Ubuntu :: Screen Goes Fairly Dark (Running On Battery)

Aug 26, 2010

When my laptop is running of the battery the screen goes fairly dark, I don't like this, I've changed the power settings to try and stop it (unticking the reduce backlight) but it doesn't do anything.

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Ubuntu :: Super Dark Laptop Screen / Couldn't Read Anything On Screen

Jul 18, 2010

I've had Windows XP installed on a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop with 1 gig of ram and 70 gig hard disk. Today I decided to install Ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition to ext3 partitions I made on the laptop's hard disk. The Ubuntu installation went fine, and Ubuntu was up and runnning. Then for fun, I checked the available WiFi networks in this apartment building. Six were secure but one WiFi was open, so I clicked it out of curiosity. Within seconds, my laptop's 15-inch screen went super-dark, nearly jet black.I couldn't read anything on the screen. Pictures and words were still on the screen, but just way too dark to read or to see with any clarity at all. I don't have a WiFi card in the laptop.Instead I use Verizon's usb727 air card on Verizon EVDO Mobile Broadband (3G)

I don't know if the free Wifi network hosed me in some way with a nasty trick (I don't have a WiFi card in the laptop--just the usb727 dongle which is an EVDO aircard), or if it was just coincidental that the screen went super dark seconds after clicking the open Wifi network in Ubuntu's network manager applet.When I reboot, I don't see anything anymore, not the POST, not Windows XP booting up, or Ubuntu booting up. The only way I see anything now is to connect the laptop to an external monitor using the laptop's blue video connector. And even then, I still can't see the boot-up POST process, or the BIOS screen.I can only see Ubuntu or Windows XP after they've finished loading, and only on an external monitor. Did the new installation of Ubuntu hose my Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop's screen, or was it the Wifi network, or did the screen just coincidentally go bad minutes after I installed Ubuntu and seconds after I clicked the open Wifi connection?

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General :: Fairly Straightforward Except For When Would Get To The "Installation Type" Screen?

Jan 30, 2011

I've read most of the install instructions for installing Fedora 14 from live dvd and it seems fairly straightforward except for when I would get to the "Installation Type" screen.I have read several different ways to approach this part of the install and was wondering what to do. I do not know if I have the knowledge to create a custom layout and add a shared partition for XP and Fedora or even if such is necessary. I do not know if their is a simpler option that will work.Windows XP, pentium 4, one hard drive, dual boot windows and Fedora on the same drive.

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General :: Screen Is Blinking And A Dark Screen Background?

Dec 20, 2010

i recently update my linux ubuntu 10.10 when i update it and restarded it my os doesnt work anymore , my screen is also blinking and a dark screen background , what happen to my os ?

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Ubuntu :: Got A Dark Font Color And Hard To Read On The Dark Background?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm using the shiki colors theme from the repos right now. "Shiki-Noble" to be specific. When typing something into Firefox's URL bar the internet addresses have got a dark font color and are hard to read on the dark background. Here's a screenshot: FF.jpg

I've had similar issues with other themes and Firefox's URL bar before.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Fades To Dark?

Oct 8, 2010

and am coming from XP/Vista, loving it so far. But there is one problem I am having. After about 10-15 min of me not typing or moving the mouse, the screen dims and then goes to a screen where it asks for my password. This is getting very annoying while I am watching videos. How do I get it to stop doing this all together, I want to be able to leave my brother/friends on my computer and not have to come in every 10 min to type in my password

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Screen 'blue' And Dark?

May 9, 2010

Just upgraded to 10.04. Screen is now unusable. It's like looking at it through a blue filter. It seems to be averaging the brightness. if there is a large dark area of screen real estate the paler sections getbrighter.The very bizarre thing is, if I switch user, whilst the theme is different, the brightness problem is gone...

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Ubuntu :: Screen Goes Dark On Cube Rotate?

Dec 22, 2010

Just installed 11.04 (Natty). Graphics card is Radeon 9200When I enable Cube in the compizconfig settings manager and rotate the cube, the cube goes almost black. This happens with both drag and keyboard rotate. The background is fine. Everything is defaults and no other effects are enabled.Also, the entire screen goes dark when "opacity when not rotating" is set to anything but 100%.This worked fine with with my previous version 8.04, though I think it used a proprietary driver.Questions:Should I be using a proprietary driver this card? Apparently you have to install a long list of packages first: XFree86-Mesa-libGL libstdc++ libgcc XFree86-libs fontconfig expat freetype zlib

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Goes Dark After Reboot

Jun 23, 2011

I'm trying to install ubuntu alongside Windows 7 on a HP Pavilion DV3. When I reboot I'm given the option to either boot into windows or ubuntu (this is after running the wubi program from the ubuntu website); when I select ubuntu it says that the installation will continue but the screen then goes very dark like the brightness has been turned right down. In the center of the screen I can faintly see the word ubuntu. I've tried using the hot-keys on the laptop to turn the brightness up but this doesn't work. I've also tried installing from CD but his doesn't work either and I get the same problem. This is my first time installing ubuntu so I'm not familiar with how the installation process works. Also if any other details are needed I'll be happy to give them.

