Ubuntu :: Spinning Cursor After Firefox Loads

Apr 14, 2010

What I have noticed on several versions of Ubuntu, both 32 and 64 bit (including 9.10, 10.04 b2 and UNR 9.10) is that after the launch of Firefox (including the current 3.6.3 version), I continue to get a spinning cursor for more than 10 seconds after the FF window is present and ready to accept input. Sometimes I get it only when moving the cursor outside the FF window and other times it will be in the window, too. I have even noticed it persist for a short time after quitting FF. I think it's definitely related to FF because I don't see this occur unless FF is launched, not even when another browser (Chromium in this case) is launched. To add to the mystery, I see it in Ubuntu and Mint 8 xfce, but not in Ubuntu-based distros with simpler window managers like Mint 8 fluxbox or CrunchBang 9.04 (openbox). To try to get rid of this, I have tried various FF configuration speedups available from the Net - changes implemented through about:config. These do speed up FF, but they don't get rid of the spinning wheel.As far as I can tell, the spinning wheel has no impact on FF operation - it doesn't stop me from entering a url and accessing it, though perhaps it slows down implementation.

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Ubuntu :: Fan Not Spinning / Barely Spinning?

May 6, 2011

I am using a toshiba sattelite L300 laptop, and i am facing severe overheating issues as a result of the cooling fan Barely even spinning / not spinning at all.

Temps have been as high as 110 degrees, It's extremely frustrating.

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Ubuntu :: Whenever Try To Run Firefox For The First Time, It Loads For A Bit, Then It Crashes?

Jan 30, 2010

Anyway, I installed Ubuntu normally. Whenever I try to run Firefox for the first time, it loads for a bit, then it crashes. Every time. I tried reinstalling it, and the isntallation was fine. I managed to connect properly. But it won't run.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Always Loads On Start-up Despite No Setting For It?

Jun 12, 2011

Every time i start Ubuntu, Firefox loads as soon as i log in. I've checked the list of start-up applications and it's not there, the option to automatically remember open applications is unchecked in both startup application settings and Ubuntu tweak. Is there some other place that has this setting or any setting that would cause Firefox to load on boot? Is there a setting in Firefox I'm missing?Basically how do i stop this from happening?

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Fedora :: Firefox Only Loads Fedoraproject.org

Sep 12, 2009

I just installed a fresh version of fedora 11, and it went extremely smooth, except for one thing; I opened up firefox and it was at the fedora start page with a google search, i typed text into the search box, hit enter, and got a infamous "This page cannot be displayed" error.I have checked my connection, turned off the firewall, and rebooted the system. The problem still persists. I have no idea what is going on, it says i'm connected, I can do a software update which has to go through the internet connection, but for some reason, firefox doesn't want me to go anywhere besides fedoraproject.org.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Loads GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu8 While Watching .swf File In Firefox

Nov 23, 2010

My problem is that last night, when I was watching some .swf file in firefox, the computer slowed down to the point of my not being able to do anything about it. I shut the computer down and restarted to handle the problem. This worked the first few times, and proceeded to really turn out bad later on.

Now, I have windows and ubuntu on the same hard drive. Whenever I select ubuntu, I get a message saying "GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu8" and some stuff about how limited Bash-like commands are supported. I can also his tab to do stuff. By using the help command for everything, I have determined that the command "linux" is supposed to load linux and "boot" is supposed to load an OS. Everytime time I pick a command that should load something, it says that I need to load a kernal.

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Software :: Firefox Loads Full Screen By Default?

Mar 5, 2009

There seems to be nothing in Preferences or anything, but after the other night, all new windows load in semi-full screen, where the File-Edit-etc menus are there, but the bar at the top isn't, and the taskbar at the bottom is covered by it. Its what happens with certain annoying ads, but now its any window.

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General :: Firefox Only Not Having Same Cursor As All X11 Apps / Wm?

