Ubuntu Servers :: Fully Automated Network - Host Name Configure And DNS Register In The First Boot

Jul 29, 2011

My organization is running a VMware vSphere based platform. On top of that we have a Sun Gridengine cluster consists of a number of ubuntu VMs.At the moment, we deploy new cluster nodes from the VM template. Although it already saves us lots of time, we still need to configure the network, host name, register DNS record manually.In a near future, we will need to add 100+ more hosts to the cluster. So we are seeking a automated deployment so that a VM does the following during its first boot:

1)configure the network for the correct IP with DHCP or manual.

2)request a designate host name (maybe from a pre-defined datasource?) and configure host name.

3)register itself to our DNS servers.

We don't really have experiences for running big cluster. So welcome to share your opinions and experiences.Specially I'd very keen to find out if there is any well-proven solution right there or I will need to implement from the scratch.

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General :: Fully Automated From Boot To Loading File?

Nov 18, 2009

While I have been using Linux for many years (Slackware), I have found myself facing a special need that I can't quite figure out.I work at a club where I use iMovie on my Mac to create a DVD that plays on all of our TV's displaying our upcoming lineup of bands.In order to save on DVD's, I would like to create a very small form factor PC running Linux with the following requirements: the computer must boot into Linux and log itself in, the computer will boot up with a thumb drive attached containing a movie file of the most Linux compatible video format. After booting up and logging itself in, the video on the thumb drive must start playing automatically in full screen mode and in a continuos loop.So the whole thing needs to be automated from boot to playing movie; only the power button should ever need to be touched.

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Networking :: Configure A Network Route To A Host For Testing Network Interface?

Aug 30, 2010

today I tried to configure a network route to a host for testing my network interface. Code: route add eth0 As I have to eth interfaces and both interface got their IP from DHCP ( and and are in the same subnet, I shut the other interface down:

Code: ifconfig eth1 down Then I tried to test the interface by doing a ping to
Problem: When I unplug the cable from eth0 (and eth1 is still plugged) the ping still works. Somehow my linux (it's debian) powers up again eth0 and pings over this port.

How can I stop my linux doing this. I just want to have the route added only on the one interface - not the other. Is it maybe some case of a default-gateway?

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General :: FOG: Cant Register Host's On The FOG Server

Jul 8, 2011

Im going to registrate a Host on the fog server database.

i have done this befor on a working system befor, so i kinda know how to do it.

Im booting from the network, and im finding the server, and chose Quick host registation ( i have tryed the full host registration, but it dose not work there either)

after the Quick host registration and loading, this show's up:

Loading fog/kernel/bzimage......
decompressing linux .... Parsing ELF......Done
Booting the kernel.init.gz....
pci 0000:23:00.1: BAR 6: no parent found for of device [0xffff8000-0xffffffff]
unable to query synaptics hardware.


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Programming :: How To Configure And Use The Host To Boot A Test Kernel

Mar 8, 2011

I want to learning and developing the kernel on the practice(not kernel module). What are some ways to boot the test kernel on the same system(with stable kernel) where I`m building a test kernel for debugging purposes.

How to configure and use the host to boot a test kernel then I can boot the system(with stable kernel) and fix the test kernel.

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Red Hat :: Configure DHCP Client To Register Itself To DNS Server?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm a newbie to Linux and need some help in DHCP client configuration.

I'm trying to find a way to set hostname at the start up and get the DHCP client to register itself after it received an IP address.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Airport Card On A Wireless Network - Couldn't Auto-configure My DHCP Network

Aug 13, 2011

I've installed the Ubuntu 10.04 Server onto a PPC G4 Mac just for the experience of setting up a server. During the installation process Ubuntu couldn't auto-configure my DHCP Network. I'm using the airport card on a wireless network. How can I manually configure the network once Ubuntu is installed.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Configure DHCP Client To Register Itself To DNS Server?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm new to CentOS and has recently use it.

I'm looking for a way to configure DHCP client so it would dynamically set the hostname and register itself to a DNS server. I don't have access to the DNS server.

