample of what keeps on repeating:


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Debian :: Where To Find The Fw-detect Command ? (for Firmware / Wireless Detect)

Jan 12, 2010

To find the appropriate firmware without knowing the make or brand of your wireless chip, you can use the command:


But apparently debian package do not offer this useful tool, well, certainly for sidux exclusively.

Is there a package of fw-detect eventually?

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Ubuntu :: Ubuntu Will Not Display GUI (ATI 3870)

Jan 2, 2009

My desktop which has an ATI 3870 will not show a GUI for Ubuntu, Kubuntu and even Fedora. It just goes to a black screen. I tried to configure the xorg.conf file, but it's blank. >.< Whenever I try to run the configure xorg command, it says that the server is already active. If I try to stop gdm or xorg it will just show a black screen.BTW I only have a few weeks of linux experience so explain everything clearly.The video card works fine, as my friends rig booted into xp fine with no problems whatsoever.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Get The Value Of CPU Usage - Memory Usage ?

Jan 13, 2009

I am sure that all of us know the result of top command in linux. i want to get the value that the top command return as CPU usage, memory usage. so how do i do(programming relation)?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Screen After Sleep On Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]?

Dec 20, 2010

When I put my laptop, a Presario X1000 to sleep that uses Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500], when it comes back up, I get just black and white "nosie" on the screen.

Even after I do cntr+alt+F1 and then cntrl+alt+F7 it still doesn't appear to restore the regular screen.

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Server :: File "named.stats" Exists In Bind9 Under Solaris 5.8?

Sep 17, 2010

I want to know if the file "named.stats" exists in bind9 under solaris 5.8?

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Server :: "free" Shows Far More Memory Usage Than Summing Up Application Usage?

Aug 6, 2010

I've come across a really strange issue with one of my RHEL servers. The "free" command shows that 7019 MB of memory are actually in use by my system, but when summing up the actual usage (or even virtual usage like the example below) it doesn't add up - the sum is far less than what is reported by "free":


[root@server1 ~]# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 12011 7946 4065 0 4 23
-/+ buffers/cache: 7919 4092


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Ubuntu :: How To Enable Cpu Temp

May 9, 2010

i have added the hardware sensors monitor to the panel and enabled....but i can only enabled my hardisk temp(i.e. hddtemp)...but there is no option of cpu.....how can i enable my cpu temp??

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Ubuntu :: How To Monitor Temp Of CPU?

Sep 26, 2010

How can i monitor the temp of my CPU? Using Ubuntu 10.10 & Gnome desktop.

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