Ubuntu :: USB-storage Devices Not Detected After 9x / 10X Upgrade
Jan 2, 2011
My USB devices are being detected when I run the 'lsusb' command.However there is no driver that is set to the device.Also the /dev/sdX device is created so there is a mount point
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Mar 11, 2011
I'm interested in buying a new hardware for my company. The old server (now 10 years old) should be replaced with a new one. Till now, I was looking on different hardware suppliers, boards and different other places. I found a Tyan board [URL]. The hardware spec is quite interesting and the board would fullfill our claims.
how both storage devices will be supported by Ubuntu or Debian??
- SATA-Controller: AMD SP5100
- SAS-Controller: LSI 1068E
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Sep 30, 2010
My friend bought a new PC, and he's duel booting Ubuntu 10.04LTS and Windows 7 Ultimate. At first I tried partitioning the hardrive using fdisk in Ubuntu, but it couldn't find hda. After looking in /dev/, there wasn't hda, or any sd* devices. I looked in gparted and used the installer afterwards and both came up with nil. I installed Windows, updated the BIOS using the utility that came with the mobo, and tried seeing if Ubuntu could detect my hardrive and it couldn't. I even turned ACPI off when booting and that didn't work either.
The motherboard is a new Gigabit with 3 PCIe slots and a USB3.0.
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Mar 23, 2011
In the above link am using for the Disable for USB device. how i can re enable the USB devices.
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Jun 14, 2009
I've been running F10 with a four disk RAID5 setup that has been working fine, however when I tried to do a fresh install of F11 I can't get past the "Select Country" and "Select Keyboard" screen of the GUI as a message will say "Detecting Storage Devices" and then throw up an error. I can't give you the full error, because when I click Save The Detecting Storage Devices box appears and I can not select anything under it or enter my Bugzilla account.However, when I plug just the hard drive that has XP on it then the installer continues swimmingly.I've backed up everything, so if I have to I could zero out the drives however they're all rather large so it'd take an inordinate amount of time.
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May 3, 2010
Running various applications, including Open Office, I need to open files from my external hard drive, from within said application itself. But the file menus for all my applications list only the files of my primary hard drive, and I can't look at other drives. Surely there must be some way to do this.
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Dec 9, 2009
I'm installing F12 on a new HP ML-350 G6. The machine has 4 Gb memory, and a Smart Array P410i SAS controller. There are two 72 Gb disks set up as a RAID 1. I'm using a full install DVD. There are no other storage devices other than the RAID, a USB tape drive, and the DVD drive. When I try to install F12 it hangs after setting the keyboard type with "Finding Storage Devices". I've let it sit for an hour or more and it doesn't get beyond that.
F11 installs on the machine with no problem. I've used the F12 DVD on other machines with no problem (but not any other ML-350s). If I switch to a console session, dmesg shows the driver for the controller (HP CISS) has loaded and the RAID drive recognized. The appropriate devices (/dev/cciss/c0d0, /dev/ccss/c0d0p0, etc.) are all present in /dev.
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Jun 22, 2011
Using Fedora 15 64 bit. The problem is when I put in a USB stick (directly into USB port front or back), or SD memory card via Card reader, they take a long time to auto mount. About 30 seconds. I've tried a few different USB sticks and memory cards. Once mounted they work fine. This is a new install, been running for a few weeks, but the problem only seems to have started in the last few days. Also, not sure if it's related, but now Shotwell takes about 30 seconds to start. The screen comes up, but the interface in non responsive for around 30 seconds. Both USB and Shotwell problems seem to have started at the same time.
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Sep 7, 2010
steps to block usb mass storage devices in linux
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Aug 4, 2010
I am currently working on fedora 12.I Tried to install Fedora 13 on my System but dont know why Installation being stopped while looking for basic storage devices .how to come out from the problem?
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Jul 15, 2010
What is the command or script that is run to check the storage devices like Netapp or Hitachi?
