General :: How To Automate Log Deletion Process
Feb 25, 2010
I have RHEL Machine in production server where we gets usual alerts that logs filling up spaces. We archive those logs but in case it grows maximum we delete the old ones. Any idea how can we autiomate the process.
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May 24, 2011
I would like to automate a definition process. I have 11,581 to define. :|
I would like to read each word, copy the definition(s) and append it next or below the word or save definitions to file.
The word list has one word per line.
Python script?
Its an interesting project but I cant seem to figure it out. Lack of programming skills.
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Mar 14, 2011
This is my sample code in /etc/httpd/conf.d/applications.conf file currently we are creating subdomain mannually for every new subdomain. I want to automate this process througs bash script , how its possible.
<VirtualHost *:80>
In this code which i marked BOLD that content only we'l change for every subdomain. while manually doing this most of the times errors are coming to avoid that i need to automate this process.
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Sep 10, 2010
I have a java service that needs to be run in a gnu screen session so that I can -r into it to access it's interactive shell. I would like this to run at start-up. More importantly, it crashes frequently so I need the service to restart itself when it crashes. How do I go about doing this myself? My previous experience with shell scripting amounts to putting ./service in a file and marking it executable. This will be running on a FreeBSD server, but I might put it on a Linux server soon also. So any caveats on the differences would be useful information.
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Aug 14, 2011
I would like to backup important files (totaling about 400GB) on my ext 4 RAID 5 array to an ext4 external hard drive over USB (external drive is mounted to /mnt. In the future I'd like to automate the process using rsync and cron so for now I'm using rsync to transfer the files. My problem is that using the rsync command like this: # rsync -Pr "/dir1" "/dir2" "/dir3" "/dir4" /mnt
rsync shows me the checks and transfers for awhile and then throws up an i/o error (wish I had a screenshot to show but I don't). When I ls /mnt I get a similar i/o error. I then check /dev for the drive and find that it no longer shows up. Originally the partition was /dev/sdc1. I tried unplugging the USB at this point, plugging it back in and mounting the drive back to /mnt, however it has now assigned it to (you guessed it) /dev/sdd1. I get the drive mounted and try the original rsync command again, hoping the first error was a fluke or some kind of one-time drive fart. This time it makes it quite a bit further and then throws up the exact same problem. Am I doing something terribly wrong here? As I said, I'm very new to bash so I'm not making some absolutely moronic, newbie mistake.
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May 21, 2010
I am trying to write a shell script in order to automate the process of uploading a file onto an FTP server using the built in FTP commands in ubuntu server (lucid). In order to connect I can use the following:
Password: PASSWORD
In need to pass my username and password in when prompted the prompts. How should I go about doing this? I have tried echoing the values without success. Please not that I am something of an amateur with scripting.
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Jan 19, 2011
Possible Duplicate:Recover a file deleted using rm command in Linux.I have accidentally deleted all the stuff under my home directory, say /home/OriginalWood, is it possible to recover?Now the home directory is empty and not yet overlapped by any data. So, is there a way to recover?
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Mar 27, 2010
I generate more than 50GB of cache files on my RHEL server (and typical file size is 200kb so no of files is huge). When I try to delete these files it takes 8-10 hours. However, the bigger issue is that the system load goes to critical for these 8-10 hours. Is there anyway where I can keep the system load under control during the deletion.I tried using
nice -n19 rm -rf *
but that doesn't help in system load.
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Jun 19, 2010
I accidentally deleted all the files from file system in my hard drive (thankfully not my /home since it resided on a separate hdd). I did this from another system while I had connected that hdd to look at some files since my system was not booting correctly. The problem is that I deleted everything (manually while I was in nautilus) including the .Trash file. I have not formatted this drive so the partition table remains the same, nor have I written anything to it since the deletion, and, this drive is using ext4. What is the best way to restore this drive to how it was (say yesterday at 4:30PM)? (I have a lot of programs installed and I have been upgrading Ubuntu there since 9.04 to now 10.04). If I am not mistaken when data is deleted in ext4 it is simply flagged as usable space, and if that is so, is it possible to just simply unflag this data to get every file back the way it was yesterday at 4:30PM?
