Ubuntu :: Running Bootable Iso Image With Kexec?

Apr 9, 2011

I just tried to run the command

kexec memtest86-4.0.iso

To boot into memtest86 using kexec.

This is the output: Cannot determine the file type of memtest86-4.0.iso

How am I supposed to do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating A Bootable USB Image Based On A Running System (NOT LiveCD)

Sep 2, 2010

I have a system built and running in exactly the basic configuration I want, with my recompiled kernel, extra packages, special drivers, everything works, life is good. What I want to do is take this exact setup and create an image I can copy onto a bootable USB stick. Is there a way to essentially take the contents of my hard drive and copy that onto a USB stick and then boot directly from that? The use case behind this is that I am building an embedded system of which I may have hundreds of boxes with identical hardware and software configurations. Instead of hard drives, I am going to use USB sticks for cost efficiency and maintenance. My idea is that when it's time to upgrade, I could just image a hundred new sticks and go out and swap them.

My issue is that a standard LiveCD install gets me maybe 25% of the way to a finished system. I need to recompile the kernel for realtime support with my CPU, add some fidgety drivers for some specific hardware, and install a whole bunch of additional packages. I suppose I could create a makefile(s) to replicate all the manual steps of the buildout but that seems like a lot of unnecessary complexity IF I can just image that running system as it is.

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CentOS 5 :: Build A Bootable System Image On An Attached Hard Disk On A Running Machine?

Feb 27, 2011

I would like to build a bootable system image on an attached hard disk on a running CentOS machine.The hard disk would be moved to a headless server, where only SSH access would be available. It seems that all the documented install methods assume that the installation runs on the taget machine. In this case, I would like to create a bootable system image of CentOS on a running host system. The new install mage would generally have a newer version of CentOS than the running host system where the image is created. Also, I would prefer
to do a text-based install.

The reason for all this is that I have network access to several remote machines. I can ask disks to be moved between machines, but I have no physical access. In order to do software testing, I would like to have several system disks with different installed CentOS versions. It would be easer if I could build the system disks on one single machine. The hardware an all machines is very nearly identical.

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Ubuntu :: Create Bootable Usb From Windows Vista.iso Image?

Jun 26, 2010

create bootable usb from windows vista.iso image.I have used unetbootin and imagewriter so far and no booting.

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Fedora :: How To Create Bootable DOS CD Iso Image Under F8 Or F10?

Jun 21, 2009

I have downloaded a bootable DOS iso CD image that I have burnt to CD and can boot from.I need to add more disk checking utilities to the CD iso image.The DOS disk checking utilities are designed to be run from a floppy disk, but my laptop does not have a floppy drive, so CD-ROM is an alternative, if I can remaster the existing iso image file?Can I mount the DOS iso file and then add other programs to it, and then remaster the updated iso, and make a new CD-ROM to boot from with the added tools?

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Server :: Rhel5 Dvd Iso Image Not Bootable / Fix It?

May 8, 2009

I wonder if someone can shade alight on this problem,I have active subscription for rhel4 ES and trying to do a fresh install of rhel5,I was able to download rhel5.3 DVD image from redhat site,burnt it to a DVD but is not booting,i have so far tried on 2 different DVDs but both have failed. I have even downloaded and burnt 1 CD ISO image burnt it still failed.BIOS level is set to cd device first so no problem there,it works!

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General :: Kexec Wouldn't Run On IConnect

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to reload a new kernel using kexec. It is running on an IOmega IConnect. I have root access but when I exec ./sbin/kexec -l /boot/images/zImage I get this:Cannot open /proc/atags: No such file or directory

kexec_load failed: Function not implemented
entry = 0x8000 flags = 280000
nr_segments = 2
segment[0].buf = 0x29008


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OpenSUSE :: [mkisofs] Make An Image Bootable?