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Debian Hardware :: Unable To Fully Configure Sound

May 1, 2015

I just upgraded to jessie (kde) and am not able to fully configure my sound. It was working on wheezy. I have tried alsamixer and managed to get sound (playback & record) through my front case connectors. Can't get anything out of my rear motherboard connectors.I also have a bluetooth headset which I have successfully paired but which doesn't show up as a sound device in pavucontrol.

lspci | grep udio
00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller (rev 06)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family HD Audio Controller


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Server :: Request From Unauthorized Host - Boot From Network Using PXE And NFS

Apr 25, 2011

In the sys-log from server there a lot of message like this: Code: Apr 25 10:38:45 server portmap[2569]: connect from to getport(nfs): request from unauthorized host Apr 25 10:38:46 server portmap[2570]: connect from to getport(nfs): request from unauthorized host is a client that want to boot from netwrok using PXE and NFS. However it doesn't boot and enters (initramfs) prompt. Seems that the server deny the connection from client.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Register DNS Entry With Static IP?

Apr 5, 2011

We're trying to replicate something that Windows servers can do. Basically on a Windows box, you can give it a static IP address, but there is an option to have it update the DNS server with it's IP and hostname. We are trying to do this on SUSE 11.I know I can get this function to work on SUSE if the box is set up as with DHCP. What we're having difficulty is when the server is set up as a Static IP to get it to update the DNS server

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Fedora Servers :: Configure DNS Server For Small Network

Jul 2, 2010

How to configure DNS server for my small network. In Fedora Linux operating system I want to use Linux as a DNS server for my small office. there are files " /etc/hosts" and "/etc/resolv.conf ".

what is the purpose of these files and in which situation we use these files? For configuring a new DNS server. how can i configure my own DNS server for my small office? Any blog or site in which they show steps to configure DNS server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Configure PostGreSQL For Internal Network Access?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a problem configuring my PostGreSQL server for internal network access.

I want to be able to access my postgre server from

It works when I set listen_address to *, but if I input, or any other IP address, I always get:


WARNING: could not create listen socket for ""
FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets
postgresql.conf section


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Networking :: DNS Installation And Configuration: A To Z / Register The Name Servers / Resolve Different Domains?

Apr 9, 2010

Anyone can point me to a document, page, or something that will tell me exactly how to implement DNS step by step. I don't mean just the concept, i.e. you'll need two name servers, and to download BIND, etc. NO, I mean command line commands and all. Step 1, step 2, how to register the name servers, how to resolve different domains, etc.

I'd really appreciate it, as I need to implement internal DNS and external DNS for my company soon. Our set up is pretty standard: Firewall, DMZ, Solaris/Linux/Windows servers, and Windows clients, etc.

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Ubuntu Servers :: BEST 10.04lts Desktop Automated Deployment

Aug 25, 2010

vote on the best automated deployment for 10.04 lts desktop! have 50units identical pc's, one pdc (openldap, bind, dhcp) and one fs (nfs server). thinking of installing just one pc with all the updates, program addons and stuff, then thinking of: disk image the disk and copy to the rest of the 49units and just edit the host name and activate the etho by sudo mv /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.old would this be ok? i mean there will be no problem if users authenticate an stuff?

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Networking :: Script To Boot Different Host File Standalone Versus Network?

Mar 5, 2011

Apart from the fact firef*x gets confused when my laptop is not connected to the internet... (Please click here grrr)Have you figured out a way to load a separate hosts file when booting in standalone? Presently I swap one host file for the other, usually after boot. Restart apache. Running LAMP on laptop now. It practically grinds to a halt when it isn't connected to my server

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Ubuntu Servers :: Stop Responding: Goes Into An Automated Scanning Mode

Jul 14, 2010

I just installed ubuntu as a learning tool. It was going fine until the next day after the install. This happened on two reinstall of ubuntu server 10.4. All was installed was lamp, squid, privoxy, tor, shorewall, and phpmyadmin. I have added 3 websites to the server.

Today, I noticed my internet stopped responding on my other pc which is linked to my server for internet access( privoxy). When I turned on the server, I noticed the screen was purging out random lines. I don't know what they mean, but it was a never ending series of lines filling the whole screen. To stop it, I ctrl+c. Some of these lines read usb, keyboard, mouse, etc. I am guessing the system went hay-wired.

