Ubuntu :: Sharing 2nd And 3rd Physical Drives?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a Dell XPS with Ubuntu 10.04 installed. I have a laptop dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04. I can see all shared folders on the Dell from my Windows partition in my laptop but can only see the shared folders in Home on the Dell from my Ubuntu partition in the laptop. My set up is as follows:


root, home and swap are on the 1st 160g hard drive.
2nd 160g hard drive has only the one partition: /storage1
3rd hard drive, 500g has only one partition: /storage2

I cannot access any of the shares on either storage drive but I can see them from the ubuntu laptop. What I want to do is have access to those storage drives from my laptop. If I go into Nautilus, navigate to either storage drive, I cannot share them via right click, properties because I don't have root. Basically I am not sure how to go about this. There are a few folders in storage 1 and storage 2 that I want to be able to access from my Ubuntu partition in my laptop. This is one of the reasons I still have Windows on the other laptop partition but I really would like to dump it. Samba is installed and I tried giving permissions that way. It allowed me to add the drives but it had no effect.

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General :: Physical Drives Need To Use The Same Interface?

Feb 5, 2011

I understand the software RAID partition types on two physical drives that will be paired must be set to the same size. However,

1. Do the physical drives themselves need to be the same size?

2. Do the physical drives need to use the same interface?

e.g. Can I setup mirroring with one 80G SATA, and one 320G PATA? (And is this reliable/stable?). The use is for an asterisk server which came with the 80G, I can't find anything smaller than 320G for the 2nd drive, and the free connector inside is PATA.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Single Logical Drive Out Of Two Physical Drives?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm installing Ubuntu to be used as an NFS storage server for my VMWare ESX servers. I've got a server that has two 2TB drives in it. The hardware raid controller isn't an option because it only sees up to 1TB of each drive. So, I'm trying to figure out to do this using either LVM or Parted. I don't know much about doing this, and LVM was the first thing I tried but it didn't seem to do much. It looks like it just created a smaller partition to install Ubuntu on. It didn't ask me what I wanted to do with the rest of the drive space. I've messed around with Parted and am not sure what to do, to be honest. I found a few blog posts but most started off assuming that I knew how to get to where they were starting from.

It's just two drives, /dev/sda /dev/sdb

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General :: Find Which HT-cores Are Sharing A Physical Core From /proc/cpuinfo

Sep 2, 2011

There is a computer with two "Xeon(R) CPU X5550 @ 2.67GHz" CPU. The Hyper-threading is enabled, so it looks like 16-core system, but really there is only 8 physical cores.

I know that when hyperthreading is enabled, each physical core is splitted into two virtual cores. I want to know, which pair of virtual cores shares a physical core and which are not. Or, how (in what order) will Linux enumerate HT-cores comparing to real cores. (enumerating is done for sched_setaffinity and taskset masks).

I have a dump of /proc/cpuinfo file from the system.

I think there are possible:

CPU0-CPU7 are not sharing phys. core. CPU8-CPU15 too. But sharing is in pairs CPU0+CPU8, CPU(i)+CPU(i+8) and so on. or CPU0+CPU1 are from single physical, CPU2+CPU3, CPU(2*i)+CPU(2*i+1). or exotic CPU0+CPU15 sharing, CPU1+CPU14 ... or random?

The hard moment in this case is that there are 2 physical dies of CPU (two sockets), and usual recommendation of using "physical id:" field can't help

The cpuinfo:

processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 26
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5550 @ 2.67GHz


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Ubuntu Servers :: Sharing External USB Drives?

May 1, 2011

Just moved my Mac Server to Ubuntu Server 10.10. I have two external USB drives that need to be shared on the network and be available on the internet for sensitive file transfer. What would be the most secure way to do it ? Some users are mobile and some not. The mobile users can access the network through a vpn running on that same server. The server is serving DNS and Proxy as well. I thought about creating a SAMBA share but the two disks are 1TB each. Then I went for proftpd but after reading some doc, it appears not very secure.