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Jun 18, 2014
I want to disable mounting usb storage devices except some devices based on its vendor id. I tried by adding below udev rule in debian wheezy
Code: Select allACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'for host in /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*; do echo 0 > $host/authorized_default; done'"
ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="054c", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 1 >/sys$DEVPATH/authorized'"
But it disabled all usb devices(USB keyboard and mouse). How can I allow other devices except storage devices.
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Apr 30, 2010
Getting very frustrated trying to install F12 to my work PC. Its a dell precision 670 with a 3ware 9550sxu raid controller running raid 5. Its consistently crashing at the point when it says 'finding storage devices' with a message about : Mismatched Sizes. What I could try? I had no problem on this machine with fedora 11, so whats changed? Just for info by the way, theres two raid volumes on this system a 750Gb that contains my windows vista installation in a 500 Gb partition (NTFS) and the free space I'm using for fedora. The second volume is a 2TB data volume with a single data partition (NTFS).
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Mar 29, 2010
I am running Lenny. USB storage devices are painfully slow, if the data to be copied is above 4GB it works on transferring for more than half an hour and then comes up with an error dialog(saying something like file size is too big). The problem exists in both read and write.
I did google a bit and here is the output of lsmod | grep hci
ehci_hcd28428 0
uhci_hcd18672 0
usbcore118192 4 usb_storage,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd
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Apr 17, 2010
The intention is to have this system dual-boot. When i first put it together, i decided to setup a raid5 array spanning 3 sata drives. I installed Windows 7 first, decided i'd get to Linux later. I left 150mb or so at the beginning of the array for /boot, and about 200gb at the end for my linux install. i'm getting to the linux install. My distro of choice is Fedora 12. I start the setup, and at the point where it's time to partition, the installer tells me that its unable to find any suitable storage devices.
I Crtl-Alt-F2 to a console, and fdisk -l. Fdisk reports three individual drives which all have partitions already. All have free space. None make sense. So i turned to google, and found some threads which explain that this chip doesn't run a true raid, rather its what's been referred to as fake raid. Which is that it depends on the windows driver in order to actually present the array to the OS, and that the best way to get by that on linux, is to break the array, and use LVM instead.
That's all well and good, but i lose two things in doing that. First i lose the resiliency of raid 5, and second, well, what does that do to my windows install? I've considered moving all of my data from windows to other machines, and then just starting from scratch, but i'd really much prefer a method of using the chips fake raid in linux. Is there a driver, or module which i can install to make this happen?
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Oct 18, 2010
I'm trying to get a complete overview of booting so I can multiboot. An explanation of the hardware that stores data and the hardware that runs it with the paths the data takes would be awesome!
Here are some quotes that are not comprehensive.
Quote from [url] "When the processor first starts up, it is suffering from amnesia; there is nothing at all in the memory to execute. Of course processor makers know this will happen, so they pre-program the processor to always look at the same place in the system BIOS ROM for the start of the BIOS boot program. This is normally location FFFF0h, right at the end of the system memory. They put it there so that the size of the ROM can be changed without creating compatibility problems. Since there are only 16 bytes left from there to the end of conventional memory, this location just contains a "jump" instruction telling the processor where to go to find the real BIOS startup program."
System Memory is your RAM is it not? Why are they being specific in stating the address location in the Firmware that BIOS uses? An external EEPROM on the board is totally different from RAM is it not? Does the BIOS data travel to a specific RAM Location?
Is there a small processor connected to BIOS or is everything run with the Main CPU?
What exactly is the "chipset" that is referred to with booting?
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Mar 20, 2010
I am trying to install dynabolic on my system by docking.I copied dyne/ directory into my partition and updated grub as follows:
title Dyne
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/dyne/2618ckld.krn root=/dev/ram0 rw load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0
ramdisk_start=0 max_loop=64 vga=788
initrd (hd0,0)/dyne/initrd.gz
Still on booting into it,it is saying "No storage device with dyne system found"
why this happens? On the otherhand it is automatically detecting my pendrive in which i have copied dyne/
and boots from it.
