Ubuntu :: Tabbing Between Pages Slows Down - Performance Being Impacted

Jun 24, 2010

I'd noticed the RAM-usage issue, in that at boot and without browsers running, it sits right around 50% memory usage in both desktop and laptop. Again, no problem there. What kills me is when I run Firefox and Chrome at the same time (which I often due for development reasons, and because I have various accounts set up in each). When that happens, RAM usage will push 85-90% or higher. If this were just caching I wouldn't care, but this actually causes the whole system to slow down. Tabbing between pages slows down, sometimes the whole desktop will freeze for a second or two, it can take up to 10 seconds to get the screen back from the screensaver, applications & menus are slow to respond, etc etc. Killing one of the browsers will knock RAM usage back down to 70% or so and the sluggishness stops. I could have an identical number of windows open (two browsers w/ several tabs, big GIMP image, multiple small apps in parallel).

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Ubuntu :: Performance Slows Down After 2-3 Days?

Jul 7, 2010

I hope somebody has a solution to this annoying situation: right after restart my system is very fast (at least for me), but after few days it slows down to the point when using it becomes a waste of time. As soon as I restart everything is OK. Usually I keep open 1-2 Open Office files, couple large PDFs, and some Firefox tabs at the same time, nothing special. No gaming/video on this rig, just basic internet and text processing. Here are my specs:

9.10 Karmic
Kernel Linux 2.6.31-22-generic
GNOME 2.28.1
Memory: 433.1 MiB
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3200+

Am I wrong thinking that I have enough juice to keep these windows open? Maybe there is a way to tweak something?

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Programming :: Find Impacted Exe's For Given Function Name?

Dec 3, 2010

I am looking for some smart way to find all the exe's names for the given local function.
We are having thousands of C and Cobol files, and out of this we are creating 100's of exes. Now if I change any one of the function(C or Cobol), I want to know which exe's are going to be impacted.

One function written in some file can be called from lot other places, and create separate exes.

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Fedora :: Any Pdf Viewer Other Than Acroread With Tabbing?

Jan 23, 2010

I want to be able to view multiple pdfs with tabs like Adobe Reader does but I'd prefer to use a native app like okular. Is there anything in Fedora other than acroread that can open multiple pdfs at a time in tabs?

In okular when you try to load more than one pdf, the newer one pushes out the first one.

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OpenSUSE :: When Copy Paste From Universal Clipboard It Keeps Tabbing Making The Scripts Very Long?

Jun 15, 2011

How to remove the auto tab ? After i wrote ( { )In the terminal there is auto tab .. this looks handy at first but :When i copy paste from universal clipboard it keeps tabbing making the scripts very long .. Is there a setting how to remove it

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Fedora :: Apache Not Parsing Php Pages / Trying To Run Php Script In Browser Its Not Opening Php Pages?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a Cent OS 5.4 32 bit final installed in my dedicated server.

I used to run lighttpd with php in my server until now and all was fine.But yesterday I changed my website which needs apache to run. So installed apache using yum install httpd command.

Then I added the virtual host name of my domain in webmin panel but when i try to run my php script in browser then its not opening php pages.

Instead it downloads php files like index.php when i open in browser.So I guess apache is not able to compile and run php pages. Only html pages are opening right now..

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General :: Man Pages Not Displayed / Saying Formatting Pages And Then It Is Displaying Blank Page?

Sep 9, 2009

when i input man <cmd>.....it's saying formatting pages....n then it is displaying blank page.

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Ubuntu :: Ondemand Vs Performance - Increases The Clock Speed To Performance When The CPU Is Under Load

Jul 31, 2010

I just wanted to know if having my laptop set to ondemand, will this affect performance in any way? I realize it increases the clock speed to performance when the CPU is under load, but does the time it take to go from ondemand to performance affect speed? Will there be any noticeable difference between the two setups? I have a dual core intel at 2.2GHz when in performance. When ondemand is set with no load it downclocks to 800Mhz.

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Server :: Web Server Sees The Pages But Not The Folder That Has All The Images For The Pages

May 14, 2010

I'm very new to Linux, and I have ran a Windows XP server before, with a Apache2 Server software for Windows. and didn't have any problems with it, but I really want to set this server up with Linux.

The server is running, but the only thing that comes up in the browser, is the html pages, the pages call all the images from a folder /images/ but for some reason I can't get it to pull the folder up. None of the graphics show on any of the pages.

