General :: Physical Drives Need To Use The Same Interface?

Feb 5, 2011

I understand the software RAID partition types on two physical drives that will be paired must be set to the same size. However,

1. Do the physical drives themselves need to be the same size?

2. Do the physical drives need to use the same interface?

e.g. Can I setup mirroring with one 80G SATA, and one 320G PATA? (And is this reliable/stable?). The use is for an asterisk server which came with the 80G, I can't find anything smaller than 320G for the 2nd drive, and the free connector inside is PATA.

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General :: Machine Act As Both A Wireless Client And Access Point Simultaneously Using A Single Physical WLAN Interface?

Jun 23, 2010

If I have only 1 physical WLAN interface, is there some hackery that can be done so that it can be a client of an existing access point and at the same time also act as an access point for other clients? I have an existing 802.11g ADSL router, and I'm going to be building an HTPC which will have 802.11n. My laptop also has 802.11n, but at the moment it only connects at 54Mbps because thats what the AP supports. I'd like to be able to have the HTPC be a client of my ADSL router, but have my laptop be a client of the HTPC, so copying files to it will be faster.

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Ubuntu :: Sharing 2nd And 3rd Physical Drives?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a Dell XPS with Ubuntu 10.04 installed. I have a laptop dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04. I can see all shared folders on the Dell from my Windows partition in my laptop but can only see the shared folders in Home on the Dell from my Ubuntu partition in the laptop. My set up is as follows:


root, home and swap are on the 1st 160g hard drive.
2nd 160g hard drive has only the one partition: /storage1
3rd hard drive, 500g has only one partition: /storage2

I cannot access any of the shares on either storage drive but I can see them from the ubuntu laptop. What I want to do is have access to those storage drives from my laptop. If I go into Nautilus, navigate to either storage drive, I cannot share them via right click, properties because I don't have root. Basically I am not sure how to go about this. There are a few folders in storage 1 and storage 2 that I want to be able to access from my Ubuntu partition in my laptop. This is one of the reasons I still have Windows on the other laptop partition but I really would like to dump it. Samba is installed and I tried giving permissions that way. It allowed me to add the drives but it had no effect.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Can't See The Physical Network Interface With Ifconfig - A?

Jun 3, 2010

Centos el5xen x86_64 in a company network, novell-netware, Static IP I have several issues with the Xen network configuration. This configuration worked before, and was maded by a other personn with a higher level in centos and network . I'm trying to re-install xen in bridging mode.

1) The dom0 ping in the company network, but can't acess to the Internet.

I de-activated firewall, iptables and SE-Linux for the test.

the ifconfig-a command return
sit0 (IPV6 encapsuled in IPV4)
but no Peth0 Physical device

Is it normal and how can i repare this ?

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SUSE :: How To Find Out Physical Interface Corresponds To Eth0,eth1?

Jun 21, 2010

I am in need of finding out the physical interface corresponds to eth0,eth1,eth2., As similar like the lscfg command which is available in the AIX operating system. The output given below got it from AIX OS.

$ lscfg -l ent*
ent2 U787B.001.DNWFFC6-P1-T9 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter (14108902)
ent3 U787B.001.DNWFFC6-P1-T10 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter (14108902)
ent0 U787B.001.DNWFFC6-P1-C4-T1 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter (14108902)
ent1 U787B.001.DNWFFC6-P1-C4-T2 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter (14108902)

Is there any utility/commands available to find out the physical interface ?

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Ubuntu :: Create A Single Logical Drive Out Of Two Physical Drives?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm installing Ubuntu to be used as an NFS storage server for my VMWare ESX servers. I've got a server that has two 2TB drives in it. The hardware raid controller isn't an option because it only sees up to 1TB of each drive. So, I'm trying to figure out to do this using either LVM or Parted. I don't know much about doing this, and LVM was the first thing I tried but it didn't seem to do much. It looks like it just created a smaller partition to install Ubuntu on. It didn't ask me what I wanted to do with the rest of the drive space. I've messed around with Parted and am not sure what to do, to be honest. I found a few blog posts but most started off assuming that I knew how to get to where they were starting from.

