Ubuntu :: Share Home Directory With 2 Distros?
Jun 14, 2010
I'm not sure if this is the proper section of the forum for this, but I haven't really seen anything about this particular topic. I've got Ubuntu 10.04 installed as my main OS. It's on a 25GB partition, and I have a 175GB partition that I use as my /home directory.
On the second hard disk I have a 15GB partition that I would like to install, and try out, Slackware 13.1.
Is it a bad idea to try to also use that 175GB /home partition for Slackware and Ubuntu at the same time? Can that cause incompatibility problems for me, with any shared software between the two distros, or is this something that should work ok?
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May 28, 2011
I've set up a dual boot between a few different distros that I use. One of them has a seperate home partition and I'd like to bind folders from that into the other distros' home directories, I would like to share music documents and ideally firefox bookmarks between them.
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Jul 27, 2010
Just out of curiosity, suppose I had a harddrive with three partitions. One partition contains Slackware (or whatever), and one partition contains Debian (or whatever). Could both of these installs use the third partition as its /home, without causing any problems?
edit: meant to put this into Linux General, not Debian. Could anyone move it?
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Jan 6, 2010
I want to do something that would make my life easier. Problem:
1. I use OpenSUSE as my main OS for over 2 years now. BUT I like playing with a flavor of the month OS.
2. Virtual OS installs are not my cup of tea. a) You don't get a "true" feeling for the OS without it being installed on metal. b) I have a OLD cpu and virtual anything is painfully slow.
Solution: Split the /home directory into three partitions.
1. Shared /home partition holding all visible data files
2. OpenSUSE /home partition having all the hidden .files and .directories for its configuration.
3. Flavor of the month OS /home partition having all the hidden .files and .directories for its configuration.
I can therefore install another OS or Distro and just format and install to 2 partitions. I still have all my documents and files in a separate shared partition.
1. I understand why they made the configuration files in /home for multiple users, but when someone wants to keep trying out different things it causes problems. 2. I don't want to place my files on my NAS. I have the same issue. My config files are saved in the NAS/home/and I can't share it without headaches. Doesn't solve my issue. 3. A symbolic link (soft) won't work since it will not update itself if files are moved.
4. Drop Box won't solve my issue and just take up space. 5. Syncing the /home/ folders between the two would take double the space. Just an issue with videos music and pictures. 6. If I make any changes won't this causes issues with the operating system and applications placing .config and defaults to the wrong place?
Solution I can't figure out how to process:
1. Save my .config files on a separate partition.
2. Making a link for each folder from the SUSE or Flavor of the month's /home folder to the storage /home folder located on a separate partition.
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May 11, 2011
I was wondering what the best way is to partition multiple distros to share one home partition.
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Feb 24, 2011
I've created a folder in /home called share. I am the owner. It has no group access. Others have full access. Is this setup safe? My current setup:
/home$ ls
eve share lost+found roy
I want eve and any future users to have full access to the folder 'share'. I am user 'Roy'.
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Jul 9, 2011
I have got 11.04 install on my dell system.The system has got 2 harddisk,all my data is store in the 2nd harddisk.How do I share the folder in the 2nd harddisk.Samba is already install in the system.
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Mar 7, 2010
I got 9.10 on by laptop and xp on other computer. Installed samba server and xp recognized my laptop but not anything I share on ubuntu. am i missing something in samba config file? Im trying to share home directory on ubuntu and both systems have the same login id.
