Programming :: Find Impacted Exe's For Given Function Name?

Dec 3, 2010

I am looking for some smart way to find all the exe's names for the given local function.
We are having thousands of C and Cobol files, and out of this we are creating 100's of exes. Now if I change any one of the function(C or Cobol), I want to know which exe's are going to be impacted.

One function written in some file can be called from lot other places, and create separate exes.

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Programming :: How Can A Friend Function Access A Public Function From A Base Class

Nov 16, 2010

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


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Programming :: Passing Data From Interrupt Handler Function To Tasklet Function?

May 18, 2010

I am doing some Linux kernel programming for my research project. I need to record the timestamp (by using cpuid and rdtsc) when an interrupt handler (top half) is first invoked. Due to the time critical nature of the problem itself, I have to do the timestamping inside the interrupt handler itself (the first operation when the handler is called). However, I understand that tasks that are not so time critical should be deferred to a tasklet function (bottom half) for processing because other interrupts are disabled in a (top-half) interrupt handler. I am currently out of idea on how I can pass the timestamp information that I have obtained in the interrupt handler to the corresponding tasklet function.

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Ubuntu :: Tabbing Between Pages Slows Down - Performance Being Impacted

Jun 24, 2010

I'd noticed the RAM-usage issue, in that at boot and without browsers running, it sits right around 50% memory usage in both desktop and laptop. Again, no problem there. What kills me is when I run Firefox and Chrome at the same time (which I often due for development reasons, and because I have various accounts set up in each). When that happens, RAM usage will push 85-90% or higher. If this were just caching I wouldn't care, but this actually causes the whole system to slow down. Tabbing between pages slows down, sometimes the whole desktop will freeze for a second or two, it can take up to 10 seconds to get the screen back from the screensaver, applications & menus are slow to respond, etc etc. Killing one of the browsers will knock RAM usage back down to 70% or so and the sluggishness stops. I could have an identical number of windows open (two browsers w/ several tabs, big GIMP image, multiple small apps in parallel).

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Programming :: Declaring A Function In A Function - C Programming

May 24, 2010

I want to declare a function in a function, but had no success till now, see the error code below and visit the project at sourceforge


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Programming :: Bash Array Add Function Example Using Indirect Array Reference As Function Argument?

Jun 20, 2010

I looked on the net for such function or example and didin't find anything, thus after having made one i guess it would be legitimate to drop it to see what others thinks of it.

local arrayname=$1


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Programming :: Surface Fitting Using NR Function Svdfit ( ) In C Programming?

Sep 16, 2010

fit a surface i.e. W(x,y) using svdfit() provided by "Numerical Recipes in C". svdfit() is written for curve fitting and not for surface fitting.But one can use svdfit(), as claimed by authors of NR book, to do surface fitting. On page 680 of NR book, authors have given a hint on how to use svdfit() for fitting a surface. But I have not understood it.This link may be helpful (Chapter 15 th is relevant here.):[URL]This is my problem:

I have a set of 100 numbers. I want to fit a 2-Dimensional function W(x,y) to these numbers.


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Software :: Function To Find The Size Of The Directory?

Oct 26, 2010

Is there any Linux function to find the size of the directory? stat() function can be used only for files and not directory. Can anyone let me know for to find the size of the directory from the C code

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Programming :: Calling An Asm Function From C?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a question about calling an asm function from C....It doesn't work unless I create an asm variable to hold the value of the function in....Why?Here's the code that doesn't work...

asmfile.s - version one Code: .section .data
mydata: .ascii "this is the message!
.equ mylen, . - mydata


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Programming :: Using Backtrace() Function In C?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to use backtrace() function to debug a crash issue. I tried this sample code to see how backtrace works. backtrace() function always returns 0 with the below code. Is there any kernel configuration that needs to be set for proper working of backtrace?

#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Obtain a backtrace and print it to stdout. */
print_trace (void)


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Programming :: How To Write / Use Function

May 30, 2010

Can you offer me the code about fmod() in C. I want to know how this function work, i am very interested in it because i have no idea to implement it, i want to know... how to write the function... not 'how to use the function' can anyone post the source codes of this function here?

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Programming :: Accessing C Function From C++

Jul 5, 2010

i have an open source application that was developed in C++ (it uses objects and namespaces all over the place). I also have another application that was developed in C. Now i am trying to insert the code made in C into C++ application, but when i do that , i get this error on compilation of the source code:

error: 'mpi_init_vars' was not declared in this scope the function mpi_init_vars() is not part of object oriented programming and it doesn't belong to any scope, it was compiled into an object file and i am linking it with all objects of C++ application.

How can invoke the C function from C++ object oriented code?

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Programming :: Bash Function Using If / Then And Else

May 2, 2011

I am trying to build a function inside a script.

#System commands and other configurable.
INT_NET= .....

I can find lots of tutorials in how to use if, then, else. However, how do I define a variable inside the function?
for c in $ISO
Also, am I using the 'test' command correctly( -/+ week as valid test)?

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Programming :: Calling C Function In Php?

Feb 7, 2011

I am doing a web site program and what I need is to call a C program in the PHP cloud.Do u think it would be possible? The web site would get the user input from PHP UI and pass to the C program , the C program would process the function with the user input and output the a PHP page.

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Programming :: C++/c Function Is Uable To Know Its Name?

