Ubuntu :: Removing A PC Card?

Nov 9, 2010

I'm using an old laptop with a PC-Card bay and a cardbus WiFi adapter. If I remove the WiFi adapter to insert something else in the bay, Lubuntu locks up solid--even the mouse refuses to move. I assume I'm going about this wrong...is there a proper way to remove the adapter that won't crash the system?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xserver No Longer Works After Removing Bad Graphics Card?

Apr 30, 2010

It all started Tuesday morning. I woke up and turned my computer on. Normally I just leave it on all the time, but I turned it off the previous night for some reason. When I turned it on, everything worked fine for about 10 minutes, until my monitor said "Monitor Working Out of Scan Range." I messed with the settings on the monitor to try and get it back, but to no avail. Restarting would make it work, but for even shorter periods. It eventually would display the manufacturer image (Everex), and then go dead again with the same message.

I thought it was the monitor at first, and got a new one. The new one is a wide screen 18.5 inch Dell IN1910N. The problem persisted, so I knew it wasn't this. I kinda figured it out when I started smelling something burning coming from my computer, and discovered it was the graphics card I installed awhile back. It is the pci ATI X1550, and its fan no longer worked.

So I figured, well, I will just remove it and go back to the onboard video. Doing this worked fine, until I got to the stage where it tried to boot to the Xserver, and then the computer just hangs. No sounds indicate I ever get to a logon screen or anything.

Now, I tried commands like sudo dpkg-configure xserver-xorg, and it asked me a lot of questions about my keyboard, but didn't fix my video. I also tried the "Xfix" option in recovery mode, and it purged all the old fglrx drivers, but that didn't help either.

I am currently using a live CD (I was doing straight command-line for awhile, after I also played hell getting the wireless working). I tried literally coping and pasting the entire contents of the X11 folder over, but that didn't work either (the xorg.conf files were the same anyway). I don't know what to do to get my old partition to boot X correctly.

All the commands I was copying before are not in my terminal now, and I'm not sure exactly what command-line information you need. I know that Openchrome is supposed to run the onboard VIA video, but I don't recall the command that tells me everything about it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing Evolution From Synaptic Vs Just Removing The Applet

Feb 27, 2011

what i did was, remove evolution mail from synaptic, what i wanted to do was just remove the indicator applet from the task bar. i read a bunch of bad stuff about removing evolution from synaptic vs just removing the applet.

im worried. did i break anything or put my security at risk. after, i used a command (older) (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)to install ubuntu desktop. because i thought that it would fix evolution. then i went to synaptic and installed a package called evolution. i rechecked evolution in applications menu. however, i notice that i have both a checkable evolution and two evolution icons. nothing 'seems' broken. im not sure if it ever was. and evolution calender pops up as normal, as does the the installed plain evolution. they both seems to be an exact copy of the other.

all i really wanted to do was remove the indicator applet. did i make a serious mistake. since ive had ubuntu, ive reformatted a lot because i was worried i made a mistake of some kind. however now im into the more "make a mistake and fix it stage' as im pretty happy with my current desktop and have worked hard to customize it. the command, sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages removed the mail icon. i still am worried that i broke something, or put my security at risk. also, now i have two mail icons. evolution mail and calendar, and another just called evolution.

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Debian Multimedia :: Removing Epiphany Without Removing Half The System?

May 31, 2011

I know a bunch of commands and I am comfortable using the terminal, I even set a powerpc server but I can't figure out how to remove epiphany on this new computer I'm setting up. I didn't install anything with tasksel. I installed gnome and xorg afterwards... I load it up and 'startx' just fine. then I check around for the programs that were installed. I lik'em gimp, lot's of utilities. gedit. anyway I find epiphany, which I have already established that I dislike, I immediately go to the root terminal (another nice program that comes with gnome) and type apt-get remove epiphany-browser-data the output says it will be deleting gnome... however I have researched and found these are simpy meta packages that don't really matter.... however under the section that states all the packages that will be removed by autoremove there is a huge list... I doubt these packages are safe to remove. how to remove epiphany without removing a huge amount of probably needed software

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Fedora :: Removing Notifications And Safely Removing Drives?

Aug 25, 2010

These should be my last pleas for help with regard to Fedora 13. I've been unable to turn off the notifications that appear in the top right corner, despite a decent amount of searching on google. I can't remove any notifications package without removing a bunch of important software along with it. Also, F13 refuses to "Safely Remove" either of my external disks. I have to yank out the usb cord, touching wood each time.

