im trying to extract a skin into the amsn skin directory and it says im not allowed so i went into the users and groups and i set my self up to be able to do all the commands and put myself in the root catagory of users. this is where im lost im still unable to do anything.. i want complete administrator access on my OS i shouldnt have to type in sudo -
I have a large ISO file on a server, and I need to access the file in it, without having root access. Thus, I can't simply mount it. What should I do to be able to extract an ISO on LInux without root access?
Why do I always need to write "su" then my password to extract or copy any file in fedora 11. How to configure so that I always be in my root directory.
want to run VirtualBox with root permissions. Trouble is that only when run as root i can access attached USB devices inside of a virtual machine, otherwise, these a greyed out).Now running VirtualBox as a root user also changes the configuration folders, making all my virtual machines already defined disappear. I also don't want to copy all to the root configuration folders. Is there a way to give the VirtualBox root permissions but without actually running the application as a root user. Is it possible to do without changing the permissions of the non-root user, i.e. i don't want my user to have all root permissions, due to security considerations.
I run ProFTPd with TLS authentication on my Debian Lenny server. My problem is that despite of the fact that my users connect chrooted, one of my friends had root privileges after logging in form a Macintosh and could browse the root directory, too.
Having read on the forums about some of the dangers of running Wireshark as root, I would like to know if anyone can suggest some alternative packet sniffers/network analyzers which will offer similar results but without the security issues. I am using Karmic Koala on a Fujitsu Siemens laptop with wireless router (firewall enabled)
Whenever I login as root, an e-mail with the subject "Security information" is sent outwhere the e-mail address for this message is configured? I need to change it (or perhaps disable it).
I've been using Ubuntu for over 5 years. This time I decided to upgrade UNR to the latest 10.10. I am now running it from USB to try it before installing. Excuse my ignorance, but whatever happened to the Terminal? I cannot find it anywhere! I think this release is not going in the right direction if one of the most important tools in Ubuntu is hidden from an average user.
Also, how do I change to the root directory in the files and folders? or at least to the higher directory structure.I won't be installing UNR 10.10 unless I figure out these BASIC things.
I have some directories whose owner is root. When I enter the GUI (KDE) I always do it as normal user john. But then, when I want to copy a file to some of root's dirs, I get an "Access denied" notification. To be sincere, these dirs are in a window$ vfat partition and I can neither change the ownership nor the permissions. So what I do is to switch to a root console and painstakingly type the whole path of both source and destination, with the help, of course, of tab completion. To su to root, copy the file and exit to john would be much more comfortable. But I don't know how to do it. If I do K Menu>Run Command and type 'su root' nothing happens.
Right now by default iam logged in with my account and i want to access some files/folders in my machine, but iam unable to access(also no copy/paste) those because iam not logged in as root user. So is there a way to gain root access over those files/folders in Ubuntu. I know i can do su in command prompt and change the permissions but what is the other way to gain root access.
I'm using the IDE Netbeans (text editor) on my /home/michael Ubuntu account. I'm trying to open a file with Netbeans that's owned by root, I can't do this as I expected. So is there a way to run NetBeans as root, or is there a way to give netbeans permission to open/save files owned by root
I've recently upgraded to 10.04 and have noticed that all the files or folders I've been creating recently are read only. I can manipulate the folders on my ubuntu system itself and create new entries, folderes, subfolders, and save files. IE a payment receipt in pdf format. However if I then try to move or copy any of these to my DROBO (data storage device) the file gets the LOCK Icon on it and becomes read only. If it is a subfolder I can no longer copy to it and if it's a regular file, say a pdf or flv I can't modify it. Attempting to change the file permissions on either my ubuntu desktop or any other folder works but once it goes to the drobo I lose the ability to change it off of ---. Again, this was all working fine before doing the upgrade to 10.04. Yes I did do a clean install to 10.04.
I have a shared partition on Ubuntu, 'dm-6', if I create a new folder in it, it has 'teocomi' as owner.If I create the folder from another (windows) PC the owner is 'nobody' and from Ubuntu I have to chmod/chown it in oredr to edit its content...Is there a way to set automatically permission and owner for newly created folders and directories?
I found this on Bee's website. For more info on this exploit there are links there:[URl]..All you have to do in Fedora 13 is enter the following lines in a shell as normal user:
I don't think this can be considered solely an "upstream" problem, because I first tried it in Arch using the same version of glibc, and the final command causes both gnome-terminal and xterm windows to disappear.