It's just two drives, /dev/sda /dev/sdb

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Ubuntu Networking :: Alix 2d13 - Multiple Network Cards - Unable To Bind More Than One Physical Interface?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a strange problem regarding networking on the Alix 2d13 running Ubuntu 10.04. The Alix has 3 physical network interfaces, lspci says:

00:09.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105M [Rhine-III] [1106:3053] (rev 96)
Kernel driver in use: via-rhine
Kernel modules: via-rhine
00:0a.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105M [Rhine-III] [1106:3053] (rev 96)
Kernel driver in use: via-rhine
Kernel modules: via-rhine


It seems, if more than one cable is connected, a random hardware port is chosen as eth0-eth2. If only one cable is connected the port that is connected is chosen as eth0-eth2. Any idea what's going wrong here?

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General :: Unable To Use GUI Interface Meant Graphics Interface?

Apr 11, 2011

i am using windows 7 in my laptop and linux is installed on virtualBox but my problem is the screen is showing small in virtualbox is there any way to enalarge the screen to show like windows screen? i did before by using VGA setting but it made problem me i was not able to use GUI interface i meant graphics interface
it was just showing me Command Prompt.

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General :: Files That Span Multiple Drives Drives?

Jan 8, 2010

So, at the moment I have a 7TB LVM with 1 group and one logical volume. In all honesty I don't back up this information. It is filled with data that I can "afford" to lose, but... would rather not. How do LVMs fail? If I lose a 1.5TB drive that is part of the LVM does that mean at most I could lose 1.5TB of data? Or can files span more than one drive? if so, would it just be one file what would span two drives? or could there be many files that span multiple drives drives? Essentially. I'm just curious, in a general, in a high level sense about LVM safety. What are the risks that are involved?

Edit: what happens if I boot up the computer with a drive missing from the lvm? Is there a first primary drive?

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General :: Configure Physical Memory Map?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to build and bring-up Linux (embedded) for a piece of hardware which have MIPS 74K proccessor 16MB Flash, 128MB DDR and network/usb support. How to configure/set into the kernel the exact addresses of the physical memory map? How does the kernel know where is the system ram, i/o memory, root FS? I have read some book and I found how the applications can go and read some special files like /proc/iomem to find out info about memory but what I need is how to set those addresses at the beginning when I build the kernel and FS in order to boot the kernel on my h/w.

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General :: Why Set Swap Space Twice Big As Physical Memory

Sep 12, 2010

When we want to setup a linux system, there is a common a suggestion like set the swap space as twice as big than your physical memory, I want to know why do we need this and how is this suggestion come from?

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General :: Extending Partition Into Another Physical Drive?

Oct 4, 2010

Is it possible if I am only using ext3 and no LVM or anything else to re-size the partition into another physical device? I am pretty sure the answer to this is no but I was still curious as I am facing a full 1tb disk and need to add a new drive and unsure how to do this due to shared folders existing on the old drive and no way to actually expand them without linking in new files or something.

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General :: Get The Physical CPU Socket Count In RHEL?

Jun 30, 2011

We are working on our subscription renewal and now since Red Hat has changed their subscription model we need to give them the number of physical CPU sockets on each system.I have tried looking thru /proc/cpuinfo as well as tried to parse data out from dmidecode but both of those solutions count each individual core as a CPU.Is there a clean and easy way to determine the number of sockets on each system? We also use RHN Satellite to manage our systems but I believe that is pulling the same data from dmidecode

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General :: LVM Removing A Physical Volume Safely

Aug 7, 2010

Let's assume I have a volume group (VG) with six physical volumens (PV) - sdb1, sdb2, sdb3, sdc1, sdc2, sdc3..I want to remove one of the PVs from the group in order to use its space elsewhere - how can I know if it's safe? How can I do that without losing data and without first "pvmove"ing it elsewhere?Reading a bit more, my guess is using the result of pvscan, but I thought I'd ask before removing keeping it safe as I'm not an LVM expert.

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General :: Change Physical Extent Size ?