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Feb 13, 2011
Or would this sacrifice security in some way? I've been using root only, and am ready to have a seperate account now. It's the dotfiles for GUI apps that I'm concerned about:
-rw------- 1 root root 98 Feb 13 16:23 .Xauthority
-rw------- 1 root root 6392 Feb 12 18:13 .bash_history
drwx------ 5 root root 4096 Jan 13 17:47 .config
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Dec 29 21:36 .fvwm
drwx------ 4 root root 4096 Nov 7 19:55 .mozilla
-rw------- 1 root root 218 Jan 26 10:04 .recently-used.xbel
-rw------- 1 root root 98 Feb 13 16:23 .serverauth.17096
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 25 12:42 .tuxcmd
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 12 17:25 .xine
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Mar 14, 2010
I've setup Kerberos and OpenLDAP servers (9.10) similar to the official documentation (and other sites that fill in the "gaps"). However, when you start to get in to some of the details, there seem to be many options - and I guess I'm looking for what could be the defacto standard. I'd like to allow Ubuntu clients to have a sso capability, with the ability for local caching of passwords if not connected to the network (such as a laptop user away from the office, prior to a VPN). I'd like to automount a secure NFS share somewhere in the /home directory. If the user logs in to a computer they've not logged in to before (if they're authorized), it would be nice if a skeleton /home directory could be setup there automatically I'm guessing that it is not desirable to use a shared /home NFS - as if you're off the network this would be problematic - as well as multiple computers sharing the same /home. There are some benefits to a shared /home (SSH certs, etc.), so maybe there is a hybrid approach out there.
I've read that it's not necessarily good practice to have OpenLDAP to do the authentication (leave this to Kerberos), but it's fine for authorization (such as ACLs for logins to certain computers). It's also good practice to use TLS with OpenLDAP (which requires public certs on all the clients) and to not allow anonymous read to the directory. I would guess that a computer host keytab could be refreshed to bind to the OpenLDAP server via GSSAPI / SASL to allow a non-anonymous read, and then determine if, say, the user was a member of a group allowed to log in. Kerberos would then pick up and authenticate the user and then proceed to the login. Off the network here, I'm not sure. I found this document, but it's self declared missing items: [URL]
I'll stop the rambling, but I cannot be the only one who would like to setup a relatively standard and secure server based network authentication and authorization back-end. Is there any _complete_ documentation on the best practices and how to implement?
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Apr 20, 2010
I have an interdependent collection of scripts in my ~/bin directory as well as a developed ~/.vim directory and some other libraries and such in other subdirectories. I've been versioning all of this using git, and have realized that it would be potentially very easy and useful to do development and testing of new and existing scripts, vim plugins, etc. using a cloned repo, and then pull the working code into my actual home directory with a merge.
The easiest way to do this would seem to be to just change & export $HOME, eg
cd ~/testing; git clone ~ home
export HOME=~/testing/home
cd ~
screen -S testing-home
# start vim, write/revise plugins, edit scripts, etc.
# test revisions
However since I've never tried this before I'm concerned that some programs, environment variables, etc., may end up using my actual home directory instead of the exported one. Is this a viable strategy? Are there just a few outliers that I should be careful about?
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Feb 9, 2010
I currently have one very big partition in my laptop that runs Ubuntu. I have to install Fedora for work and I'd also like to try out OpenSUSE, so I'll have to repartition. Since I don't want to duplicate data, I will move /home to a different partition and mount it from all three. I'd like to know, can I also do this with /var and /usr? If so, would that mean that every program I install will be available from all three?
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Apr 24, 2010
I dual boot multiple distros of Ubuntu and I'm trying to use my /home from 9.10 for 10.04 also.Is this possible? If not, does anyone know if I can copy sections of my 9.10 Crossover files to my 10.04 /home. Biggest thing is for WoW which takes forever to load each new distro I upgrade to.
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Jun 18, 2010
On my netbook I want to have three linux distros: full desktop ubuntu, a quick loading web oriented netbook OS (maybe UNR or a couple others), and backtrack 4.
To save HD space, I was thinking about having like a 10GB partition for each OS, a 2GB swap partition to be shared, and a /home partition taking up the rest of the drive to be shared between all the OSes. Are there any potential complications here? Should I use a separate user and home folder for each distro or would it be ok to share the same home folder between all of them?