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Ubuntu Servers :: File Sharing And Permission (Three Hard Drives)

Apr 17, 2010

Here's the background.
1x Windows Vista laptop (laptop1)
1x Windows 7 laptop (laptop2)
1x Mac laptop (laptop 3)

I am running Ubuntu server with 3 hard drives. I have Webmin installed. So far, I have the three laptops being able to connect to samba and accessing /home/insert_user_here. All laptop users have access to my /media/data2 (photographs, videos). That's all good. At first, I couldn't get other users but laptop 3 to access /media/sdb1, but I fixed that by changing permission to 755 so I guess everyone can access this. Atm, I want to only allow laptop #3 to connect to /media/sdd1 (be able to read/write/etc.) while laptop 1 and 2 can't even see the files. Also, laptop 1 and 2 can't seem to read and write through file share.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Windows 7 Drives - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Mount Windows Share Error Message

Sep 5, 2010

I have recently set up an ubuntu installation on an old PC. After some fiddling with both it, and the windows 7 machine, I have managed to share all of my drives. However, when attempting to access them from ubuntu, only 2 of the 4 hard disk shares will mount, with the other 2 failing with a Unable to mount location, failed to mount windows share error message.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Client PC Sharing Key With Access Files / If Not File Sharing?

Jul 7, 2011

Im using WPA with a TKIP pre-shared key...Can a client pc im sharing my key with access my files if im not file sharing? Router config?

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrade To Lynx None Of Of External Drives Cd Drive Or Flash Drives Are Pick?

May 9, 2010

upgraded from karmic through update managerANDnone of of my external drives cd drive or flash drives are picked upad to go back to karmic and will remain there for a whil

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID-1 OS Drives - Setting Up A Backup Procedure For The OS Drives

Jan 18, 2010

I'm breaking into the OS drive side with RAID-1 now. I have my server set up with a pair of 80 GB drives, mirrored (RAID-1) and have been testing the fail-over and rebuild process. Works great physically failing out either drive. Great! My next quest is setting up a backup procedure for the OS drives, and I want to know how others are doing this.

Here's what I was thinking, and I'd love some feedback: Fail one of the disks out of the RAID-1, then image it to a file, saved on an external disk, using the dd command (if memory serves, it would be something like "sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=backupfilename.img") Then, re-add the failed disk back into the array. In the event I needed to roll back to one of those snapshots, I would just use the "dd" command to dump the image back on to an appropriate hard disk, boot to it, and rebuild the RAID-1 from that.

Does that sound like a good practice, or is there a better way? A couple notes: I do not have the luxury of a stack of extra disks, so I cannot just do the standard mirror breaks and keep the disks on-hand, and using something like a tape drive is also not an option.

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Ubuntu :: External Drives / Flash Drives And Other Partitions Will Not Mount

Jun 21, 2010

I recently had issues with the latest version of the Linux Kernels and I got that fixed but ever since that has happened none of my Drives will mount and they aren't even recognized.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Virtual Drives To Be Used As Data Drives?

Jan 28, 2010

i have recently setup and installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a virtulal drive usingVMWare 6.04, installed the desktop gui as well, I need to add other drives for data and loggng, which I did in the VMWare side. I can see the 2 drives in ubuntu, but can not access them, I get he unable to mount location when I try. How can resolve this please as I need these to virtual drives to be used as data drives.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot 2 *seperate* Drives \ Several 1.5TB+ Drives, And One Of Them Is Not Being Used?

May 1, 2011

I've used it once before but got fed up with the boot asking me everytime I turned my laptop on because I wasn't using it enough. I have Windows 7 on drive C . I want to keep it on drive C. I have several 1.5TB+ drives, and one of them is not being used. I want to dedicate it to Ubuntu, and be able to do a dual boot with my Windows 7 install. Is this possible? If it is, what about when this drive is not connected to my laptop? Will that mess up the boot process?