Jun 19, 2011

The default physical extent (PE) size is 4MB in LVM (I am using CentOS 5.x). How to change physical extent size to 128 MB?

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General :: Get The Physical Memory Used By A Couple Of Processes?

Sep 3, 2010

I am doing a test to get the memory used by apache`s apache2 processes. I used a script to get VmSize and VmRss from /proc/pid/status, and loop through that to get the sum of VmSize and VmRss of all the apache2 processes.

I found the VmSize (about 4GB) and VmRss (about 3.4GB) are much larger than the physical memory (1GB) when apache server was saturated. It was said because of the multi-counted libiraries size used by many processes simultaneously. Then , how to get the physical memory used by apache2 processes? Or how to get a more reasonable memory data?

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General :: Install All Packages From Iso File Without Physical Cd?

Jan 2, 2010

I had installed a debian file using#dpkg -i <file>Now package manager gave count error though that debian file got installed.I tried#apt-get install -fIt says want to download 20MB but no internet on my pc so destined to fail.In synaptic package manager I selected broken packages & marked them for removal.I saw file-roller,totem.seahorse,nautilustc. got uninstalled.question ) I just have iso image of my ubuntu 8.04.How can I use it to install all packages that come by default on cd.

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General :: How To Read/write Physical Address

May 17, 2010

One of the tasks I want to do is to read/write from/to any physical address. My question is how do I get a physical address on my Linux desktop. I was thinking of using some utility to dump my BIOS settings, and modify a "not so important" memory address there? Is this possible. Otherwise is there any other physical address I can read/write

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General :: Create A Physical Volume First Before Creating LVM's?

Jul 13, 2010

WHat is the physical volume in LVM's? Why do we need to create a physical volume first before creating LVM's? I mean, LVM's are created from physical disks, so why do we need to specify it? Didnt get it. Anybody want to help me with this?

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General :: Find The OID Code For A Physical Volume?

May 18, 2011

How do I find the OID code for a physical volume.I managed to get it to work with our snmp monitoring software to alert me when disk space was < 10% but the computer which was running the SNMP monitoring died.For the life of me I can't remeber how I got it to work.I have 4 partitions 1 has 88% free /etc/mapper/volgroup002 has 21% free /boot3 nfsd 0 bytes4 sunrpc 0 bytesHere is a copy of the OID I'm using I change the last number to resemble the drive but i'm testing using 8% and they each return an error drive space low which is what the VB script tells it to do. I know the script works as I use it on Windows Servers no problems.I do an SNMPWALK on the server and it validates the above OID with HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageSize so I know thats valid.But thats where I'm stuck. What value should I see if I were to use this OID which is for free disk space.

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General :: No Physical SCSI Devices To Connect To My LAN

Dec 22, 2010

I have a virtual machine with Solaris 10. On this virtual machine I have to configure an iSCSI initiator.

The problem is that i have no physical SCSI devices to connect to my LAN

Therefore I have to create a Virtual SCSI device on my host laptop and configure it as an iSCSI server (iSCSI target) and share this virtual disk on the LAN.

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General :: Determine The Number Of Physical CPUs Under Both Windows?

Sep 9, 2010

When running cat /proc/cpuinfo under Linux, a variety information is kicked-back. For example:

> cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 15
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5130 @ 2.00GHz


First, what does all of that actually mean? I see I have a processor 0 and processor 1. Does that mean Linux is reporting both cores of the CPU, or, since it is a VM, the two that I happen to have right now (even if they're on physically different CPUs)?

Second, how can I get a similar information dump form the command line in Windows? Third, is there a way using either platform to determine the number of physical CPUs versus total CPU cores?

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General :: List All Physical Volumes Associated To A Volume Group?

Nov 9, 2010

Maybe I'm missing something obvious but I do not see it listed in vgdisplay.

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General :: Free Up An LVM Logic Volumn Into A Physical Partition?

May 13, 2010

In my computer there is only one hard disk with two partitions. /dev/sda1 is mounted as /boot, while /dev/sda2 is used as LVM. In that LVM partition I have only one logic volumn group with several logic volumns. One of the logic volumns is mounted as /data, and now I want to remove this logic volumn, free up the space and make it another physical partition outside LVM as /dev/sda3. Can someone help me on this, especially the procedure of steps I should go through ?

