Ubuntu Servers :: Subdomain Can Not Get Past Parked?

Mar 13, 2011

understand why does not works of my apache configuration for subdomains. All of subdomains is still parked when I try to create subdomain.Sorry, I cannot show parked site to you that parked site is on swedish, if you do understand swedish and I'ill pm you with the address.Here's httpd.cf:

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>


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Ubuntu Servers :: Rsyslogd Using 197% Cpu For The Past Few Days?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm running natty server on Rackspace cloud and rsyslogd has been using 197% off my cpu (quad core I believe) for the past few days. Does anyone have an pointers as to how to figure out what is going on?

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General :: Error - This Domain Is Parked - Pending Renewal Or Has Expired

Jul 9, 2010

I am trying to open one site.When i open at home or internet cafe or at my friends place it opens properly but when i try to open it in my office i get this error and some other page opens "This domain is parked, pending renewal, or has expired.Please contact the domain provider with questions."

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Ubuntu Servers :: Getting Server Past A Router For Open Internet Access

Mar 14, 2010

I just finished setting up my small server, however I realized that no one can connect to it from the outside. The reason being is that my router is assigning internal ip's and dyndns is linked to that. I need port 80 for the Apache server, but if I have the router forward that port to my particular ip, won't it screw with everyone else's internet too?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Block Subdomain Of Any Site

Mar 26, 2010

My question is how to block a subdomain of a site. To make it as clear as possible, I'll give an example. I am regularly entering this arbitrary site [URL] which redirects me to this page [URL] and this index.html takes an image from a subdomain which is a subfolder of itself, that is: [URL]. What I am asking is blocking the images to be taken, but not the main page itself, i.e. to block www.somesite.abc/images/ without blocking the overall www.somesite.abc.

My idea was to use the /etc/hosts file by redirecting to loopback address:
Code: www.somesite.abc/images
But it looks as if it doesn't affect things at all. Should I use it another way? Modifying /etc/hosts.deny maybe useful?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Subdomain To Potr Forwarging?

Sep 19, 2010

I need forward traffic from sub.domain:44400 to domain:2222. I think i can do this with iptables, but how?

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General :: Create Subdomain In Without Having Cpanel?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm new to Linux server concept. Can anybody tell me how to create subdomain in linuAlready I have domain "x" in my server, I want to create subdomain for domain "x". How can I do it without using CPanel

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Debian :: Cross Subdomain Session With Apache And Php?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a debian server default installed and i am trying to get cross subdomain session to work. I used this code to test on 2 subdomains

session_set_cookie_params(0 , '/', '.domain.ltd');
session_start ();


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Networking :: Get A Subdomain Accessible Outside The Local Network?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a subdomain called www3 and I cant see it outside of our network. It's added in vhosts.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d, and I can access it through [URL], but only when on vpn.

We have another www2 that is both local AND outside the vpn. I am testing the site live and need access to it. Is there another file besides vhosts.conf that I need to add the ssubdomain in? Here's what I added in my vhosts.conf


<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www2.mydomain.com
ServerAlias www2.internal www2


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Server :: BIND - Subdomain Names Not Getting Resolved?

Jun 14, 2011

BackgroundI have registered a domain name "abc.mobi" with domainit. abc.mobi is pointed to our mail server which is running at (fake address).All mails that are being delivered to kazmi@abc.mobi have no problem getting delivered. We can also send emails out to other domains.I have recently configured BIND 9.3.6 on the same server (running CentOS) that is running our mail server. The purpose is to make sub domain dynamically without getting domainit involved. These subdomains will have incoming and outgoing emails as well. For example, I would want to make a usable subdomain "xyz" under abc and have kazmi@xyz.abc.mobi email address.

I have configured abc.mobi.hosts file as follows
$ttl 38400


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Server :: Create Independent Subdomain On Centos?

Sep 26, 2010

creating independent sub-domains on my VPS.To describe this in clear words below is the example:I have a domain named as demo.com and k it as test1.demo.comand i have only one IP address assigned to me, which points to demo.com.So how can i set this sub-domain so that I will serve as a separate entity

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Server :: Zimbra - Restrict Mail Sending For Subdomain?

May 4, 2011

I am having trouble configuring Zimbra to restrict sending for some users. A subdomain has been added in the ZCS web page for the domain, resulting in two potential mail addresses:


The subdomain needs to be restricted from sending mail to the outside world and to other users on the same subdomain. It should only be able to message users on the main domain. The users on the main domain should be able to email anyone in the world. Is it possible to configure this without installing Zimbra on two machines?

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Server :: Ddns Reverse Zone Updates Add Subdomain Twice To Each Entry?