When I reboot the machine, it did it again. This time I don't have the cmd prompt. I didn't know another other way to properly shutdown so I just cold reboot the machine. The next time it booted up, all seems normal like it always have been. My sites, internet is working.

I probably didn't provide enough info to diagnose this behavior. As mentioned before, it happened the first time I installed the server and it is happening again with the same applications installed.

Edited: It happened again. Some of the lines I could make out are these.

Bug: unable to handle kernal NULL pointer deference
Kernal panic-not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!
Error panic occured: Switching back to text console.
The server froze at this point.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Bypass ISCSI Prompt During Automated Installation?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm trying to jump Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 x86_64 on an HP DL360 G5. After loading the modules for install, I'm greeted with an iSCSI prompt that cannot be bypassed. Hitting Finish brings me right back to the same iSCSI prompt.The issue seems to be identical to y kickseed file is as follows:

#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
# System authorization information


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General :: Automated Telnet For Testing Servers

Aug 20, 2009

So I have a script that is supposed to check to see if a mail server is up and responsive. What I want to know is how I can send it the telnet escape character. I've tried:VAR=`(sleep 5;echo quit) | (telnet mailserver.timbuktu.net 25 2>&- )`

This works BUT there is a problem as the mail server may have been accidentally firewalled off. If this happens, my automated checking script will hang. What I want to do is send the escape character so that the '>' prompt comes up. They I should be able to send it "quit" even if it is hung on not getting a response from the server. VAR=`(sleep 5;echo -e '^]';sleep 1;echo quit) | (telnet arhqmg01.usarec.army.mil 25 2>&- )`

The above doesn't work. telnet interprets CTRL+] as '^]' but you can't type '^]' and get the same effect. So I guess what I need is to send the actual keystrokes. Like echo "somenumber" ; echo quit

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Networking :: Automated Way Of Loging Into Servers By Netbios Name Instead Of Ip's

Sep 18, 2010

In recent days, (today is September 18, 2010) I've been surfing the web trying to learn how to access nodes in my soho lan by netbios names instead of having to connect through the ip number, because ip's change every time according to DHCP assignments. I do not know what has happened to the "new" command mount.cifs, but things seem to have become a bit more complicated with the new version. Security problems, they say, and surely that's the reason.

I show here an automated way of loging into servers by netbios name instead of having to resort to the use of IP numbers, hosts files, wins servers and all that jazz. This is especially useful if your soho lan have five or more network nodes, and you do not want to go finding out the ip numbers assigned to the machines you want to connect to (temporarily or permanently).

This output is piped to gawk to isolate the line containing <00>, and gawk outputs the first element (print $1) of that line, which happens to be the ip of the server ServerName. I tested the script in my soho network, which now has Linux, Windows XP and Windows 7 nodes, and it worked perfectly for both tipes of servers.I'm using GNU's gawk, but I'm pretty sure that awk would do the job just as well.

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Ubuntu :: IMac Power PC G4 Installation - No Longer Register The Boot CD

Mar 18, 2010

I was originally going to install debian on this old iMac G4 and everything was going well. But then I decided, hey wait one second, I could probably find a version of Ubuntu which works on this old iMac, and so... i stopped the installation and loaded the ubuntu 8.04 disc. The only problem is, it will no longer register the boot CD... because i kind of already did the partitioning and nuked the OS X... So now I just see a gray screen with a file image displayed revolving between a question mark and the file finder image.

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Ubuntu :: Register A Daemon To Start Up At Boot Time In Lucid?

Aug 23, 2010

What's the best way to register a daemon to start up at boot time in lucid? I have tried registering the following script using "sudo update-rc.d"


This is supposed to get the daemon for opentftp started, but it does nothing, although I can see the results of the "echo 'Server opentftpd started' " in the boot log in /var/log .Any thoughts or general help on what the best way to accomplish such a task is?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Could Not Reliably Determine The Fully Qualified Domain Name

Jun 22, 2011

How do I put the FQDN in the etc/hosts file, server ip is hostname - promisedland fqdn - promisedland.dyndns.org I just want to set up a web based file server. Here is what i put in hosts (/etc)-gedit


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OpenSUSE Network :: Get The NFS Server To Respond To An Automated Search?