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Lan Connection Using Wireless Pci Card On Entire System D-link DWA-510 Card?

Mar 31, 2011

How can I setup a lan connection using wireless pci card on entire system D-link DWA-510 card I have .

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Died New Card Boots To Black?

Jul 15, 2010

My video card developed problems, so I followed the suggestion in this thread:

Quote: Boot into recovery mode, then choose root, for a command prompt and enter
Code: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

but my ubuntu 10.04 32-bit system still won't boot. Shortly after the ubuntu logo comes up, before the login, my screen goes black and there is no more video signal. What else can I do to reset the video configuration? The card only has this info on it: I could put the card back in the system, reboot, and then pre-configure the system to drop to the intel 865G on-board video, but the msi card has intermittent problems and will spontaneously re-boot several times during the first ten minutes of turning on the system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get My Wireless Card & Wired Card To Work At The Same Time

Aug 21, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Server. I can't get my Wireless Card & Wired Card to work at the same time. My interfaces file is incorrect, when I comment out 1 of the interfaces the other works. I have attached my interfaces file.

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Ubuntu :: Star Tech Pci420usb Card - The Card/devices Just Stopped?

Jan 23, 2011

I recently installed a startech PCI usb expansion card...All went well and all external devices connected show up without a hitch. However a day ago The card/devices just STOPPED. I rebooted and no avail. Rebooted a second time got a IRQ 19 failure error. Then on a third try It showed up and worked fine... This has happened twice. Here's my IRQ print after running cat /proc/interrupts

0: 132 3 IO-APIC-edge timer
1: 0 146 IO-APIC-edge i8042
7: 1 0 IO-APIC-edge

I am assuming that the second to the last entry is the pci usb card. Is there a way to home in more deriectly to find and troubleshot the problem and see if its module or IRQ?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Does Recognize The Intel Card And Can Use It Over The NVidia Card

Sep 16, 2010

I have been waiting on installing ubuntu on my mid 2010 MBP 15' for a while now. I was wondering if the dynamic GPU switching was supported yet. Does Ubuntu recognize the intel card and can I use it over the nVidia card?

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Ubuntu :: Format A SDHC Card To Read As A SD Card?

Dec 17, 2010

I am wondering if it would be possible to format an 8g SDHC card in a way that it will be able to be written to and read by an SD reader?

Reading about SDHC vs SD suggests that the only difference is the block/cluster/byte configurations. Is that true?

Could I format the 8g FAT32 SDHC with gparted to a 1g FAT16 partition with the rest of the space left un-formatted so an SD reader could handle it?

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Ubuntu :: Card Does Not Show Up Under 'capture Card' Section

Mar 6, 2011

Recently I had to replace my Hauppauge HVR-1600 (it was doing everything I wanted it to do but after a few years burned out) and decided to get the HVR-2250. Before purchasing I checked the forums and noticed that there was quite a bit of support and most everyone managed to get it working so I thought it would be a good idea.

The problem I have now is that, though lspci shows the card as Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors Device 7164 (rev 81); however, when trying to setup mythtv-backend, the card does not show up under the "capture card" section. After a few hours of research, I came across this thread and it seemed to be general consensus that the method worked so I tried it. Still no luck.I ended up formatting, fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 and then installed MythTV and still nothing. Not really sure where to go from here.

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Debian Hardware :: Graphics Card Is Overriding Built In Sound Card

Sep 5, 2011

I just bought a new graphics card and installed it. it works perfectly although my sound worked perfectly this morning and I think the graphics card is overriding my built in sound card. I need help fixing the sound. The graphics card I bought is an ATI Radeon Cedar HD 5450 The sound I want to use is HDA VIA VT82xx
when I run alsamixer I get Card:

HD-Audio Generic
Chip: ATI R6xx HDMI


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OpenSUSE Install :: Acpi Better / Card Went To Legacy What Version Still Has Ati Drivers For Card

Dec 6, 2009

i have a little experience with ubuntu but i have had bugs that are not resolvable at this time in ubuntu. so instead of giving wild bill back my pc i am looking for a new distro. my concerns with ubuntu revolve around acpi. no fan control and high temp. the 2nd problem that is almost overlookable is the ata1 softreset error. it usually is no problem but occasionally have to do manual fsck to fix. so heres my laptop specs. toshiba a305d-s6848. amd turion x2 ati x1250 integrated. 3gb ram. 500gb hd vista and ubuntu 9.04 dual boot grub with 100gb ubuntu and the rest vista. so q1= what suse version would be best?