Mar 6, 2011

I changed my cursors. However the firefox browser is having the black one.gtk is the theme I choosed.gimp is fine, the theme.I found that kspread is not ok, it does not follows the main choosed x11 theme, all other apps does well the selection of the x11 theme that has been selected.

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Ubuntu :: Disappearing Mouse Cursor When Visiting Websites In Firefox?

Jan 23, 2011

I have got an interesting issue here. After having ubuntu running for awhile I will visit a certain website that maybe running a script or flash or something and then all of a sudden the screen goes blank for a second and then everything comes back except the mouse pointer is no longer visible. I can logout and then back in and the pointer is back. I wasn't going to ask about it but it is getting annoying having to log out and than back in. I am running a ati card with the iopen source ati driver. It is a VisionTek 9250 pci card with 128 mb of ram. I wonder if it is a combo of this, Adobe Flash and Compiz.

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Software :: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala / Firefox 3.5 Cursor Oddity / Bug?

Feb 28, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala with Firefox 3.5.8 and the Synaptic touch pad driver for laptops. The problem occurs no matter if I choose to reinstall Firefox or the driver, a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10, or a combination of them. As I browse through Firefox, on no certain, but continually occurring occasion my mouse cursor distorts as I hover over links.

The distortion look as if the cursor is rapidly alternating between its normal state and the link hovering state. The thing is, this happens so rapidly it can become distracting and even downright maddening, as it sometimes doesn't click the link. The best term for the oddity is: it freaks out; it goes crazy. This has happened on various themes and preference settings, so it apparently has nothing to do with that. It does not happen anywhere else apart from Firefox, as far as I know. I think this is a generic Ubuntu-Firefox bug, but I have not been able to retrieve a solution.

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Debian :: Firefox / Thunderbird Jumping Logo Below Cursor For Long Time In KDE

May 7, 2011

I downloaded Firefox and Thunderbird from the mozilla site and unpacked them and added the executables to the main menu. When I start either of them, the respective logo jumps up and down below the cursor for more than 10 seconds after the program has finished loading. Is there an easy fix to this small but annoying issue? I run Squeeze with KDE on a Thinkpad R61.

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Ubuntu :: Cut Random Text And When The Cursor Focus Jumps Back To The Location Of The Cursor On The Screen

Jul 1, 2010

Im running netbook remix on a eeepc 1005ha. It is my only OS and Im loving it except for one obnoxious quirk. It randomly cuts text and randomly pastes it. If there is something in the clipboard, it will usually paste that, but just as often it will cut random text and paste that. The pastes occur when the cursor focus jumps back to the location of the cursor on the screen. I dont know a better way to phrase that, but thats what it is doing. Say... I put the cursor over the word "pastes" in the paragraph above... even though Im typing in this paragraph, the focus will "jump" to the cursors physical locale (the word "pastes") and then paste whatever is in the clipboard. If the cursor is outside of the textbox, the page will jump to the bottom.

This behavior occurs across programs and in any place text can be entered. I can find no rhyme or reason for it... it just... happens. Sometimes even when Im away from my computer, so its not like Im hitting some key on accident. I have loved everything about this ubuntu distro, but this issue is just toany obnoxious. Writing psych papers on this thing is going to be near impossible if I dont get this fixed before I go back to school.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cursor Is Always Busy Cursor After Upgrade To 10.04

May 1, 2010

Am running Ubuntu NBR as the sole OS on my Dell Mini 9. Switched over in March to 9.10 NBR. Everything worked fine.Upgraded to 10.04 when it was released. It's awesome EXCEPT for this busy cursor thing.As soon as I log in, all the time my cursor is the spinning wheel of busyness.... It works just as a normal cursor would - my computer also does not seem to be slower due to any operations.If I open an application, the cursor will behave as usual within the window but if I more my cursor to the title bar or switch out of the application, the "busy cursor" resumes.

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Ubuntu :: Keep The CPU Fan Spinning At 100% Constantly ?

