Ubuntu :: U9.04 - Add Program To Startup?

May 24, 2010

I'm currently using Ubuntu 9.04 as operating system. I would like to know how to add a program to startup using the command line?

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Ubuntu :: Run Program On Startup - On Twinview?

Mar 27, 2010

I have connected my TV (and my regular screen) to my Ubuntu 9.10. I use TwinView, and that works just fine. I have also installed Moovida (I love that program). And I would like my PC to open Moovida on startup, but I need it to be on the TV screen.

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Ubuntu :: Run Program In Console At Startup?

Mar 28, 2011

I would like to know whether there is a way of running a console program at startup. That means even before user login. My guess was that it would have to be run like a service but this idea comes from my ... windows" experience.

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Startup Program

Sep 19, 2010

Will a program (created using Real Studio) that's placed in the startup queue run? I tried just this, and while there was no error at startup it appears the program had no effect. It is a shell execution to set my screen-blanking time. The program does work once I am up and running though. I am using Linux Mint 8 on a T30 Thinkpad.

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Ubuntu :: Undo Removal Of Startup Program?

Apr 30, 2010

I was in Startup Application Preferences and I was managing the list of startup programs when I accidentally clicked Remove. Now it's gone and I don't know what it was. The very top one, above Certificate and Key Storage.

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Ubuntu :: Unknown Unresponding - Program On Startup

Oct 30, 2010

on every start up, I get a frame which can not be closed because I don't know to which program it belongs to. ince I am not that familiar with running programs and their respective tasks on system monitor, I can't figure out which one to close. By the way the second one showed up around the time I was taking the screen shot and I don't remember what it was about. Here is a screen shot and list of running tasks:


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Ubuntu :: Prevent A Program Loading On Startup?

Feb 24, 2011

How can I prevent a program loading on startup? The program does not appear in Preferences / Startup Applications. I want to avoid having to sudo kill all programname every-time I login.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install A Program At Startup?

May 28, 2011

I want to install the following command as a program and get it on startup.
cd Desktop/
sudo lkl -l -k keymaps/us_km -o log.file

and running it since the computer starts up until it's shut down.
How can I do it?
I have Ubuntu 10.14

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Ubuntu :: Sudo - Add A Program To Startup Menu

Jan 6, 2011

I need to add a program to my startup menu (webserver which needs sudo for port80). I follow their directions, but it breaks the program and no pages are served. I will not be home to guide wife and kids every time they boot the machine to sudo start the program. How do you start a program at boot, as root or sudo start.

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Ubuntu :: Program Startup After Network Connection?

Feb 28, 2010

the startup of programs when i log into my Ubuntu Account.

My Operating System:

- Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala (only using Gnome)

Programs at StartUp:

- Mozilla Thunderbird (2 email-accounts for business)
- Emesene (MSN Client for business use)
- FireStarter (I know it's just the GUI, but i love to view the Logging at realtime since Ubuntu is the Main-Server in my network)

Is it possible to configure the startup, so that the programs start running AFTER the Network Connection is established?

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Ubuntu :: Making Program To Load With Sudo On Startup?

Feb 2, 2010

I cannot figure how to make a program start-up when Ubuntu boots. I want the "sudo firestarter" command to run so the firestarter icon appears in the panel.

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Ubuntu :: Program That Shows Custom Quotes At Startup?

Jun 2, 2010

What's a good program that shows quotes at startup? Quotes that I could edit and add to?

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Ubuntu :: Start Program Minimized - Startup Applications?

Sep 12, 2010

I'm putting a program in my startup applications that is completely GUI, with no command line options. The program is Calibre, if anybody is curious. Is there any way to start this program minimized? Gnome, Lucid, x64

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General :: Startup A Program Automatically?

Feb 18, 2011

I need to startup a program automatically. What to do? I using kubuntu. In Windows, you go to the startup folder under program files(I think.)

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General :: Unable To Add Program To Startup

Jun 21, 2011

Made a little c-program i want to start at boot and found out that i can do that through the rc.local script that runs once every time the computer boots. Say that i have a program called test in /home/user/Documents... what do i write rc.local?

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General :: Running A Program On Startup?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a program I have made, and I would like it to run as soon as the system is finished booting. I am using Ubuntu Mini Remix to recreate a LiveCD/USB stick. After booting, it drops me to a command line where I can enter "sudo qct" and it will run my program (which is called qct, and it has to be run as root).I want this to be automated.Instead of going to a command line, I want it to run the program itself at that point. How would I go about doing this? I have read many tutorials about scripting but I cannot seem to get it to work.

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Software :: Starting A Program On Startup?

Nov 2, 2010

i want to run my program and when it starts up shows an option to say : do you want to start this program at start up? and then if yes copy this program at start up how i can do this?

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Ubuntu :: Access BIOS Duirng Startup Of Koala 9.10 Program?

Apr 4, 2010

How do I access my BIOS duirng startup of my Koala 9.10 program? I simply need to make some changes to it and am unable to access it through the normal buttons that worked when the computer had a WIndows (yuck) OS.