Jun 29, 2010

I have an image with a autorun.inf file on it and wanted to make it bootable on a simple cd (700Mb). Untill now I tried and failed to make it bootable. The image is on the cd but the cd won't boot.I tried also under windows (with n?r0) and failed again... no way to boot on this cd with the image I created.I need more informations or how toes ^^ to use the "El-Torito" features for the mkisofs utility that I use to create my .iso files

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Creating A Bootable Custom Image?

Apr 1, 2010

I have installed Centos 5.4 and then on top of that i have been installing many softwares over the time ( like pbx system , web console , billing etc.) and now it has come to a quite stable stage. the problem is i have to move this installation to another machine with different config etc. even have to install it on multiple systems. the idea is to create a bootable linux iso of the current machine with all the softwares so i can simply put it in a different machine and make it install and run without much fuss. is creating a linux appliance the only solution ? or is there any way to backup the current machine in an iso format and then install it on another machine? also i would like to make this completely hardware independent.

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General :: Bootable Kernel Image Creation

Apr 20, 2010

the things i've tried:

1. Created an asm bootloader code that calls a c function which just prints a hello message.
2. Compiled both and linked them using LD command using a .ld file available.

Steps followed from http://wiki.osdev.org/Bare_bones.I get a kernel.bin file which is of ELF format. I've set up a tftp server using tftpd32 tool and created the necessary pxelinux.cfg files.

Now how do i create a bootable kernel image out of the elf file. The steps given in the above website to create an image doesn't help.

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Software :: App To Create An ISO Image From A Bootable USB Pendrive?

Sep 2, 2009

I created a bootable usb pendrive with ubuntu netbook remix, and now want to download it to an ISO image to be able to use the pendrive for other purposes, but having possibility to create it again from ISO. What is the right application to do it?

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Make Bootable DVD - Iso Image

Apr 11, 2010

I downloaded the iso image of Centos 5.4 from the website and burned it on the dvd....but its not making it bootable...What am i doing wrong?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Backup Image To ISO Then To Bootable Flash?

Jun 16, 2010

I'd like to do a complete backup of my laptop, convert it to ISO, and then create a bootable flash drive with it. I'd like to be able to totally restore, or run (like in Live mode) the image.

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Software :: Creating Bootable Disk From Downloaded ISO Image?

Dec 22, 2008

How to create a bootable cd/dvd from downloaded iso images of CentOS 5? I have collected all the iso in a dvd but it is not booting the system.

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Software :: Create A Bootable Image From Debootstrapped Filesystem?

Feb 3, 2010

I debootstrapped lenny to by machine. I compiled the latest kernel etc and setup all the necessary programs by chrooting. I want to now boot a PC using newly debootstrapped system. How do I do it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Netbook Remix 10.04 - Transferred The Image To USB Drive To Make It Bootable?

Jun 10, 2010

I just brought a netbook(1005HA) and wanted to try out Ubuntu netbook remix 10.04 but I clean installed it.I like it but there are programs on Windows that I need to use for my HD2. My friend put a windows 7 .iso file on the netbook and I transferred the image to my USB drive to make a bootable USB but it does not boot. install Windows 7 from a USB using Ubuntu correctly?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A Bootable System Image With ClamAV Or Similar Installed?

Jul 28, 2011

All of my PCs are set up to either run Ubuntu directly, or are dual boot Ubuntu and some variant of Windows. One of the things I like about this is that in the rare instances that I get a virus I can simply boot into Ubuntu and run ClamAV to remove the virus from there.

I have a friend who recently picked up a nasty virus and we are having a hard time getting his machine to boot at all without all sort of strange behaviors. Under that scenario I can't trust Wubi to work correctly. Soo....

Is it possible for me to create a bootable CD, DVD or USB drive from my machine? I'd like to use my machine because I can update the virus definitions before I create the image and then use that to clean his machine.

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Fedora :: Setup Sun Virtual Box But It Show There Are No Bootable Image Found?

Jul 29, 2009

i try to setup sun virtual box but it show there are no bootable image found.

