Ubuntu Security :: When Logged Into Every Day Account And Tried To Load The Program, It Prompted For Password?

Jul 8, 2010

I installed IPlist earlier today on my main/admin account (which I only use for installing programs. I don't use this account daily.) and everything was fine. When I logged into my every day account and tried to load the program, it prompted me for my password. When I entered it, I got this message:Quote:Failed to run /usr/sbin/ipblock start_gui as user root.The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo)t allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.Does this mean I am not able to use this program on this account, or is there a way around it? I'm new to Ubuntu so forgive me if I'm asking the obvious. I looked around and couldn't find an answer. I really don't want to use my admin account for daily activities, but I also really want to be able to use IPlist

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Ubuntu Security :: Set Two Password For 1 User Account?

Dec 27, 2010

i use ubuntu 10.04, is there a way to set two passwords for 1 user account

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Ubuntu Security :: 9.04 Jaunty Encrypted Account And Password Changing?

Mar 10, 2010

When I first installed 9.04 (from scratch), I chose the option to have my entire account encrypted... I used the same password as my login password, and wrote down the key hash that it displayed for me just like instructed... everything was working terrific...Well, yesterday, I wanted to change my account password. I changed my account password, and it took effect immediately (I tested it by using "sudo -s" to see if I could elevate to root from the terminal... worked just fine). Being satisfied with my new password, I shut my computer down...

The next time I started it up and tried to log in to my account, it I put in my username and password and pressed enter, and it accepted it just fine, and started to boot to my desktop... it then immediately prompted me with something about "your session lasted less than 10 seconds, try starting in failsafe mode" or something along those lines, and immediately booted me out and back to the gdm login screen... I thought it was just a glitch so I tried again... same thing... gave me the "less than 10 seconds" prompt and booted me back to the gdm...

I thought maybe my filesystem became corrupted, but I didn't give up... I attempted to login to my fiancee's account, and it worked just fine! Using her account, I was able to quickly and safely boot into her desktop environment with no errors...I opened a terminal and used the "su" command to access my account... When I did this, it gave me some kind of error and told me to run ecryptfs (can't remember exactly which command... now). I ran ecryptfs and put in my NEW password... it told me that the passphrase was incorrect. So just out of curiosity, I ran it again, and this time put in my OLD passphrase, and it worked immediately! At this point, I realized that my gdm login password got changed, but my ecryptfs passphrase did not, and the two were not matching up (I assume that on login, gdm passes this password on to ecryptfs, and that when the two did not match up, it was booting me out with the whole "session lasted less than 10 seconds" prompt...)...

So what I did at this point was, while logged into my girlfriend's account, I "su"'d into my account, and used the passwd command to change my password back to my OLD password... once the password was changed back successfully, I restarted my computer and tried to log into my account from the gdm... worked perfectly this time with the old (original) password...When you change your session password, shouldn't it automatically change the encyrption password to match? Or at the very least, warn you that if your account is encrypted, you must take further steps to make these two passphrases match? Also, what command would I use to change my "ecryptfs" password to manually match my session password?

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Ubuntu Security :: Resolving An Account Password With Pam-script When Using Passwordless SSH? Possible?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm trying to configure a process triggered by an SVN post-commit hook which will log into a different host and carry out an SVN update on a file path on that host before exiting. An earlier attempt mounted the remote filepath on the SVN host using sshfs and performed the update locally. This worked but it was incredibly slow (minutes to complete an SVN update).

So, Plan B was to set-up a passwordless login for the user the script runs as and then use pam-script to script a checkout from a repository using the same credentials. The problem is, passwordless SSH login using private/public keys appears to bypass the PAM authentication system or at least interact with it in a way that no environment variables (including the SSH user's name and pass) are resolved by the authentication script being used by pam-script.

I've tested the pam-script behaviour for normal log-ins and it exposes these variables fine. This leaves me in a Catch-22 with trying to script access on one host to perform actions on another while avoiding user/pass prompts or the need to store plaintext passwords on the remote host.

Anyone know if there's a way to resolve a user account password via PAM when using passwordless SSH or, another approach I could take to perform scripted tasks on the remote system requiring authentication? Ideally without storing the passwords on the remote system (at least in unencrypted form).

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Ubuntu Security :: Turn Off The Password Recovery For User Account?

Nov 12, 2010

I remember my password very well and have no need of password recovery. Everywhere I look it's how to recover and I don't want that. The kind where you boot into root recovery console to change the password.

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General :: Security - Change OpenSSH Account Password

Feb 15, 2011

I suppose that my main Linux user account password serves as my SSH password as well. Is there a way I can modify this? As it turns out, I'd like to have a REALLY secure SSH password for obvious reasons, but a less secure local password, as it makes typing in passwords a heck of a lot easier on a machine. Is there a way I can change my account password in SSH without changing my Linux user password?

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Ubuntu :: Prompted For Username And Password At Startup?