Jan 4, 2011

I ask if a c++/c function is able to know its name from inside itself:


int funct1(int a,b)
printf("%s ",funct_name());
or with a trick.

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Programming :: Run 'time' On A Function?

May 30, 2010

diskfillerfunction () {


Test 15: fill up partition /usr/bin/time: cannot run diskfillerfunction: No such file or directory

I am obviously omitting (...) a lot of the code, but the relevant part is all there. How do I 'time' a function?

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Programming :: Run Function In Background?

Mar 26, 2010

I wrote a spinner in Perl and when I did a spinner in shell I could just run the subroutine in the background.


In Perl, how do you run a function in a background and get the PID for that? I know PID in Perl is $$

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Programming :: Regarding Sleep() Function In C?

Mar 25, 2011

I know what is the functionality of the sleep() method.

for(i = 0; i < length; i++){
", message[i]);

Result :every print of the message will be takes 1000sec of gap but i want to know why wee need to use the Sleep function. where exactly it is useful

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Programming :: Return Value From A Function?

Nov 15, 2010

On this link [URL]4 a return type is defined

return ((unsigned int)(unsigned long)base & TBASE_DEFERRABLE_FLAG);
What is the above function returning.I am not clear with definition of what is being returned in the above code.

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Programming :: Use Function C In Java?

Apr 8, 2010

i want to compile function c in java and compile library is success.. when i call the library in java and error is :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(


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Programming :: Use Pipe In Excel Function?

Apr 13, 2010

In shell, I execute "./ffmpeg -f h264 - | xxx"

Now I hope use execl function to execute above operations,

I call execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", "./ffmpeg -f h264 - | xxx");

but ffmpeg doesn't work, it seems that "|" pipe don't work.

how could I solve this?

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Programming :: Remote Function With Pthread?

May 22, 2010

I wrote some code in c, using pthread (I configured the linker and compiler in eclipse IDE first).

Code: #include <pthread.h>
#include "starter.h"
#include "UI.h"
Page* MM;


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Programming :: .bashrc Function Tab Completion?

Jul 5, 2010

I tried to make a (very simple) function to put in my .bashrc file to make a local backup of a file, but when I call the function and try to use tab completion I get the following error: Code: cp: cannot stat `help': No such file or directory The function I added is as follows:

Code: function bk
cp -f --backup=numbered ${1} ${1}.bak


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Programming :: Get Function's Prototype From Elf File?

Oct 18, 2010

I've an ELF file (exec)...I'm interested in getting a the function prototype of the "myfunc"...

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Programming :: Gc-sections Remove All Function Not Used?

Nov 18, 2010

This is my file, named xxx.c. And there are two functions in it.


When I try to compile the whole project, I used -ffunction-sections,-fdata-sections to generate the .o files, use Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--print-gc-sections to link to the exacutable file. gcc 4.3.2 ld 2.18 Debian 5 After the first time I compiled it, I got a list of Removed functions. But one second later, I rememberd that I forget to close the Compile Switch: Debug. Then I had to recompile it and got another list. Compare these two lists, I found that , bxx isn't on the second list. First I guess that bxx is a debug function but never used in debug mode, and it won't be compiled in release mode. I check the source and find that there was no compile switch for bxx. But it's caller function axx, is removed, both the debug switch is on and off. I try to compiled the project for several times , but the result is the same. I can't realized it , why? Is that the --gc-sections won't remove all the functions not used?

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Programming :: Function To Close The Script

Feb 12, 2011

I'm doing a script to make some task but I would like to know how can I do the part to check the bu.log ? Cause if the files exists it will send me an email with the log, but when the file doesnt exist it will send a blank emal that why i would like to 'check the file' and if there isnt will end it.

if [ $x ]; then #if the file exists will do
for file in *.log


How can I edit the funcion to check if there isnt an arq.log and close the script?

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Programming :: How To Use A Function Inside A Shell

Apr 28, 2011

I am very new to shell script, and my requirement is --

1. open the apache access log, use "cut" and "grep" to find the numbers.
2.put the result in a file
3.then compare the same result with day before result
4. send the result via e-mail.

so how can i do that , using some functions..

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Programming :: Adding Further Function On Sh Script?

Apr 10, 2010

I use following script:-


# cd Linbread
TODAY=`date +"%m%d"`
DATA=`grep $TODAY linbread.dat`


sound file .wav and background .gif are available. Please advise what shall I add to the script to do the job as expected.

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Programming :: Assign Value To Array In Function

Oct 16, 2010

Here is statement.

$1 is an argument which is actually and array. In function we want to assign a value 0 of it's first content. But it's wrong way. Anybody know the right way to assign value in function by passing as argument.

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Programming :: Compile Function C To Java?

Apr 6, 2010

i want compile function c to java under linux. the bashfile comp :

$ cc -fpic -c $(SRCS)
$ ld -shared $(OBJS) -o

i see in

$ comp -java example.i # line 1
$ gcc -c example.c example_wrap.c -I/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_17/include -I/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_17/include/linux # line 2
$ gcc -shared example.o example_wrap.o -mno-cygwin -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias -o #line 3

error line 3 :

/usr/bin/ld: unrecognized option '--add-stdcall-alias'
/usr/bin/ld: use the --help option for usage information collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

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