q2= is suse's acpi better? ubuntu runs all features but fan control
q3= is suse as easy to install? or harder
q4= ati graphics i know for my card went to legacy what version still has the ati drivers for my card
q5= is suse easier or harder to work with and get everything working.

i know no linux is or opsys is perfect. im just looking for one that is stable and works the pc correctly. i know its a big thing to ask. i know no one can tell me that. but just looking for suggestions. im thinking of downloading suse and does all the downloads support live sessions.

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Networking :: Lucent WavLAN Card, Xubuntu / Dongle For The Wired Card?

Jun 15, 2010

I recently installed Xubuntu on my old P3 laptop (Compaq Armada E500 if anyone is familiar). The laptop is a bit old, so both wired and wireless networking is done via PCMCIA cards. I have 2 cards installed, one for each purpose. I can't find the dongle for the wired card right now, so I am trying to use the wireless card. I am able to find the network I want to connect to, and type in the password since the network is secured. It tries to connect but then pops up again asking for the password (I know it is correct). Is this card supported by linux/compatible? I tried finding drivers online but the sites that had drivers were down.

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Hardware :: Card Reader/writer That Will Support Most Current Card Types?

Jan 20, 2010

Looking for a card reader/writer that will support most current card types. I am running Fedora 12 x86_64 on a home-grown desktop. Are there any gotchas, that I need to watch for?Also, Internal vs. external, any benefits of one over the other, or is it just personal preference?

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CentOS 5 :: Will 5.3 Support My X3100 Graphics Card And Bcm 4311 Wlan Card

Mar 30, 2009

very much like everybody i am also waiting for centos 5.3, because 5.2 could not sit on my notebook due to obvious driver issues. would anybody tell if centos 5.3 support my x3100 graphics card and bcm 4311 wlan card?

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Fedora Installation :: Installing On A SDHC Card - Installer Appears To Want To Install To Both SD Card And Also USB Stick

Jul 21, 2010

I have an EeePC 4g netbook which only has a 4Gb hard drive and I thought I would like to install Fedora 13 on an 8 Gb SDHC card and use it to boot the netbook.

As neither the netbook nor I have an optical drive, I made a bootable USB memory stick using Unetbootin which boots the netbook and could be used like a live CD to install Fedora.

On booting with the live USB stick, with the blank SD card in place, and clicking on the install icon, the installation starts but then there are 2 problems; the first is that the installer appears to want to install to both the SD card and also the USB stick. There is a tick in the box beside the USB stick which I can't remove.

I decided to ignore that and put a tick in the box beside the SD card but when it got to the point where it creates partitions it said "Could not find enough free space for automatic partitioning. Please use another partitioning method"

Surely 8 GB is more than enough space for partitioning, so where am I going wrong and why does it want to install on the USB stick as well?

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Fedora Networking :: 14 Can't Connect To SpeedTouch 585 - Either Wireless Broadcom Card Or The Wired Ethernet Card

Dec 4, 2010

Just installed Fedora 14 from the Live CD i686 on my Dell Inspiron 1521. I can't connect to the SpeedTouch 585 on either wireless broadcom card or the wired Ethernet card.

I can connect to it from the same Laptop on the Vista which is on dual boot on the same laptop.

Further confusing is that I ran Fedora 14 and connected to another SpeedTouch today.

Already checked the Channel on the wireless nic and it's on the same one as the SpeedTouch.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Lspci Shows Lan Card But Lan Card Not Working

Jun 15, 2010

If i run lspci it shows lan card model, but lan card is not working. How do i check my lan card driver is installed or not?

Is there any way to list all installed drivers with hardware information like we have device manager in windows.

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Ubuntu :: Removing The Wine From Ver 9.04?

Mar 9, 2010

complete removal of wine from ver 9.04

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Ubuntu :: Removing Hplip From 10.04?

Jan 28, 2011

I would like to upgrade my current hp printer driver 3.10.9 to the latest version 3.11.1 According to 'Google' the command to remove the driver is sudo apt-get remove hplip but when I type this in terminal I get:liz@lizubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get remove hplipReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DonePackage hplip is not installed, so not removed0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.