I also have a VirtualHost setup, and have another website set up in the DocumentRoot with the 2nd site, but it won't come up ether, even tho it is listed as the 2nd VirtualHost, and have that folder set up as the DocumentRoot.

I'm just using IP Addresses for now till I get this all sorted out.So if I enter the IP the main page comes up, just no graphics. if I enter the IP Address/2ndSiteFolder/ I get a directory listing with the 2nd site folder listed, so now if I click on the 2ndSiteFolderName, it comes up as IP/2ndSiteFolder/2ndSiteFolder/ Now the 2nd site comes up, and so does all the Graphics for that site, even if I go to some of the other subfolders site. So its just weird. I don't know what I need to do to get this to work right.

I know it has to do with setting up the folders for VirtualHost, I just don't know what it is. I have been working on this for a week, and I'm not getting anywhere..

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Randomly Slows Down After Login

Jan 13, 2011

Using ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, last few days my desktop is not stable. Everytime my system becomes very slowwwwwwwww after login (after 5 mins, after 2 mins very random), sometimes it takes a while even to get to login screen. I checked System Monitor when this happens, i don't see high cpu usage/memory usage. Only thing i see is, when i shutdown my machine, it giving few errors about Virtualbox.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Locks Up Slows Way Down?

Jul 9, 2011

About a week after installing 11.04, I started noticing that my computer basically locks up after leaving it for many hours. When I come back, I cant get any programs to respond. I click on Firefox and it takes about one minute for it to finally respond. If I try to launch Konsole, it locks up too. But suddenly all programs start responding at the same time, after about one minute.

This is very frustrating and I just feel the problem is zeitgeist. Of course I am not sure because I cant even run System Monitor to check the problem since I cant run any apps for about a minute. By the time I run System Monitor everything is working again.

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Applications :: Ubuntu In Virtual Box Slows Way Down

May 15, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu in a virtualbox on a Windows 7 host. It works great - except after I start up the machine, the response to keystrokes and updating of the screen slows way down. It gets slower and slower until it is unbearable after about an hour. If I save the machine state and reload it, things work great again - so it sounds like a virtualbox problem, not an ubuntu problem. Do other people who run Ubuntu in a virtualbox see this behavior? Do other people who run virtualbox in Windows 7 see this?

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Ubuntu :: Screen Freezes On Suspend And Hdd Slows?

Jan 13, 2010

When ever I choose suspend to shutdown the hard drive slows and the picture on the screen freezes. The mouse and kb are disabled and the cpu fan keeps running. My hardware in in my sig below I have turned off automaitic updates straight after installing from disc as the last time I had it switched on after a few updates I got repeated ata drive read errors and the pc would freeze for a while being unable to read from the hdd. I have run wd diagnostics on the drive and it works fine. To fix this problem I did a clean install after messing round for 3 days and achieving nothing. I have an arch partition that works fine as well although I have not attempted to get suspend working with it. ( hal error) I have read a few thread on the net and tried entering the swap disks uuid into grub.

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Ubuntu :: Wallpaper Change Slows Down Laptop?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a Dell XPS M1530 which has 4GB of RAM and Nvidia graphics card. I have problem with Ubuntu 9.10 (had the same problem with previous version). If I change the desktop wallpaper from System > Preference > Appearance it seems to freeze everything momentarily (15-30 seconds). Then you see the jagged transition happen when wallpaper changes from current to new.

I tried with wallpaper-tray applet and it has the same affect. I have NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.09-pkg1 installed for Nvidia and all the effects enabled. They don't run slow at all...Like when I move the window, the window frame is fluid and flows beautifully. Is there a way I can make the wallpaper issue go away? Or disable the transition effect on wallpaper change?

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 System Slows To Unbearable Until Reboot?

May 3, 2010

I ran Karmic until last week, and noticed that it seemed to be getting slower. I was hoping a clean install of Lucid would fix that. it's worse. If I leave my machine running for a few hours, something begins dragging down the performance to a crawl.

System Monitor sometimes won't come up - launches an empty grey window. Other times, System Monitor reports that gnome-system-monitor is consuming 86-96% CPU. This is a dual-core Dell e6500 laptop with 4 Gigs of RAM, it should fly. Any ideas on troubleshooting this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade - Slows Network ?

Jul 8, 2010

I upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10.

Network accesses are now dramatically slower.

I upgraded a copy of my previous 9.10 installation so I can still use 9.10.