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Server :: Debian RAID 10 Spare Drives Versus Active Drives

Jun 9, 2011

so I setup a raid ten system and I was wondering what that difference between the active and spare drives is ? if I have 4 active drives then 2 the two stripes are then mirrored right?

root@wolfden:~# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid0] [raid10]
md1 : active raid10 sda2[0] sdd2[3] sdc2[2] sdb2[1]


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Server :: 2 Separate External Hard Drives With ESata To Minimize An Electrical Failure To The Drives?

Mar 26, 2011

I am building a home server that will host a multitude of files; from mp3s to ebooks to FEA software and files. I don't know if RAID is the right thing for me. This server will have all the files that I have accumulated over the years and if the drive fails than I will be S.O.L. I have seen discussions where someone has RAID 1 setup but they don't have their drives internally (to the case), they bought 2 separate external hard drives with eSata to minimize an electrical failure to the drives. (I guess this is a good idea)I have also read about having one drive then using a second to rsync data every week. I planned on purchasing 2 enterprise hard drives of 500 MB to 1 GB but I don't have any experience with how I should handle my data

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Fedora :: Prevent Mounting Of External Drives & CD / DVD Drives

Oct 18, 2010

I suspect this is not new but I just can't find where it was treated. Maybe someone can give me a good lead.I just want to prevent certain users from accessing CD/DVD drives and all external drives. They should be able to mount their home directories and move around within the OS but they shouldn't be able to move data away from the PC. Any Clues?

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General :: Files That Span Multiple Drives Drives?

Jan 8, 2010

So, at the moment I have a 7TB LVM with 1 group and one logical volume. In all honesty I don't back up this information. It is filled with data that I can "afford" to lose, but... would rather not. How do LVMs fail? If I lose a 1.5TB drive that is part of the LVM does that mean at most I could lose 1.5TB of data? Or can files span more than one drive? if so, would it just be one file what would span two drives? or could there be many files that span multiple drives drives? Essentially. I'm just curious, in a general, in a high level sense about LVM safety. What are the risks that are involved?

Edit: what happens if I boot up the computer with a drive missing from the lvm? Is there a first primary drive?

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Fedora :: Can't Access Any Of The Other Hard Drives From The Other Drives?

Jul 5, 2011

I have Fedora 14 installed on my main internal drive. I have one Fedora 14 and one Fedora 15 installed on two separate USB drives.When I boot into any of these drives, I can't access any of the other hard drives from the other drivesll I can, but just the boot partitions.Is there any way of mounting the other partitions so I can access the information?---------- Post added at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------I guess even an explanation on why I can't view them would be good too.

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Hardware :: Replace 2 Old Drives For 2 Bigger Drives?

Aug 23, 2010

I have an email server that I think is about to have a hard drive fail. It is running an old install of Redhat 9.0 I think. It has 2 120gb hard drives mirrored as a raid1. I want to copy those to a new pair of 500gb hard drives again as the same disk raid1 mirror. What tool would work for this? DD or partimage? Would it all be exactly the same and boot up still?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Use Second Physical Drive?

Jun 27, 2011

I installed a 30 gig hard drive for extra storage space. It is currently using the ext2 file system. When looking at it in gparted, there is a key icon next to the drive. I would like to use this drive for storage with programs running in WINE, but can't even see the drive from there. From the normal OS, I can see and mount the drive, but can't use it for anything.

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that the key icon means it is locked somehow. How do I unlock/use this drive? Is there a command to use in the terminal, or within the Disk Utility that will do it?

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade The Physical Computer?

Dec 1, 2010

I am currently using linux on my old system (store bought Gateway). I am building a new computer for Christmas. This is how I want things to go down: Set up new computer > install new hard-drive (as primary) > install (this) hard-drive (as secondary) > copy full contents from current drive to new drive > boot from new drive > Use (this) hard-drive from there on out as a backup/storage.

Will this work? Will a new mobo/processor combo mess any with my current system as a whole? I know that when I use to use gentoo everything was compiled "system specific", however, I do not believe ubuntu operates this way (well they are both goign to be a 64bit capable processor, which I think is about as specific as ubuntu gets)

Furthermore, I will be transfering my current videocard (GeForce 9800 GTX+) into the new system, so I will not need to configure any new video drivers. But what about audio? I currently use onboard audio, and will be using the new mobos audio as well.