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Oct 11, 2010
I am running Ubuntu with root on one partition and /home on another. I am proposing adding another distro (probably openSUSE) with its root on a partition which is unused at present, and the same /home partition as Ubuntu. Will using the same /home partition for two distros work? I realise that I will have to use the same usernames and passwords for both.
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Jan 18, 2010
I have a new laptop, the HDD is 160 GB size, I would like to install several linux distros, such as Debian, UbuntuStudio and BackTRack, the HDD partition would be like this:
- first logical partition (100 GB): 3 ext3 extended partition (1 partition for each distro)
-second logical partition (2 GB): swap
-thid logical partition (55 GB): ext3 /home partition
-four logical partition (3 GB): free space
is possible to share the swap and the /home partition between the 3 distros?
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Nov 20, 2010
My partition layout is as follows:
sda1: 14GB / ext4
sda2: 10GB /iso ext4
sda3: 4GB /home ext4
sda4: 86GB Extended
sad5: 2GB swap
I have 84GB free space on this hard drive and want to install another distro. Will I be able to create another / and /home partitions for the new distro?
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Sep 22, 2010
I have a dual-boot macbook with an OS X partition and an ubuntu partition. When I first installed ubuntu, I changed my home folder to my OS X home directory to synchronize all my files from both. My home directory is now /media/sda2/Users/username/. In a regular home folder, the icons for Documents, Music, Pictures, Movies, etc. are different (not just with emblems, but actually different icons). But when I changed my home folder, these subfolders' icons stayed the same as regular folder icons and I can't figure out a way to change that default setting. I know how to change the icons for each folder manually, but these changes don't appear everywhere (i.e. nautilus, places, etc). Furthermore, every time I change my icon theme, I would have to manually reassign icons for these folders. Is there a way to globally change the folder icons for these folders?
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May 24, 2011
I need to specify a different path to home directories on a particular server than what LDAP contains for the users, besides using a symlink. E.g. "/Users/jdoe" vs "/home/jdoe" I don't want to change the actual LDAP attributes, just want a particular server to point them in the right direction (Ubuntu 10.04).
I'm assuming it's something I could probably set in pam configurations?
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May 1, 2011
Installed Ubuntu along with Debian on my Notebook and use Grub Manager to choose between them on startup. Since i like Debian now a lot (in past days it was a very hard system to handle, but there has been some progress i noticed), i have to change some things (want Debian as main system now) For Ubuntu i have: (was meant to be main system on Notebook) "/", "/home" and a "swap" partition, but since i am now going to use mainly Debian, i wanted to store my files all in the "/home"-folder of my extended Ubuntu partition (has much more space available) not in the "/home" folder of the Debian system. So i want both (Debian and Ubuntu) to use the same extended partition ("/home") which i created for Ubuntu to save their files like downloads, videos, and so on.
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Dec 18, 2010
I have a server with Fedora 13 with which I would like to get NFS working. I have looked up multiple howto's and tutorials, but I'm having a problem not addressed by any of them.Official how-to, another how-to, and another how-to.I have verified that nfs-utils, nfs-utils-lib, portmap, and system-config-nfs are installed and running. I have verified that I have, in fact, shared the directory that I want to share, and that the proper permissions are set.
I had to go through some gyrations to get the Belkin wireless N router to allow my server to have a static IP. However, I can ping the server from the nfs client (a toshiba satellite running mint 8), and vice versa. I have (for now) disabled firewalls on both computers. I think I have disabled SELinux on Fedora 13 (for now).When I attempt to connect to the server from the client, the output looks like this:Quote:
aragorn ~ # mount -v /home/kelev/test/
mount: no type was given - I'll assume nfs because of the colon
mount.nfs: timeout set for Sat Dec 18 12:21:09 2010
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a strange problem when I do SSH to a FEDORA9 based Linux Server.
