Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past The Second(?) GRUB Screen

Jan 10, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 recently using the installer (which was awesome, I've wanted to install Ubuntu again for awhile now but I didn't have any usable CDs and that wasn't available before or I was blind). I'm dual-booting with Vista 32 bit and it was working fine as far as I could tell for a week or two... but I noticed a few days ago, when I would try to boot into Ubuntu, once I selected 'Ubuntu' and then got to the screen where I'd normally ENTER on the 'linux-blahblahblah' thing, it's a command line. I can't get much out of it because half of the first word or so is too far to the left of the screen, I'm unable to read it.

I don't have the time to figure out what I'd search for for a fix for this. I'm only just now getting around to seeing if it would do it again today.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freeze Screen After Reboot And Get Past The Splash Screen?

May 12, 2011

When I install Ubuntu 11.04 with Wubi, I get this freeze screen after I reboot and get past the Ubuntu splash screen: url

As you can see, it's a scrambled picture of my Windows desktop. This happens with every other version of Ubuntu also.

I'm running a 64-bit PC and I don't wanna waste another CD or use a USB to install, because I actually progress further in my efforts whenever I use Wubi.

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General :: Dell Studio 1535 Screen Resolution - System Won't Get Past The Loading Screen Anymore

Aug 4, 2010

Unfortunately my experience in the Unix* based world up to this point has only been using web servers and administrating them, no GUI experience of any kind so I am completely unfamiliar with the setup and entire usage of Xorg or any other Window manager at this point. The issue I am having is with the screen resolutions I am being allowed to chose for my Dell Studio 1535 running Fedora Core 13 and the KDE 4 desktop GUI, thus my issue since I am not really familiar with how to run a Unix* based GUI in the first place.

The basic information, if there is more needed just advise what and what command gathers that info (or what conf/log I should look into in order to find it). Laptop is a Dell Studio 1535 Video is the Mobile Intel GMA X3100 ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics. LCD interface is the LVDS.

So far it seems to give me modes for 1024x768 and on down, nothing above this. I believe I am supposed to use the radeon driver being that is the type of card it is but every time I change the xorg.conf file to use this instead of vesa the system wont get past the loading screen anymore upon reboot and nor can I seem to find a way to bring up a command line so I can hit up the Xorg.0.log to see what is wrong or change the xorg.conf file back to the original driver it had listed.

I am going to assume this is a missing driver or something else it hangs on but without being able to get access back to the system and having to rebuild it again (re-install via live CD) I am basically out of luck at this time. Sorry for the rather poor post but I do hope to receive some basic directions on where to go from here with this issue

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Past Grub?

Jul 12, 2011

Recently I did a clean install of Windows 7 on my HP Desktop because of registry issues, and wanting to clear the XP partition I was no longer using. I also had Ubuntu 10.04 as a 3rd partition which worked fine.

After the clean install of Win7, it is working perfect, I decided to put 11.04 as a second partition. I gave it 200gb of the 750gb HDD. It said it installed, but after Grub, it would just show a jumbled screen and freeze. So I figured maybe a video card issue, so I tried to install 10.10, when I would select it in Grub, my monitor would go to sleep as if it is no longer receiving a signal.

So I go back to 10.04 since it worked on the same machine before. I did everything as before, did it manually by setting EXT4, checking to format the partition, and mount point. It seemed to install just fine, but now when I select Ubuntu in Grub, it just goes to a black screen with the cursor blinking in the top left corner. I left it like that for a while too, just to see if it would eventually get there, but never did. Tried a couple more times and still the same.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Past Grub

Jul 14, 2011

My laptop sustained an injury and since the fall, it cannot progress past grub. The grub menu appears, but regardless of what option is chosen, the machine reboots (exception: memtest works fine).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot To Past 'GRUB Loading'?

Jan 30, 2010

I've just bought a new laptop (with no installed OS) and have (excitedly) burned a live cd for Karmic Koala 64bit: several people on the laptop manufacturer forums have got working with this particular laptop.

The live session works fine but when I install and then reboot I get 'GRUB Loading' with a flashing underscore and nothing else happens. I've found this thread and this bug report and have tried reinstalling GRUB to no avail.

I also have a live cd for 9.04 which I've tried to install and get a the same problem only now the message is 'GRUB Loading stage1.5' So I don't think it's a problem with the version of GRUB as described in the bug report thread.

