Ubuntu :: SMB Port Not Open - Used GADMIN-Samba To Configure ?

Jan 22, 2011

Did a fresh install of Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 64-bit on my Dell D630.

I installed the Samba and used GADMIN-Samba to configure. The networking area is as follows:

But I'm am unable to attach to the SMB share. When I do a port scan on the PC network address it shows the port for SSH open along with the random high number ports for web connections but not the port for SMB (445). If I port scan it shows SSH, netbios-ssn, and SMB open.

I've tried adding a rule to UFW and disabling UFW but it makes no difference.

I'm able to connect to SMB shares off of my Windows Desktop, so I know my home router isn't filtering any internal traffic.

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General :: Iptable Rule To Open Samba Port?

Jun 15, 2010

I have samba running on and I am trying to open samba ports only for hosts in network.. I have added following rules to iptables. But still I am not able to connect from machines from network


iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT

What's wrong with the above rules ?

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Networking :: How To Open A Port - Failed To Open The TCP Port Number In The License

Jun 20, 2009

I am running lmgrd on CentOS5, but it returns Failed to open the TCP port number in the license. The port is 27000, how can I open that port?

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Server :: If Forward A Port In Iptables, Does The Port Have To Be Open On The Firewall

Aug 5, 2009

If I forward port 80 to port 3128 for squid with an iptable rule, does port 3128 have to be open on the firewall or is this all routed behind the firewall?

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Server :: Open SMTP Port On Router (which Connects LAN To Internet) Also Needs To Open?

Apr 14, 2010

I have sendmail running on my centOS 4.6. My lamp server also runs on it. I want to send mail through php mail function. when i execute php page, which fires the mail function, it takes so much long tim1 say even 1 minute, and at last displays that message sent successfully. Suppose, destination address is [URL].... I did not get any mail there. My server is running in LAN. I checked the status of sendmail, it shows me that it ios running. when i issue "nmap localhost" it shows me that SMTP port 25 is open, but when i issue "nmap myserver" ( myserver ( written in hostfile)), it does not show that SMTP port is open.

I checked the /var/log/maillog, one person in my previous post advice me to see that. There it shows that message is accepted for delivery...but i do not get any mail in my destination, even not in spam folder. One more confusion is that, in my case my server is in LAN and if I am at all enable to open the SMTP port on it, does i need to open SMTP port on my router (which connects my LAN to internet) also needs to open? I think no, because SMTP is application layer protocol, it will wrap my mail in IP packet, which router just need to forward. am i right?

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CentOS 5 :: Open Port 7001 But It Doesn't Show That Its Open?

Sep 26, 2010

Ok For some reason I open my ports in security and firewall. I open ssh and other ports and port 7001 for example but when I go to check to see if they are open or try to connect to them. It shows that they are still closed. I am using - [URL] Also yes my ports are open on my router. I know my router works fine with opening ports because I have shoutcast setup on another computer with xp that is currently running. I am willing to pay for who can ever get this fixed for me...

I open the ports in graphical mode.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Gadmin Pro FTP And MySQL

May 29, 2010

Is it possible to get "GADMIN PRO FTP" to pull data from a seperate server running MySQL? I want a little project and I've done a bit of asp.net where the user enters their data and is then saved to an sql database. I thought it would be cool to be able to get the ftp software to create a new user by pulling this data so then, potentially creating a simple sign up process. I am comfortable with setting up a separate server running MySql, I just want some confirmation of this.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Activate FTP In Gadmin-proftpd?

Jun 30, 2010

Whenever I try to click Activate it just sits there for a moment and stays deactivated..

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Gadmin-Proftpd-0.4.0

Jul 25, 2010

I want to set up a ftp site for a few buddies to grab some files from me but I have no clue how to install this gadmin-proftpd-0.4.0. It shows a gui so how do I get that I am currently running ubuntu 10.04 w 3gb ram w a amd 9850 2.5ghz cpu on my server.

