Ubuntu :: Setting Up Share Folder In Home Directory

Feb 24, 2011

I've created a folder in /home called share. I am the owner. It has no group access. Others have full access. Is this setup safe? My current setup:
/home$ ls
eve share lost+found roy
I want eve and any future users to have full access to the folder 'share'. I am user 'Roy'.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Folder Outside Of Home Directory?

Jul 9, 2011

I have got 11.04 install on my dell system.The system has got 2 harddisk,all my data is store in the 2nd harddisk.How do I share the folder in the 2nd harddisk.Samba is already install in the system.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Apache DocRoot To Folder In Home Directory

Jan 9, 2010

Vanilla install of Karmic (64 bit) - would like to change the Apache doc root to point to /home/sam/www as it's my web development machine. (Default install is working fine)
Created copy of 'default' to 'mylocal' in '/etc/apache2/sites-available'

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /home/sam/www
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
<Directory /home/sam/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

The permissions on the folder in my home dir:
sam@rocket:~$ ls -la ww*
total 16
drwxrwxrwx 2 sam sam 4096 2010-01-09 22:26 .
drwx------ 35 sam sam 12288 2010-01-09 22:11 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 sam sam 100 2010-01-09 22:27 index.html
sam@rocket:~$ pwd
The sites enabled set up:

root@rocket:/etc/apache2# ls -la sites-enabled/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2010-01-09 22:24 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 2009-12-20 00:22 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 2010-01-09 22:24 mylocal -> ../sites-available/mylocal
But I still get:
You don't have permission to access / on this server".

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General :: Testing Home Directory Scripts By Setting $HOME To The Location Of The Test Directory

Apr 20, 2010

I have an interdependent collection of scripts in my ~/bin directory as well as a developed ~/.vim directory and some other libraries and such in other subdirectories. I've been versioning all of this using git, and have realized that it would be potentially very easy and useful to do development and testing of new and existing scripts, vim plugins, etc. using a cloned repo, and then pull the working code into my actual home directory with a merge.

The easiest way to do this would seem to be to just change & export $HOME, eg

cd ~/testing; git clone ~ home
export HOME=~/testing/home
cd ~
screen -S testing-home
# start vim, write/revise plugins, edit scripts, etc.
# test revisions

However since I've never tried this before I'm concerned that some programs, environment variables, etc., may end up using my actual home directory instead of the exported one. Is this a viable strategy? Are there just a few outliers that I should be careful about?

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Ubuntu :: Home Folder Icons Don't Update When Change The Home Directory

Sep 22, 2010

I have a dual-boot macbook with an OS X partition and an ubuntu partition. When I first installed ubuntu, I changed my home folder to my OS X home directory to synchronize all my files from both. My home directory is now /media/sda2/Users/username/. In a regular home folder, the icons for Documents, Music, Pictures, Movies, etc. are different (not just with emblems, but actually different icons). But when I changed my home folder, these subfolders' icons stayed the same as regular folder icons and I can't figure out a way to change that default setting. I know how to change the icons for each folder manually, but these changes don't appear everywhere (i.e. nautilus, places, etc). Furthermore, every time I change my icon theme, I would have to manually reassign icons for these folders. Is there a way to globally change the folder icons for these folders?

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Debian :: Share Home Among Distributions - Store Files All In "/home" Folder Of Extended Ubuntu Partition

May 1, 2011

Installed Ubuntu along with Debian on my Notebook and use Grub Manager to choose between them on startup. Since i like Debian now a lot (in past days it was a very hard system to handle, but there has been some progress i noticed), i have to change some things (want Debian as main system now) For Ubuntu i have: (was meant to be main system on Notebook) "/", "/home" and a "swap" partition, but since i am now going to use mainly Debian, i wanted to store my files all in the "/home"-folder of my extended Ubuntu partition (has much more space available) not in the "/home" folder of the Debian system. So i want both (Debian and Ubuntu) to use the same extended partition ("/home") which i created for Ubuntu to save their files like downloads, videos, and so on.

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Ubuntu :: Two Users To Share A Home Folder?

Jan 29, 2010

is it possible for two users to share a home folder? the idea is to allow for my home directory which is also my web server document root to be shared with another user on the FTP i currently have vsftpd which is set to allow local users to access their home directories but i dont want to give my password away, but i dont mind them having access to the files and folders

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Ubuntu :: Share Home Directory With 2 Distros?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm not sure if this is the proper section of the forum for this, but I haven't really seen anything about this particular topic. I've got Ubuntu 10.04 installed as my main OS. It's on a 25GB partition, and I have a 175GB partition that I use as my /home directory.