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Ubuntu :: When Login In KDE It Will Show Total Dark Screen

Jun 22, 2010

i have upgrade ubunto 9 to 10.04 so that in log in section there is a KDE session appears. when i log on in KDE then it will came a new KDE screen with drive icon and setting icon also desktop icon.. unfortunately i click on there and these desktop screen disappear.. so how to do for come back KDE in right position.Now when i login in KDE it will show total dark screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Screen Goes Blank Dark With Flashing Cursor At Top

Aug 7, 2010

I have a desktop with AMD Sempron 3000+, 1.2GB RAM, VIA S3G Unichrome Pro IGP, VIA SATA RAID controller based disks, PS/2 mouse and keyboard running Windows XP. Wanted to move to years ago favourite (linux based systems), I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 for i386 and am trying to install both using CD as well as USB. After the Ubuntu start-up menu for installation, I select install Ubuntu option, turn off 'quiet' so that I can see what happens. The screen goes blank dark with a flashing cursor at the top.

In the kernel messages, the see that it has detected the processor, set the clock, assigned the PS/2 keyboard to input3 and then says:
[1.911624] isapnp: no plug and play device found
After this, the system hangs. Keyboard doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Booting Into Live Environment Screen Is Extremely Dark?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a Gateway NV59C09u laptop, I tried running both maverick and the latest beta of natty as live usb's to no avail. It boots fine, but at the first screen the light is so dark that I can't really read anything nor see the mouse pointer, I can just barely make out a window-looking thing. Trying to increase the brightness using my F-keys doesn't do anything.

It's gotta be some kind of graphics related issue, because booting the alternate iso works fine. If I could figure out a way to boot the ubuntu-desktop live image via a different video driver that would probably work, but I'm not sure how to do that (ctrl+alt+f1 does nothing).

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Ubuntu :: Dark Screen When Installing 10.04 - Windows XP Dell Laptop?

Oct 4, 2010

Running windows xp on dell laptop. Installed ubuntu 10.04 all was working fine. Had to format hard drive and re-install windows Xp. when trying to install ubuntu 10.04 i get a dark screen.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing - Live Cd Goes To Dark Screen

Feb 24, 2009

I'm kind of new to linux, but even I shouldn't have this much trouble, because I've been reading faqs like crazy and tutorials, but I just don't understand what's going on. I'm installing Linux Mint on my old machine now and it's installing good, but I try to install Fedora 10 and I've been having problems. It works fine in VMware, but when I try to load it from a live CD to install into the drive, on the initizialize process it say's "failed ata something something", then it goes to a bar and then it goes to a black screen and it hangs there. I did 5 md5check sums on the same iso, I'm not sure what's going on?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Upgrade - Screen Goes Dark / Monitor Light Flashing?

May 4, 2011

Despite being warned from a friend of mine who works for Intel that the new version of Ubuntu 11.04 sucked? I upgraded from 10.10 which worked perfectly fine and did everything that I wanted it to except work with my COBY MP3 player which is what I hoped 11.04 would do. It all worked great until I rebooted. I previously had the main screen on the left where all of the menus are and the right screen was the 2nd monitor.

Once it rebooted it let me login and loaded the desktop but the main screen is now on the right with that stupid application bar going up the side, all of my folders, etc. are all there but NOTHING is clickable, even the icons up in the right corner where you logout, etc. will not do anything other than highlight that you have clicked on them, the hard drive light flickers for a few moments then nothing.

Also the left hand screen is completely blank unless I move the mouse cursor through it. If I just leave the computer sitting there eventually the screens go dark and the monitor lights start flashing like it is supposed to but if I wiggle the mouse the screens come back on and the mouse is there but there is no login prompt to let me log back in. Pardon my French but this OS is a piece of <bleep> and sucks just like I was told.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Stuck In Upper Left Corner -screen Dark

May 6, 2010

I recently installed Kubuntu 10.04 on a Toshiba Satellite 5205 laptop (which is prone to overheating, if it helps - it was on a platform in the back for airflow, though), which worked great for about 4 days.