Network does work with 10.04 but is extremely slow. Website loading is initially quite fast but then slows to a crawl. Second and third tabs appear to stall completely, waiting for the first tab to finish.

All of this works just fine under 9.04.

Toshiba M45-S165
1.5 GB RAM

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Ubuntu :: Music Lags Or Slows Down While Multitasking?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a problem multitasking in ubuntu. all i want to do is be able to browse the web or play a game while listening to music, currently trying to do this slows or makes music lag.I have a dual core processor and 2 gb of ram, and ubuntu runs lightening fast, even while multitasking everything but the music runs great. i can do this in windows, so i dont see why i cant do it in ubuntu.

i have watched my cpu and ram monitors while doing this and there are plenty of unused resources, i believe neither processor core ever tops 20% while trying to do this, and ram, 7%. I want ubuntu to use the extra resources instead of taking away from my music playback. And what i mean by games are like quadrapassel and simple stuff, im not trying anything difficult. So my question is; Can i make ubuntu use more resources, or never sacrifice music quality?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Slows Down When On Battery ?

May 31, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 running on a Dell Latitude E6500 notebook and am using the Broadcom STA wireless driver (just in passing, same happens on Mint 10).

My problem is this:
- when the computer is plugged into a power outlet, wireless works fine, but
- when the computer is running on battery, it hardly works at all: The network strength indicator item still shows the same connection strength but data are not transmitted anymore or only extremely slowly (google.com might 2 minutes to load).

The drop in performance literally happens 1 sec after unplugging it, and once the notebook is plugged into external power again, it resumes after a few seconds. (I have tested this with big downloads where you can see Firefox's or the Update Manager's download speeds.) The BIOS doesn't seem to have power saving settings that make that happen, and I haven't found any in Ubuntu.

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General :: Ubuntu Slows To Crawl When Un-archiving Big File

Aug 4, 2010

I started unarchiving a RAR file that this several gigabytes big. The computer is now going really slow, it's almost frozen. Sometimes I can move the mouse a little, but that's it. The unarchiving process seems to have halted, so now all I can do is restart the system. I don't think I can unarchive this file in Linux.

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Ubuntu :: DKMS Auto Installation Slows Down Boot

Mar 4, 2010

Recently my boot time went from barely 2 minutes to more than 10.it goes to text from the splash logo and a line shows :"running dkms auto installation service for kernel 2.6.28-18-generic".And then each 3 or 4 minutes it shows a driver (for a total of 3) : nvidia, vboxdrv and other one related to vbox.I've scanned through syslog but I can't find anything related to this issue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic Instal Time Slows Now?

Apr 3, 2010

Installed Karmic or upgraded to it, and the Time Date in the upper right loses time now after upgrade to Karmic. Worked fine before upgrade so it is not hardware.

Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic)
4.4.1 (i486-linux-gnu)
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
GeForce 7300 GT

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Ubuntu :: Copy Over Network (rsync,scp) Slows Down System

May 27, 2010

I have a newly installed Dell Optiplex 755 with Ubuntu 10.04 (64-bit) and I am having serious issues with network copying. Whenever I start rsync och scp with larger amounts of data my system becomes practically unresponsive (all types of apps grey out) until those processes are completed. Cpu stays at below 10% and I have lots of free memory and such .

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Slows Down While Moving Between Partitions?

Dec 30, 2010

im using ubuntu server 64 bit on intel atom410D. when im using my SATA DRIVE as AHCI mode while i moving 4 GB files from one partition to another my server is getting so slow that it will take me to login on ssh 2 minutes. so i have seen a thing or two about a bug on it. i changed the AHCI mode to IDE mode and now it seems to work better.

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Ubuntu :: System Slows Down - Cannot Use It Watching Any Online Videos

Feb 20, 2011

My system slows much down so that i cannot use it at all when am watching any online videos or movies am using firefox 3.6.13 .

My spec is:
intel celeron 2.53 Ghz
512 Mb ram
ubuntu 10.04 on 40 GB seagate ide harddisk
Windows Xp on 80 GB western digital ide harddisk in dual boot.

And also my browser cannot open login page of yahoo site and some time it waits saying waiting for s7.addthis.com, or waiting for ad.yieldmanager.com like some thing when i am trying to open some sites

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Debian :: Crypto On System Slows Down ?

Dec 25, 2010

I've got a Lenny system on a quad core system with 4GB of ram. Currently Linux www 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Nov 25 02:05:44 UTC 2010 x86_64

I've had it for a couple of years, and its been fine, very fast and reliable.