I read something else that said it could be a problem with the mbr being in some way geared towards Windows but I'm not sure. I tried following those instructions but nothing happened and then I just got the same error again.

Any help would be greatly received since obviously I'm pretty desperate to get my spangly (and expensive) new machine to work. Edit: I also have a thread at the manufacturers' forums. But we're at a loss there too.

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General :: Boot From CD, But Can't Get Past GRUB?

Jul 30, 2011

I have dual boot system - Win7pro, Ubuntu 11.04, installed Win7 1st.I need to boot from CD, but can't get past GRUB... ?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Log In Screen.

Apr 24, 2011

I had uninstalled pulseaudio and it's related libraries, then I rebooted, and now I can't log in.

Also, the log in screen looks different. Where it used to have the ubuntu logo, it now has a computer monitor icon.

Logging in from the command line works.

I tried reinstalling pulseaudio with

sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugins "pulseaudio-*" paman padevchooser paprefs pavucontrol pavumeter

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Login Screen

Mar 8, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu 9.10 for about two months now and it became my primary OS. I was in a hurry last night so I powered off laptop in a "bad way" - pressing the off button while the computer was running wipe. Today I tried to start Ubuntu but I can't get past the login screen which, also, looks like it switched to a "simple" theme - like in Windows xp when you turn off theme and GUI switches to "simple" theme. On this same screen there is a message saying something like "Configuration error! Power manager configuration isn't configured correctly." in the upper right corner. f I enter my username and pass it just resets to login screen again after a few seconds.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Get Past Splash Screen

Sep 3, 2010

I just used the update manager to update to the latest kernel. There were other updates there, but I can't remember what all they were.

Now the computer won't get beyond the splash screen. I waited about 15 minutes the first time for it to load. When I hit esc during the splash screen, I got this warning

GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid-r(): failed due to unknown user id (0

After that I think there is more, but my screen runs out of room, but I have this sense that there is more.

Anyway, that might have nothing to do with the problem. When I boot to recovery mode it finds all the stuff plugged in to the motherboard and USB drives then just stops.

Booting to the old kernel works just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Login Screen In 10.04

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to get Kubuntu 10.04 to work. When I install it on this PC, it works up to the login screen. When I login, it acts as if it were logging in. But then it takes me back to the login screen. Ubuntu 10.04 works fine on this PC, but I prefer KDE. Could this be a problem with the graphics card?I can't even use the basic desktop effects in Ubuntu (gnome)

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past The Boot Screen?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu on my desktop. I have a dual-boot option between Ubuntu and Windows Vista. When I woke up this morning, my Ubuntu screen was frozen so I attempted to reboot...but I couldn't get past the boot screen. I can get into Windows just fine, but selecting Ubuntu just keeps cycling me through the initial boot screens over and overI am a still a beginner so please talk to me as though I were a child. Otherwise I'm sure I'll be confused.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Plymouth Screen

Nov 21, 2010

I am trying to boot in to ubuntu 10.10 from a usb on my desktop but i can't seem to get past the purple screen with "ubuntu" and the flashing dots. The purple dots scroll for a bit but then all turn purple. I'm trying to do this on a hp compaq with a pentium 4 and from what i can tell nothing is wrong with it.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Will Not Go Past Motherboard Screen

Mar 30, 2010

I'm running a dual-boot with Win7 64-bit and ubuntu 9.10 64-bit. I installed Win7 quite a while ago and ubuntu was installed this last weekend. It's been running happily and until now I have been very impressed, in fact I've only booted win7 once after installing ubuntu and that was just to make sure it was still working after resizing the partition.

I'm now running ubuntu from my installation cd in "run ubuntu without making any changes". Because when I turn-on my computer it simply will not go past the "motherboard-screen", if you know what I mean. It's a HP so I had some kind of "pc doctor" or something in the motherboard-screen. I was able to run that and it passed everything; cpu, ram, HD... So it seem like the hard drive is fine. Any thing that can make my computer working or allow me to back-up my files.