Jul 3, 2011

I think I have found the problem to my Ubuntu laptop locking up, and it is most likely overheating. Is there any way to keep the CPU fan spinning at 100% constantly? I tried setting it up in the BIOS but it is an old laptop and I can't control it from there.

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Ubuntu :: Fan Spinning At 100% - Boot Splash Gone

May 1, 2010

I updated from 9.10 karmic to 10.04 LTS. Everything worked fine until, I restarted. Upon logout there are no splash screen like I had before in the 9.10, and my fan on my gfx are going crazy, spining at 100%. Well then I got to the grub loader, and discovered my boot splash was gone to. The only thing which is displayed on the screen are: mount dev /dev failed device71 Starting up. Then 10 seconds later alot of texts shows up and I get the login screen. I've looked around on the forum and other sites for a solution, but with no luck.

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Ubuntu :: HDD Is Constantly Spinning 10.10 64bit?

Jun 8, 2011

it gets the hdd very warm and keeps the fan on constantly as well generally heating the whole system . was so bad i ended up having to go back to windows anything i can do to get the hdd to go in standy by when in active like windows ???? cause i hate windows and love ubuntu but i dont wanna burn up my machine to keep ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Hard Disk Keeps Spinning?

Jun 19, 2011

I am a regular ubuntu user from 7.10 till now. Now I am using 11.04. This problem never happened with previous releases. When I open more than 4 windows in firefox or whenever I open "Ubuntu Software Center" the hard disk keeps spinning, mouse and keyboard are frozen. I tried to reboot from tty1. It takes around 3 minutes to get the command prompt after pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1. I reinstalled 11.04 several times. This problem is not solved. I have applied all the updates. What program is exactly causing this problem?

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Ubuntu :: When Click It, Get The Spinning Wheel (loading), And Nothing Happens Afterwards?

Jul 13, 2010

I downloaded the Doom 3 demo for Linux. It's a ".run" file. When I click it, I get the spinning wheel (loading), and nothing happens afterwards.

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Ubuntu :: Raised Windows When Spinning Cube?

Dec 24, 2010

How do I do it? I've got ccsm installed, but the "raise window" checkbox does nothing.

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Ubuntu :: CD In LiveCD Drive Constantly Spinning

Mar 30, 2011

When I run Ubuntu liveCD (Lucid), even when no programs are running and cpu is 98% idle, the CD Rom continues spinning constantly, even though it apparently isn't accessing any files. At this rate, the motor will burn out prematurely.I don't think this is normal. How can I troubleshoot this and keep it from running?

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Ubuntu :: BBC Video Not Playing - Hourglass Wheel Spinning

Nov 2, 2010

i am unable to play bbc videos although videos and other videos work fine. i believe i have the latest flash player installed and i installed bbc iplayer from the software center of ubuntu. i am running 64 bit ubuntu 10.10. when i click on a video on bbc i see the photo showing the start of the video but it doesn't progress past that; i just get the hourglass (wheel?) spinning around for a long time.

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General :: How To Get CPU Fan To Stop Spinning When Idle

Aug 11, 2011

I have a PC which I built ~3 years ago which had been running smoothly and silently until recently. Now, the CPU fan likes to spin up to 1200-1500 RPM even when it's idle, which is rather annoying. I have not made any recent changes (software-wise or hardware-wise) to it.