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Networking :: How To Configure Port Forwarding

Mar 23, 2011

I have my mail application running on xxxx port in IPv6 and IPv4 enviornment on Linux machine (RHEL 5).I want to forward IPv4 request comming from windows client

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General :: Configure Samba In Ubuntu 9.10?

Mar 30, 2010

i am working in a office where a printer is shared and we can get xerox from it through windows...but in linux i cannot access the printer...i have managed to install the printer driver in ubuntu 9.10..it is installed ...but to share a printer which is installed on windows platform it cannot recognize...how can i share that printer

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Software :: Change The Port Numbers Of Samba?

Jan 19, 2011

I need to change the port numbers of samba. Our ISP is blocking the ports 445 and 139. So i need to run samba in a different port.

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Ubuntu :: Gadmin-Proftpd Setup And Activation

Oct 1, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid Lynx and I am setting up gadmin-Proftpd and when I try and activate it. I get the following message and am really unsure where to go from here:

- notice: unable to bind to Unix domain socket at '/var/run/proftpd/test.sock': No such file or directory
- notice: unable to listen to local socket: Operation not permitted
- Fatal: TLSRSACertificateFile: '/etc/gadmin-proftpd/certs/cert.pem' does not exist on line 56 of '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'

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Ubuntu :: Couldn't Get GADMIN-PROFTPD To Activate

Oct 29, 2010

I couldn't get GADMIN-PROFTPD to activate so I activated it using sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start Now when I have proftpd started from the terminal command line and go to [URL] in firefox I get a white browser window but no directory listings without any promtp for a username or password ( being my internal LAN server IP address) Can you tell me what I am doing wrong with the below config?


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General :: Configure Tomcat On Port 8443?

Apr 27, 2010

I am trying to configure tomcat on port 8443 using the following document [URL] instead of changing the port to 433 i kept it as 8443.i set the ip tables as follows

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --destination-port 8443 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -p tcp --destination-port 8443 -j ACCEPT
service iptables save

restarted the tomcat service tomcat works on but it doesn't on i did a little investigation of my own using nmap and found that the port 8443 is not open instead of making changes in the firewall table

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Debian Configuration :: Samba Shows In Port Scans

Sep 2, 2010

I just noticed after installing a new server with samba that a portscan will show the samba used ports. This server has two interfaces, a world address eth0 and an intranet eth1. The samba ports show in scanning either interface, even after I changed samba to listen only to the intranet (192.168.x) address.

I am concerned especially about the 139 and 445 ports, which could attract a lot of garbage traffic.This is Debian 5.05 default samba installation.Otherwise similarly installed Ubuntu box with two interfaces does not show samba at all, even though smbd is running and working just fine.

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Networking :: Configure Port Forwarding Using Webmin Web Interface?

Feb 7, 2010

How to configure Port Forwarding using Webmin Web Interface? Example: forward to

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General :: Configure Apache To Redirect Request To Another Port ?

Aug 11, 2011

*Am trying to configure on machine ?MyServer.net? apache on port 8586. *Two applications run on same machine on different ports Jenkins on 8081 and Hudson on 8080.*Request coming to 8586 port should redirect to either 8080 or 8081 on one condition. *The request from client machine coming to MyServernet:8586 looks something like this ?MyServer.net/job/<JOBNAME>/build?token=TOKEN?.

If <JOBNAME> is ?naveen? apache should redirect to 8081.
If <JOBNAME> is not ?naveenn? apache should redirect to 8080.


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Server :: Configure In Order To Change The Smtp Port?

Jan 31, 2010

I have scalix (sendmail) installed on my server and it is working very good but I need to change the smtp listening port because I am thinking that my sendmail is being used as a spam engine.

what/how I need to configure in order to change the smtp port?

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Software :: Configure GlassFish-V2 To Work With Apache's Port 80?

Jun 21, 2010

I've searched the web and couldn't find anything simple to configure GlassFish-v2(port 8080) to use Apache's Port 80. Similar to how tomcat's 8080 port workds with mod_jk. Anyone have a sample configuration file of GlassFish or Apache's mod_jk that they have working

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Programming :: Configure Serial Port RS-232 To Use Flow Control?

