General :: Security - Change OpenSSH Account Password
Feb 15, 2011
I suppose that my main Linux user account password serves as my SSH password as well. Is there a way I can modify this? As it turns out, I'd like to have a REALLY secure SSH password for obvious reasons, but a less secure local password, as it makes typing in passwords a heck of a lot easier on a machine. Is there a way I can change my account password in SSH without changing my Linux user password?
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Dec 3, 2008
I want to know how to change a password to an user account. Can someone give me the syntax on how to do this? I was using usermod but it's not working (usermod -p 123456 user1). Is there other way beside usermod? I am using RHEL5.
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Dec 27, 2010
i use ubuntu 10.04, is there a way to set two passwords for 1 user account
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Apr 16, 2010
After today's sudo upgrade on Karmic amd64, I am able to login only as root on my xubuntu system. Tried to change password on my user account but the result is the same.
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Oct 21, 2010
I created email account with commands "adduser -s /sbin/nologin test; passwd test";Is there any way to grant permission to user "test" to change his password by himself? My system is CentOS 4.4.
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Mar 10, 2010
When I first installed 9.04 (from scratch), I chose the option to have my entire account encrypted... I used the same password as my login password, and wrote down the key hash that it displayed for me just like instructed... everything was working terrific...Well, yesterday, I wanted to change my account password. I changed my account password, and it took effect immediately (I tested it by using "sudo -s" to see if I could elevate to root from the terminal... worked just fine). Being satisfied with my new password, I shut my computer down...
The next time I started it up and tried to log in to my account, it I put in my username and password and pressed enter, and it accepted it just fine, and started to boot to my desktop... it then immediately prompted me with something about "your session lasted less than 10 seconds, try starting in failsafe mode" or something along those lines, and immediately booted me out and back to the gdm login screen... I thought it was just a glitch so I tried again... same thing... gave me the "less than 10 seconds" prompt and booted me back to the gdm...
I thought maybe my filesystem became corrupted, but I didn't give up... I attempted to login to my fiancee's account, and it worked just fine! Using her account, I was able to quickly and safely boot into her desktop environment with no errors...I opened a terminal and used the "su" command to access my account... When I did this, it gave me some kind of error and told me to run ecryptfs (can't remember exactly which command... now). I ran ecryptfs and put in my NEW password... it told me that the passphrase was incorrect. So just out of curiosity, I ran it again, and this time put in my OLD passphrase, and it worked immediately! At this point, I realized that my gdm login password got changed, but my ecryptfs passphrase did not, and the two were not matching up (I assume that on login, gdm passes this password on to ecryptfs, and that when the two did not match up, it was booting me out with the whole "session lasted less than 10 seconds" prompt...)...
So what I did at this point was, while logged into my girlfriend's account, I "su"'d into my account, and used the passwd command to change my password back to my OLD password... once the password was changed back successfully, I restarted my computer and tried to log into my account from the gdm... worked perfectly this time with the old (original) password...When you change your session password, shouldn't it automatically change the encyrption password to match? Or at the very least, warn you that if your account is encrypted, you must take further steps to make these two passphrases match? Also, what command would I use to change my "ecryptfs" password to manually match my session password?
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Oct 6, 2010
I'm trying to configure a process triggered by an SVN post-commit hook which will log into a different host and carry out an SVN update on a file path on that host before exiting. An earlier attempt mounted the remote filepath on the SVN host using sshfs and performed the update locally. This worked but it was incredibly slow (minutes to complete an SVN update).
So, Plan B was to set-up a passwordless login for the user the script runs as and then use pam-script to script a checkout from a repository using the same credentials. The problem is, passwordless SSH login using private/public keys appears to bypass the PAM authentication system or at least interact with it in a way that no environment variables (including the SSH user's name and pass) are resolved by the authentication script being used by pam-script.
I've tested the pam-script behaviour for normal log-ins and it exposes these variables fine. This leaves me in a Catch-22 with trying to script access on one host to perform actions on another while avoiding user/pass prompts or the need to store plaintext passwords on the remote host.
Anyone know if there's a way to resolve a user account password via PAM when using passwordless SSH or, another approach I could take to perform scripted tasks on the remote system requiring authentication? Ideally without storing the passwords on the remote system (at least in unencrypted form).
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Nov 12, 2010
I remember my password very well and have no need of password recovery. Everywhere I look it's how to recover and I don't want that. The kind where you boot into root recovery console to change the password.
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Jul 20, 2010
How to change pass all user VSFTPD via ftp client, web, ...? Gene6FTP could change by command: site pswd oldpass newpass. So, how can vsftpd do it?
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Jun 14, 2011
everytime i try to vnc to my box, it pops up the keyring authentication, which is obviously a huge problem when logging in do i change my keyring password to match my login password?