On the second hard disk I have a 15GB partition that I would like to install, and try out, Slackware 13.1.
Is it a bad idea to try to also use that 175GB /home partition for Slackware and Ubuntu at the same time? Can that cause incompatibility problems for me, with any shared software between the two distros, or is this something that should work ok?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Home Folder On Mounted Partition?

Jan 6, 2011

I'm dual booting on a laptop with an 80gb hd. I've set up the partitions so windows xp has 20gig, ubuntu (edit: 11.4?) has 7 gigs, 3 gigs swap space, and the rest is formatted as FAT32 that I'm looking to use as shared space between the two OSes. The ubuntu live install partition tool suggested (possibly demanded?) that the fat32 be mounted as /windows or /dos, and I chose the former. Everything's running fine, both OSes see the partition, but I can't set my home folder to exist in this shared space.

I've been in system > admin > users and groups- I try setting the home folder as /windows/home/chris. (I had a home folder backed up that I have already copied to this location) The dialog recognizes that there's a folder there already, asks if I want to use those new files or copy old ones. I say use new files, and close the window. Nothing changes though- in fact if I open users and groups immediately after, it's already reverted to /home/chris . I've tried changing from a different user account as well.

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General :: Debian Amd64 And I386 Share The Same Home Folder?

Sep 20, 2011

I am planning to install Debian amd64 and i386 in the same USB HDD to boot both types of PCs.

Unfortunately, there is not enough space for the home folder, so can I share the home folder with two systems. And how about swap area and /tmp folder?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Home / Root And Swap Directory

May 15, 2011

I've set a side 80GB on a separate partition, I have 4GB of RAM. I know it will ask me to set /home /root and /swap. How much should I set each one to be with my partition size and RAM.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Home Directory And Both Systems Have The Same Login Id

Mar 7, 2010

I got 9.10 on by laptop and xp on other computer. Installed samba server and xp recognized my laptop but not anything I share on ubuntu. am i missing something in samba config file? Im trying to share home directory on ubuntu and both systems have the same login id.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Directory In Home Folder?

May 21, 2010

I want to ask a question that the "Desktop" directory located in the "Home Folder" contain the Desktop content.If I deleted this "Desktop" directory, the system will try to use "Home Folder" as the Desktop.When I create the "Desktop" back, system still use the "Home Folder" as the Desktop.So how can I let the system use the "Desktop" directory as the realy Desktop then?

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Ubuntu :: Run Apache Folder In /home Directory?

Jul 30, 2011

I need to be able to run Apache again the folder in my /home directory. I added the following line to the end of my apache2.conf file:

Include /etc/apache2/aliases.conf
Then created the aliases.conf file with:

Alias /home/ "/home/"
<Directory "/home/">
Options Indexes
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny

The system tries to process the alias, but always get a 403 permissions denied error. How do I get around this? I already tried:

chown myuser:users /home -R
chmod 775 /home -R

AThink it is an Apache setting I need to read in this directory.

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Fedora Networking :: Share The /home/Public Folder With Mandriva Laptop?

Mar 3, 2010

F12 / Gnome 2.28.2 I'm just trying to share the /home/Public folder with my Mandriva laptop. The "manual" on Gnome's website doesn't give much info, other than clicking the option to share the folder and deciding whether to use a password or not. There has to be more to it, otherwise it'd work.

All I'm looking to do is copy files to and from the folder on the desktop machine from the laptop..

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General :: Could Not Make Folder /home/theif519/.local/share/Trash

Jun 5, 2011

After removing GDM, XFCE4, and the crap-load of dependencies that came with it, something must have gone wrong. I can not place items nor delete items any more. How do I fix this problem of mine? I'm using KDE at the moment.


Could not make folder /home/theif519/.local/share/Trash

Deletion of files is necessary. I have installed libtrash hoping it'd work, but it didn't, I even did chmod 755 like it suggested I do. What do I do?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Setting Up An Encrypted Home Directory?

Dec 12, 2010

I am having a problem setting up an encrypted home directory with openSUSE 11.3. I used Yast User and Group Management to edit an existing user to encrypt the home directory and the user.key and user.img files were created in the /home directory. I tried it out and logged in as user and created a new file. I logged out and logged in as a different user and was able to see the newly created file in the first users home directory.

I figured I did something wrong so I went back to Yast and deleted the user. I deleted the /home/user directory using file manager su mode. I tried again to create a new user with an encrypted home directory using Yast and now when Yast tries to write the changes I get an error: "pam_mount is already setup for user. Use --replace to replace the
existing entry." I do not know how to proceed from here except to try with a different user name as I do not understand what the error message means and what command to use --replace with.

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Ubuntu :: Remove The Desktop Folder From Home Directory?