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Ubuntu :: How To Identify A Physical Hard Disk

Feb 23, 2010

I have a 4 disk software RAID array made up of Seagate drives. Let's name them sda, sdb, sdc, sdd. And let's say SDC is failing. Big question. How do i find out which of the 4 physical drives it is? They all look the same to me when i open up the PC case. Maybe some utility which will load up heavy usage on just one drive and i will try to put my finger on them and figure out which one is vibrating? Or maybe there is a smarter way?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Clone Physical Drive To Another One

Jun 27, 2010

My Ubuntu system drive is starting to throw up S.M.A.R.T. errors. I have two partitions on the drive (/home and /) and grub in the mbr. Is there a way to exactly clone this drive to another one so I don't need to reinstall or re-setup anything?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Burn Music To An Iso Rather Than A Physical CD?

Oct 1, 2010

The reason I want to do this is simple- I spent a good day or two converting my mp3s to oggs, both to save space and because I prefer the codec for listening. So, as you would lose audio fidelity by straight transcoding, I loaded the mp3s in Audacity and exported them as OGGs to retain quality.Of course, this takes forever, and isn't very practical.A common way for people to strip DRM in Windows or on OS X is to burn their collection from the DRM program to a fake CD drive which a secondary program simulatneously rips back into another format.I'd like to use this same method, to burn all my mp3s at once to a massive audio CD image, an iso, then somehow mount it and rip it all back as a different format in one fell swoop. However, I'm unaware of any tools that can do this, or if it's a simple matter of mounting a fake CD filesystem.

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Ubuntu :: Refuses To Load After Physical Damage?

Dec 28, 2010

I was in Ubuntu when I dropped my laptop, which resulted in a cracked screen. I loaded Windows (Vista), and found it and the files to be unharmed. On my attempt to load Ubuntu, it takes me to a GRUB screen, where it gives me a default message about GRUB. If I try the command "exit" it replies "No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key. It's installed on the same hard drive as Windows (dual boot setup), and Windows works fine. I do have files I would like to get off of Ubuntu (if it is unrecoverable),

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Ubuntu :: DVD Drive (physical) Doesn't Work?

Aug 3, 2011

I am using MSI X620. I just intalled ubuntu 10.04 in it. Everything is fine except my DVD drive. The dvd drive doesn't work at all! When i press eject button ..nothing happens and there is no light blinking in the drive....when i load windows it works fine though! do i need to install drivers or something?

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Ubuntu :: Protecting Files From Other Physical Computer Users

Mar 14, 2010

I occasionally have friends using my home computer. They just use my account.There are some files that I want to hide/protect from people using my computer. It's not that I need highly secure encryption, it's more like I want to make sure people don't accidentally see my porn collection if they borrow my computer to check their email.Is there a way to set up a folder such that it's required to enter a password (e.g. the admin password) to see it's content? Probably I could change the owner of the folder, so that I can't access it without password?How do you protect/hide your secret or intimate files?

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Ubuntu :: Clone A Physical Harddrive Into A Virtual Box Drive?

Jul 8, 2010

I have two old windows 95 computers. The problem is I have files and programs that have specific settings that I need. The computers are old and I want to just make a copy of the hard drive and insert it into virtual box. How can I do this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Physical Address For Ethernet Adapter?

Aug 26, 2010

I've just arrived at uni and to set up my wifi apparently I need my "media access control which is listed as the phsyical address for ethernet adaptor local area connection." on windows you can find it by using the command ipconfig /all but that didn't work when i put it into terminal.

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Ubuntu :: Get Physical File Position/block On FAT32 Hdd?

Feb 3, 2011

for solution how to find physical position/block of specified file on FAT32 partition. I have damaged hdd (I can mount partition and I see files) and im using gddrescue to make 1:1 copy, but i need only specified file. So I would like use gddrescue with -i pos switch, but I dont know how to get that position for specified file.

-i pos


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