How to attach my XP to this VM ?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setup Bootable Image On Hard Drive?

Feb 2, 2010

i want to setup multiple xen on a remote server in a datacenter, this is first time i am doing it, i want to know when we do it on a local machine it asks for bootable DVD to be inserted, but that can't be done on a remote server, so is there a way we can give it the path of some directory which behaves as a bootable dvd and install the os

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Debian Installation :: Someway Of Creating Bootable CF Image From Windows System?

Nov 29, 2010

I've read all the documentation on installing Debian via CD, USB, or HD.I need to install Debian on a embedded system using only compact flash.This is similar to a HD installation, but I don't have any version of Linux installed to format.Is there someway of creating a bootable CF image from a Windows system?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running 10.04 On Non Bootable ESata HD?

May 4, 2010

I have a laptop (hp 8530w) with Vista and disk encryption software installed on the internal hard drive. As I cannot touch the internal hard drive, I would like to install and run Ubuntu from an external hard drive (500 hitachi in an enclosure with USB and eSata port). The idea being that when the drive is connected I run Ubuntu and when it is not the internal HDD is used to boot. I already installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on this external hard drive. I would like to run it using eSata interface and not USB as the former offers better performance. Unfortunately, as it turns out my BIOS does not allow me to boot directly from eSata disk. I can however boot from USB.

I thought it would be possible to install a boot loader on a USB stick and tell it somehow that Ubuntu is installed on the eSata disk and load the system from there.
I installed GRUB on a USB stick without grub.cfg. This allowed me to load GRUB and get to its shell. Here I discovered another issue. Using GRUB "ls" command the eSata drive is not listed - I can see the USB stick (hd0) and the internal drive (hd1) but no eSata drive. Not being an expert I don't know when in the boot process the eSata disk is detected. If I load Ubuntu completely from USB stick I can see it listed with "fdisk -l" command.

At this point, knowing that I can boot from USB, I'm wondering if there is any way to have a hybrid solution with USB stick storing only what's required to bootstrap Ubuntu, and then have everything else stored on and mounted to my external drive. Is there any other, better way (assuming I cannot do anything on the internal hard drive like repartitioning it, etc ...) to get to what I'm after? I know that I could boot and run Ubuntu using USB interface only but as I stated above I would like to use eSata as it offers better performance. I suppose I'm not the only one trying to do that. Unfortunately my web research did not reveal any solutions.

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Ubuntu :: Preventing Bootable Media Running?

Jul 22, 2010

This is a bit of an odd one, it's not so much about using Ubuntu but about *not* using Ubuntu. I am just setting up a new computer for my daughter. I have spent days configuring parental controls and lockdowns and such to stop her from being able to view unsuitable content, download programs I don't want, anything that can mess up the computer, etc. etc. At this age I am going to be over her shoulder 100% of the time while she works anyway, but something that occurs to me is that having set up all this control software in Windows, she could actually override the entire thing really easily by booting from a live CD, USB key or similar, she can keep a whole OS in her pocket and I'd never know. You can only watch so much of the time as they grow up.Can I prevent a computer from being capable of booting from external media without some kind of password? How would you begin to go about that?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Bootable USB Ended With "invalid Or Corrupt Kernel Image"?

Jan 5, 2011

I've just purchased HP Mini 5103 with preinstaled SLED, but I want to replace with 11.3. But I have serious problem with booting from USB. Due to problem with BIOS bug/feature, 5103 is unabled to boot using USB with recursive partition (which is created from hybrid openSUSE-11.3-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso either with ImageWriter of dd). When I create bootable USB with syslinux and copying of iso to existing partition, I ended with error "failed to detect CD/DVD or USB drive" (I have tried also both initrdud files, older one failed with "failed to detect USB", newer with "failed to detect CD"). I have also tried to install from full openSUSE-11.3-DVD-i586.iso which I have copied to USB using Unetbootin, but with this bootable USB I ended with "invalid or corrupt kernel image".