Sep 28, 2010

I don't have anything on the desktop but it won't let me delete this folder, and if I sudo rmdir it it just comes back.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install Keeping Home Folder Resetting Any Appearance Setting

Jan 14, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and I want to move to 10.10. The upgrade path would be very long so I want to do a fresh install. I have twisted a little bit my Gnome appearance (theme, icons in menu bar, etc.). I would like to install it, keeping all of my files in my home folder but using fresh visual settings from Maverick. What should I do?

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Ubuntu :: Cp Command - Copy One Picture Placed In Home Folder To Usr/backgrounds/share To Change My Login Screen

Jul 3, 2011

i wish to copy one picture placed in home folder to usr/backgrounds/share to change my login screen.

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General :: Can Root And Main User Account Share Same Home Directory?

Feb 13, 2011

Or would this sacrifice security in some way? I've been using root only, and am ready to have a seperate account now. It's the dotfiles for GUI apps that I'm concerned about:

-rw------- 1 root root 98 Feb 13 16:23 .Xauthority
-rw------- 1 root root 6392 Feb 12 18:13 .bash_history
drwx------ 5 root root 4096 Jan 13 17:47 .config
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Dec 29 21:36 .fvwm
drwx------ 4 root root 4096 Nov 7 19:55 .mozilla
-rw------- 1 root root 218 Jan 26 10:04 .recently-used.xbel
-rw------- 1 root root 98 Feb 13 16:23 .serverauth.17096
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 25 12:42 .tuxcmd
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 12 17:25 .xine

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Ubuntu :: Create Shortcut To Media Folder In Home Directory?

Dec 14, 2010

I currently have an ASUS eebox which is running XBMC Live which includes a stripped down version of Ubuntu. The computer will be used by various people within a teaching environment and I have successfully installed launchers for Openoffice which can be opened within XBMC.

I am trying to the make the experience for the end user as simple as possible as the vast majority will have never used Linux before. I want to get to a point where they can open Openoffice, plug in their USB stick and navigate quickly to their files. At the moment when the program is launched and I try and navigate for a file it automatically starts in the Home Folder of xbmc. So I have navigate up a couple of times, then find the /media directory where the USB stick has been mounted and so on. What I was hoping to do is create a shortcut within the Home Directory which takes you straight to the Media folder where usb is mounted.

I have already attempted and created a folder within the Home directory and called it usbpen.

I have then added the following line into fstab /media /home/xbmc/usbpen none bind 0 0

Now when I reboot the machine and navigate to the home/xbmc/usbpen folder I can see the Drive name of the USB device mounted in /media but I cannot navigate through any of the files, I am greeted with a read error message. So the shortcut is only allowing me to see the device name only.

be aware that due to running XBMC Live I do not have a Windows manager installed and therefore everything must be done through the terminal.

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Fedora Networking :: Sharing Files - Can't Seem To Connect My 2 PCs To Share A Folder - Directory

Nov 7, 2009

I know this might seem stupid, but I can't seem to connect my 2 PCs to share a folder (directory)

The both have Fedora 11 and they are connected through a Linksys WRT54G (one on LAN and the other on WiFi)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Modern Central User Management - Automount A Secure NFS Share Somewhere In The /home Directory

Mar 14, 2010

I've setup Kerberos and OpenLDAP servers (9.10) similar to the official documentation (and other sites that fill in the "gaps"). However, when you start to get in to some of the details, there seem to be many options - and I guess I'm looking for what could be the defacto standard. I'd like to allow Ubuntu clients to have a sso capability, with the ability for local caching of passwords if not connected to the network (such as a laptop user away from the office, prior to a VPN). I'd like to automount a secure NFS share somewhere in the /home directory. If the user logs in to a computer they've not logged in to before (if they're authorized), it would be nice if a skeleton /home directory could be setup there automatically I'm guessing that it is not desirable to use a shared /home NFS - as if you're off the network this would be problematic - as well as multiple computers sharing the same /home. There are some benefits to a shared /home (SSH certs, etc.), so maybe there is a hybrid approach out there.

I've read that it's not necessarily good practice to have OpenLDAP to do the authentication (leave this to Kerberos), but it's fine for authorization (such as ACLs for logins to certain computers). It's also good practice to use TLS with OpenLDAP (which requires public certs on all the clients) and to not allow anonymous read to the directory. I would guess that a computer host keytab could be refreshed to bind to the OpenLDAP server via GSSAPI / SASL to allow a non-anonymous read, and then determine if, say, the user was a member of a group allowed to log in. Kerberos would then pick up and authenticate the user and then proceed to the login. Off the network here, I'm not sure. I found this document, but it's self declared missing items: [URL]

I'll stop the rambling, but I cannot be the only one who would like to setup a relatively standard and secure server based network authentication and authorization back-end. Is there any _complete_ documentation on the best practices and how to implement?