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Mar 4, 2010
I am just getting started with Ubuntu and love it so far. It has breathed new life into an old Compaq Presario V2000 and once I get up to speed on it I hope to start running it on all the rest of our machines.
The only major problem I am having is that none of the USB devices I have plugged in are being detected. From what I have seen online I should be getting a notification and should be able to view the devices at Places/Computer but so far, nothing. Googling this problem it appears that individual devices often don't work but I could not find anything on all USB devices not working.
Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong here?
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Sep 23, 2010
After I installed my ati grapics driver (the ati driver from the ati website) my ubuntu has this weird problem. When loading there is a line that cought my attention:
Running DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.34: fglrx (8.543)...Failed
I think that has something todo with the other error I get which is:
Primary device is not PCI
(EE No devices detected)
Fatal server error
no screens found
giving up.
I have an ATI 5650 Radeon mobile grapics card By the way.
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Jan 8, 2011
I recently had a hard drive on a computer (not to be obvious), and I fried the computer. You may ask "well why did you do that?" well, simply because I had accidentally bumped and switched to 220 volts, rather than keeping it at 115 like a sane individual. Anyway, I got a new computer, swapped the hard drive. When I go to boot into ubuntu though, it gives me the following error:
Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode
The following error was encountered. You may need to update your configuration to solve this.
(EE) No devices detected.
I also have XP on this hard drive, and it works almost better than it did on my old one, surprisingly. all i have to do now for it to be labeled as efficient, is to get some RAM. But anyway, what can I do about the error message? I tried booting into recovery, running dpkg from the list of options, and it did a couple of things.
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May 18, 2010
Whenever I plug in my usb flash drive or my memory card adapter they are not detected. If you can help me I will provide any kind of information needed to solve the problem, just tell me what command to run. Also my cd/dvd drive is still not being detected or is mislabeled on ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx.
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May 8, 2010
Recently I installed Fedora 12 without any hassles except that the USB devices are not getting detected. I checked with /proc/interrupts and the ehci_hcd module doesn't get any interrupts. Here is my dmesg (done to show only USB related messages) :
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
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Jul 17, 2011
Last week, I received a used, older (built ~ 2005 or so) IBM ThinkCentre desktop (machine 8143-2EU) having a Pentium 4 (64 bit), 3.0 GHz CPU. It came with WinXP- 64 bit as the sole OS. When I tested my USB devices with the WinXP OS, they were detected and read. I wiped the WinXP and installed MEPIS 11- 64 bit. [There's only a single Intel Pentium 4, 64 bit CPU known to work for MEPIS 11- 64 bit. It's the Pentium 4 Prescott with EM64T. I don't know if my P4 is that one.] Things seem OK with my MEPIS 11- 64 bit OS except for the times when I plug in USB devices--> they're not detected nor read. In a MEPIS forum, a guy told me to try, after first plugging in the USB devices, running lsusb in Konsole. I do that, the system wakes up, and the USB devices are detected and read. But why do I have to do this to get my system to detect and read the devices? I've made the MEPIS system setting so that all USB devices are automounted when plugged in. Doing that did not correct this problem. As root, in Konsole, I ran hwinfo and noticed that for the USB controllers, the driver - uhci_hcd - is not active. Here's the hwinfo output for one of the USB controllers:
18: PCI 1d.2: 0c03 USB Controller (UHCI)
[Created at pci.318]
UDI: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_265a
[I suppose or guess that all MEPIS users who don't have this USB-device-detection-and-read problem have uhci_hcd.] To see what would happen as a test, I also used a MEPIS 11- 32 bit Live DVD in this computer having the MEPIS 11- 64 bit OS. When I use the Live DVD, I have the same USB detection-and-read problem! What does that mean? With some USB devices plugged in while I'm using the Live DVD, I'm forced again to run lsusb in Konsole. This wakes up the system so that it detects and reads plugged-in USP devices. Why? Any idea on how to fix this? Does this problem seem more a software one rather than a hardware one?