Aug 2, 2010

how to configure serial port RS-232 to use flow control? The reason is without flow control is is not working properly(dala loss etc.) Im trying to run it as it is just with setting the flow control flag and Im sending my data via loop-back on the rs-232 to GTK TERM on the same computer... but when I enable IXON/IXOFF in GTK TERM, my sending program cant even open the port...

My current settings is:

struct termios termios_p;
tcgetattr(sc.fd, &termios_p);
termios_p.c_cflag = B9600;


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Open Port 80

May 23, 2010

I just installed apache. I didn't change the configuration files at all except add Quote: # added servername to avoid the could not determine fqdn error ServerName myname.homelinux.org to apache2.conf. Apache is working locally (I get the `it's working' screen at [URL]). However, I cannot access my computer from an external computer by going to [URL], which is equivalent to [URL] -- [IP address changed slightly for privacy] Here is a screenshot to my router settings. I disabled the filter for port 80 on the router. here shouldn't be a firewall, unless it's automatically installed with ubuntu 10.4. (sudo ufw status says `inactive'.)

I checked my ports from [URL] and indeed port 22 is open (ssh-ing into my computer externally is not a problem), whereas port 80 is closed. What step in opening up port 80 am I missing? (I also made sure my ISP isn't blocking port 80.)

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Open Port 5900

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to access my desktop remotely via VNC. I can already access my computer using ssh, and I managed to open port 22 on my router:

Now I must open port 5900 for VNC, and I think I did exactly the same thing:

Using [url](a port check service), however, my port 22 is OPEN and my port 5900 is CLOSED. Yes, I restarted my router after making the changes.

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Servers :: Can I Open Port On Ubuntu 9

Oct 11, 2010

I can seem to open port 25565 for a java application (executable jar)
I'm running ubuntu server 9 thoroughly up to date code...

Yet connections to port 25565 fail when I have the firewall enabled (sudo ufw enable)
For example canyouseeme.org says "Error: I could not see your service on port (25565) Reason: Connection timed out"

And connections to port 25565 _DO WORK_ when I disable the firewall (sudo ufw disable)
canyouseeme.org says "Success: I can see your service on port (25565)"

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General :: Set Ubuntu To Open One Port?

Dec 12, 2009

I heard when running Ubuntu I need to set it to open with one port. I had a friend ran Ubuntu on his laptop at school and had other Ubuntu users at school got access to his computer, is that possible?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure Samba With Roaming Profiles

May 27, 2010

I want to create an extra Ubuntu Server for storing roaming profiles,

I got: One Win2k8 server as Domain controller. One Ubuntu 9.10 server who is a member of the domain using Samba. Winbind is working correctly.. I can at least connect to shares with user names of the AD. Anyway my client (WinXP) currently logs on to the AD and works from there. I want to configure it so that all accounts are going to use roaming profiles, but here it comes... I want to store the roaming profiles on the extra Ubuntu server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use SWAT To Configure Samba.conf?

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to use SWAT to better configure Samba.conf I have swat installed and working but it is missing the GLOBAL button which is its main configuration tool?

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CentOS 5 :: Configure NTP Server To Transmit Time With COM (RS232) Port?

Jun 24, 2011

is possible to configure NTP server to transmit time with COM (RS232) port ????

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Debian :: Alternative GUI For Gadmin-Proftpd Configuration

Jan 11, 2011

That PoS called "gadmin-proftpd" does.NOT.work in debian stable and I don't believe it will ever work. Is there an alternative GUI for configuring proftpd or it has to be done in text mode?

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Server :: Why Gadmin-Proftpd Keep Saying Login Incorrect

Nov 23, 2010

I cant figure out why my server running fc14 keeps saying login incorrect 530. I am using gproftpd. I know that the login is correct though. For instance:
Lets say my user is "goober" and my pass is "fedora" and I go and type that in when I try and login to the ftp it says login incorrect.

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