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Ubuntu One :: Installing From USB Does Not Get Past Loading Screen

Jun 11, 2010

I got a usb with ubuntu 10.04 on it. Was messing around with this ubuntu last nite and really borked up my system. :S so decided on a fresh install (since ubuntu doesn't really have a system restore as far as i know)I originally installed Ubuntu on this machine with usb(EEE pc 1001p) but when i'm trying to do it now, after i click "DEFAULT" from the menu and goes to loading screen, it loads forever... i waited for about an hour and still loading (not frozen since the loading bar is still moving)

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Ubuntu :: Unbuntu 8.04 LTS - Can Not Get Past EULA Screen

Jun 17, 2010

I have a dell inspiron mini which came with unbuntu 8.04 LTS mini standard edition pre-insatlled and a recovery disk. However i would like a more accessible OS and have been trying to install windows xp but i can not get past EULA screen. I have tried this with different (new) copies and checked if the buttons involved are working properly they are. i have also tried to make a boot disk for ubuntu following Internet guides but apparently this version does not support that option.

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General :: Can't Get Past Login Screen In Ubuntu 10.10

Oct 29, 2010

i'm running ubuntu maverick on a dell laptop and it was working flawlessly until the audio started stuttering so I looked up a possible cure for it. I came accross a post that said uninstalling pulseaudio would cure the problem - so i did through software centre. When I was uninstalling it there was configuration files to uninstall as well. When I shut down the laptop and tried to restart it, it goes to login screen with my name but when I click on login it goes back to the same screen. This is the first time this has happened and im not sure what I can do.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Moving To Different Server - Won't Boot Past GRUB / Sort It?

Jun 11, 2010

I recently tried to clone a RHEL 4 system and migrate it to some different hardware (IBM Blade to an IBM x3650M2 rack mount). I'm getting an error when it tries to boot up. It gets past the grub part, but then errors out quickly with this error code...

I've done this before, but the other system I migrated didn't have a separate "/" and "/boot" partition. I think this may be why it's having an issue. It seems like "/boot" is actually /dev/sda1 and "/" is /dev/sda2 (from booting up RHEL rescue disk). I've tried changing fstab and grub.conf, but I think I may be missing something.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Stuck Past Login Screen

Jan 29, 2010

I made a little change this morning on my karmic laptop, and now after it boots up and I enter my username/psswd, it remains perpetually stuck on the loading page that usually shows only for a couple of seconds. I never actually get to my desktop.

This morning, I thought I would try adding another panel to my Desktop, but I thought that if I added it with the position 'top', it would automatically pop underneath my default top panel. So I would have two panels one under the other, like you often do in firefox. I also immediately set my new panel on 'auto-hide'. Right after, the new panel showed up ABOVE my default panel (like z-axis, covering my default panel) and my screen was absolutely frozen. All my desktop icons disappeared and mouse clicks and keyboard strokes would do nothing.

I was forced to hit ctrl+alt+f3 and do a reboot. Ever since, I have been stuck in this mode. Perhaps if I could access the config file for desktop panels (if there is one), then I could try and revert my changes.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Login Screen In 10.04 Lucid Lynx

Jun 11, 2010

I installed Ubuntu for the first time yesterday by running Wubi on Windows Vista Home Premium. For all of yesterday and up to lunchtime today Ubuntu was working fine. I followed the instructions on a forum post to remove Evolution Mail via the synaptic applications menu. I proceeded to log out of Ubuntu and reboot (I hoestly can't remember what for) Anyway, ever since I have not been able to log in to Ubuntu. I enter my username and password as normal and they are accepted, however moments the log in page displays again. This continues in an endless loop. The password is definitely correct because I get an authentication error if I enter anything else. I know I am not the only person experiencing this issue.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Past Default Key Ring Password Screen

Sep 22, 2010

I installed a couple of updates that the update manager said were important the other night and now I can't get past the default key ring password screen. Only the mouse works (USB); the keyboard has no response.I know the password but I just can't get the keyboard to work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Won't Continue Past Second Screen?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm having trouble installing Ubuntu Netbook edition (v10.10) on my (brand new, No other OS installed) Asus Eee PC 1215T. I've successfully booted from the flash drive and can "Try Ubuntu," and everything works when doing so, however when I try to install it, the installer freezes on the second screen, right after language selection. To be a little more specific, that's the screen with the checkmarks next to "has at least 2.5 GB available drive space," "is plugged in to a power source," and "is connected to the Internet."

After I hit the "Forward" button on this screen, I just get an infinite wait cursor. I can still freely check and uncheck the boxes, and click the "Quit" button, so it's not entirely frozen, but it just won't progress any further.