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Dec 5, 2010
I am having problems understanding how sound capable devices are being used on my Ubuntu10.10 64 bit system. I have an ASUS A8V motherboard with on-board multimedia functions provided through the VIA V8237 chip. BIOS gives me the option to disable this functionality and I have set BIOS this way. I want to use an M-Audio 24/96 card for all sound processing.
However, in applications like Audacity the VIA chip functions are all available and can be set as recording and playback devices. The same is true in ALSA.
Why does 'linux' (I have no idea which part of the OS) ignore the BIOS settings?
Furthermore alsamixer always selects the 'default' devices. Where and how are these set?
<System><Preferences><Sound> hardware tab list 2 'Internal Audio' devices but no M-Audio device. What are these devices? Only 1 of them appears to create any output with the 'Test Speakers' tab. This confuses me completely because the speakers are connected only to the M-Audio card.
None of the profiles for 'Settings for the selected device' match the capabilities of the M-Audio card (1 set of stereo inputs and 1 set of stereo outputs). So where are these profiles coming from? Which do I select for the M-Audio card?
What do the Input and Output tabs in <System><Preferences><Sound> mean? Are these different to the hardware tab? The 'Output' tab lists2 devices for sound output: 'Internal Audio Analog Stereo, Stereo' twice. What devices are these ?
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Apr 23, 2011
I have installed Imgburn and it wont detect my cd drive, I configured wine and everything and no matter what I can't get it to recognize my driver, what am I to do?
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Jun 6, 2011
I'm having issues getting the nvidia-current drivers working with a GeForce 8400 graphics card on Ubuntu 10.10 (x64). After running nvidia-xconfig and restarting, X fails to start with an error: No devices detected.
Here is my xorg.conf:
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 260.19.06 (buildmeister@builder101) Mon Sep 13 04:59:45 PDT 2010
Section "ServerLayout"
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May 15, 2009
I have an issue with Hard Drives in GNU/Linux CentOS 5.3I installed linux 5.3 frash copy to new SATA MAXTOR 1000GB Hdd.And see the partitions is SATA MAXTOR 1000GB (NEW INSTALLATION CentOS 5.3)
/dev/sda1 Boot
/dev/sda3 /
(/dev/sda2 is the SWAP)
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Jan 22, 2011
Rhythmbox plays some music (not all of it) and it sounds crappy. And when I start Amarok I get this: KDE detected that one or more internal sound devices were removed. Do you want KDE to permanently forget about these devices? This is the list of devices KDE thinks can be removed: Output: HDA Intel (INTEL HDMI) Output: HDA Intel, INTEL HDMI (HDMI Audio Output)What to do?
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Nov 22, 2010
I dl the windows installer one and ran it. As it started it went to the Ubuntu logo and then my screen became half full of different colored horizontal lines, so I rebooted and went into the adv boot and ran the install under safe graphics mode. Now when I boot I get options to boot into 2.6.32-25 and also a recovery and also and a recovery. I left the 2.6.32-25 highlighted and it booted but gave me a msg that said:
(EE) VESA: Kernal modesetting driver in use, refusing to load.
(EE) No devices detected.
Then it goes to a screen that allows me to boot in a low graphics mode. It loads and I dl some security updates with the Update Manager. What do I need to do in order to boot w/o any faults and also what is the difference from 2.6.32-25 and 2.6.32-24? Which should I be using? Do I need to modify my graphis somehow?
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Jan 15, 2011
I tried to install the latest RealTek driver for Linux and it has wiped all my devices. I've tried reinstalling the alsa-base packages but it hasn't worked
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