Aug 30, 2010

not for the typical username and password that I use to log into my computer. It's actually prompting me, upon startup/reboot to have me insert my name and password, in what appears to be the command prompt. I am still a noob with Ubuntu and Linux in general, so I have no idea what I did to make this happen. It's not terrible and zomg if it doesn't get fixed I'll die, but it is slightly inconvenient to have to "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" every time I reboot my computer. Anyone know what I have to do to fix this?I would also like to apologize if this has been covered in another topic, but I could not find anything

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Ubuntu :: Prompted For Key-ring Password On Login?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid -- I upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10 which also had kubuntu desktop installed.After entering my username and password in the user login screen, I'm prompted for my key-ring password even though my key-ring password and my user login password are the same. How can I have key-ring password prompt automatically use the password entered at user login?

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Ubuntu :: Installed It And Was Prompted To Enter Username And Password?

Feb 6, 2010

i'm new in ubuntu server..just installed it and i was prompted to enter my username and password..but theni got this prompt:administrator@ubuntuserver:

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Ubuntu :: Screen Doesn't Always Dim When Prompted For Admin Password?

Dec 8, 2010

When I go to "Software Sources..." in the Software Center, the screen dims bringing my attention to the password prompt. I find this quite aesthetically pleasing and am immediately aware that I cannot continue until I enter my password. This is the only time that the screen dims in this fashion when asking for my admin password. Is this correct? If not (or maybe even if it is), should this be considered one for the papercut ninjas?

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Ubuntu :: Run Scripts With Root Privileges Without Being Prompted For A Password?

Dec 22, 2010

I want to run to scripts with root privileges without being prompted for a password.
This is my sudoers

# /etc/sudoers
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.


Every time I try to run SSID.sh it prompts me for the goddamn root password.

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OpenSUSE :: Don't Get Prompted For Root Password Anymore?

May 15, 2010

Something weird happened lately (more probably I messed something up). I don't get prompted for root password anymore, for example while installing updates or software. It's not like the system remembers the password and does everything without asking for credentials, it simply doesn't ask and states that it can't do anything because of lack of privileges.

I use GNOME and can run YaST and Software Installation - I get asked for root password when running these. I can't set privileges when doing thing's outside those, like for example installing updates through that update icon on the bottom toolbar, or trying to install something by clicking on *.rpm.What might be the cause of the problem is that I was trying out KDE lately, and because I didn't like it I uninstalled it's packages. System asked what to do with dependencies and I chose to save most of them, but I might have uninstalled a bit too much.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Root Password Not Set \ Wasn't Prompted To Set The Root Password?

Jun 25, 2010

When I installed the OS, I wasn't prompted to set the root password. Is this a bug, or did my install hose up?

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OpenSUSE :: Updates Not Installing - Get Prompted For Admin Password But Then Nothing Happens

Jan 19, 2011

I have fresh install of SuSe11.2 64x My software updater applet tells me there are about 50 or so updates required. I check all and then click install, get prompted for admin password but then nothing happens except the software updater window closes and if I hover my mouse over the applet it tells me it is updating.

however hours later and nothing appears to have happened. If I click the updater applet all the selected updates still appear in the update window. I have added all the standard repos and have network connectivity. I'm a bit baffled here - it worked perfectly fine on my last 11.2 on the same machine.

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Networking :: Way To Connect To A Cifs Share, And Only Being Prompted For One Password?

Jan 12, 2011

Trying to figure out if there is a way to connect to a cifs share, and only being prompted for one password? ie using the following:

sudo mount -t cifs //goanna/neddy -o username=neddy,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 /mnt/neddy
prompts twice for a password (sudo & the share password). Is there anyway to "catch" the sudo password for the connect? (Long shot!

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Ubuntu Security :: Is The Root Password In 11.04 For A Single Program Or For All Programs

Sep 1, 2011

I have ubuntu 11.04 installed along side windows. And I often share files with windows computers. If I am installing a new package from ubuntu software center, and consquently I have to log in as root to do so, which means I have given the system 'privileges' as the program is being installed, I decide to go open mozilla, and surf suspicious sites on the net. Is it possible in that case for me to get a virus?

When we enter the password for the root user in order to run one program such as ubuntu software center, does that mean that all programs have root privileges for the time being (as the software center is installing the program)?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Prompted For A Password When Accessing A Windows 7 Share?

Feb 14, 2010

I have searched for days on this problem and no one seems to have the fix. Everyone else seems to go off on tangents.I have 3 computers. One runs XP pro, one runs Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and one runs openSUSE 11.2.The two windows machines can share files between each other with no problems.On suse I setup samba correctly. When I go to Computer -> Network on suse, I then go into Samba Shares. Then I see my workgroup name. I click to go in and I can see all 3 of my PC's listed here.When I click on my XP pro machine,am prompted for a user name and password. I put it in and I gain access perfectly.

When I click on my Windows 7 machine, I am prompted for a user name and password. I enter it in and it prompts me again for the user name and password. It will not let me in.I have changed all of the settings in 7, I have disabled the firewall, I have changed the security policies, I have changed the encryption strength.Simply Samba is nolaying well with Windows 7. I cannot believe that I am the only one with this problem

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Ubuntu Security :: Program That Allows To Password Lock Single File Or Folder?