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Ubuntu :: Installed A Program But Can't Find Its Path For Startup Manager?

Nov 15, 2010

I installed a new program called the "Android Notifier Desktop 0.2.1" and within the program it say to use the systems startup manager to start the program with every system boot.I have no idea where to begin looking for the programs file and main start up link.

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Software :: Timed Startup - Program Or Any Script Write For Ubuntu?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm using a program called Auto Power on and Shut down on Windows. It let's me set times for the computer to shutdown, power on, hibernate, sleep, and etc. Is there any program or any script you can write for Ubuntu that lets you do this? I need something like: Tell computer to turn off at 10am. *run programs* Tell computer to (does Linux have hibernate?) something that isn't shutdown but looks like it's shutdown at 5pm. I use hibernate in Windows.

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Debian :: Make Program Run On Startup In The Graphical Env

Feb 21, 2011

I have a dedicated server which runs a game server. On that dedi, I had Debian installed, and I wanted to have graphical access to it so I installed Gnome and nxserver. I want the game server to run automatically when the server boots up and have it appear in a console window when I connect to nxserver. So I added it in the Startup list by going in System > Administration > Session.

My problem is that the program doesn't start when the system boots up, but only when I connect to nxserver. So I assume it is something like gnome not starting up or opening a session until I open one remotely or something such.

But is there anyway to have that game server start in a console window when the system starts up? I tried using init.d but the problem is that it doesn't open any window, and I need to interact with the server through the console. What can I do?

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Debian Configuration :: Startup Program Screen Too Small?

Oct 10, 2015

The "System Settings/Startup Programs" window is large enough but the "Program" column is too narrow and it cannot be resized. The window can be dragged to make it larger but not the individual columns. It looks like a Java listbox with "Enabled = false" set. This occurs in Debian8 64 bit and also in Mint 17 and Mint LMDE2. I am surprised nobody else has raised the issue. I have a basic setup with 22" screen and 1680 x 1050 resolution. It occurs with Nouveau and NVidia drivers. It is not a critical bug so I have coped with it for 2 years but it would be nice to see it fixed. Unfortunately I could not upload a screen shot as "board attachment quota has been reached".

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Fedora :: Add Compiz Fusion Icon At Startup Program?

Jul 2, 2009

i want to know command to Add Compiz Fusion Icon to Startup Applications Preferences at Stratup program . i want to Compiz Fusion Icon run when i login .

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Software :: Program That Will Startup Computer Automatically When It's Been Shutdow?

Feb 17, 2011

i want my computer to function as an alarm clock, i want it to be shut down but start up automatically at a desired time (i'll also have tomboy notes display reminders of what i need to do for the day) this would be a great program

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Software :: Fedora 15 - Program That Manages Startup Applications ?

Jul 24, 2011

I just installed fedora 15 and this version seems to be missing a lot of the programs in the old version of fedora 14 I had. I just need to know what that program that manages startup applications is called. I used to use it in fedora 14 for a keyboard fix(a key wasn't assigned to the right symbols). I just need to run a xmodmap script to fix it but I don't know how to make it run everytime I start the system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Trying To Switch Over To Ubuntu - Doesn't Have The Program Startup Disk Creator

Oct 20, 2010

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to switch over to Ubuntu. I have downloaded the OS to my computer but can't figure out how to put it on my USB flashdrive as directed. It shows how use your USB flashdrive using Windows, Mac and Ubuntu but when I read the instructions for Ubuntu, opensuse does not have the program Startup Disk Creator.

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General :: Running Shell Program On Startup As Root In Terminal

Aug 4, 2010

I am running Linux Mint 9..I play xbox live and run it through my laptops wireless network connection so i dont have to pay 100 dollars for the usb wireless adapter for the xbox. In windows 7 this is easy to configure so that when i turn my laptop on and then xbox it automatically connects.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Use Inittab At The Inittab To Initiate A Program At Startup?

Jul 5, 2010

1. I am using CentOS 5.4 and I try to use inittab at the etc/inittab to initiate a program at startup

2. Below is my script and saved as heritrix.sh

export HERITRIX_HOME=/root/heritrix-1.14.3
chmod u+x $HERITRIX_HOME/bin/heritrix
$HERITRIX_HOME/bin/heritrix --admin=LOGIN:PASSWORD --port=9090

3. I did the chmod +x for the permission already.

4. I not confirmed whether it is running at startup.

5. the script is no problem as I have check it

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Ubuntu :: Program Irxevent Start Automatic When The System Start Irxevent On Startup?

May 27, 2010

I install lirc and want to prgram irxevent start automatic when the system start

System->Preferences->Startup Applications
Add an item,but that not works every time,means sometimes cannot work.

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Ubuntu :: Inbuilt Logging System - Ran And Installation - Program Opened Automatically - Can't Find Program Executable

Feb 23, 2011

I was wondering whether there is an inbuilt logging system in UNIX?

I ran and installation and the program opened up automatically but I can't find the program executable.

If I could find a log then I could locate this file.

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