Mar 8, 2011

I've run into a strange issue with a DHCP/DDNS setup whereby when the DHCP server asks the DNS server to add a new host, the forward map is added correctly but the reverse map has the subdomain added twice (e.g.'m running ISC DHCPd version 3.0.1 and BIND version 9.2.3 on SuSE 9.2 - 32bit.Here is my dhcpd.conf file:

# dhcpd.conf
include "/etc/named.keys";


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General :: Redirect Apache (mod_rewrite) From Subdomain To Https Directory (vhost)?

May 1, 2011

On one of my servers (Centos 5.5), I have been hosting articularly complex CRM application for one of my clients. Recently they have asked about configuring SSL connections to the CRM. Problem is, SSL is already configured for their main domain but not the sub-domain where the CRM application is accessed. Rather than purchasing another SSL certificate for their sub-domain (and probably another IP address),ld it be possible to setup a redirection from the subdomain to a sub-directory in the SSL directory using mod_rewrite. I have searched online and through the other posts on LinuxQuestions but nothing I have tried works.For example:[URl]

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Log In Screen.

Apr 24, 2011

I had uninstalled pulseaudio and it's related libraries, then I rebooted, and now I can't log in.

Also, the log in screen looks different. Where it used to have the ubuntu logo, it now has a computer monitor icon.

Logging in from the command line works.

I tried reinstalling pulseaudio with

sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugins "pulseaudio-*" paman padevchooser paprefs pavucontrol pavumeter

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past The Second(?) GRUB Screen

Jan 10, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 recently using the installer (which was awesome, I've wanted to install Ubuntu again for awhile now but I didn't have any usable CDs and that wasn't available before or I was blind). I'm dual-booting with Vista 32 bit and it was working fine as far as I could tell for a week or two... but I noticed a few days ago, when I would try to boot into Ubuntu, once I selected 'Ubuntu' and then got to the screen where I'd normally ENTER on the 'linux-blahblahblah' thing, it's a command line. I can't get much out of it because half of the first word or so is too far to the left of the screen, I'm unable to read it.

I don't have the time to figure out what I'd search for for a fix for this. I'm only just now getting around to seeing if it would do it again today.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Login Screen

Mar 8, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu 9.10 for about two months now and it became my primary OS. I was in a hurry last night so I powered off laptop in a "bad way" - pressing the off button while the computer was running wipe. Today I tried to start Ubuntu but I can't get past the login screen which, also, looks like it switched to a "simple" theme - like in Windows xp when you turn off theme and GUI switches to "simple" theme. On this same screen there is a message saying something like "Configuration error! Power manager configuration isn't configured correctly." in the upper right corner. f I enter my username and pass it just resets to login screen again after a few seconds.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Get Past Splash Screen

Sep 3, 2010

I just used the update manager to update to the latest kernel. There were other updates there, but I can't remember what all they were.

Now the computer won't get beyond the splash screen. I waited about 15 minutes the first time for it to load. When I hit esc during the splash screen, I got this warning

GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid-r(): failed due to unknown user id (0

After that I think there is more, but my screen runs out of room, but I have this sense that there is more.

Anyway, that might have nothing to do with the problem. When I boot to recovery mode it finds all the stuff plugged in to the motherboard and USB drives then just stops.

Booting to the old kernel works just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Login Screen In 10.04

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to get Kubuntu 10.04 to work. When I install it on this PC, it works up to the login screen. When I login, it acts as if it were logging in. But then it takes me back to the login screen. Ubuntu 10.04 works fine on this PC, but I prefer KDE. Could this be a problem with the graphics card?I can't even use the basic desktop effects in Ubuntu (gnome)

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past The Boot Screen?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu on my desktop. I have a dual-boot option between Ubuntu and Windows Vista. When I woke up this morning, my Ubuntu screen was frozen so I attempted to reboot...but I couldn't get past the boot screen. I can get into Windows just fine, but selecting Ubuntu just keeps cycling me through the initial boot screens over and overI am a still a beginner so please talk to me as though I were a child. Otherwise I'm sure I'll be confused.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Plymouth Screen

Nov 21, 2010

I am trying to boot in to ubuntu 10.10 from a usb on my desktop but i can't seem to get past the purple screen with "ubuntu" and the flashing dots. The purple dots scroll for a bit but then all turn purple. I'm trying to do this on a hp compaq with a pentium 4 and from what i can tell nothing is wrong with it.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login - Can't Get Past Name Selection

Jun 6, 2011

I can't seem to login into ubuntu this morning. I'm using 11.04 64 bit. It's been working fine for a few weeks, but this morning I select my name with the mouse and it just returns to the same initial screen after a millisecond. The password box does not come up.

The last thing I did yesterday was add another user - would that have caused any issues (or a red herring)?