Apr 3, 2010

Is there a program that allows me to password lock a single file or folder?

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Server :: Account Should Be Expired If Not Logged In For 15 Days Through FTP?

Mar 23, 2011

We have one ftp server. Number of users are using it remotly. My requirement is that suppose any user is not connecting to the server using FTP for 15 days then account should get expired/locked automatically. Is it possible?

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Server :: Lock User Account If He Is Not Logged In?

Nov 24, 2009

I am running a mail server with combination of dovecot,sendmail and squirremail as web client. I want to change the password of the user if he/she not logged in for 21 days.

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Ubuntu :: Update The Keychain Password To Match The Account Password?

Dec 18, 2010

i changed my account password but now when i log in a keychain manager pops up and asks for the old password to join wifi.

how can i update the keychain password to match the account password?

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General :: "Login Incorrect" Error After Boot - No Password Prompted

May 17, 2011

I have built a linux image based on kernel The image boots up fine & at the login prompt when I enter the login Id - the
system doesnt prompt for password - instead throws an error message "Login incorrect".

mygway login: admin
Login incorrect
login: root
Login incorrect

From all the search I did, I narrowed this down to be a pam configuration issue. I checked that the /etc/securetty has an entry "/dev/ttyS0" to allow root to logon via serial console - so I ruled out this file to be a cause for that error. Few files that I am not entirely sure are as below:

1) /etc/pam.d/login
sudo cat login


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Ubuntu :: Input Username And Password But After Logged In Can't Work With The Keyboard?

May 18, 2011

Since today the keyboard doesn't work. I can input username and password but after logged in I can't work with the keyboard. It seems locked. The mouse works correctly. If I boot with Windows the keyboard works correctly.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Password User That Is Not Logged In?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm looking for a user-friendly way to change the password of a user that is *not* currently logged into the machine. We have a machine that is used by a number of users with a low level of tech savvy. The machine gets logged in as a generic user which works for most purposes, but due to a management requirement, we need Firefox to be run under an account set up for the individual user. I've gotten that bit to work fine, but what I can't figure out is a friendly (GUI) way to allow users to change their own password while the machine is logged in as the generic user. I would like to use gnome-passwd, but I've been unable to figure out how to get it to run for a user other than the logged-in generic user.

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Ubuntu Security :: W Or Top Show 2 Users But Only One Logged In

Mar 17, 2011

I have 2 servers, web server & mail server. they show 2 users in the summary area when I run w or top commands. But the actual list of users logged in (using either w or who) shows only 1 user.
ps -ef |grep username only shows my current login as a running sshd process.

So I can find no trace of this other user except in the summary line for w or top. I have no shells or other logins left running elsewhere or abruptly terminated, no gui sessions (these are servers), no tty logins. Do I have another user logged in? Has someone hacked me & covered up most of their trail? Why do these commands show 2 users when everything else points to 1 user?

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Ubuntu Security :: Log Files - 2 Users Logged In?

Apr 12, 2011

I read the log


I found this print out:


The line in bold is the security issue. There is only 1 user account on the system. There should only be 1 user logged in, not 2 users logged in. The remainder of the log file lists 1 user logged in, for similar log output. 2 users logged in does not appear again in the log file.

Does the second line of bold indicate that an attempt was made to log in to the system using SSH?

There was an internet connection interruption (no service) around the time of the log file event. The service did return, later.

Does that line indicate that an unauthorized user logged in to the system?

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Ubuntu Security :: Ssh Auto-login Only Works When Im Logged In?

Jun 1, 2011

i have setup auto ssh login for my server. And it works, but only when i have a active connection. if i use "ssh server.com" it asks for my password. If i then open a new terminal and issue "ssh server.com" it logs right in. I really don*t understand whats wrong.

I have tried setting up 2 virtual machines on my local computer and with the same setup it works fine.

SOLVED: my home folder was encrypted, so when no users were logged in the home folder was unmounted

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Ubuntu Security :: Running Progams While Logged Out With A Encrypted Home?

Aug 28, 2010

I would just like to know how to, and know if its secure to run the following programs WHILE LOGGED OUT of Ubuntu: openvpn, deluge, and if it can be securely done while the home directory is encrypted.

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Fedora Security :: Shutdown When Root Is Logged In?

Oct 2, 2009

I am using Fedora 10 .Generally to update I open a virtual console by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2,login as root and give the "yum update" command.Then I continue using my graphical terminal for other tasks from the 'non-root' account..Now my room-mate comes uses my 'non-root' account to browse web for few minutes and then opens a terminal types "halt", ENTER and viola...! My root account seems to be insulted by a 'non-root' user!.When I am doing updates or other important work as root any silly user can just 'halt' my computer. Can somebody tell me how to set up my computer so that when root is logged in no other user can simply halt the computer.

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Fedora Security :: Lastlog Error - Says Never Logged In

Mar 11, 2010

I just installed F12 (live cd version with gnome), fully updated & rebooted but my lastlog says that I never logged in...(I know the DVD Install would probably be better but I'm trying to save space)

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