Jan 15, 2011

opensuse v11.3 I enabled a NFS server on a host, set up a couple of exports, opened the ports in the firewall. When I open the NFS Client on another host and select "Choose", there is popup that states "Scanning for hosts on this LAN...". Then it returns an error "No NFS server found on your network. ..." That's funny because I had previously mounted the two exported directories already by entering the server name manually. How do I get the NFS server to respond to an automated search?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install And Configure LTSP On A Server For A HP Thin Client To Boot Off?

Jul 22, 2011

I am trying to install and configure LTSP on a server for a HP thin client to boot off. The version of Ubuntu that I am using is 11.04 x86 and it is a fresh install on a dual core system with 2GB RAM. I followed a guide which comprised of these commands.

sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone openssh-server sudo ltsp-build-client or if your on a 64-bit system with 32-bit machines do sudo ltsp-build-client arch i386 for editing the servers IP values use /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf after that you need to restart DHCP server sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
and update sshkeys -sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys and if you updated dhcpd.conf then you need to update you image also by typing in terminal ltsp-update-image

Everything seemed to install as it should but when I try to boot from the thin client it just times out and says no DHCP or proxy invites received. I turned DHCP off on the router and even tried another router, but I still get nothing. I am at a bit of a loose end and I hope someone on here can point me in the right direction of where I am going wrong.

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Networking :: Very Low Network Performance In Host-to-host Connections

Jan 27, 2009

The internal network is behind nat done by the PC Router.The TP Link is recieving wireless signal from outdoors and it has switching and basic routing capabilities. I'm using the PC router for better routing options.PC Router (or R for short) is a triple-booting machine - Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. It has two lan cards - external (ext_if) - 100Mbps Realtek 8139 and internal (int_if) - 1Gbps integrated Realtek 8169.The problem is that all traffic from R to the network is slow - about 5-20K, while the traffic in the oppoiste direction is all right - about 10MB that is fine for 100Mbps cables, NICs and switches. The problem persist no matter the OS the pc R is running.I've tried some debugging on the situation as follows:

- put another PC at the place of R - everything is fine. That exclude the possibility of damaged cables, RJ-45s, switches and etc.
- connected both of the NICs to the Internet while the internal network is being disconnected and they both work fine (no delays)
- traffic shaping is not running
- there is nothing in firewalls except NATing the internal network (and it is working fine). Actually these firewall rules have been operational for more than months and everything was fine untill a week or two ago.
- changed the internal NIC with another
- connected the internal network directly to the TP and all of the PCs are getting good network performance. Then connected the R machine to the TP as well and there was good performance between the internal network PCs and R.
- R has good performance to the TP. In fact everything has good performance directly to the TP (when not connecting trough R).
- the problem persist only between R and machines from the internal network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A PXE Boot Can Boot A Machine From The Network

Aug 23, 2010

I was wondering, how much hassle would it be to setup a PXE boot so I can boot a machine from the network.

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Fedora Networking :: Configure A Network Bridge To Start On Boot?

Nov 5, 2009

How do I configure a network bridge to start on boot?

I have two network interfaces eth0 and eth1.

Here is my current network script configuration:



The bridge will come up if I restart the network service after boot....but it won't automatically come up when the computer starts.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Fully Boot After Plymouth Change

Aug 23, 2010

I changed the Plymouth Theme following the direction on this page:


Basically, I put this in the Terminal: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth

I then selected a theme (I believe it was spinning something or other). Then I entered: sudo update-initramfs -u

Now, when I boot up, it just sits on a blank screen after I select to start up with ubuntu. I can't boot into ubuntu at all.

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Debian :: Automated Boot On 0h00 Sunday?

Jun 26, 2011

I'm still kinda noob in linux and I've installed Debian Squeeze (LXDE version) and it boots itself (the whole computer) at midnight from saterday to sunday. This is somewhat troubling me as I'm trying to sleep at that time. I've googled about this but I couldnt find very helpful information.

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