Recently, I picked it up (looking for a USB port) and rotated it around a little bit. However, after this, the screen was darkened (not fully), and I could move the mouse for about half a second, after which it jumps back to the upper left corner of the screen. Rebooting doesn't help.

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Software :: Installed Fedora 13 X86_64 And Unable To Hibernate - Screen Just Goes Dark

Jun 11, 2010

I've installed Fedora 13 x86_64 and am not able to hibernate (though suspend works fine). This is the case either with or without the proprietary Nvidia drivers from rpmfusion. When I click System -> Shut Down -> Hibernate, the screen just goes dark. Moving the mouse activates the display and the password confirmation box appears. Judging by the disk activity light, nothing is written to disk. Swap space is configured correctly.

Looking at the last few lines of /var/log/pm-suspend.log I see this:

It looks like grub (or the absence of grub.conf) is interfering. Problem is, I'm not even using Fedora's grub to boot the system. I'm dual booting with Ubuntu 8.04 and am using that grub. The section from that grub's menu.lst is:

But of course Ubuntu 8.04 is pre grub2 so how do I satisfy Fedora's grub.config without messing this up?

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Ubuntu :: When Running Laptop On Battery Desktop Freezes

Oct 16, 2010

When I'm running the laptop on battery the desktop freezes. It doesn't matter what program I use, it also happens when I just boot the system login and do nothing. I then have no mouse, no keyboard - so no key combination works. The only thing I can do is turn the laptop off using the power button and turn it back on. Usually the desktop freezes with in 5 min after login, but I also had one case were I was able to work for about 2 hours. When I plug in the power supply everything works fine.

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Ubuntu :: MSI Wind U120 Freezes When Running On Battery?

Nov 19, 2010

I have an MSI Wind U120 netbook (Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor, 1 GB RAM). I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix. Ever since upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10 from 10.04, my system has experienced unrecoverable freezes when running on battery. The system reliably freezes when resuming from the suspend or hibernate modes when running on battery. It seems to load back up successfully but then freezes before I get a chance to enter my password. Yesterday and today I also noticed that the system freezes while idle and running on battery! This is even more disconcerting.

I have some experience as a Linux user (including using the terminal & editing configuration files) but not much experience as a Linux system administrator.

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Fedora :: Unable To Boot - Emblem In The Centre Of Screen Appears And Starts To Turn From White To Dark Blue

Dec 7, 2010

I am unable to boot my laptop in the usual way. The fedora emblem in the centre of the screen appears and starts to turn from white to dark blue in the usual way. When it is almost complete it stops.

In order to make the machine boot i hit escape and a message says leaving interactive startup mode. At this point the machine continues to start up.

When i do manage to get it to boot i get the following message repeated many times:

I should also add... The laptop will not close down, once i click switch off the screen turns blue and displays the fedora emblem in the centre. At the top right text says "Shutting Down" but at this point the system hangs.

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Ubuntu :: Running Virtual Windows Kill Battery Life?

Mar 3, 2010

I've decided to format my netbook entirely and just run NBR. I still need a windows install because a lot of stuff still doesn't work correctly in wine.

will running a virtual windows install kill mu netbooks battery life quickly or is it the same as running any other program? also what's a good virtual OS program? I think the only one I know of it vmware or something?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC Struggling To Play Videos When Laptop Running On Battery

Apr 28, 2011

vlc is struggling to play movies when laptop is running on bettery.Like the video is streaming like a group of screenshots but the audio is good..happening for all video formats...Am using a dell studio laptop..ubuntu version 10.04...am seriously unable to watch the movies this terrible.

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Debian :: Internal SATA Disk Slower When Running On Battery?

Feb 5, 2010

I have Etch running in my laptop. I found that if the laptop is only running on battery, the disk seems to performs slower than if I running on a power adapter. How do I possibly check the setting and fix it?

I'm the only user on the system most of the time and I keep it as minimal as possible so it's not other services and programs keeping the disk busy.

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Debian :: Allowing Disk Check To Proceed When Running On Battery Power

Feb 12, 2011

Is there any way to allow normal fsck boot-time checks when running on battery power? After looking around, the only solution I've seen is to manually alter the /etc/init.d/checkfs.sh and /etc/init.d/checkroot.sh files and remove the AC power check. There must be a better way than that surely?

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Software :: More Usable Interface Than Fairly Sparse Man Pages Available?