When I login using "adah" username in TELNET I am automatically directed to my home directory at location "/media/disk-1/home/adah". But when I use SSH to login using the same username I get the following message Code: Could not chdir to home directory /home/adahaj: Permission denied
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Jan 6, 2010
I have a secondary disk which holds a /home directory structure from a previous install of Linux. I installed a new version on a new primary drive and mounted this secondary drive as the new /home. Problem is, even though the users are the same names and I can access the home directories for the users, I cannot login directly to their home directories, as I get the following error: -
login as: [me]
[me]@[machine]'s password:
Last login: Wed Jan 6 18:34:33 2010 from [machine]
Could not chdir to home directory /home/[me]: Permission denied
[[me]@[machine] /]$
Now, since the usernames are correct and the users are in the passwd file with the correct home directory paths, could it be user ID's that are different or something else? It's not as though I cannot access the home directories for the users, simply that I cannot log directly into them from a login prompt.
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Jun 19, 2010
Is there anything special about a home directory before users' home directories are stored there, or is just as typical as any other "empty" folder?Let me just cut to the chase, but please no ear ringing about the folly of messing around as root, particularly with directories at root level. I know it's considered stupidity, but I deleted my home directory.
Is there an easy way to restore a working home directory? I tried copying /etc/skel under root, but I'm not sure what a home directory should look like once it has been restored. Besides . & .., there were .screenrc & .xsession in my home directory when I copied /etc/skel. Are these files suppose to be in "/home" or "/home/~" or both?
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Aug 26, 2010
I have Ubuntu Karmic. I chose to install with an encrypted home directory. Recently I got a warning that I only had 2GB of drive space left. This is mostly because of my videos. So I went and bought a new hard drive and partitioned it and made 1 ext4 partition and copied my videos all to the new hard drive. I added a line in my fstab to mount the new hard drive to ~/videos, but when I reboot the computer, there is a screen saying something like "error mounting /home/me/videos, press S to skip or something else to reboot". If I press S to skip, then when my system comes up there is a video directory but it's empty because my other hard drive didn't get mounted. I can run sudo mount /dev/sdb video/ and it will mount fine and I can see all my videos, so why can't fstab mount it? Does this have something to do with my encrypted home directory?
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Apr 13, 2010
I'm using Mac OS X's Terminal.app shell to compile and run Fortran programs. One such program resides outside of my home directory (it is in the Applications folder, which resides on my hard drive but seems to be outside of my home folder). How can I navigate into this directory using Terminal.app to run the programs that reside there?
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Apr 24, 2010
I have an ubuntu server, and i want to set in a new disk, i need to maunt it as /home, can i mount two disks at /home an dshare files between them?
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Sep 13, 2010
I just want to know if I can share my /home partition... I mean, I have 3 partitions swap, / with Ubuntu NBR and /home and want to install another distro (in a 4 partition), double boot and share /home.
If my /home partition is encrypted by Ubuntu, can I share it with another distro?
What I want to "also" use is Ubuntu Moblin Remix or meego.
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Jan 29, 2010
is it possible for two users to share a home folder? the idea is to allow for my home directory which is also my web server document root to be shared with another user on the FTP i currently have vsftpd which is set to allow local users to access their home directories but i dont want to give my password away, but i dont mind them having access to the files and folders
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Jul 8, 2010
I was going to freshly format my laptop with Windows 7 x86_64 and Lucid Lynx x86_x64... I have a HUGE amount of media (music, videos, pictures, documents) and I don't keep all of it on my external harddrive.
The plan is to have the basic 2 partitions for Windows 7 and Ubuntu but I would like to have a 3rd partition that is just for media that I could share between the two OSes. I guess I would create symbolic links in the Ubuntu Home folder to point to the partition with media and in Windows I could probably just add those folders to libraries (unless someone knows how to move the User folder to another parition?)
What should I format this new partition as? NTFS? It needs to support files larger than 4GB and Windows can't read/write to basically anything.
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