The specs:
Motherboard: Gigabyte MA78GM-S2HP
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) Dual Core Processor 4850e
Case: Antec Minuet 350 MicroATX
OS: Ubuntu 10.04, Linux 2.6.38-10-generic

I installed the lm-sensors and hddtemp packages (via apt-get) and configured them. Here's a typical output at steady-state, where the computer's been idle for a while and the fans have been spinning for the same while:

$ sensors
Adapter: PCI adapter
Core0 Temp: +29.0°C
Core0 Temp: +32.0°C
Core1 Temp: +27.0°C
Core1 Temp: +22.0°C
Adapter: ISA adapter .....
$ sudo hddtemp /dev/sda
/dev/sda: WDC WD5000AACS-00ZUB0: 35°C

These all seem fairly normal to me, so I'm perplexed as to why the fan continues to run at such a high RPM. What does the ALARM that's reported for in6 mean? Is it important? I've been playing around with the fancontrol daemon, trying to see if I could get better results than with the default fan management. Using the pwmconfig utility, I generated the following /etc/fancontrol file:

# Configuration file generated by pwmconfig, changes will be lost
DEVPATH=hwmon0=devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:18.3 hwmon1=devices/platform/it87.552
DEVNAME=hwmon0=k8temp hwmon1=it8718
FCTEMPS= hwmon1/device/pwm1=hwmon0/device/temp1_input
FCFANS= hwmon1/device/pwm1=hwmon1/device/fan1_input
MINTEMP= hwmon1/device/pwm1=35
MAXTEMP= hwmon1/device/pwm1=60
MINSTART= hwmon1/device/pwm1=180
MINSTOP= hwmon1/device/pwm1=100

This only sort of works—as soon as I enable the fancontrol daemon, the fan shuts off at first (good), but the temperatures of the 7 different sensors slowly rise, even when everything is idle. Eventually, when the Core0 Temp sensors goes past 35°, the fan comes back on, and then it alternates from being on and off at around 500-700 RPM, as the temperature goes back and forth across the boundary. It's certainly much more pleasant than 1200-1500 RPM, but it's still far from desirable.

Here's an example of the sensors output in that situation:
$ sensors
Adapter: PCI adapter
Core0 Temp: +36.0°C
Core0 Temp: +38.0°C
Core1 Temp: +34.0°C
Core1 Temp: +30.0°C
Adapter: ISA adapter .....
cpu0_vid: +1.100 V

I opened up the case, and the CPU heat sink felt warm but not excessively hot. I tried taking off the heat sink, cleaning off the thermal paste, putting on new thermal paste, and putting the heat sink back on, but that didn't seem to have much of an effect, if any. The two other heat sinks—one on the built-in AMD 780G graphics chipset and the other on the AMD SB700 southbridge—felt noticeably hotter than the CPU heat sink. So, my question is this: What should I do to get this computer back to the state where the fan is off when it's idle? Can I solve this with a smarter fancontrol configuration?

I cleaned out the heat sink and fan as best I could with compressed air (there wasn't a whole lot of dust, but I got rid of what I could), but still no dice. Rebooting into the BIOS configuration gives me the same results—the fan still runs at 1100-1200 RPM, and the system and CPU temperatures are reported as 40-44°C. Should I add another fan? The integrated GPU and the SB heatsinks felt significantly warmer to the tough than the CPU heatsink. The BIOS reports a system fan speed and NB fan speed of 0 rpm (since I don't have more than one fan).

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General :: Smartd Is Spinning Up Some Of Drives

Jan 22, 2011

I am running OpenSUSE 11.2 (but I do not suspect that this is distribution-specific).Linux bach #1 SMP PREEMPT 2009-12-15 23:55:40 +0100 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux.I am running in runlevel 3 while trying to sort this out.When smartd runs, it spins up my Western Digital drives from standby, but not my Samsung drive.Anyone know why blkid, edd_id and devkit-disks-pa are reading my standby drives? And are these reads sufficient to make drives spin up? I'm not sure what to look at next.

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Hardware :: Fan Stops Spinning After Booting?

Jan 26, 2011

I have got an Acer 3820T laptop. Among many problems that it seems to have with linux, the most critical one is that when I boot into linux, the fan stops spinning. I have already verified that the relevant modules are loaded into the kernel,


~$ modprobe --first-time -a processor thermal fan acpi-cpufreq coretemp
WARNING: Module processor already in kernel (builtin).
WARNING: Module thermal already in kernel (builtin).