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Jul 8, 2010
I installed IPlist earlier today on my main/admin account (which I only use for installing programs. I don't use this account daily.) and everything was fine. When I logged into my every day account and tried to load the program, it prompted me for my password. When I entered it, I got this message:Quote:Failed to run /usr/sbin/ipblock start_gui as user root.The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo)t allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.Does this mean I am not able to use this program on this account, or is there a way around it? I'm new to Ubuntu so forgive me if I'm asking the obvious. I looked around and couldn't find an answer. I really don't want to use my admin account for daily activities, but I also really want to be able to use IPlist
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Jan 10, 2011
I have configured httpd web server to allow each of the system users to have their own web page (using UserDir directive).At the same time I have configured ftp server to allow the users to upload their html files to the web server.With above set up my users need not have any knowledge of linux; they can work from any windows PC on the network.There is no problem in the above.However, now I need to allow my users to change their passwords. The point here to note is that the users should be able to do this even from windows PC on the network. One of the way is to configure a telnet server (or sshd). But I find that the windows PC does not have telnet client.The other idea is that I should put a php script on the server which would take user name and password from the web page and then change the password. I don't know how can the system account password be changed through script - I will have to check this out.
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Jan 13, 2010
How can I force passwd to use a simple password?I want to change my passwd & delete passwd history (if stored).I plan on creating a Virtual Appliance that uses another password besides my testing password.
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Apr 21, 2010
I setup openldap and samba on 9.10. The ubuntu desktop client gets authenticated successfully with the server. But when I do a passwd on the client, only the ldap passwd is getting changed but not in the samba and the unix user account.
My smb.conf
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=local
ldap user suffix = ou=People
ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
But only the ldap password is getting changed and not in the samba and unix user account.
I tried
unix password sync = yes
but same result.
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May 2, 2010
Yesterday Ubuntu One stopped syncing properly: all files and folders were listed on the web site grayed out and tagged with "uploading", while there was "0 bytes Used". I could still upload files manually to the website fairly quickly, so it probably wasn't purely server overload. Anyway, a number of things happened after that:uninstalled the Ubuntu One client packages and reinstalled them in Account settings on the website, I removed my computer, hoping to make a fresh start the Ubuntu online account login system for some reason forced me to change my password (presumably it wasn't strong enough)
After all that, I can still login to the website (with the new password), but the computer can't login. When I type u1sdtool -s in terminal, the result is
When I open Ubuntu One Preferences from the Me menu, it completely freezes at the Account tab; I can't click anything or even close it (have to kill it in terminal).
I suppose the login failure has to do with the old password whcih was saved in the keyring. The removed computer from the account probably complicates the issue.
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Jan 4, 2010
I'm new to ubuntu. Now iam using Karmic Koala. I want to change my password. So i used,
system->Administration->users and groups to change my password . As i entered my new password and clicked on 'Change Password', It is saying, 'password changed'. But when I click the close button in the main users and groups window, it is asking for my password, and I am forced to enter my old password only.
After the window is closed, i logout to check whether my password is changed. But it is not. I have to enter my old password to login.
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Nov 27, 2010
Is it best to do this via the terminal or gui interface? does this meanthat the home folder encryption password is the same as the old login password?
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Jun 1, 2010
I want to do setting in RHEL5 such that user should able to change his password only once in a day.I have changed the fourth field (i.e. minimum number of days to change) in in "/etc/shadow" file for "root" to "1". But its not working. I am able to change the password of "root" using "passwd" command.Any one can help me out on this issue
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Aug 26, 2009
I want to change the password complexity how do i do this?
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Jul 21, 2010
When I go the the Change Password dialog box and type my new password, the box seems to stall forever when I try to change my password. The Authenticate and Change password buttons are grayed out but the Close button still works and when I click on it the box will close without changing my password.
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Jan 18, 2010
I wanted to know if anyone had an idea or has heard of creating an email alert when a user changes the password on a samba user?I would like to be able to receive and alert if a user changes their samba password. Could anyone point me in the right direction? I will be attempting this on Arch Linux.
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Dec 23, 2010
How to allow users to change their password in chrooted ssh as long as the modifications in the shadow file in the chrooted environment will not be applied on the system itself ?
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Apr 13, 2011
I have a problem with my fedora workstation.I am trying to change my ldap user password through passwd command.When I first create the user on ldap server, I use md5 and create the user password.This is the entry:
dn: uid=boo,ou=People,dc=linux,dc=gettolandia,dc=org
uid: boo
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Aug 8, 2010
Is there a way to change the password for the whole disk encryption?
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Jul 10, 2011
I've been using Ubuntu for like a year now. Whenever I want root privileges I just type sudo and enter my User password. I wanna know if there's a way to change this, in a way that My User password is: "ABC" and the password needed to have root privileges is: "ABC123". I have no problem using the terminal, I actually prefer it to any GUI, it just seems easier to me.
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Jun 1, 2010
To comply with standards I need to change the root pw every so often. However, I really don't have a need to know the root password; as the only thing using root, is for ssh authenticating via ssh keys. What I want to do is automate the root password change monthly via a cron job, to a random value. Is there a way to do this without knowing the previous password?
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Mar 30, 2010
is it considered standard practice to change the user password on a regular basis and if so how often?
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Mar 16, 2011
I have now been trying to find an answer for the following for a while and can't seem to get anything.On previous linux distros we had the option available "passwd -e" which allowed us to force the user to change their passwords upon the next login.s functionality however seems to be excluded from latest linux distros (currently using RHEL 5.4)...Does anybody know how the same effect can be achieved and perhaps any idea on why this option was removed as it was great for securing passwords
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Dec 18, 2010
i changed my account password but now when i log in a keychain manager pops up and asks for the old password to join wifi.
how can i update the keychain password to match the account password?
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Apr 14, 2010
Is there a way to change password to value same as the previous password? I know this is a security flaw, but would like to know however. when I try this:
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