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Jun 7, 2011
I currently have a setup which allows me to connect to all computers on my home network via SSH and RSA keys. I'm very security-conscious, so all of my keys are passphrase protected. I'd like to essentially set something up where I'm running Unison on a cron job to back up to a file server on my network, which we'll call timmy. I've noticed that the first time I try to use a key on my Ubuntu laptop teeks, I get a dialog which pops up asking me to type in my key passphrase. I've heard that for servers needing to make automated backups like this that one should use ssh-agent to ask for the key passphrase on login/server start. How can I set this up on teeks?
I'd essentially like to have the following happen:When I boot and come into the OS, prompt visually for the passphrase as is done when I first use a key.If I SSH into this computer (as it's internet-facing) and I haven't provided the SSH passphrase yet, then prompt for it. (Sometimes, I might need to remotely reboot the machine over SSH, so I'll be SSH'ing into it after it reboots and I'd like to be able to authenticate the key without having to VNC in and do it manually.)
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Feb 10, 2011
I'd like to get the information about automatization of the tasks in Linux, more specifically in Fedora with minimal installation (without graphical interface and so on).The application (developed in C) needs to be started automatically when the computer is initialized. I've read about cron but I guess it's not a solution in this case because whenever computer starts the application must run once.I also have read about the/etc/ rc.local file but I made some tests changing it and they didn't work, the computer starts asking me the login and password but nothing run after that.The inittab was the same. In this way, someone know how to initialize an application developed in C when the computer starts?
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Mar 29, 2011
I need to tar this logs, but i dont how to make it simplier to me. Everyday there are created this five logs. I need to make five tar files from every day from this files at the end of the month
For example
Till now i have tar it manualy (copied every file)
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Oct 16, 2010
I need to source the my /home/me/.bashrc file every time I "su -" to root. Is there any way to automate this? I cannot edit any thing in the root's environment as it is shared by people.
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Mar 11, 2010
I need to ftp some files nightly from my linux box to an arbituary ftp server not controlled by me.
The ftp server admin has granted me an account for the purpose, but do not wish me to store the plain username or password in any script files for security reasons. How can I do that?
the wrong way would be:
$ cat my_script
open server_address
user plane_ftp_username plane_ftp_password
put a.txt
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Apr 19, 2010
I have a heavily used file server that I want to restart, then if it requires e2fsck's on any volume to run them after it restarts. The only problem is that the server is rarely rebooted, and they said it might kernel panic because its been so long. I've heard there's a way to have it go past the kernel panic if it does happen, but I'm not sure how to do that or the other stuff.If it was a Windows server, I would schedule a shutdown with the force switch, and have the chkdsk's already scheduled for each volume on reboot. But for RHEL, I really don't know.I'm hoping this can be done, so that way I can have it kick off at say 7am, then when I get in at 8am it will probably be near the end of the e2fsck's so I can see what's going on.
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Dec 31, 2010
I've been using Windows Home Server as a Backup Appliance, Media Server and Share Server at home for some time. I decided it was costing me allot of juice so very early on added the "Lights Out" add-on to ensure it was only running as and when needed.
I'm now looking to switch to a Linux based server and I'm looking for a similar tool/set of tools for advanced power management.
Now the question;
Anyone got any all-in-one suggestions (i.e with client parts for both Windows and Linux and a server part for the Linux server), or can anyone simply verify that I'll need to set-up all the individual bits for this myself separately?
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Feb 9, 2011
i want to automate sudo su - user command from a will then ask for a do i automate this?
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Sep 30, 2009
Description: I am a newly appointed system engineer taking care of linux servers. We have a new set of data coming in which need below configuration: How to do a script with function?:
for files with ".txt" in sm
copy each of the files to folder : sm1 and sm2 (log every copy)
if succesful:
remove original
log into the log file
if not successful: (not successful copying 1 particular file to all the folders)
retain and retry
log into the log file
mail out the admin with that particular file name
I have already do try a bit:
cd /export/home/
for dir in sm1 sm2; do
cp -p sm/*.txt $dir/
Is my starting right? How to do the rest parts?