I had this *exact* same problem just over a week ago when I tried to install Ubuntu on my desktop, also using the flash drive method. I ended up using the Windows installer to get it installed on my desktop, but as the netbook doesn't have any OS installed, that's not an option this time.

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Ubuntu :: LiveCD Does Not Get Past Initial Screen / Troubleshoot It?

Apr 5, 2011

My laptop recently died and I have invested in a new desktop. The specs are as follows code...

Anyhow, I had been running 10.10 on that laptop. Everything ran swimmingly (until the internal components died of course). I am currently running XP on the desktop and am looking to run 10.10 again as a dual boot. I already partitioned off 200gigs for Ubuntu upon set up of XP. I have tried using the USB LiveCD I used for my first install on the laptop, as well as a LiveCD CD I had created for the laptop. Neither one worked. The LiveCD came up with an error and the USB got to the point where there was the purple screen with white dots and it never got past that point.

I downloaded a brand new 10.10 disc earlier today and I got to the point where the white line blinks on the black screen. Unfortunately that is as far as the boot got. It has some initial writing at the top of the screen saying it was loading a process, and then it produced an error of a int file of some sort. I'll go back and try it again and get a better grasp on the error. Also, after the error message I was given the ability to type commands (it actually told me to type 'help' for a list of the commands available to me), but I had no clue what to do with them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Let Get Past The Create An Account Screen

May 10, 2011

when I install Ubuntu from disc, it goes all the way through the install process and everything works fine until the part where you make your account, password, etc. When I enter all the information, sometimes it will say 'copying files..' for a while and I'll wait. Before long, though, it will say 'Ready when you are..' but the button that says forward is still greyed out and I cant click it. Ive tried going back and then forward again and it still doesnt work. Ive tried the install twice on two different discs and it wont work. Whats going on?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Won't Get Past Black Terminal Screen?

Jun 19, 2011

I just tried to update from 10.10 to 11.04, as the computer was restarting, it asked me to login from a terminal screen, and never fully loaded. I logged on and it stayed in the terminal screen, I tried rebooting and still nothing...

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Ubuntu :: 64bit Won't Boot Past Splash Screen

Jul 13, 2011

I just recently installed 11.04 fresh onto my computer. Everything's been working great and i've been enjoying the new interface immensely. However, today when i booted my pc up, after i entered my password and logged in, I'm stuck at the splash screen. I can move the mouse and i have the default 11.04 image up on the screen, but ive got no menus or taskbars and i know it hasn't logged in yet, because my wallpaper isnt up. I've restarted a number of times and this keeps happening.

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Fedora :: Cant Go Past The Login Screen?

Sep 14, 2009

I installed the following packages in order to install kscope in my Fedora 11.1. kdelibs-devel2. kdebaseAfter I restarted the system, the options of GNOME and KDE sessions come to the login screen. Also, when I enter the login credentials, the username and password are accepted, the login chime sounds, and i m thrown back to the login screen

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General :: Get Past Login Screen?

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to create a script that I can save on the desktop of my Primary computer and have it log in (get past the log in screen on the remote computers, and the banner) to multiple computers with the same user name and password in a LAN that is not connected to the internet.I am also trying to create a script that starts a script on the desktop of these remote machines ON the remote machines, but I think I am on the verge of figuring that one out with the "expect" command in a script.

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Installation :: Ubuntu Won't Boot Past Loading Screen / Get This To Work?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a Dell computer of mine but I can't get it to boot past the loading screen. I'm using 10.04 live CD. At the loading screen (boot, memory test, etc..) I select to boot the live CD and after that, I get a black screen followed by no signal from my monitor. My monitor is a 42" LCD TV (I had plans to turn this PC into a HTPC using Ubuntu and Boxee). I know Linux will work on this box, because it has in the past. Now, before I used to have an ATI Radeon X 1300 PCI-E card and now I am using an ATI Radeon 2900GT, and since cannot boot.

Does anyone have any idea on how I can get this to work?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.10 Fails To Boot Past Startup Screen / Mac G4

May 18, 2011

I just recently put Ubuntu 10.10 for ppc on a Cd-R and installed it onto an old Mac I had found. The installation seemed perfectly fine I booted the computer and was presented to boot with two options "Linux" and "old" or to press enter and boot default. I had decided to boot default and it reaches the splash screen where the loading bar advances two dots and then completely stops.

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