So, I wanted a master ftp user that could access all the folders for all the users. I did this by creating a second root user. I'm aware of all the security considerations, and if there's a better way to do this than creating a root user I'd really like to know it. That said, my issue is that my new root user is still unable in FTP to access folders owned by other users that aren't world readable. Note that this is ONLY when logging in via ftp. If I login through SSH I can access all folders without problem and without the need to sudo. So this is a true root user. Does anyone have an idea how I can fix the proftpd configuration to allow my root user access to ALL folders no matter the owner?
I have a Ubuntu file server with a mix of 30+ users ( mix of windows and linux ).All are members of the same group. All need read write create access. I want to prevent deletion of certain key folders. How can I achieve this ? sudo chmod -R nnnn ??
I have been running rkhunter but how do i view the /var/log/rkhunter.log? I have tried using: sudo /var/log/rkhunter.log but all i got was "Command not found?
I installed avast anti-virus on my 10.04 T42p thinkpad. It immediately slowed to a walk! and the registration number did not work and caused an error message. I tried to reinstall the program with no improvement/same result. then tried to remove the program from the machine with dpkg. Seemed to get rid of it but some of the folders it created are still there and won't let me trash them. The machine still seems slow, so how do I get rid of all traces of avast?
I was given a forensic Image which I now know is a DD image of the drive (Vista) and am trying to mount the image or extract the image to another drive. I'm not sure of the extention type or if the image is a partition or the entire drive. I think it is the entire drive.
Is it possible to mount a DD image to a device. If I can't do that I just want to extract the files to run some programs against the drive. Can I view the files under Ubuntu or do I have to remove the drive and stick it into a Vista computer.
I purchased a second drive today and was hoping the command line would be something simple.
Or am I on the wrong track, should I be doing this all in a windows environment. The reason I picked ubuntu was because of the reporting tools.
I was looking at the root filesystem folder for mounting a device when I noticed extra folders. I'm using an encrypted filesystem so I'm not sure if it's that, a break in or the default Red Hat layout. I searched these forums and Google to no avail on extra folders. The root system contains the following:
bin {fda00e13-8c62-4f63-9d19-d168115b11ca} media opt selinux usr boot home misc proc srv var dev lib mnt root sys etc lost+found net sbin tmp
Still working on the mask of files for shared folder. I now have a shared folder with the exact behavior I expect : Code: sudo addgroup share_group sudo mkdir /media/volume/shared_dir sudo chgrp share_group /media/volume/shared_dir sudo chmod g+s /media/volume/shared_dir sudo chmod 770 /media/volume/shared_dir sudo setfacl -d -m group::rwx /media/volume/shared_dir sudo setfacl -d -m other::--- /media/volume/shared_dir emma@box:/media/volume/shared_dir$ ls -al total 8 drwxrws---+ 2 root share_group 4096 2010-02-09 12:53 . drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 2010-02-09 11:58 .. -rw-rw----+ 1 emma share_group 0 2010-02-09 12:53 test By default, user from the group can modify this file. That's perfect.
I have define the share in Samba this way : Code: [share] comment = Shared Folder path = /media/volume/shared_dir browseable = yes guest ok = no read only = no hide dot file = yes # force group = share_group # create mask = 0660 # directory mask = 0770 # force create mask = 0660 # force directory mask = 0770
When drag & dropping a file in this share, here is the default mask: Code: emma@box:/media/volume/shared_dir$ ls -al total 192 drwxrws---+ 2 root share_group 4096 2010-02-09 12:54 . drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 2010-02-09 11:58 .. -rw-rwx---+ 1 emma share_group 6148 2010-02-09 12:54 .DS_Store -rw-rwxr--+ 1 emma share_group 176684 2009-12-21 23:33 IMG_7487.jpg
So the dropped file have execution rights for the group, and read access for other. I expected it to have the same rights than the file created directly using the touch command. I tried to play with the mask options, without success. The file has been dropped from my mac, which is a Unix like OS. I guess that some authorization access are inherited from the original file, for the user and other parts. But where does the group authorization come from ? Moreover, is is possible to define in samba a default mask, whatever the authorization of the original file?
After trying Truecrypt, LUKS, and Ecryptfs I decided to try NTFS encryption. Now, on a dual boot computer from Ubuntu I can browse the encrypted folders but can not open the encrypted files. All attempts produce access denials yet the Unix file permissions appear to be "0777" (owner, group, and world readable-writable).
Is there someway to get Ubuntu's NTFS software to recognize and decrypt the encrypted files? Would a different NTFS package work such as NTFS-3g?
I have network shares automounted in /media and I want to exclude them from my automatic scheduled ClamAV scan in Maverick. How do I do this? I can't find any CRON link or script that actually starts the scan. Is it the Daemon that does this?