I installed 3.10.9 as per the Launchpad website - it looks like Ubuntu is not 'seeing' hplip although it is installed and working. I guess I need a more subtle command to get rid of all the hp driver files. Or could I just install 3.11.1 over the top? (Would have thought best to remove 3.10.9 first).

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Ubuntu :: Removing Drums From .mp3?

Mar 7, 2011

i am wanting to make some play along tracks out of some of my favorite songs and was wondering if there is a way to remove the drums from the track.

i understand you can remove the vocals fairly easily so i was wondering if theres a way to do the same with the drums or other instruments.

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Ubuntu :: Removing The Metadata From Pix?

Jun 7, 2011

I'd like to strip out all of the metadata, everything. Sometimes the photos have been in and out of different computers or passed around from friends, and I don't want any info left, including the archive bit.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Something From Respiratory?

Aug 15, 2011

In my efforts to try and find a working screencaster, a fellow Ubuntu mate helped me out by giving me some commands to get "Kazam Screencaster." I used the commands but it didn't work, and now when I:

sudo apt-get update
It gives me the error:

W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/and471/kazam-daily-stable/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/and471/kazam-daily-stable/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found

E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. How do I remove the kazam-daily-stable from my respiratory?

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Ubuntu :: Removing The Toad From 10.04?

Dec 21, 2010

I have installed Toad via wine on ubuntu 10.04, now i want to remove toad from my laptop can you please tell how i can remove toad.

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Fedora Hardware :: Conflict Between Sound Card And Tv Card?

Dec 30, 2009

My soundcard (a Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music) is running with the unix-driver offered by Creative. But after a restart (without switching power off) I have to switch the sound device in xmms from ALSA to OSS. Also my tv card (an hybrid card from Hauppauge, WIN-TV HVR-1300) is only getting a signal after a restart, before there is no signal found. To get sound while watching tv I'm using one of the following lines, it seems to be random wich of them is working without error:

> sox -r 48000 -c 2 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp1 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp
> sox -r 48000 -c 2 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp -t ossdsp /dev/dsp1

So it looks like a problem in loading the modules in correct order, but I'm not sure. Perhaps there is also a problem with my nvidia graphic card (see list below for the kind of card), that I have installed with the unix-drivers from nvidia's webpage. To solve this problem I'm now searching since september, when I got my new computer, including:

-graphics: Lead896 D3 X GTX260 Extreme+
-CPU: Intel Core2Duo E8500, 3166 MHz, FSB 775
-mainboard: Asus P5Q-E, P45 F G SA


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Server :: Going To Take The Dtv Card Out And Replace It With Anothe Rj45 Card?

Feb 17, 2011

I have just purchased a HTPC - cheap purchase pre-built from ebay - ideal size - small box - not too out of place in the lounge.The HTPC has one rj45 connection built on to the mobo, with a wireless card + aerial in the back (wireless broadband) and I am going to take the dtv card out and replace it with anothe rj45 card.I intend to run ubuntu server 10.10 on the server and I intend to connect my sky broadband through the server to give me the security of a server based firewall and the security of the server as a whole.

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Ubuntu :: How To Removing Software / Game

Jan 13, 2010

iv'e installed a game that i've downloaded from a site, now i want to remove it, how?

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Ubuntu :: Trouble Removing GNOME

Jan 13, 2010

I had installed Ubuntu Studio to check it out alongside my normal KDE system, and have decided to remove it. Problem is, having installed GNOME, I also got programs and libraries I no longer want or need alongside my existing KDE ones (ex. File Roller and Ark, I don't really need both, so I removed FR; I've removed other such programs I know about, as well). But I don't know all the programs or libraries that are still on here; in my package manager with a filter set for only installed programs I see a lot when I search 'gnome', but I'm wary of uninstalling things when I don't know what they do or if they're being used (I do have GNOME applications; I prefer Pidgin so I chose that over Kopete, for instance).

I ran apt-get uninstall ubuntustudio-desktop but despite the install process taking about 20 minutes it removed it in about 20 seconds...and seeing all these programs weren't removed along with it, I can see why. Is there a way I can remove all these things? They're taking up room and I'm not using them. I already did apt-get autoremove, as well. Anything else I can do to find and remove these programs besides reading through every single entry in my package manager's list of installed programs?

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