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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD Boots But The Dvd Drive Stops Spinning

Dec 28, 2010

I'm trying to install v10.10 on my Sony Vaio VGN-NS150J, 4gb ram, 2gb core 2 duo, 320 gb HD...to no avail. The live CD boots, but the dvd drive stops spinning after i click the install button...the one that says i can't turn back. Nothing seems affected by quitting the install. I have no idea what to do except to not turn back to VistaOS. I intensely dislike that "operating system".

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Ubuntu :: Hard Drive Suddenly Starts Spinning And Won't Stop ?

Mar 5, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu 10.x for several months without any major problems. Everything was fine until this week.

In the past few days there's been a strange new problem. When I turn my computer on, it works fine for 10 minutes, and then the hard drive suddenly starts spinning and won't stop. While this happens the computer is virtually unusable. Mouse moves slow and jerky; apps don't respond; and eventually the windows close by themselves, the whole screen goes blank, and the system reboots. The whole process takes a long time, sometimes 30 minutes.

The only change I made just before this problem started was upgrading Firefox Beta 4 version 10 to the latest version 11. So, I deleted it, and went back to the latest stable version 3.6.x. That seemed to fix the problem for a day or so. But then it started happening again. I deleted all signs of Firefox; it still happens. So it's not a browser issue.

I am stumped. Today I started my computer and just let it sit there without opening any programs at all except the system monitor. It ran fine for the usual 10-15 minutes, nothing changed out of the ordinary in terms of computer resources used in the system monitor, and then suddenly the drive started spinning wildly again .....

Right now my computer's been on for 10 minutes and I am typing this message .... but who knows what will happen right now.

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General :: Stop HDD Spinning After Some Time / Where To Configure

Dec 16, 2010

If I use Gnome, is "gnome-power-preferences" the only place where I can configure the system to stop or not to stop spinning HDD as a power saving tool? Is there any other option outside GUI?

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Slackware :: HD Constantly Spinning When On Battery Power

Dec 27, 2010

I'm running the latest slackware64-current on my Dell laptop (Inspiron 1420). I rarely run it on battery power, so I don't know when this behavior started, but now it seems when I'm on battery power the hard drive likes to spin down and then spin up. This is not after 5 minutes or so of inactivity. This is 30 seconds of inactivity because I'm reading a web page or something. There is a noticable delay in the response of the system as a whole when the drive is having to spin back up. I'm also using xfce-4.6.2 with the xfce power manager. I've checked the settings, and I don't see anything about spinning down the hard drives. I've also looked through some ACPI rules, but I'm coming up empty.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fan Or Hard Drive Spinning - Upgrade From Karmic 9.10 To Lucid 10.04

May 5, 2010

I have an HP Mini 210 and I recently performed an Upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and noticed that the netbook is much more noisy now (and can get very warm). I am not sure wether is the fan or the hard drive spinning. I did a "top" but no process was high consuming. I also thought that maybe compiz could be responsable for it, so I disabled all the visual effects, but still no change.

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Debian Configuration :: Hard Disk Won't Stop Spinning Up / Down

Feb 11, 2015

I've bought a new notebook. The hard drive won't stop spinning down and then spinning up again during load. I don't want HD power saving, so I disabled it within

1. /etc/hdparm.conf
Code: Select all# -B apm setting
apm = 255
# -B apm setting when on battery
apm_battery = 255

It didn't work. I can still hear the HD spin up. It's annoying in a video game because things just suddenly stop for a second.

2. /etc/udev/rules.d/50-hdparm.rules

Code: Select allACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sda", RUN+="/usr/bin/hdparm -B 255 -S 0 /dev/sda"

This was also every tip I could find during RTFM.

Other specs:

Acer Aspire E5-521G-88A8 Notebook
AMD A8-6410 APU
AMD Radeon R5 2 GB VRAM
hdparm model number: ST1000LM024 HN-M101MBB

Debian Jessie

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