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Fedora :: Corrupt .gvfs Directory - List The Contents Of /home/Razorblade Folder - Nothing

May 4, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 x64. Now everytime I start my Linux the .gvfs directory in my /home/Razorblade -dir is corrupted. So I have to reboot and start an Linux LiveCD, mount my home partition and delete this folder. After that I can login normally. Symptoms: I am able to login normally, start a browser, start my mail client, list the contents of subfolders of /home/Razorblade/... - everything fine. But as soon as I want to list the contents of my /home/Razorblade folder - nothing but this turning blue thing around the curser. The command line does nothing after "ll /home/Razorblade", sometimes even crashes and closes. As root I am able to do "ll /home/Razorblade" And this is what I get:


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Ubuntu Security :: Configure The Share And Folder So That The Win7 Client Can Create Files And/or Folders In The Share?

Jan 15, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and Samba 3.4. I've shared a folder and have accessed the share from a Windows 7 client. However, I've struggled to configure the share and folder so that the Win7 client can create files and/or folders in the share. Kept getting Permission Denied errors. Finally, (using Webmin) I set the permissions on the file folder so that "Other" had write access. I don't understand why this was necessary (and how unsecure this is). I already had the write access checkbox ticked for "User" but it wasn't enough.

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Ubuntu :: Share Files And Folders But It Does Not Allow To Select Share Folder

Sep 20, 2010

1. I have Ubuntu 10.04.1 installed alongside Windows Home premium 7 on a Compaq CQ5110f with 2 dual processors, 320 GB HDD, 4 gb Ram, less than a year old/ It is giving me some error messages. It is wanting to lock the drive or various programs after being left unused for a few minutes, I have not found where I can disable this. I do not need passwords, really. I am the only user. I reinstalled it once, on top of itself (Ubuntu) and it worked fine briefly, then started doing it all again.

I use to sometimes install Ubuntu as a windows app. on a previous version, maybe 9.04 - 9.10, but think I can not do it on this version?

So, Can I install as WIndows app on this version of Ubuntu? CAn I install Ubuntu on one drive alone, and windows on the other drive alone, install both in same computer and get dual booting? I think before, to do that I had to reset boot drives in BIOS to whichever I had the OS I wanted to use?

Or MUST they be installed on same drive for dual booting to be available?

I am attaching screen shots of the messages I get, etc. I have tried to share files and folders, but it does not allow me to select Share this folder as some security thing is not installed, And the time I am required to enter password to use comp[iter after being idle a few minutes, seems to be tied to my folder, which is JOHN. I may have to think about removing Ubuntu from this drive, add a SATA drive and use two, one for Windows and one for Ubuntu.

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General :: Unable To Share Folder In Suse 10.0 / Folder Defaults To Not Shared

May 13, 2010

I wanted to enable file sharing in for one of my folders under the home directory. I noticed that the 'not shared' and 'shared' always defaulted back to 'not shared'. And now I see what looks like an electrical plug icon symbol over the folder icon symbol like I might see used for some of the root folders. What does the new icon indicate about the folder attributes and why does file sharing default to 'not shared'?

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Ubuntu :: Hidden Cache Folder In Home Folder - Safe To Delete?

Jun 8, 2011

upon browsing the home folder in my ubuntu system, i came across a hidden cache folder..

it occupied around 700 mb of space..and im falling short of space..

can i delete the contents in the folder? are they safe to delete?

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Ubuntu :: Delete Remaster Folder From Home Folder?

Jun 13, 2011

I have Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 updated to 9.10 and have downloaded Remaster from Remastersys. I followed all of the instructions, which were simple enough. However, there must be some instructions missing as the process failed. Working with Remaster through Synaptic Manager, the iso was downloaded into my "home" folder into its own Remaster folder. It was not the iso, like you get when downloading a distro from the Internet, which downloads just an iso onto the Desktop. Inside the folder were a bunch of empty files (I know, because I opened them) and an iso . At this point the Remaster instruction stop. They do not say what to do with the other files, or what they have to do with the iso of my Ubuntu layout. So, like any other iso (once I knew which one was the iso of my setup), I double clicked on it and it ran me through the process of accessing the DVD to burn it. Which I did. I tested it and it failed with some kind of message to the effect that certain files were missing or it could not read it. So, I thought, I would have to do the 'hunt and peck' method and experiment a few times like I did with the ordinary distro downloads until I get it right. But first, I would have to dump the Remaster folder in the "home" folder since it took up so much space on my hard drive. Wrong! I come to find out it is in something called "root" and that I do not have permission to do anything with it but "copy" it. Great. Just great! Now what do I do. I tried to change permissions, but was not allowed to do that either. The only thing I could think of - and dread - was the idea of having to wipe my hard drive and go through the whole reinstall procedures, which takes me days, just because Remaster has locked itself into my system - and there is no 'back door' to get out of it.

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