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General :: Create ISO Image Of Running Ubuntu System

Feb 26, 2011

i have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on a virtual machine. i have made a modification and would like to create a CD of this running system.I guess i need to first make and ISO of the system and the copy to a CD. can anyone give guidance on the process to do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: ISO Image Of An Entire Hard Drive Running A OS?

Dec 3, 2010

Does anybody know how to or even if it's possible to create an ISO image (a snapshot, if you will) of an entire volume on a Linux box so that I can use that ISO to burn to a CD use in the future for creating an identical configuation on another box (which would have the same exact hardware)? It is to my understanding that I'd have to first create the ISO file of the entire system and then burn it to a CD and somehow mount it onto the hard drive of the identical-system-to-be.

I'm thinking that I'd have to use the "mkisofs" command but I'm not sure exactly how to do this. P.S. I do not want to use any 3rd party applications.

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Debian Configuration :: No Wireless When Running Live Image?

Aug 23, 2010

Just fooling around with a live image, thinking about dumping Ubuntu for a straight Debian install and I can't get wireless running on it. Is this a "known issue?"

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CentOS 5 :: Testing Installation - Image File Not Running

Jul 12, 2009

Before installing Centos, I downloaded an image file and burned it to CD using InfraRecorder. It starts to run but does not complete. My machine is a new Intel Q6600 Core 2 Quad CPU with 4G of RAM. It is a 64-bit machine, and I used the 64-bit image. After Centos (which I tried first) failed, I then tried (using the same burning software):

o Slackware
o UBuntu
o gNewSense
o Knoppix
o Debian
o Fedora
o Suse
o Solaris
0 puppy Linux

Most failed similarly to Centos. Knoppix worked fully several times, but I was not enthusiastic about installing it, and eventually (on the 5th iteration), it started to fail in a way similar to Centos, and continues so. Solaris and PuppyLinux worked. Those that failed, failed while attempting to start the 4 CPUs. Solaris and Knoppix (when it worked) succeeded in starting all 4 cpus and I could see the messages.

How to communicate what's happening during a failed boot? Finally, I hit upon the idea of photographing the screen during the failing part of the boot; the file is attached. The photo shows the screen just before it blanks, and the BIOS resets for another try. Please let me know if I can collect any other information. I would like to use Centos as a dual boot on my shiny new machine.

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General :: Installation - Create An Image File Of A Running System?

Dec 9, 2010

As I understand it creating an image of a Linux system makes an exact copy of the OS and any user files/configurations/programs etc. What i would love to do is create an image of my work PC and install it at home on my desktop. Can someone briefly explain the process of creating and installing images of Linux systems?

Home OS - windows Want - An image file that can be executed in a virtual machine(VMPlayer or VirtualBox) or booted directly on my home PC.

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Server :: Image Cloning Application (Running Backup Remotely)

Jan 14, 2010

I need to backup my active production servers (yeah it's too late now) with image cloning application that were running RHEL3-5. The problem is I need to run it remotely from my office. Most of the software I found either need to use bootable cd or need to unmount my partitions which is I wasn't allowed to since it's a production servers. I also tried dd but it consume too much time, sector by sector cloning and empty disk space also included so the file created also big in size.

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General :: Creating A Bootable Floppy From A Bootable Machine?

Jun 9, 2010

creating a bootable floppy from a bootable floppy image on a NON Linux machine I am trying to install dsl (damnsmallLinux) on one of my old Compaq 2000 Deskpro machine having 256RAM and 2 GB hardisk. (which I hope to increase to 8 or 10 GB ...can I use a larger disk capacity??) I have downloaded the floppy bootable image from the website using a machine a fedora OS machine that does not have a floppy drive. I have even converted the image file to an iso file. I can copy this image file or iso file to the Compaq machine but how do I use it as a bootable floppy? OR how do I create a bootable floppy disk from this image?

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