Dec 29, 2010

I am interested in setting up speech recognition on my notebook. I have installed Sphinx3 and pocket_sphinx for my distro (Fedora 14), but have googled without success looking for an entry-level guide to get me started.I am wading through the doco at CMU, but I'm finding it hard to relate their text to the installed files on my system. They assume the user has downloaded and compiled from source, whereas I just used 'yum'.

Better: is there a front-end which presents a more usable interface than the fairly sparse man pages available? The sphinx3* tools do not seem to have any man pages and pocket_sphinx has man pages that assume I know what I am doing. As far as speech recognition is concerned, I am very much a pbeu (poor blinking end user) with no training.

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Applications :: Extract The Sender Id From A Fairly Large Number Of Files?

Nov 18, 2010

I'm trying to extract the sender id from a fairly large number of files and am having trouble assigning variables from a file. Here is what I have so far, (which is fairly kludgy I know, but it's been some years since I've done any scripting or programming, and I find that I have lost the knack to a large degree).


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Ubuntu :: Black Screen On Changed Battery Status?

Aug 10, 2010

When the battery status change to very low (red battery) or when i connect it to the AC, the display became black. (i have to move the mouse or press a button for to come back to the desktop)

The same happen after a suspend.

I noticed also that it takes several seconds before the battery status change when i connect it to the AC.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Displays Blank Screen After Boot Splash On Battery Power

May 6, 2010

I'm on HP tx2000 Tablet PC, with nVidia GeForce 6150 Go onboard, 4GB of RAM, Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 Desktop. I keep getting a blank screen after boot splash when I'm on BATTERY POWER. Though I get a blank screen, the screen comes alive when I SUSPEND the laptop by closing the lid, and then RESUME the laptop. Then I can see the logon box and whole desktop.

Usually people get problem by suspending their laptops (usually the screen not coming back after resuming), but now I SOLVE the problem by suspending my laptop. Well like I said I can somehow get the screen right, but I really can't (and don't want to) suspend and resume my laptop every time I boot. Problem occurs REGARDLESS of type of display driver I use. nVidia proprietary, nouveau... whichever driver I use, I get the same conclusion.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop With No Battery - Checking Battery State

May 1, 2010

Just installed 9.10 followed by a 10.04 upgrade (wouldn't work as a 10.04 clean install). The install and upgrade all seemed to go well.

But now when booting I get a message saying "checking battery state" and then it boots no further. This is a laptop without a battery installed, running permanently from the mains through the charger.

How can I disable this check so that the laptop will still boot without a battery fitted?

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Debian Hardware :: Lower Laptop Battery Charging State To Prolong Battery Life

Mar 2, 2010

getting back to our laptop, the stability window is ~3.2V. Meaning that when you operate the battery above this the electrolyte is oxidized on the positive electrode and reduced on the negative electrode. Remember that we only want to oxidize and reduce the active materials and don't want to do anything else. All these reactions other than the ones we want are called side reactions and these are really bad for the battery. The nominal voltage of a laptop battery is 3.7 V which means that something bad wants to happen as we use the battery.So long story short, stuff (e.g., passive layers and poor kinetics of reactions) happens and things are not as bad as they seem and you can increase the voltage up to 4.2V without bad things really happening. All chargers for Li-ion cells today cut the battery off when it reaches 4.2V. What you have to realize is that at 4.2V, these side reactions are present in finite amounts and start to chemically kill the battery, but its not that dramatic.

Operating to 4.1V makes things better and extends the life, 4.0 V is even better and so on. So why don't battery manufacturers cut the voltage off at, say, 4 V to get better battery life? Because every time you cut this voltage down you decrease the capacity of the battery and its run time. The 4.2V cutoff is a compromise between good run time and decent (read "not pathetic) life.On the other hand, if you charge the battery and then pull the plug (so to speak), the battery discharges some, the voltage drops, and these reactions become less of a problem and your battery life goes up. So the best things you can do is to charge the laptop (or cell phone, camera etc.) and once its charged, pull the plug. Your battery will thank you for it.As a matter of fact, if you own a Lenovo Thinkpad, you can actually change the state of charge to which you charge the battery using the Battery Maintenance utility. You can change this from charging to 100% state (where the voltage is 4.2V) to 90% so that your voltage is less. You lose some energy is doing that, but atleast you can change it to 100% when you need battery power and put it back down to 90% when you can plug in. I wish my Mac has the same feature.

I typically use the battery for a while (say 1/2 hour to 1 hour), then plug it in and wait to fully charge it, then I pull the plug and use it again for 1/2 hour to 1h and then I repeat this. Takes some getting used to and I forget to do this, but I try.

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