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General :: Virtual Address To Physical Memory Access ?

Feb 21, 2010

A process is trying one access to memory, for example through an array (ex.: vect[0]=123. What happens?

Here below what I guess but I'm not sure and accept any comment (please, distinguish between "the system" and "the CPU" in case).

Let's suppose swapping to disk disbled.

We have two scenarios: without and with cache.

If no cache is present in the system:
1. The CPU must discover the phys addr of vect[0] virtual addr. To do that, has to read from 3 (or 2 depending on the system?) pages tables, stored in memory as well.
2. The CPU writes to the final address.

These mean 4 memory accesses.

If cache is present:
1. Like above but, if the pages tables are in cache, we have 3 accesses to that.
2. If the req. page is not in cache, it's reads from ram and transferred to it. Afterwards, cache is written.
In the best case we have 4 cache accesses.

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General :: Get Physical Media Type Of Ethernet Adapter Using C++ ?

May 2, 2011

I am using this code to get some info about ethernet adapters.


How do I determine the media type of adatper? For example wireless, bluetooth, ethernet(802.3) etc.?

Another one which is based on getifaddrs is here:[url]

If it's easier to get media type using getifaddrs then I would use this method.

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General :: How To Determine Physical Location Of Download Mirror

Jan 26, 2010

Some site will have the location listed, or some mirrors are hosted educational institutions so you can easily identify the location of those mirrors. However How can I determine the location of an unknown mirror? Like for example, say I want to download a DVD install iso of CentOS. I look a the download mirrors and I see list of [URL]. Now from looking at that list how can I tell which one is closest to my location?

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General :: Physical And Virtual Memory Upper Limit For 32 Bit?

Jun 26, 2010

I have a 32 bit Ubuntu installed and my Laptop has 4GB RAM, but only 3GB is considered by Linux. My question is: what is the reason for the upper limit on physical memory ?

dmesg | grep Memory [0.000000] Memory: 3052428k/3112960k available (4673k kernel code, 56364k reserved, 2121k data, 656k init, 2200904k highmem) I am familiar with the virtual memory concept where linux splits upper 1GB for kernel and lower 3GB for user processes. In total, linux 32bit can address 4GB virtual addresses. Does this meant that 1GB of physical memory is already mapped to 1GB of kernel space and Linux only shows the remaining 3GB physical memory left for the user in the above command.

I did some searching on the internet and found some articles related to this, but it only confused me further since some articles suggest 4GB is the upper limit with mentioning whether it's virtual or physical memory, some bring in the concept of PAE, etc. I'm relative new to Linux's memory management, so it'd be really helpful if someone could answer this.

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General :: Associate A Physical Disk Partition With Directory?

Dec 14, 2010

i would like to determine the hard drive partition associated with a directory. ie i have a disk partition as user with mount point Home. this i think contains my Home directory. a downloaded program resides in /usr/bin. now there is a /usr/local/bin with nothing in it. my question is how can i tell what disk partition /usr/bin resides on. if it is on my user defined partition i will not lose the program on a system install i think?

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General :: XP Crashing In VMware Player With Ubuntu As Physical OS / Fix It?

Nov 16, 2010

it?I have Ubuntu 10.10 (and Ubuntu Server) on a factory Dell Inspiron 530. It's running an Intel Pentium Duo Core CPU (1.6GHz), has 1GB RAM, and VMware Player installed. When I boot XP SP3, it runs, but randomly crashes. I managed to update IE6 to IE8 without crashing, but when I tried to download MS Office 2010 Professional (Trial), it crashed near the end of the download. I got a blue screen with the following:

"STOP: 0x0000000A, 0xB2EEf304, 0x00000002, 0x80508008

It then begins a physical dump of memory, completes, then automatically reboots XP in the virtual machine.

Every time it does this, it shows different memory addresses.

BTW, I also watched performance while doing this. As soon as CPU hit 100%, the download crashed, and soon after, XP crashed, sometimes locking up the physical machine.

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