Lately, its got a problem: after its been running for a day or two, access using SSH, or TLS/HTTPS gets really slow. Painfully slow. A reboot returns the system to normal fast operation.

I can't think of anything that has changed, other than I got a new SSL cert and installed it.

The system is mostly a vanity domain server, with Apache HTTPD running a half dozen very low volume services. Its running bind9, mysql, and a few other things, nothing big, nothing that would load down a quad core with lots of ram. The disk is only 14% used.

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Networking :: Windows PC Slows Down My Network ?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a Actiontec m1000 modem from Qwest that seems to offer more speed to my brothers Windows PC then my Linux PC (same make and module) I checked the ping on all systems, and they all look fine. The only thing that seems different is the number of open sessions in the modem, Linux only uses 2, and Windows uses 80. My guess is that the modem uses sessions to control the bandwidth, but I don't know how to add sessions to Linux networking to compete for bandwidth. I did test in the same browser.

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Networking :: OpenVPN Slows Down Connection

Aug 21, 2010

I'm using OpenVPN to connect to a remote system. When I run


It brings up a new tunnel interface. The problem is that once the tun interface is brought up and the VPN is established, my whole Internet connection slows to a crawl.

Here is the output from ip route show before openvpn:


And after openvpn:


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General :: Kubuntu Slows During DVD Playback?

Mar 7, 2011

I have an old laptop that used to run on Vista. It got so bogged down with excess software etc that it was barely running. There was no sound and it was unbelievably slow.

I know its supposed to be more stable (almost uncrashable!) and generally faster so I've done a complete reinstall with kubuntu (I tried a few different distributions with live discs and this was my favourite). All I need it to do is play DVDs - I have a netbook for everything else but the screen is too small for watching movies.

The reinstall worked perfectly and I love kubuntu. The sound now works fine and its MUCH faster.

Except ...

Half way through watching a DVD the system seems to suddenly slow down. The DVD playback becomes choppy and unwatchable and even when I close the player, the whole OS is painfully slow. Programs take ages to open. Even selecting shut down or restart takes over a minute.

And here's the weird part. A restart doesn't fix it. If I restart the system and try to watch the DVD again its instantly choppy. And the whole OS is slow. I actually have to leave the whole system off for a while (I usually give up for the night!) before it calms down.

The laptop is not noticeably hot. Leaving the machine on for a long while doesn't cause problems. It seems to be only when watching DVDs. The spec is not especially low (1GB ram and a reasonable processor) and it doesn't matter whether I use VLC, Dragon or Movie Player.

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Fedora :: Compiz Slows Down After RAM Memory Upgrade

Oct 19, 2009

I've just added an extra 1GB of RAM memory to my laptop (HP 530). Now I have 2 GB. Everything runs great, except Compiz and 3D games. It looks like anything that's related to the graphics card now slows down. Rotating the cube lags badly, so does the Burn effect, and UrbanTerror is lagging too.

Before the upgrade, I had a Samsung 1GB SO-DIMM, 667 MHz. Then, I bought a Kingston 1GB SO-DIMM, 667 MHz too. When the laptop boots with either of the SO-DIMMs (only ONE GB at a time), everything runs smoothly, like before. But when I put both of them (regardless of the order in the sockets), my video card seems to slow down at nearly half of it's speed.

I haven't tried with Windows yet. Also, my graphics card has a dedicated memory of 256 MB, so there's no memory sharing between video and the RAM.

I just don't get it. Also, there are other people that seem to have slowdowns after upgrading the RAM, but usually the whole system is affected. For me, it's just the video. It actually boots faster with the 2 GB. Yet I found no clear solution to this.

Running Fedora 10 i686, on a 32-bit Intel Core Duo @2200 MHz, video card Intel 945GM Express, with 256 MB of dedicated memory. The swap partition is 2.8 GB in size.

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Networking :: Large FTP Upload Slows And Fails?

Feb 3, 2010

I am programmatically doing a large FTP upload (about 5 Gb's of 2-3 Mb files) from my Windows 7 machine to a ProFTPd server on my Ubuntu box. When the program is run, transfer rates are huge! but as run time continues, transfer rates drop off significantly and eventually slow to a halt resulting in a:


Read Timed Out


The rest of the uploads fail due to Socket Read Errors.

Why is the transfer failing like this?

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