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Jul 30, 2010
I've inherited the following Virtual Machine scenario and am new to Linux Administration and Patch Management. The Host Operating System is Windows 2003 Enterprise, which has VMware Server 2.0.2 installed. Under the VMware Server 2.0.2 I have a Ubuntu 32-bit OS web server running Apache2 Web Services. When I log onto the Ubuntu server (9.10 32-bit) I see the following two lines just above the new mail/last logon lines.
85 packages can be updated
55 updates are security updates
I would like to see at least a summary of each update and its urgency so I can notify the various developers/server owners to get their input regarding whether we should or should not apply that particular update to the server. We apply the patches in our test/dev environment first then once vetted there we roll them out to our production servers. What I am looking for is a way to automate the gathering of the information and once approval has been received automating the actual patching process so that I do not have to manually perform the apt-get process for each separate package needed/approved.
Ideally I would like a recommendation for a GUI based package to manage this process and that is capable of generating the appropriate reports for the 'powers that be' regarding the current security/patch management environment. For proof of concept I would like a free version that is not hamstrung in functionality but is not too costly to procure the production version with no limitations.
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm not that familiar with sed and awk in order to be able to solve this problem on my own, so I'm calling on you for a bit of assistance. I'm writing a Nagios plugin to check our Oracle tablespaces and the output is given in one line like this: 1.04007771 TEMP 0 UNDOTBS1 .005340579 USERS 0 7 rows selected. I've been playing around with sed like below to delete the obsolete info and change every second space into a newline:
how many tablespaces there are so I'd have to check all databases and 'hardcode' the tablespaces in my script. Is there any way to 'automate' this knowing that 'rows selected' preceded by a number is always the last line and using a sort of counter to auto-adjust the number to put in the -e 's/ / /2' part?
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Aug 21, 2009
I am trying to use rsync to keep 2 machines in sync. I get the following error sometimes. If I rerun the rsync it usually works.
IO error encountered - skipping file deletion
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Jan 8, 2010
one tell me the internal working of kill command. that is how it kills a process internally or from where it picks file to continue its process.
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Jan 21, 2011
I have a high priority service that I start with sudo nice -n -10 process. This process does not need superuser rights though, except for the priority elevation. But nice requires superuser privileges to elevate priority.
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Jun 12, 2010
send the details raid configuration how to use in linux el5 and how to indentify the raid degrade process and how to rebuilt the process.
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Sep 8, 2010
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
Description of what the code does or what i intended to do:
1. Created a child process from parent process using 'fork()'
2. Sent a signal 'SIGALRM' from child process to parent process using 'sigqueue' function.
(The Third parameter of 'siqueue' function contains the message (message msg) which the child process wants to send to the parent process.'msg' is a stucture instance containing a) pid of child and b) string) 5. Print the 'msg' sent by child process inside the signal handler function 'sig_action_function' of the parent process I am getting some junk value when this line is executed
I expected to get the pid of child process, which the child process sent to parent process through the signal.
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Aug 12, 2010
as we all know Process Scheduler does Process scheduling and its a process as well. I was just wondering that if this happens then the Process "Process Scheduler" should be a part of Process queue as well.
So if there are 5 process are there in Process queue & process scheduler is administrating them then since its also a process, once it puts a process under RUN state it should itself go inside queue because at one instant only one process can get executed on a processor. This is quite confusing for me. Please help me out. I tried to search on this but could not find any relevant topics.
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May 4, 2010
How do you find the parent process of zombie processes?
When the child process is something where the parent is not entirely obvious...
Is there some way to list processes in tree format or something?
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Nov 9, 2010
I have a process running on Linux.When i do ps -eaf | grep <myProcess>, it show muliple entries for <myProcess> with different pids for each entry.Kindly tell me what could be the reason for a process having multiple pids?
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Mar 23, 2010
I want ro ran new commandy after sungrid finish his task.Exp:qsub -q bla command1; command2 command2 start only when job of command1 finished.
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Nov 16, 2010
I've been running my shellscript for about half an hour now. It's taking longer than I thought to process all the data. I have the process ID of it. Is it possible to save the process and log out then log in and continue the process? I know how to pause a process using kill -pause pID and continue it using kill -cont pID. But that only work if you don't log out after pausing it.
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