I went to a terminal and deleted that user (sudo userdel -r <username>) but that hasn't helped.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Copy/ Past In Thunderbird?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm running Thunderbird 3.1.10; and, for some reason, can not copy/ paste into the body of the email. This is a real inconvenience and I need to get it sorted out. Does anyone know how to fix this

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Past Grub?

Jul 12, 2011

Recently I did a clean install of Windows 7 on my HP Desktop because of registry issues, and wanting to clear the XP partition I was no longer using. I also had Ubuntu 10.04 as a 3rd partition which worked fine.

After the clean install of Win7, it is working perfect, I decided to put 11.04 as a second partition. I gave it 200gb of the 750gb HDD. It said it installed, but after Grub, it would just show a jumbled screen and freeze. So I figured maybe a video card issue, so I tried to install 10.10, when I would select it in Grub, my monitor would go to sleep as if it is no longer receiving a signal.

So I go back to 10.04 since it worked on the same machine before. I did everything as before, did it manually by setting EXT4, checking to format the partition, and mount point. It seemed to install just fine, but now when I select Ubuntu in Grub, it just goes to a black screen with the cursor blinking in the top left corner. I left it like that for a while too, just to see if it would eventually get there, but never did. Tried a couple more times and still the same.

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Ubuntu :: Installed 11 - Can't Get Past User Log In

Jul 12, 2011

After choosing Ubuntu over Windows XP, I get an error:


There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)

I click close and get the sign in prompt. I click my user name and put in my password. I hit enter and I get another message:


Install problem! The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator.

That goes away, and then the first error comes up again. Then, I'm sent back to the sign in screen.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04/unity Won't Go Past Desktop?

Jul 25, 2011

install, updated my graphics card (nvidia) rebooted, now get desktop with left side unity quick icons, menu button only and no bottom panel. Unable to do a logout Ctrl-backspace, or Ctrl-delete. Tried safe boot, and reconfigure of graphics + fstab, but remains same.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu Can't Get Past The Menu?

Feb 10, 2010

I am a n00b to Ubuntu, been using it under dual boot with Windoze for about a year, and have found this forum to be a great help - so I am hoping someone can help me out with this "mystery".I wanted to try out the Kubuntu live CD in order to see if I'd like KDE interface better (I used some SuSE 11.2 lately and liked it).I did whatever I do with Ubuntu (under my Win7 environment) - downloaded the iso (x64)- burned it to a CD usinf imgBurner- checked the CD - seemed active enough, Windows installer popped up- rebooted the computerI got the usual language menu, chose English, got the usual "Try kubuntu without...", "install kubuntu"... menu and hit enter to Try and... nothing!? Every option I clicked responded with "nothing" except F keys, and "Boot from first hard disk".I tried a bunch of things - burning with CDBurnerXP, using it on another computer, downloading an iso from a different mirror

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Ubuntu :: Computer Will Not Go Past Motherboard Screen

Mar 30, 2010

I'm running a dual-boot with Win7 64-bit and ubuntu 9.10 64-bit. I installed Win7 quite a while ago and ubuntu was installed this last weekend. It's been running happily and until now I have been very impressed, in fact I've only booted win7 once after installing ubuntu and that was just to make sure it was still working after resizing the partition.

I'm now running ubuntu from my installation cd in "run ubuntu without making any changes". Because when I turn-on my computer it simply will not go past the "motherboard-screen", if you know what I mean. It's a HP so I had some kind of "pc doctor" or something in the motherboard-screen. I was able to run that and it passed everything; cpu, ram, HD... So it seem like the hard drive is fine. Any thing that can make my computer working or allow me to back-up my files.

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Ubuntu One :: Installing From USB Does Not Get Past Loading Screen

Jun 11, 2010

I got a usb with ubuntu 10.04 on it. Was messing around with this ubuntu last nite and really borked up my system. :S so decided on a fresh install (since ubuntu doesn't really have a system restore as far as i know)I originally installed Ubuntu on this machine with usb(EEE pc 1001p) but when i'm trying to do it now, after i click "DEFAULT" from the menu and goes to loading screen, it loads forever... i waited for about an hour and still loading (not frozen since the loading bar is still moving)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Will Not Install: Cannot Get Past Five Red Dots?

Jun 12, 2010

I cannot install the newest Ubuntu, 64 or 32-bit. On the amd release, the intro with the five red dots appears, then it goes into a white background with multiple light-purple random lines, and quits there. On the 32-bit release, the purple screen appears with no menu, with an error message.My system has an AMD64 processor, two hard disks: one for Windows, one for Linux. I used to have Ubuntu Hardy Heron on it (not the LTS version), so I erased the drive.

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